All Chapters of The Alpha King's Breeder: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
381 Chapters
The Tides of War
*Isla*“Where’s Maddox?” I wheeze, my body still trembling from the force of the fall. I’m not hurt, by some miracle destined by the Goddess, but my mind is reeling and chest tightening with panic as the warrior who caught me hurries inside the castle, Ben at our side. “And Poppy? Mystica? Antony–”“I’m going to find everyone, okay?” Ben pants. I turn my head to look at him, watching as he picks twigs and leaves out of his hair and clothes. No one had caught Ben. He’d fallen on his side in a thicket of roses, which softened his landing, but still, nothing about the last hour had been easy. All around us, the sound of battle was taking place. The forest had been full of wolves, more than I’d ever seen in my life. And all of this over Maddox choosing me instead of a high-born daughter of one of the Alphas who were supposed to be his allies. But he has the diamond. If we make it through the night…. If we can just make it through the night….I wince, pushing back the pain ripping over m
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A Bloody Mess
*Maddox*We push them back, every Alpha and Beta who dared showed their faces at the entrance to my fucking house, along with their armies. My force of five hundred feral, untrained warriors barely weaned from their mothers hammers the enemy line with every passing minute. I am proud, but ‘mI also fucking pissed. Who the hell do these Alphas think they are?And also, where the fuck is Seth?I hurry to put on a pair of pants and a shirt someone has tossed at me, fumbling with the buttons of my shirt. Everything is wet, and I am pumped with adrenaline to the point I’m trembling with it. I don’t know how many wolves I’ve killed today, but I have a feeling that number is only going to increase. For now, there seems to be a brief respite in the battle. Dawn is still hours away, and warriors belonging to me and my allied packs mingle in small groups outside the castle gates. It’s almost peaceful.In the distance, I can hear the furious shouts and commands of the traitorous Alphas who ha
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Save My Son
*Isla*I’m not sure if my eyes are open or shut. I don’t know if the tapestry above the bed–the rich fabric woven with florals amongst a blanket of stars–is actually what I’m seeing, or if I’m now laying outside, looking up into the endless, moonless night. I don’t feel the maids clutching my arms. I don’t feel the cool rag Poppy has draped over my forehead. I don’t feel Maddox’s large, calloused hand retreat from my bare, heated thigh. I just feel myself slipping away with each ragged, forced breath. “The baby is stuck. It’s been hours.”“We need your decision, Alpha.”“There is a way, but it means losing the mother.”“You will need to choose.”“The prince–or the Luna?”Choose our son. Choose our son. Maddox, if you can hear me, choose our son!“Isla, please,” Poppy’s terrified voice breaks through the haze, and I feel her shaking hands cup my cheeks. I can’t tell who’s talking. I can’t differentiate the voices of my loved ones from the voices of several strangers. But I can fee
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I Have a Son
*Maddox*He looks like her. He has her blonde hair, even if it’s only a fine, silken dusting of it so far. I run my fingertips over his eyes, closed tight against the light flickering in the quiet corridor. They’re the same shape as her eyes, and I know as he starts to open them and see the world for the first time, they will eventually be the same heartbreaking blue as the mother he will never know. I will see Isla in him. I will see her everytime this unnamed boy looks into my eyes. I don’t know if that's a mercy from the Goddess, or a haunting reminder of every past wrong I’ve committed. I prayed and prayed to the Goddess as they cut my mate open to save the child I’d so desperately and selfishly wanted. I prayed she’d spare Isla, that she’d see past my sins and doubts and save the one thing that had ever truly mattered to me. Fuck my title. Fuck my territory. Save my mate. Save my mate. Save her. I didn’t take my eyes off Isla’s face the entire time. Mystica had given her some
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Where Is The Diamond?
