All Chapters of The Proposal (Book 3 of The Arrangement series): Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
87 Chapters
Chapter 61- Coming Clean In A Dirty Place
There was a way to bypass the STI screening inside the Cobra Club. After all the man who delivered the water or office supplies didn’t want their assholes swabbed without having a good time afterwards. But bypassing the screenings earned you a tamper proof security bracelet which only allowed you access to certain areas of the club. It worked as a tracker and would automatically lock certain doors you didn’t have access to, like the private suites. The Cobra Club didn’t fuck around when it came to the war on venereal disease.But Amberleigh didn’t want her movements tracked and she wanted access to all areas of the club. She intended to tell her friend the truth, well to a certain extent leaving out some details. For that, she’d need to drag Ebony's ass into the basement, if she agreed to hear her out in the first place. It was likely Ebony would slam the door in her face and tell Amber to “fuck off.”Ebony had confronted Amber when she tried to come to the club on the down low to get
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Chapter 62- That's Not A Problem, It's An Opportunity!
It was hard to surprise someone who worked in a high-class brothel for a living. From huge dicks on the last person you’d expect, tiny dicks on powerful men, to even some third nipples, and everything in between, they’d seen it all. But it was evident on Ebony’s perfect featured face. Her dark chocolate eyes wide, her sharp cheekbones drawn into her full lips slightly opened.“Shut the fuck up. Are you kidding me? Is this some sob story you prepared to make me forgive your ass?” she demanded.“No. I wish it was. But Leo and I flew home right away when we got the news. And Grayson’s cunt wife was fucking useless in getting the money together. It fell to Leo and me to pull together one billion dollars in just two fucking days without alerting the marshals or raising suspicions. See that’s why I couldn’t tell you anything when I came to the club that day Ebony, as the kidnappers were very fuckin’ clear on that. If anyone, especially the marshals were alerted, they’d kill Grayson.”Ebony
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Chapter 63- It's Really The End For Me Here, Isn't it?
While Ebony went back to her room to shower, Amberleigh took the opportunity to pay the club in the cashier’s office and then try to hunt down Nadia. She was ashamed to realize she didn’t even know where the Russian's room was. She knew little about the woman who she owed Grayson’s life. A debt Amber couldn’t ever repay. Why had Amber never tried to get to know her fellow Goddess before?It was possible that Nadia wanted it that way. To remain more like a mystery especially in her line of work of spying. At least that theory made Amber feel like less of an Uber bitch. Nadia had been at the club for like ten years, and during the five years Amber had lived there, how many times had she had an actual conversation with the woman? Not fucking many and zero about things that didn’t involve work. But would Nadia have spoken the truth if Amber had cared to ask?Nadia had told her candidly on that Christmas Eve the reason she opened up about the plot to kill Grayson was no child should have t
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Chapter 64- Complications
Amberleigh made small talk with Head Goddess Unique for several more moments though neither of them mentioned the baby directly. She thought it’d be rude to jump right into asking about Nadia. So instead, Amber pretended to be interested in the party plans the club had in store for this New Year’s Eve which the boss lady was more than happy to gush about. Unique took pride in the club and her role here, having worked her way up from a college student working to finance her tuition as a Goddess when the club first opened twenty years ago, to a top position in management.Amber was glad Unique had achieved her goals both in the club and outside of it by earning her business degree. She had no shortage of company in her bed if she so chose and seemed happy and content with her life. While Amber no longer aspired to be like her, she was still proud of how far Unique had come from the fatherless child born in The Fringe, to the first to go to college in her family, and now helping to run t
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Chapter 65- Burn Baby Burn
“Can we talk about something else now please? I’m a committed woman now anyway.”Amber held her hand up and flashed her friend her infinity promise ring Leo had given her atop the Eiffel Tower. It had been the most fucking romantic night of her life. Just thinking about it made her all warm and tingling and a sappy smile took over her face.Ebony cackled, “How’s that working out for you? You should be committed girl for not double dipping right now. You need your fucking head examined.”Ebony did partake in her wine. And she had so generously finished off the expensive bottle herself before she cut into her medium well steak and moaned liked she was just brought to orgasm. She’d ordered the most expensive things off the menu as Amber was paying. But it wasn’t like Amber couldn’t afford it now anyway.Amber sighed as she looked down at her well-done fillet. She preferred it with a pink center but that was a big fucking no no right now. She polished off her last piece. It still tasted g
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Chapter 66- Content
Amberleigh barely made it through the front door when she ran into Grayson with his hands on his hips in the foyer. The man was wearing a fucking blazer on a day his ass wasn’t even going to work for fuck sake. He was lucky he wasn’t wearing a tie or she might have strangled him with it. The billionaire was also lucky she was holding food.“Where the hell have you been? You’ve been gone for four hours! And you didn’t reply to my last text that I sent you an hour ago!”She breathed deep and set the takeout food on the stand near the door. This could get ugly and no reason to risk the steak.“Okay, you can put the brakes on your testosterone train and back the fuck up Grayson. I can manage on my own for a few hours without you. This alpha male overprotective bullshit needs to stop.”He scoffed, “Need I remind you it’s not exactly safe for any of us, especially you, to go on leisure strolls through the city right now Amber. I agreed to let you go the Cobra Club not…is that smoke I smell?
