All Chapters of The Alpha King's Breeder: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
375 Chapters
Can You Trust a Liar?
*Isla*Sleeping had been nearly impossible. I’d tossed and turned for much of the night, not sure how to proceed with my alleged cousin, Antony Moon a.k.a. Commander Pepelos. I kept thinking about his mother, how awful it must’ve been for my Aunt Mary knowing that her own husband had killed her to strengthen her powers, how she’d tried to stay loyal to him until he started a war, making my family leave the island, and so many people died.Then… apparently, my aunt had something to do with the awful earthquake that rocked the island and made it uninhabitable for many people.And then there is the curse….Antony seems to think that I can somehow break that curse, and that I’m the only one who can do it, but I have no idea why he thinks that or how I would even begin to do it.I’m sure he will use my uncertainty about my baby to try and manipulate that situation. He will do whatever he can to get me to the island, and then, who knows what might happen?Mystica is right when she says I sh
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What's It Going to Be?
*Maddox*Breakfast is awkward. Sitting across the table from Alpha Charlton and Alpha Jason, I can’t help but think about everything Trinity told me the night before. I want to kill both of them, but I must abstain from doing so. After all, at the moment, they are pretending to want to be on my side. Both of them are talking like they want me to win the war, as if they are prepared to help.But if what Trinity told me is the truth, that means it will come at a price. I am eating my eggs, waiting for one of them to bring up the topic of a queen consort again. Since all of the other Alphas are having breakfast elsewhere, and this is just Alpha Charlton, his extended family, Seth, and I, no one has mentioned it yet.That doesn’t stop Jason from bringing up another touchy subject. “I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to warn you last night,” he begins, broaching the subject carefully. “Trinity has certainly begun to look a lot like her older cousin these past years.”I am not sure how I’m mea
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The Art of War
*Maddox*It is clear Alpha Geofrey was not expecting this sort of force to line up against him and his allies when he decided to take on the role of rebellious aggressor. No, with the backing of Alpha Charlton, Alpha Jason, Alpha Mick, Alpha Evan, and all of the others, it’s quite clear that Alpha Geofrey is outnumbered.He is not a stupid man. He will make a show of fighting us now, but then he will fade away to lick his wounds and come at me again. I know this. I have been in enough battles over the year to understand how the mind of a man greedy for power, someone so lustful to rule that he’ll do anything works.He may say that he is fighting me in the name of his son’s mate, but in reality, this is all a push for the throne. I’ve seen many people attempt to rise up and usurp my power over the years. I saw the same thing during my father’s reign. That’s where I learned how ruthless men like Alpha Geofrey can be.The only way to avoid this going on for several years is by squashing
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The Pride of a Princess
*Isla*A few days go by, and my cousin wants to speak to me, but I refuse. I think it can only mean trouble. He probably feels like he can talk me into going with him to the islands if he can tell me enough information about Maatua and why they need me there that maybe I’ll change my mind and decide to go.But now that he’s told me if I don’t kill my own aunt, she’ll kill me, I can’t really see any reason for going.I do my best to stay busy. It’s difficult with Maddox gone. News of fighting from the front lines comes in to me, and I ask for updates whenever I can find someone who might know what’s going on, but for the most part, no one tells me much of anything. Only that there’s been some fighting, we didn’t have many casualties, and the Alpha King is repositioning his men in case of another attack.As far as Maddox is concerned, he does call me for a few minutes every day. He is always much more chipper than I would expect, and he refuses to answer any particularly important quest
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It Has to Be a Lie
*Isla*“No.”It’s the only word I can get out as I stare into my cousin’s eyes. He is unblinking, unwavering, as he stares right back at me, the last word he uttered hanging in the air between us.I won’t believe it. I can’t believe it. Nothing that he has just told me makes any sense at all, and if by some crazy, un-understandable reason it is true, Maddox would’ve already told me about it.After all, I spoke to him just last night, and he said nothing about any queen consort, any contest, any new women coming to the castle to compete for his hand—in marriage.No, I won’t believe it. I can’t even let the idea of it being the truth register in my mind, because if it were true, if there was even the smallest possibility that Antony isn’t just making all of this up to make me want to leave, that would mean that Maddox isn’t the man I’ve always thought he was, and my entire life is a lie.Antony clears his throat and finally drops his eyes to the ground in front of him. “You didn’t know,
