All Chapters of The Alpha King's Breeder: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
379 Chapters
Trinity's Revelation
*Isla*Hiding the book from Maddox isn’t easy, but I manage. He has been so preoccupied with this mess with the Alphas since he had the girls who attacked me beaten and thrown into the dungeon that he doesn’t have too much time for me. But when he does show up, I have no idea he’s coming. He’s just suddenly there. Which means I have to be very careful about when I read the book. I try to have Poppy’s ear to the ground whenever I have it out, but she is not always cooperative.“I think it’s dumb,” she keeps telling me. “Why do you keep reading about it now when you’ve already decided you’re not going there?”“I don’t know.” It’s not a lie. I really have no idea why I am looking at it. I know I can’t go to my island home until after my son is born. Logically, I know that. Still, the more I read about it the more fascinated I become.Then, there was the letter I’d gotten in the mail from my aunt, one she’d obviously sent a long time ago. She’d been waiting for me to get there to help wit
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Beta Belief
*Isla*Walking down the hallway toward Maddox’s office, I hear Trinity’s voice echo in my head. “You need to be more assertive,” she’d told me. “You have to make sure the king realizes if he can confide in Trinity, he can confide in you. Why is it she always knows what’s going on and you don’t? Because she asks! And when she asks, he feels compelled to tell her. She demands it.”My friend isn’t wrong. I definitely don’t know how to be assertive like Trinity.As I approach his office, I hear voices filtering out into the hallway. I recognize Maddox’s voice immediately. The response comes from Seth.I shouldn’t be standing here eavesdropping, but the door is open just a crack, and they are standing right by the door. I can’t NOT hear them. I could walk away or announce my presence.But they’re talking about Maatua. I can tell by the few phrases I’ve picked up. If Maddox isn’t going to tell me the truth, I’ve got to find out some other way what is going on.“I’m just saying, Alpha, if yo
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Should I Stay or Should I Go?
*Isla*This is probably the craziest thing I’ve ever done in my whole life.Yet, I seem to be doing it.Seth has agreed to help me. I’ve decided not to tell Trinity because she has been oscillating back and forth as to whether or not she thinks I should go to the island. At first, she sounded like she thought it was an awful idea. More recently, she’s sounded like she thinks perhaps I should do it after all.It doesn’t matter. As long as Seth can help me get out of the castle and delay Maddox from finding out about the situation until I am on that boat, I should be good.Now, I just need to let my cousin know.I don’t trust Antony. Not completely, anyway. After all, he’s lied to me a few times about the true reason why he thinks I should go to the islands. Either that, or he’s just extremely misinformed. Does he really think that his mother wants to kill me? Does he not know that there was another witch involved? Why has he never mentioned the treasure?As I am secretly packing, Poppy
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She'll Say Stay
*Maddox*“Sir, I think it would be best if you went to the pack lands of each of the Alphas whose daughters were involved in the incident with Isla and discussed your decision with them personally,” Seth is saying, not for the first time. “I believe it’s the only way that they are going to understand the reason behind your decision to punish them so severely.”“So let me get this straight.” I steeple my fingers together on the desk between me and him. “You don’t think it’s a good idea for me to announce that Isla is pregnant with my child, the heir to the throne, but you do think it’s a good idea for me to travel to six different packs to have discussions with those leaders in order to explain to them why their daughters were beaten and locked in the dungeon. All of that without telling them that they threatened to kill the woman carrying the heir to the throne?”I give him a scrutinizing look. Why would he want me to tell them the circumstances surrounding one issue but not the other
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Leaving Safety
*Isla*Seth is a good person to have on one’s side. Somehow, he has managed to convince Maddox to leave just before Poppy and I plan on leaving to meet Antony. If the timing works out right, Maddox will still be out there making his rounds, and I can return here without him realizing I’m gone.Of course, that is assuming he forgets about having this festival around the Blood Moon and never once calls home, when the last time he was gone from the castle, he called at least once a day, so it probably won’t work out like that, but at least I will be able to leave the castle.“I’m going to miss you so badly,” Maddox says near the door to my room on the morning of his departure. He leans down and kisses me, lifting me up off of my feet.“I’ll miss you, too.” It’s the truth. I will miss him. From afar.Seth is waiting for him on the other side of the door, and as soon as Maddox is done telling me goodbye, his Beta will swoop in and take him away.“Be careful,” he tells me. “Just get some re
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Thank the Goddess for Friends
*Isla*I’m about to turn around and walk out of the restaurant. This can all be over with. I don’t want to put anyone else I love in danger, and if Ben insists on coming along with us, then I’m not going.My brother hops up out of the booth and grabs my arm. “Come on, Isla. Don’t be like that. You’re sounding like Mom. I’m not a child.”“You are a child!” I practically shout at him. “You don’t even have your driver’s license!”“I could have it!” he counters. “Isla, I’ve already died. Really… what else can happen to me?”“You can die again. And this time, I might not be able to bring you back!”“You did this, didn’t you?” Poppy’s words sound like poison as she eyes Antony. He is still sitting in the booth, an amused look on his face. “You really are a disgusting piece of shit.”“Well, I see that your manners haven’t gotten any better in the last few months since last we met,” Antony says to her, his eyes narrow. “Listen, I just thought it might make more sense to have another guy on th
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Is That a Boat?