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Chapter 67-Oh, This Was Just Great!
New Year’s Eve definitely started out as a low-key affair. Amberleigh opened her eyes to the smell of bacon and the sight of Grayson crashed on the couch across from her. Leo was missing but it wasn’t hard to find him as she followed the delicious aroma to the kitchen. Her chef was whistling a merry tune, decked out in his chef gear, while he flipped a pancake expertly. She cleared her throat and crossed her arms.“Babe, you really shouldn’t be up doing that. I love you for it and appreciate it, but you really should leave it to me.”Leo flashed her that grin of his which made it impossible to stay mad at him. Bastard knew just how to use it against her.“I didn’t want to wake you. You looked so adorable like a drooling angel. Besides I feel great Love. Breakfast is almost done anyway. Order up!”He slid a plate of pancakes across the island towards her. It looked so good Amber really did drool a little.“Are you trying to butter me up Leo? Bribe me with your culinary confections?”He
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Chapter 68- Unwelcomed Guests
But surely his parents would like stay in the den or something.Grayson opened the door to his parents. Amber had only met them once, and that was more than enough for her when it came to his father at least. Of course, now knowing that the Godwin patriarch was suffering from a debilitating and fatal brain disease softened her up some towards the man. But there was nothing soft about the hard, frowning lines of Cole Godwin's face. The railroad tycoon was dressed in a dark suit, his grey hair combed neatly and disciplined into place. He had a black cane in one hand and his wife’s arm in the other. His face was smooth shaven, his features broad and strong, but he was a handsome man. Amber saw Grayson in the shape of his jaw, but even Grayson’s had never been so clenched tightly.Cole Godwin’s dark eyes quickly took everything. Judging and assessing. Amber immediately felt about three inches tall. But his eyes made a disapproving sweep of her before they focused back on his son.Viola Go
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Chapter 69- Electronic Detox
Amberleigh lingered in the kitchen a bit to chat with Viola before she excused herself to allow Grayson some private time with his parents. Back in Leo’s room, she decided to make good use of her time. She began the process of researching drug trials and other experimental treatments for Huntington’s. Unfortunately, with the world's focus on finding the cure for the infection which had led to the need for walled cities and a dramatic population reduction, her search didn’t generate a lot of hits. And many didn’t seem all that promising out of the results.Amber wasn’t anti-natural or anti-cultural remedies or anything, but she didn’t believe dousing Grayson with essential oils or cow urine was the answer. And some of these trials looked shady as hell. The LEDA corporation was recruiting participants for their new drug for dementia. Though the trial wasn’t specifically designed for those with Huntington’s disease, the disease still caused dementia in its sufferers.But Amber didn’t tru
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Chapter 70- Happy Fucking New Year!
“I’m going to get in the sauna,” said Grayson.“Don’t be lifting weights Grayson. Your ribs aren’t healed yet,” advised Leo.“I won’t overdo it. I know my limits.”“Yeah I’m fucking coming with you. I don’t trust your ass,” said Leo.“And you shouldn’t be hitting the gym right now Leo. Or the sauna.”The boys headed towards the gym. Amber followed them. No, her heart wasn’t pounding and a million grizzly scenarios likely to occur because she hadn’t answered her texts weren’t running through her fucking head.“What the fuck do we do now? What am I supposed to do?” said Amber.Leo chuckled, “You could work on knitting the baby that sweater you’ve been talking about.”He gave her a kiss on the cheek.“Or you could practice your guitar you liked to torture Mr. Duvall with. I put it in the utility room for safe keeping,” informed Grayson.Amber smirked at him. Subjecting a living being to her guitar playing could hardly be classified as torture. But she could do with some alone time. She d
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