All Chapters of The Proposal (Book 3 of The Arrangement series): Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
87 Chapters
Chapter 21- More Fucking To It
It had felt damn good standing up to Jackson and removing the power Amberleigh had allowed him to still have over her life even after all these years. She felt like she had just liberated herself, no longer a slave to the past or those unresolved feeling she had towards the father of her firstborn. Too long she had waited for an apology and some validation from that piece of shit that what he had done to her and their child was wrong. But it turned out she’d been wrong all along believing that she ever needed it from him in the first place.It had been Jackson’s loss, both losing her and a son he would never get the privilege to meet or watch grow up. If anyone was sorry it was her. She pitied Jackson for the sad, unloving and unfulfilling life he was living. He’d lost the best things that had ever happened to him. His priorities so fucked up. She felt bad for Jack for the rich life he could’ve had if he’d only manned up and accepted the responsibility of the life they’d created. Chi
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Chapter 22- One Miracle At A Time
Amber’s fury only increased over that lying bastard’s deceit. Grayson knew her son. It made sense, the pieces falling into place. Amber hadn’t been given all the information on her son’s adoptive parents, just their first names before she got to meet them that one time before the birth. During that interview, when she had been deciding who to choose to be her son’s parents, they avoided any specific information which could possibly help her find them in the future. It was meant to be a closed adoption as Amber had wanted. But Elise had mentioned they owned a publicity firm. It was likely that this firm was the one who handled the public relations for The Godwin Railroad.Grayson had no doubt met her son and his parents through that working relationship, obviously attending company events. The picture of her son on Santa’s lap was taken at a corporate event for the railroad. Maybe the families were more than just business acquaintances and actual friends. How else would Grayson know th
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Chapter 23- Are You Any Good With Photoshop?
Her father escorted her down to the basement to make sure Amberleigh made it there safely. She felt tired and wired at the same time and those steps were wicked steep. Giovanni made sure she was settled in a chair and hydrated before he kissed his daughter’s cheeks goodbye. He promised to check in on her and her men tomorrow. Tonight, his presence was needed back at The Rabbit Hole. Perhaps to help dispose of the bodies of the kidnappers or something, after he gave The Mad Hatter the ransom money as promised.Cori gave her an update on the boys since they’d last communicated. Grayson had continued to sleep like the dead, while she’d given Leo some more pain medicine as he had started to grow a bit restless again just before her arrival. He was now back to being chill again with his heart rate and blood pressure looking better than Amber’s no doubt.Amber allowed herself to sink back into the chair and begged Cori for another coffee. What Grayson didn’t know, wouldn’t kill him. Beside
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Chapter 24- Cold
As Amberleigh tried to soothe Grayson in the midst of his night terror, he opened his eyes as his body knocked into hers. But she could tell that it was like the billionaire was home but not all the lights were on. He was too trapped in the grip of the nightmare, his body too exhausted to gain lucid understanding, even as she spoke his name and held him. His fight seemed to die down a bit, but he was still thrashing around and yelling out on the cot. And Amber couldn’t pull him from his nightmare, couldn’t bring him back from that edge of darkness. But luckily Doc had a backup plan to help calm Grayson. It wasn’t easy to get that syringe pushed into the IV he still had left over from getting his fluids, but between Doc and Amber holding his arm still to the best of her ability, they managed it. Amber trusted the Doc and didn’t even have to ask him what medicine he’d just given her child’s father. But it did the trick and within five minutes, the fight ebbed out of the
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Chapter 25- The Writing On The Wall
Amberleigh stood corrected on that being the coldest thing the cold-blooded heiress could have said regarding the murder of her new husband. As Amber stared at the screen trying to recover herself and figure out the best way to respond, a new text from the cunt chimed through. And this one made her gasp by its brutality, I thought you all were going to cut off his head.She had to give that statement some time to sink in. The implications of it, the way Courtney wanted Grayson to die. It would imply a certain level of hate and suffering to cut off someone’s head. And Amber got the feeling these men weren’t exactly professionals and it would not have been a quick and clean cut to behead the billionaire. It seemed Courtney made this personal and wanted it to be a terrifying and painful experience for Grayson to die. Amber had to bring her alter ego Ivy to the surface to get through this. Ivy was her Cobra Club persona who could handle her shit without letting emotions ge
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Chapter 26- That's One Way Of Doing It
Amberleigh decided to give Grayson some time to process though his face betrayed none of his feelings. It seemed the billionaire had turned to stone again. At least Amber would have believed that if not for the hard bob of his Adam’s Apple and his hand still clasped onto Leo’s. Cori had showed seemingly more emotion than Grayson by sucking in a deep breath and covering her mouth with her hand. Doc was also a more hardened soul when it came to facing bad news. After a couple minutes of silence had passed, Amber decided she needed to say something. She made a lame attempt at comforting Grayson by patting his forearm. But what could she really say? I’m sorry your bitch wife hated your guts and wanted you to die a slow and painful death so she could steal your fortune? “I’m sorry. I can imagine this must be hard for you Grayson. I know you loved her once. But it’s all about the money to those people.” “How did you pull this off? That picture looks real.”
