All Chapters of The Alpha King's Breeder: Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
381 Chapters
How Did We Get in Bed?
*Ella*I used to bring myself to tears to get what I wanted. It never worked on my mom, not once. But my dad… he was a sucker for my tears and always bent to my will if I let them flow. But I was a different person before I left my kingdom behind to come here. Now, my tears are real, and I do, in fact, feel like I’m falling to pieces. Since Hannah is still in a coma, Amanda is my only friend in this place, if I can even call her that. And right now, she’s on house arrest, or whatever the equivalent of grounding is in this Goddess forsaken place. Ryatt slowly turns around, his face shrouded in shadows. Rain patters on the top of his head, making his dark hair twist into curls. His gray eyes are sharp and focused on mine. “Go back inside.”“Are you coming with me?” I ask, hating how desperate I sound, but I am desperate. Desperate for anything from him, despite the walls I’ve built around my heart. He exhales through his nose and glances at the cottage over the top of my head. “For a
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No Shifting
*Ella*Ryatt goes totally still. “I’ve never–I’ve never done this–” He pulls away, and I feel like someone has just dumped a bucket of ice water over my head. I snap my legs shut, a furious blush crashing over my skin like a tidal wave. Even my hair stands on end as a deep, cutting embarrassment shreds me apart. I look at him only once. His eyes are dark now, his expression made of cold stone. “I’m sorry,” I breathe, and his eyes snap to mine. “Don’t be. This was my fault. I lost control.”“No, it was mine–”The door in the front of the cottage opens and several male voices drift our way. I suck in a surprised breath, but Ryatt has already turned and left the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him before anyone can see me in my state of undress. My heart is thundering in my chest as I quickly cover my thin nightgown with a robe and head to the door, but I stop, my hand curling around the knob, when Ryatt’s voice lifts above the rest of the muffled conversation in the next ro
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Don't Let Them Take You Alive
*Ryatt*Ella’s lips are warm and supple against mine, but there is nothing soft or gentle about this kiss. Our teeth clash, and she bites down hard on my lower lip as I lift her up so her legs are wrapped around my waist. Goddess, I would have lost control. I would have laid her on the cold, hard ground and fucked her like the bond wanted me too, like I wanted to, had it not been for the thick, metallic scent of magic in the air. She’s going to hate me for this trick. I already regret it, but what choice do I have when we’ve been followed by hellhounds for the last ten miles? She has no idea that I’ve walked us backward toward a large, jagged rock that juts out from the ground and looms behind us. She has no idea there’s a cleft just big enough for three people–her, the fox, and her maid. I break from the kiss, gasping for breath, and then turn toward the opening. In the darkness, it’s nothing but a shadow against the granite face of the rock. I toss her into it, and she chokes o
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Transformed Into a Hellhound
*Ryatt*My men are doing exactly what I told them to do. Run. Run in circles around camp. Try to get the hounds to funnel between the two huge rock formations we camped between. Trap them on either side. I try not to think about the bloodshed, not yet. There’s only a few of us left after battling with my father’s men. Everyone is in their wolf forms except for me. I wield the sword–an ancient weapon that belonged to my mother’s family and was passed down to me. A sword from the first war, the same war that decided the fate of this land. A hellhound in the form of a bear charges for me, chasing two of my men. The wolves bank in opposite directions as I raise my sword and swing, sending the blade across the bear's back. Its cry of agony rains down on us as sparks fly in my sword's wake. Somewhere in the forest, a scream echoes off the trees. A female scream, one of pure, unadulterated frustration. I turn to the sound, panting, blood and sweat dripping from my brow as I narrow my eye
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*Ella*“What the fuck is going on?” Ryatt seethes. He steps in front of me, his sword of pure darkness clutched in one hand so hard his knuckles turn white. The cloaked woman’s mouth ticks into a tight smile. “It’s been a while, Alpha.”Ryatt tilts his head, his eyes narrowed and murderous. “Do not make me ask you again.”She slowly motions toward the cloaked figures behind her. Further in the trees, I can see two glowing beasts standing totally still. More hellhounds. “We sensed a threat a week ago. One of our hounds took care of it.” Her eyes land on mine again with interest. “But I see we may have been mistaken in our actions.”I’m still holding Granger’s head in my lap. He groans, coughing weakly. It’s a wet, bloody sound. “He’s really hurt, Ryatt,” I whisper, my voice shaking as I keep my eyes on the woman–the witch. “This could be perceived as an act of war, Ravenna. Are we not allies? Am I not your king?” Ryatt’s voice is sharper than I’ve ever heard it before. He’s pissed. R
