All Chapters of The Alpha King's Breeder: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
379 Chapters
Voices In My Head
*Isla*What the hell?When I first hear the voice in my head, I freeze. How is this possible? We haven’t even been gone all that long, and I was so careful when I left the castle not to leave any clues, to make sure the people in charge knew not to give away my location.Yet, there he is, that demanding voice in my head, wanting to know where I am.I feel compelled to answer him. After all, he is the Alpha King. Even in my own lands, I am bound to reply.“Maddox? What’s going on?”I have stopped walking, and the other members of my party have noticed. “Isla, are you okay?” Ben asks, coming back to me.I can’t even acknowledge the question since I am waiting for Maddox to respond in my head.“Where are you?” Maddox asks again. “We have to get off of this Goddess-forsaken island now before something happens to you and the baby!”So he does know where I am! And he’s here, too?“What the fuck is happening?” Antony demands. In the background, I hear more howls, and the wolves sound closer
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Mysterious Light
*Isla*The howling is getting closer. Panic wells up inside of me. I don’t even have a weapon. Antony begins to strip, preparing to shift. We are all in trouble.“Fuck,” Poppy mutters, turning away from him. The next thing I know, she’s disappearing into the nearby trees.“Poppy? What are you doing?” I shout to her.“She’s probably hiding,” Antony says behind me. I don’t particularly want to see my cousin naked, so I don’t turn to look at him. “Coward.”It’s the last word he mutters before I hear his voice in my head. “I’ve shifted.”Turning around, I see that he is now a large gray wolf. My eyes widen in shock. I wasn’t expecting him to be so big. Ben gathers up Antony’s clothing and shoves it into his backpack, picking that up off the ground, too.The howls are closing in on us. “Poppy!” I shout, thinking there’s no way she just left, but I have no idea where she’s at either.A moment later, a wolf emerges from the trees. Antony turns toward it, rearing up on his hind legs, ready to
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Which Witch?
*Isla*Aunt Mary glides toward me, her hair and dress billowing around her. She looks like some sort of a spirit or a witch or something. Perhaps that’s because she is one. People from her island of KiloKilo are said to have magical powers. I guess I’m seeing that firsthand now.An ominous feeling bubbles up inside of me. Is she coming at me to harm me or just because she is happy to see me?Behind me, I hear another wave of howls throughout the forest. Thunder echoes through the trees as well. Whatever is going on back there, it can’t be good. I hope that Maddox is all right.Aunt Mary stops before me. “Hello, Princess Tropicana.”Taking a deep breath, I put a brave face on. Now is not the time to back down from this quest I’ve embarked on. “Hello, Aunt Mary.”Her arms fly out, and suddenly she is upon me, squeezing me tightly—in a warm embrace. Laughing a rich chuckle, she rocks me back and forth. “I’m so glad you’re finally here to help me break the curse. And just in time as well.
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Difficult Choices
*Maddox*My head is ringing as I open my eyes and try to remember where I am and what’s going on. The last thing I remember is a bright light shining in my face and then being thrown. Judging by the pain in the back of my neck and my shoulders, I must’ve hit something hard.Turning around, I see I’m still in my wolf form, and the object behind me is a tree—a palm tree.I’m in the jungle, that’s right. Trying to find Isla and my unborn child.We’d been running through the woods toward the blue light in the distance when suddenly, there’d been another light, a brighter light, right in front of us. Then, some crazy-looking woman had appeared in front of us.I had no idea who she was or even what she was. But then she’d flashed some bright blue wave of light at us, and all of my men had crumpled to the ground.Now, I can see that I’m about the only one getting up. The forest around us is eerily quiet. I wonder if that woman hit the animals with her bolt of light as well. Did she even kill
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The Real Treasure is Love
*Maddox*The sun is coming up as I sit outside of a makeshift tent near Isla’s Aunt Mary’s house—if one can even call it a house. It’s an old cabin that’s sort of falling over. The other wolves with me have volunteered to fix it up for her in exchange for her defeating the witch who was trying to kill us. Miraculously, none of my people were killed.Mystica is tending to the gash in my head. We are sitting beneath a giant palm tree, lush and green with plenty of fruit, unlike all of the trees we saw walking into this place before Isla and her aunt lifted the curse yesterday.I’m ready to leave, but Isla gave me a piece of her mind for even suggesting it yesterday. She called my bluff, so what choice do I have but to stay here and make sure that she and my unborn son get home safely?“She’s quite brave and strong, you know?” Mystica is still dabbing at the wound with some sort of medicine that smells like mint—and ass. I’m not sure whether it’s meant to be refreshing or make me puke.“