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Chapter 27- Us Against The World
Amberleigh should have known that even after getting shot and nearly bleeding to death, Leo’s first concern would be for others. As tears slipped down her cheeks, Leo’s hand tightened even more around hers. And his first words were to try and sooth her distress. “Don’t…cry Love,” he rasped out. His voice was barely above a hoarse whisper, but Amber heard its message loud and clear. She only cried harder, but now her tears fell down over her smile. “It’s happy tears Leo. I’m so glad you came back to us. I love you so much Leo.” “I… love you too…”Amber brought his hand, still entwined in hers, up to her lips and kissed it. Leo’s fingers opened up to wipe away her tears. And naturally it only touched her heart even more. It certainly didn’t help stop her waterworks or snot. “You scared the hell out of us man. Don’t ever fucking do anything like that again!” said Grayson. His tone started out
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Chapter 28- One Big Happy Family
Cori was kind enough to not only supply Leo with some sponges to moisten his mouth, but also a box of tissues. There was not a dry eye in that basement and the med student also took one for herself. After their tears had abated for the time being, though unlikely to be the last shed, Leo popped one of the small sponges on a stick into his mouth and sucked on it. “Yummy. Just like Mom makes,” he joked, “do you have these in another flavor?” Cori chuckled, “Sorry only cardboard flavored. Be sure to leave your complaints to management. Has the pain meds helped?” “Yes, thank you. I can’t wait until I get to eat Jello and broth. Delicious.” “Leo, you’re supposed to be letting your voice rest,” reminded Grayson, “and I hate to be the one to break it to you buddy, but you’re going to have to lay off the booze for a while. The Doc had to take out some of your liver to stop the bleeding.” But Leo didn’t seem too di
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Chapter 29- Fucking Trouble Indeed
Amberleigh knew it was in bad taste to fantasize about a three-way involving the father of your child and his best friend/your current boyfriend, especially while both of them were in the room with you engaged in playful banter back and forth from around your boyfriend’s sick bed. Real classy right there. But the guilt of it still couldn’t make those naughty images leave her head. Between her legs growing rather wetter by the minute as that delicious fantasy played out in her mind. Leo would be the one more open to trying new things, going with the love making flow, while Grayson would be the dominant one. The billionaire would be in command, claiming her pussy for himself. Leo would be up for experimentation, taking her up the ass if she asked him too, or taking something up his no doubt. He hadn’t shied away from their anal play in the past. He’d gotten off on it, while she had never repeated that route on Grayson. The billionaire clearly hadn’t liked
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Chapter 30- Wherever You Go, I Go
Grayson said nothing to Amberleigh and avoided eye contact when she left the bathroom a short while later. On outside appearances, one would think a man who could have any woman in the city he wanted, and probably had fucked well into the double digits if not higher, wouldn’t blush over stories about measuring dicks or catching a woman masturbating. But Amber knew looks could be deceiving and doubted the billionaire’s count was very high actually.First of all, he’d been faithfully engaged to Courtney Van Tessin from the ages of twenty to twenty-two and had started dating her at the age of eighteen. From the way Leo had described Grayson in their youth, he was more a nerdy, late bloomer. He may not have even lost his virginity to a girl before he started dating that cunt. Then there was that surrogate in Manhattan which came the year before Amber and ended badly. So who knew what other women came after Courtney and until Amber?Leo had told Amber without shame he’d lost his V Card at
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