All Chapters of The Alpha King's Breeder: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
379 Chapters
Claimed by My Mate
*Ella*Ryatt’s tongue drags over my core. He trembles with a low, satisfied growl that fills the room and blurs my senses. He grips my thighs–hard. Hard enough that I’d thrust back to reality and there’s nothing but the feel of his mouth on my skin and his tongue slowly, so achingly slowly, sliding up and done my entrance. My heart is racing. I feel it will burst out of my chest. No one has ever done this to me before. Even in college, during those crazy parties I’d attended with my sorority sisters and roommates, I’d never done more than kiss someone. I’d always backed out, or the guy would get nervous about going any further with the royal princess. But Ryatt… he’s not going to stop until I’m a writhing mess in his hands, and I can’t take it anymore.Ripples of pure pleasure erupt over my skin. My toes curl, and I close my eyes and bury my fingers in his hair, giving him the green light to do what he wants. Another low growl breaks through the still night air in the room as he gr
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Whispers in the Water
*Maddy*I curl my toes in the hot sand and shiver with warmth. The sun beats down on my bare shoulders, and a cool ocean breeze touches my cheeks. My lips taste like saltwater, and I squint up into the sun, shielding my eyes with my hand. I’ve never been anywhere more beautiful in my life, and I’m not sure I ever want to leave.“Two boys,” Maddox says, followed by the sound of him clapping Isaac hard on the shoulder as they walk ahead of me along the beach. “It’s a true blessing of the Goddess, Isaac.”“I know,” Isaac replies, his voice fading as he continues, “but I’m worried about succession…”My stomach does a little flip. Whether it’s from the nerves I’ve felt coming off my mate since we found out about our boys, or from one of those boys doing a little twirl, I’m not sure. I ignore the former and rest my hand on my belly as I let the gentle, turquoise waves brush over my toes and ankles. Isla comes to stand next to me in her wide-brim hat and sunglasses. She gives me a smug smi
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Mystics and Seers
*Ryatt*I watch my mate run her fingers through her maid’s tight blonde curls. Hannah is asleep, her cheek resting on her pillow as Ella kneels at her bedside. “She’s doing better with treatment,” says a cloaked healer, a man, who stands beside me. “Queen Ravenna has her on a tonic of wormroot, silver bane, arrowroot, and moonspring oil every two hours to keep her strength, but she struggles to leave the bed.”“She needs to be allowed to go outside and breathe fresh air,” I reply quietly.“Her strength continues to diminish, Your Highness.” The healer turns to me, and we turn away from Ella and Hannah and walk toward the door. “I’ve conferred with the other healers, and the mystics, and we’ve all come to the conclusion that she should remain here for treatment until her mate, if possible, is able to come here.”“What could he possibly do to help? Did crossing the veil not tear her to shreds like I was made to believe?”The healer tilts his head, his face shadowed by his hood. “This i
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What I Must Do
*Ella*Ryatt’s eyes are so full of heat my toes curl in my boots as I look up at him, trying to maintain the scowl on my face. He leans in close, whispering in my ear, “Did I not just come inside of you only a few hours ago?”A shiver runs down my spine and blooms across my belly. I fight the urge to close my eyes as his breath dusts over my skin, his lips brushing against my ear. “I plan to do that again tonight, Princess.” His hand slides down my belly. “You’re not drinking a single drop of wine from now on.”“What makes you think I’m not on a contraceptive tonic?” I grind out, and it takes all of my energy to do so. I’m melting into a puddle at his touch and the raw, heated tone of his voice. I’m also exceedingly thankful for the cloak of unnatural darkness around us. Hopefully no one can see, or hear, what he’s saying and doing to me right now, especially as his hand slides lower and into the folds of my cloak. “You’re not,” he says with finality. “I would have smelled it on you
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She's Dying
*Ryatt*We stood in silence against the beating of drums and the thrumming sounds of voices lifted in song. I’d watched the eclipse cast the entire world in shadow, the event making my own shadow powers sing. But my eyes were on the lake–still as glass–and my mate, who’d gone beneath the surface. I waited. I tugged on our bond. She hadn’t closed me out, but the water acted like some kind of barrier between us regardless. Then it happened. A few seconds after the first rays of moonlight returned, the lake began to glow and shift with soft, crimson energy that sent shockwaves across the rocky shore. I felt Ella’s power. It ignited my own like it had the moment she slid her hand in mine, and I brought her through the veil. It mingled, turning into something new, something ancient, something more powerful that I’d ever felt before. My men had staggered to the lakeshore and fallen to their knees when she finally breached the surface of the water. Everyone had stopped what they were doin