*Isla*It’s the middle of the night when we arrive at the docks. Earlier in the day, Antony had abandoned the car, thinking we were being followed, and we’d all gotten on a train to Port Westerly. It hadn’t seemed like a good idea to me because in a car we could change courses. A train was kind of stuck in one path, no matter what.But like most things on this trip, I’d left it up to my cousin to decide what he thought was best.Now, we were making what he described as a short walk to the dock from the train station.Two hours after we’d left the station, I finally saw water and smelled the breeze coming off of the sea.Yeah… short walk.“It’s dark,” Poppy points out, as if we were not aware. “Aren’t we going to have to find a place to sleep for the night and catch a boat out in the morning?”Antony scoffs. “Yeah, sure if you’re going away on holiday or to visit family in a regular port of call. That’s not how things work when you’re going to Maatua, dummy.”“Dummy?” Poppy is ready to
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The Treasure Seeker
*Maddox*“Seth, do you know where Isla is?”I burst into my office and demand that my Beta answer me immediately. He is sitting at my desk, the telephone in his hand, and when I march in, he tells whoever is on the line that he will call them back. “What’s going on?” He looks from me to Trinity and then back again.“Isla!” I demand. “Do you know where she is? She’s not in her room. And I found this!” I drop the suspicious book on my desk. It’s heavy enough that the whole desk shakes.“I don’t know.” Seth shakes his head, his eye wide, but something in them tells me that he’s not being completely truthful with me.But why would he lie?“Check the cameras. See if she left. Have any vehicles left the castle in the last twenty-four hours?” How long had it been since I left the castle? I know she was here when I left. I try the mind-link again. Nothing. I pull out my cell phone, but it’s of no use to me. If she has a cell phone with her, I don’t know the number. I have no missed calls from
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Home Sweaty Home
*Isla*“Land ho!”The words echo through my mind as my eyes stay focused on the sliver of green in the distance. We are almost there, back at Maatua, where I will face my past and hopefully secure a future for the man I love and my unborn child.“Once we get there,” Antony is saying from his spot near the railing, “we’ll need to figure out accommodations for the night. Then, we’ll move out into the jungle first thing in the morning so we’ll have all day to find my mother.”“What about the treasure?” Poppy blurts out. “That’s what we really need to find.”“We will need my mother to find the treasure.” Antony glares at her. I don’t think I’ve ever seen two people more at odds than those two. “Besides, she knows exactly where it is. Why the hell would we want to wander around the Goddessdamn jungle looking for shit when she can take us right there?”Poppy has a smart remark at the ready. “Because we don’t trust her. You said that she wanted to kill Isla.”“Look, my mother made it sound l
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Jungle Trek
*Isla*Green eyes shine out from the darkness in the corner of the room. I hold my breath. I’d seen Antony lock the door. But we aren’t alone down here.Then, I hear a meow and see the eyes blink and shoot toward me. Before I realize what is happening, a cat is rubbing against my leg.But it isn’t just any cat. I know this cat!Stooping to scoop her up, I look at her little face. “Ginger,” I mutter. “So you are still alive.”“That’s your cat?” Antony asks me. “She’s been hanging around here for ages. I tried to run her off, but she wouldn’t go.”“She’s my cat,” I tell him. Apparently, she has nine full lives now. She couldn’t possibly still be alive now if it wasn’t for the fact that my tears had brought her back to life as a child, right?Ginger wiggles free, and I go over to see that she has a huge amount of food and water on the floor in dishes set out for her. “Who did this?” I ask my cousin.He shrugs. “A few of us use this place as a shelter. I guess someone’s been feeding her.”
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