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Foolish Girl
*Ella*Ryatt’s injured, but he doesn’t let it show while we walk into the city belonging to the Moonrise coven. Ravenna disappears before we approach the first buildings–little cottages and outbuildings coated in vines–and instead, we’re ushered into the city proper by other witches of varying ages. I watch with narrowed eyes as an unfamiliar man lifts Hannah up and cradles her like an infant. He turns, being directed by three witches in black cloaks, and carries her into a tall building made of wood and stone, its windows lightly frosted and gleaming in the morning sunlight. Then Granger is lifted to his feet and helped into the same building by Thorne, whose clothes are shredded and caked in blood. I hope it’s not his own. Ryatt stands beside me in total, unnerving silence. Ahead of us, Amanda speaks in hushed tones to one of the witches, a pretty blonde woman with startling sharp gray eyes that leave Amanda’s face to gaze at me and then Ryatt. Amanda turns from her and walks ov
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She's Awake
*Ryatt*Rain pours over the glistening cobblestone street as I follow behind an anxious Ella. She’s wringing her hands beneath the floor-length cloak I draped over her head and shoulders before I hurried her out of the house and into the downpour. I debated letting her sleep. I paced for nearly ten minutes after Ravenna sent one of her minions to alert me of the change in Ella’s maid, waking me up from the first night of sleep I’d had in weeks. I’d gone to check on Ella after returning from my meeting with Ravenna. I had no right to go into that bedroom and stand there in the dark watching her silently cry in her sleep. Not after what I’d said to her. I should have left, but I sat on the edge of the bed, my body trembling from being flayed open by the hellhounds–wounds I refused to allow Ravenna’s healers to tend to–and laid back. I only shut my eyes for a moment, and woke up cradling Ella like an infant while someone banged on the door downstairs. Now, we walk a few feet apart, o
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The Firestone Witches
Ella“My dad doesn’t have powers,” I argue as I follow Ravenna through her crystal palace. Ryatt follows close behind me as we ascend a narrow set of stairs. “He doesn’t. I would have known. My mother would have known.”Ravenna opens a wide, heavy door at the top of the stairs and walks into a darkened room. I follow her inside, and overhead a domed crystal ceiling gives us a glimpse of the storm still raging outside. Lightning flashes, dusting the room in blue light. I pause mid-step as an observatory comes into view, brass equipment glinting in the hazy light. Ripples of unease flutter over my skin as Ryatt comes up behind me. Soft lights flicker on, swirling with that mysterious magic I’ve seen everyone we’ve gone. “You’re right, he doesn’t have powers. But that’s not what’s important, Luna. It’s your bloodline.”“My bloodline?” I mumble the words as Ravenna walks in a wide circle around her observatory. I glance at Ryatt, who stands by the door with his face cast in shadow. He l
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The Scent of Blood
RyattGranger glances to the window at the passing crowd. Even in the rain, and at this extremely late hour, people are busy hanging lanterns and decorating shop fronts. I stare down into my whiskey, lost in thought. Ella is up at the castle with Hannah. I didn’t need to stay for Ravenna’s history lesson. I knew all of this already. I didn’t have the stomach for it, especially if she went into detail about my mother. “What exactly is happening tomorrow night?” Granger asks from across the table. Thorne sits by his side, drinking his second pint of dark beer. “The Cleansing. It’s an old ceremony.”“Well, that clears it up,” Thorne says sarcastically then lifts a hand to motion to a passing bar maid to bring him another beer. I narrow my eyes at him, ready to light into him for drinking so much, but then I remember we’ve been on the road for months now, and none of my men have had a break. I sigh heavily and raise my drink to my lips. “It’s a ceremony to bring back the moon. It’s bee
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How You Taste
*Ella*I hadn’t planned on beating up three witches today. It wasn’t on my schedule at all. Putting Petra into a headlock and dragging her to the cold crystal floor hadn’t been on the itinerary, nor had swinging her friend into the wall by the woman’s auburn hair, or using her other friend's cloak as a weapon I then strangled the third witch with. I didn’t kill any of them, but I wanted to. I’d scratched and bit and punched with all of my physical might until all three women were panting, gagging, and choking for both breath and mercy. Then, I’d simply stepped over them and walked out of the castle and into the rain. Petra hadn’t had any idea what she’d been getting into when she cornered me and raked her iron-tipped fingernails over my cheek. She has no idea I’d been trained as a warrior since the day I turned five years old, that I’d let grown men with decades of experience throw me around the sparring ring in the castle until my skin was bruised and covered in welts. She has no i
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