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Mark Me, Mate
*Ella*I’ve never seen anything like the look he just gave me in my life. I’m in serious trouble now. I need this more than anything. I need that numb, out of body experience that I can only achieve with Ryatt. I need a break from my own mind, especially after what happened tonight. I don’t remember how we got back to this house, but I remember snippets of the past hour, at least. Ryatt cursing under his breath as he kicked open the front door with me shivering in his arms. Ryatt ripping my dress off my frozen body while scaldingly hot water pummeled my skin. Ryatt begging me to wake up, to come back to him, tugging on that bond between us while he covered me with his naked body in our bed to try to keep me warm. Heat funnels through the room. A bead of sweat rolls down my spine as I continue to look at him over my shoulder, my fingers gripping the headboard like it’s my only lifeline. He takes a heaving breath, his eyes locked on mine, and his expression shifts from that feral bl
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The Thing in the Castle
*Ella*My world spins, then settles. I suck in a breath and open my eyes, blinking into midmorning sunlight streaming through massive, cathedral style stained glass windows of the brightest purples, silvers, and blues. The mosaic floor beneath my feet shimmers in the flecks of multicolored light dancing over the tiles and the toes of my boots. I feel like I’m on a boat, like the floor is shifting side to side, but then my body catches up with my mind. I suck in a breath in surprise as my vision fully clears, and the room I’m now standing in comes into sharp clarity. The domed stained glass ceiling seems impossible high. The spires and columns of pure obsidian seem like they’ve been pulled here from a place lost to time. This place is… incredible. Like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I slowly turn my head and realize Amanda is standing beside me, looking just as shocked as I am. Her golden eyes are locked on the ceiling, her lips slightly parted as she blinks into the sunlight. But t
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My Wife
*Granger*Commander Castiel Westfall enters Ryatt’s office without a sound, but his presence is felt by the entire room. Ryatt looks up from the map laid out on his ebony wood desk as the commander comes to a halt and stands near one of the massive windows overlooking the city of Veiled Valley. Westfall’s black hair is cut short and peppered with silver along his temples, and his arms are crossed over his broad chest as the sunlight dances over his black leather armor. Glacier blue eyes meet mine as he gives me a short nod of hello. I’ve known him for years now, and he’s still as unsettling as the first moment I saw him. He’s handsome and fit for a man in his mid-fifties, but his brow is perpetually pinched by a scowl that seems to be his most relaxed expression.Shadows dance around him, severed into pieces by the sunlight. Shadowsygner. One of the last. He’s the second most powerful man in the room beside Ryatt. Maybe even the entire kingdom.I roll my lower lip between my teeth an
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The Veiled Valley
*Ella*Once I get over the initial shock of seeing Commander Westfall for the first time, I find I liked him quite a bit. Stern, brooding, but with a softer edge than most men in his position, he reminds me of the commanders in my father's life during my childhood. It’s hard to get over the startling resemblance he shares with my mate, however. Even as he explains that no, he isn’t King Kane, and he isn’t in my room to murder me in cold blood, or worse, I see nothing but my mate in the sharp lines of his face. In the shadows that dance in the unforgiving sunlight. In the way his smile ticks into the smirk I find so familiar. Only then, after sensing my shock and fear, does he explain who he is. A commander, and the man who trained my mate to wield the powers they share.Now I’m walking beside him along a bridge, following behind Granger and Amanda as we explore the city I now rule, apparently. Commander Westfall doesn’t speak unless spoken to directly. He prefers a yes or no questi
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Not His Luna
*Ella*Ryatt keeps a firm grip on my wrist as he leads me through his maze of a castle. Dressed in a form fitting black shirt and black pants and free of his leather armor, I can see every solid line of his body from his ripped chest to his muscular thighs. He moves like a predator honing in on its prey when we reach his bedroom–our bedroom–and shuts the door firmly behind him. The sun is beginning to set. The curtains whisper in the cool mountain breeze as golden light floods the room through the open doors leading to the balcony. A dinner service has been laid out on a round table near one of the ceiling-height windows–steak, vegetables, salad, and bread–as well as a few plates of fruit and dessert. Ryatt says nothing as I walk to the center of the room and look around, still in awe that this is where I live now, where I call home. It’s grander than anything I’ve ever seen in my life. “You need to eat something,” he says from the walk-in closet. I hear clothes hitting the floor,
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