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She Can't Know
*Maddox*We are making progress on the war front. Every day, we are able to push our enemies back a little more without actually having to fight. I know that Alpha Eugene is doing his best to try and get others to come into the fray on his side, but so far, none of his negotiating is doing him any good.I know why that is, too, but I don’t want to admit it to anyone. Seth is the only one who dares to bring it up to me, and when he does, I bite his head off every time and tell him we have more important matters to attend to.“Sir,” he says as I sit in my tent staring at a map of the territory we have just claimed from one of Alpha Geofrey’s allies, “I believe you were going to call Miss Isla this evening about this time, weren’t you?”I look up at him in a bit of a daze. I’ve obviously lost track of time. “Oh, yes,” I mumble. “Thank you.” I have a portable phone, though they are very rare in our lands. We don’t have a lot of towers to help with signal transmission, so if everyone had a
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I'm a Princess
*Isla*“Did you hang up on him?” Poppy asks me. She is pacing the floor about ten steps away from where I am sitting in the chair next to my bed, still staring at the phone. “You did, didn’t you? Bastard! Serves him right.”I do not bother to remind her that Alpha King Maddox is our sovereign and we should not be calling him names. Given the circumstances, she can call him whatever she’d like to.The Moon Goddess knows I’ve called him enough names myself in my head over the last couple of hours that I can’t be pointing out what she’s doing as if I am totally innocent. I just haven’t said anything out loud.I didn’t want to believe it was true.After I spoke to Antony, I came back to my room and walked in to find Poppy standing in front of my bed with her arms folded. I couldn’t tell if she was about to cry or if she wanted to scream, but I knew at that moment that whatever it was that had her so worked up it had to do with Maddox.And since I’d just heard the worst news imaginable abo
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A Long Way
*Maddox*It was a four-hour drive from where I’d been stationed near the front line of the war back to the castle, and I’d have to be back early tomorrow because there’d been activity along the ridge we were currently considering attacking. Alpha Geofrey appears to be amassing his forces on the other side, getting ready to come after us.I need to be there if he attacks because, even though some of the other commanders are very good at their jobs, none of them have the sort of battle experience that I have. None of them are as capable of making sure the war goes the way it needs to as I am.For that matter, none of them are as good at anything as I am, but that doesn’t matter at the moment. I have to go home.I’ve thoroughly fucked up—again—and if I don’t get back to Isla as soon as possible, well, she might not be there when I do get back.And this time, it won’t just be her running off through the woods in the middle of the night. She’ll have our baby with her.I’ve contacted Comman
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Make Up Sex
*Isla*“No?”I repeat Maddox’s response to asking him to leave my room, unable to believe that he’s just replied to me in that fashion.“What do you mean no?” I ask him. He’s just driven four hours to speak to me about the queen contest I’ve found about from my cousin, but when I’ve reached a point of being so unbelievably frustrated I can’t handle it anymore, I need a break from him. I need him to just go.“I mean, no, I’m not leaving. Not right now. Not when you’re still so angry at me,” he says with a simple shrug.“Maddox, clearly, there’s nothing that you can say that is going to make me understand what you are thinking and why you are doing this. Why not just let me get some sleep, and we can talk about this more in the morning? Maybe I will be able to comprehend it better then.” I hope that my explanation is getting through to him.“I have to leave first thing in the morning,” he says, and I feel my heart melt at his words.He’s leaving so soon? He literally just got here, and
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If You Want It
*Maddox*I remember that something is different before I even open my eyes. The long drive, the fight, the amazing sex… I slept well last night because I am back home in my castle, in a comfortable bed, with the woman I love.But she is angry with me, and I honestly can’t blame her, though I was hopeful that explaining the situation would help her to get past it.It didn’t, though, and seducing her was probably not the best way to go at the time. I just couldn’t help it. She is so beautiful, and every time I am around her, I struggle to keep my hands off of her.I know the moment I roll over and face her, we will have to move into discussion mode, and I hate that. I don’t want to talk about the queen contest or the other women or how it’s supposed to make her feel. I just want her to trust me when I say that I love her and leave it at that.But it can’t be helped, so with a deep breath, I roll over to tell her good morning.And find an empty bed.“Fuck,” I mumble, knowing it is not li
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