Semua Bab The Alpha King's Breeder: Bab 121 - Bab 130
377 Bab
Not a Throwaway Princess
*Isla*“You’re going back to the front?” I am standing in my bedroom, staring at Maddox as he explains to me why he has to leave even though I’ve just been told that the war is over for now. The conflict has ended; the troops are surrendering. Why in the world does he have to be there to collect their proverbial swords?“Yes, I have no choice, Isla. I’ve got to go meet with the other Alphas that fought alongside Alpha Geofrey and negotiate some terms with them. We can’t just shake hands and call it a day.”He says these things to me like I am so stupid I don’t know how war works. Yes, of course, I get it. Negotiations have to be made. I imagine there will be some sort of heavy fines to the lands that fought against the crown. I bet there will even be some changes in leadership.My question is… why does he have to be the one to talk through all of that? Doesn’t he have people who specialize in this sort of thing? Not to mention, his Beta is a pretty capable man if he would just give Se
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Zombie Dance
*Isla*I am standing in the ballroom.My dress is long and blue, probably to bring out my eyes. It seems like every time I go to a ball or something of that nature, someone comes to dress me, and they tell me that I should wear blue to bring out my eyes. Or sometimes they tell me I should wear red to accent my lips or hair.I am wearing blue today, so I can only assume my eyes are sparkling….Crowds of people flutter around. I am nervous. I am scared. I can’t remember why. I walk between the other people, many of which are simply standing around the perimeter of the dance floor, talking to one another, eating the snacks that float by on trays carried by well-dressed waiters with impeccable manners. All of them have a beverage in their hand.My blue dress swirls around me as I walk. I am uncomfortable. I don’t want to be here.A woman is laughing loudly; it’s almost a cackle. Her face is a bit fuzzy as she turns to look at me, but she continues to laugh. Why is she off-kilter?The whol
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These Are My Terms
*Maddox*Back at the front, the negotiations for peace are almost completed by the time I arrive. I am furious about the entire situation, but I cannot let that show. People need to think this is what I want even though I would much rather stay out here and continue to chase Alpha Geofrey around and around for a few more weeks (or months or years) than go back home and have a fucking contest to find a wife I don’t want or need.Commander Vember has done an excellent job of negotiating everything, even though it’s not what I wanted. I can’t be upset at him for doing a thorough job. When I get there, we sit in an office near the outskirts of Alpha Geofrey’s territory in a village we now control, in a building we now occupy, at a desk that someone in Geofrey’s pack will probably never return to.He goes over all of the terms while the other Alphas, those who have fought against me and lost, sit in a conference room down the hall. The sums of tributes they have agreed to give to the crown
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An Invitation
*Isla*Sitting in the garden usually helped me clear my mind, but today I am struggling. With Maddox back at the front negotiating the terms of the surrender with his enemies and the rooms upstairs being prepared for the women who would be arriving in a week or two, I’m not sure what to do with myself. Occupying space on a bench beneath a tree, watching butterflies and birds flutter by seems like a royal waste of time, but I have no idea what would be a more constructive use of my time.Poppy isn’t with me. She decided it would be better for both of us if she continues to “help” the other maids so that she can find out what’s going on. So she’s in there, and I’m out here—by myself.I’d told her about the dream, and she’d said I was probably just nervous about Maddox finding someone he could love more than me, someone like Rebecca. She has a good point. It’s not as if Rebecca could actually return from the grave and marry Maddox again. Nevertheless, the dream was shocking, and I’m stil
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The Wages of Sin
*Isla*“You did the right thing,” Poppy says to me the next day over breakfast as I am contemplating whether or not she is correct.For the last eighteen hours or so, there’s been a manhunt all over the castle as Commander Pepelos is being searched for like a rabid dog on the loose. He hasn’t been found yet, and I hope that he will not be because I don’t want to have to explain to Maddox the truth of the situation—that he is my cousin. For now, Antony is hiding in a cabin in the woods about eighty miles from here. It’s not the same one I was almost killed in, but from his description of it, the place isn’t much better.I only know where he is because he has sent me hundreds of messages over the mind-link begging me to come with him to the islands, telling me about how the weather will be bad soon, and if we don’t go now, we’ll have to wait until later. Later—when I am about to give birth.He is adamant that this is a good thing, that I should leave my “cheating boyfriend” behind and g