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Emotion on the Ocean
Beginning of Season 4*Isla*I stand on the deck of the ship, my hand resting on my swollen belly as I watch the jungle fade into the distance. The Island of Maatua is a beautiful place, full of lush greenery and sparkling beaches. It's hard to leave it behind, even with all the danger and chaos that has recently unfolded there.Maddox is standing a few feet away from me, his arms crossed over his chest as he stares at me. We’ve been on the boat heading home for a couple of hours, and he’s been eager to speak to me about what happened, but he hasn’t done so yet. He probably thinks it will lead to an argument. I don’t blame him for being upset that I left without telling him, though. While I am happy that he wants me to be his Luna, we need to talk this out.I turn and look at him. “Let’s just clear the air,” I tell him. He seems to be glaring at me, so I turn back around and focus on the water, waiting for him to be calm enough to talk.I can feel his anger and frustration, even witho
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Can't Go Home
*Maddox*We land at the port late in the evening. After several days of being on the water, I am ready to get home to the castle. I need to make sure that Isla is safe. Even though Mystica has been looking over her the entire time we’ve been on the boat, I’m not sure I trust my royal healer anymore. Recently, she’s made some dangerous decisions. I think it’s time to get Isla back to the castle and find someone else who can check her over. I have lots of healers on my staff; one of them has to be trustworthy.The moment I step off the boat, Isla’s arm wrapped around my own, I see one of my commanders coming toward me. “Commander Vember,” I say, wondering why he has such a serious expression on his face. “What’s the matter? Why are you at the port in the middle of the night?”He makes the sign of respect, touching his right hand to his left shoulder, and then says, “Alpha, we’ve got a serious problem back at the castle. I didn’t want to tell you the situation through the mind-link while
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A Rogue's Help
*Isla*Our room is… plain, but I am not too bothered. Framed oil paintings hang on the stone walls, and the smell of cleaner is sharp and acrid in the air. A fireplace takes up the far wall, and a simple, gray rug covers the stone pavers lining the floor. Again, I wonder how old this place is, and who may have lived here before Maddox bought it. I let out my breath, still tired from the journey and aching from being cramped in a car for what felt like hours. It's not musty or dark in the room, which is a miracle sent by the Goddess herself after spending several nights on the stuffy ship from Maatua. I’d rather be home, however. “Not bad,” Poppy muses, turning in a circle as she scans the room. “But it could use a little paint.”“Hopefully we won’t be here long enough to justify painting the walls,” I say, smoothing my hand over the quilt folded at the foot of the four-poster bed. “Maybe we can go back to the castle in a few days.”“You look like you only have a few days left to c
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Plans to Attack
Chapter 4 *Isla* Maddox takes his pants off, laying them over the foot of the bed as I run a brush through my hair. After sitting through a dinner with everyone currently staying in the little manor, including the warriors, I am happy to be in the comfort and privacy of our room. Tomorrow night I could be curled up in our bed at the castle… if I get my way. “I’m going,” I say flatly, narrowing my eyes at Maddox through the vanity mirror. “It’ll be a war zone, Isla. I can’t take the risk.” “Well, I’ve already made up my mind,” I reply hotly, sighing as my belly tightens. I feel awful, and have been feeling worse and worse as the evening goes on. I try to tell myself it’s because I’m as large as a house and have been cramped in a boat, then a car, and haven’t slept in a real bed in what feels like years, but I know deep down it’s because this baby is coming… soon. “I’ve made up my mind,” he repeats, unbuttoning his shirt so he’s in nothing but his underwear. “It’s not safe. I’
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Just Dropping In
*Maddox*Leo was right about the mine shaft. I feel my way through the tunnel, the walls damp with condensation and crudely carved. Leo is ahead of me, holding a flashlight as he walks into the tight, seemingly endless darkness. “You really came here to play as a kid?” I ask, my words feeling wet and heavy in the sudden humidity. There must be an underground river somewhere beneath us, because everything I touch is wet, and my hair is so damp it’s sticking to my face. “Not play,” Leo says with a short laugh. “We’d dare each other to go in. Some say a demon lived in here, a spirit of some guy who died while it was being built.”A shiver runs up my spine but I shake the thought away. “Ah, here, shit–” Leo drops the flashlight, and a loud bang echoes through the tunnel. “Are you alright?”“Fine, I just hit my head,” Leo grunts, and then the area around us is showered in light again as he picks up the flashlight and holds it in front of him, illuminating a huge metal door. I have no
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