Maddox’s eyes are even greener than normal in the soft clouds hovering over our heads in the unruly back garden. He stares at me, unblinking, his mouth slightly ajar as his brow furrows in confusion. “Did you hear me?” I say, taking a careful step towards him. Debris from the storm–broken branches and trellises ripped from the potted plants scattered everywhere–block my path as I lift my dress and gingerly close the distance between us. “You’re soaked! You’ll freeze–”My words are cut short as Maddox crushes me to his chest, his fingers curling and digging into my back. He trembles, his face pressed into my shoulder as he inhales deeply, then pushes me away. I’d told myself I wasn’t going to cry, but here I am, turning into a blubbering mess as my mate wraps his strong arms around me and nearly suffocates me with his strength. How can I even explain what happened? It’s practically impossible given that my memories of the birth of our son–our perfect, perfect son– are fragmented and
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I Forgive You--I Think
*Isla*Seth’s golden eyes linger on Isaac, his face void of expression. He gave us the expected spirited congratulations, of course, going on and on about the prince born during battle. But his eyes had given away his true feelings, even if I was the only one who noticed it. Trinity, on the other hand, lingers in the corner of Maddox’s office, pretending to be invested in the books on the shelves lining the far wall. What is going on with these two, and most importantly, why? “Seth,” Maddox says, looking up from the map he has sprawled out on his desk. “I need to speak to you privately.”Seth nods, his hands clasped behind his back as Maddox motions towards the door. I watch them walk out of the office from my perch in a leather armchair near the dormant fireplace, wondering what exactly Maddox is going to say to him. I know Maddox will tell me whatever excuses Seth gives him for his odd behavior. What’s worse is that I know Maddox will believe him. Seth is Maddox’s Beta, but Ma
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*Isla*I didn’t crawl back into bed until well after dinner, which was nothing more than whatever stew was leftover from the massive meals the kitchen had been cranking out all day for the warriors currently taking up the lower part of Maddox’s castle and the sweeping grounds inside the gate. It’d been chaos all day. First, I’d died in childbirth. Then, I’d come back to life. Then, I had barely a moment to wrap my head around the fact that I’d had a son before having to go track down my mate to tell him that I was, in fact, very much alive, and the diamond we thought would only restore peace to the hearts of the Alphas harbored secrets we didn’t have time to unravel. Now, I’m resting with my back against the headboard, Isaac’s tiny frame swaddled in my arms, his mouth slightly parted and dribbling with milk. Moonlight drifts through the windows, the curtains fluttering in a soft, humid breeze. Maddox said we’d rest together tonight, that we’d finally have a moment of peace in our h
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The Journey Begins
*Maddox*Warriors still gather beyond the front gate to the castle. I watch as Vember commands them to open the gate, his eyes lined with fatigue. It’s been a long forty-eight hours, but here we are, one the other side, and I am still the Alpha King. My enemies have limped back to her respective territories with their tails between their legs. If I wasn’t leaving to return the diamond to the temple, I’d be calling on those traitorous Alphas to stand before me and accept whatever fate I feel is acceptable for their egregious crimes against me, my pack, and my home. But I can’t think about that now. I turn to look over my shoulder at the group standing on the front terrace, their bodies shadowed by the balconies on the second and third stories as they stand just out of the reach of the beaming morning sun. Isla stands in the center of the group, her hand laid flat on Isaac’s back as he rests against her shoulder. She is stone-faced, her hair braided and falling over one shoulder as s
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A Brand New Me
*Isla*Poppy flutters around the sunny sitting room, moving from light filled window to window as she spins in a soft circle. Isaac is in her arms, and seems unphased by her attempts to get any type of reaction out of him. So far, at only three days old, he is a quiet, amiable baby. “He’s too young to really smile at you, Poppy,” I say from the floor where I’m sitting with my legs crossed. I look down at the paperwork littering the floor, my hand aching as I scribble my signature on something pertaining to a grocery order for the kitchen. I hadn’t realized how much went into being an Alpha, let alone an Alpha King. Nor had I realized how much I was going to have to do as the Luna of all Lunas. I place the signed paper on the pile of signed papers, which is sitting next to more piles of unsigned papers that doesn’t seem to be shrinking no matter how much time I spend on it. “This is madness,” I breathe, shaking my head as I look up at Poppy. “Is this all necessary?”“What do you
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Swallowed by the Black River
*Maddox*Hunter stands next to me at the river’s edge, the first inklings of morning light drifting lazily over the roiling water and the shadow land beyond. Dark clouds are gathering in the distance, and I try not to think of them as a dark omen to kick off our quest.I turn to see Trinity standing nearby, her eyes wide as she inspects the water, which is ripping past us at an impossible speed. Further down river is a rope–some type of woven line of metal stretching from one side of the river to the other, the side touching Hunter’s territory glinting in the sun as the first rays reflect off several carabiners meant to help ease us across. “Everything you own is going to be soaked,” Hunter says casually, glancing at the backpack I’m wearing. “You’re sure there isn’t another way across?”“Not at this time of year. Had you come three weeks earlier, you could’ve simply hopped from rock to rock to the other side.”I purse my lips and look back out over the icy, gray, white-capped rapid
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