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And So It Begins
*Isla*“Death?” I repeat as Maddox stares at me unblinking. “Really?”Maddox nods. “Yes, that’s the punishment for committing treason. What do you think it should be? I mean, we have to be tough on these people who break the law.”“What about all of those Alphas who just fought against you in the war?” I counter. “How many of them have been sentenced to death.”Maddox shifts slightly in his chair. “Well, that’s a little bit different. Those are Alphas. They have a different standard that they are held to.”“Shouldn’t it be higher?” I argue. “I mean, those people have sworn allegiance to you, too, and not only do they fight you themselves, but they also force others to do so as well, whether they want to or not. If you can put someone to death for lying about their background, shouldn’t you be doing the same for the men who just tried to take your throne from you?”Maddox stares at me with his lips pressed together. “You seem awfully invested in this,” he says. “I’m not exactly sure wh
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She Seems Nice
*Isla*My dress is silver.I refused to wear a dress that looks anything like the one from the dream that I had about the ball. Likewise, I’m not going into the ballroom ahead of time. I am waiting. Not with the other women, but in a room down the hallway from where they will be entering the ballroom.I wish that Poppy were with me, but she’s not. She’s needed in the ballroom as a servant. With all of these extra women in the castle, she’s been very busy running around, making sure everyone has everything they need. My understanding is that most of the Alphas’ daughters have brought their own help for things like getting dressed, doing their hair, etc., but those people don’t bring them food or tidy up after them. That’s been left up to the castle staff.Maddox didn’t even stay here the whole time between our discussion and the ball. He ended up leaving to go back to the front and then returning. I know that Antony got away from the people chasing him because my cousin told me so, but
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Life Is Not a Ball
*Isla*“Rebecca?”I can’t breathe. I’m trying to get oxygen into my lung, but nothing is happening. My head feels dizzy. My knees refuse to support my body, and the room around me spins.Maddox’s hands are on my arms, holding me up. “Yes, Trinity looks very much like my dead wife.” The words come out of his mouth the same way that he might order soup or comment on the weather.“But… but… but….” I can’t manage to form a coherent sentence.The dream I had the other night all makes sense now. Somehow, I’d subconsciously known that Rebecca would return to being a threat to me now that the contest had begun.“Isla, calm down,” Maddox says to me. “People are beginning to stare.”I want to break away from him, to shout at him that if that’s all he cares about, then he can kiss my ass. But if I break away from him now, I will tumble to the ground.Using the mind-link, I call out to the only other person I would trust to help me in this situation. “Ben! Come here, please! I’m going to faint!”
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Who Is This Girl?
*Maddox*Everyone is staring at Trinity, and I feel bad for her.It’s not her fault that she looks so remarkably like her older cousin. Of course, her parents and her uncle knew this going into this situation. They have done this to her on purpose, and I don’t like it! It’s one thing for them to constantly fuck around with me, but she’s just an innocent girl.I know what everyone wants now, and I have to oblige them, even though I don’t want to.My eyes go out the door to Isla. She’s sitting out there with her brother, getting some fresh air. Well, now is just as good a time as any.With a deep breath, I head over to Trinity. “May I have this dance?” I extend my hand to her. The girl’s cheeks deepen into a bright pink color before she nods and slides her slender fingers into mine. I lead her to the dancefloor, and everyone parts to make room for us.She looks lovely in her ballgown, but the more I am around her, the more I see the differences between her and my wife. Rebecca’s nose wa
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Trinity Knows Everything
*Isla*I didn’t know if I should go back to my room or to a garden or maybe straight to my parents’ house, though they hadn’t followed after me. Ben is on my tail, so as I fly down the hallway not really knowing where I’m going, the other thought I had, to the top of the castle and over the side, quickly goes away. Not that I’d do that to my baby, but I’d be lying if I said the thought hadn’t even entered my mind.How could Maddox do this to me?But then… am I really that surprised? He doesn’t seem to understand how I feel about all of this at all. He either doesn’t understand or he doesn’t care or both.I make it to the end of a hallway and have to stop because I don’t have any idea where I am, and I don’t know where to turn. Ben catches up to me then, which he probably could’ve done before since he’s not wearing a ballgown and his legs are almost the length of my body. He waits for me to turn and look at him and gives me a reassuring look. It’s not quite a smile because he probably
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