All Chapters of Hunted by My Alpha: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
249 Chapters
151. All Filled Up 
~ RIG ~The couch was too small for me to stretch out, so eventually when we’d caught our breaths I turned her on her side and curled her up, spooning her, one arm around her middle, my knees behind hers, and an arm under her chin while her head rested on the arm of the couch.She sighed and I wondered if she would sleep, but her eyelashes kept blinking like she was looking around the room.I was still a little stunned. But I’d never been happier.As I reached up to stroke her hair back, away from her face and down her back, I whispered, “Sorry for the surprise, that was supposed to happen in the treehouse.”She giggled. “We still have days here yet.”
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152. Restless 
~ CARA ~I couldn’t sleep. At all. My body hummed—but not with pure desire. Not just that. I still wanted Rig, was pretty sure I would never stop wanting him. But I was satisfied. Warmth and pleasure coiled in my belly like a happy cat. No… it wasn’t Rig.At first I thought I was just nervous about his dad, about Mack and Natalie, and about what we would all do. But when I thought about that, a different sense of anxiety appeared to flutter in my chest. And when I looked at Rig, already asleep, his arm thrown over my waist, I felt so sure he was going to figure out how to do that… no. It wasn’t that either.This was different. A restless energy that hummed in my muscles and pushed me to move. As if my body would spasm if I didn’t.
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153.  Into the Night
~ RIG ~Cara was dancing with me.She had been in the kitchen making breakfast in nothing but a robe. When I turned the music on, she started to move to the music, smiling at me. “I thought you were hungry?” she said, cracking an egg into a bowl.“I am,” I rumbled, and let her see in my shining eyes and smile what kind of hunger I wanted to sate.She laughed and tossed her hair, putting the food aside and coming to join me in the living room. Her hips swayed as she danced towards me. I opened my arms, reaching for her hands as she drew closer, turning her and holding her to me so we could sway together, our hands clasped at her waist.I raised one of mine thou
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154. Made New 
~ CARA ~I was confused. My head split into two different frames.One remembered everything.The other couldn’t quite take it in.Strange things happened in my mind when I hunted, as if a part of my mind that worked purely on instinct—already knew everything that was needed—took over. And even though the rest of me was still there, still conscious, even though I could remember leaving the house and circling the property, even deciding to watch over Rig… it all felt different. When Rig appeared on the lawn below and spoke to me it snapped me out of… whatever that was.“Cara?” His voice was oddly
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155. All My Senses 
~ RIG ~I’d barely gotten myself onto the roof level, was just getting my feet under me and turning to find her—she’d backed away like she was scared as I was pulling myself up, so I wanted to move slowly and not startle her—when a flash of pale skin and dark eyes registered right before I was knocked off my feet again, thudding to the roof.It was instinct to defend myself, but I kept screaming at my wolf that this was Cara, my mate!There was a strange scuffle where I fought her and my wolf, but then my head cleared, and I found myself on my back, feet down, with Cara straddling me. My shoulder and head were gripped in her hands, and her mouth was open on my neck.
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156.  War of Self 
~ CARA ~My mind felt as if it was being torn down the middle. Or was it my soul?There were two Caras, two hearts, two sets of feelings, two intentions. Body versus mind.When Rig flipped me onto my back, the animal came forward—aggressive, feral, afraid, fighting for life. But my soul knew him.Rig wouldn’t hurt me.My heart wanted him—wanted to pull him close and keep him closer.One moment my eyes saw my husband, the male I wanted to embrace, to taste, to hold me. The next he was a dog. Danger. I wanted to fight.I felt like I was going insane.I couldn&
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157.  Hers 
~ CARA ~I clutched him to my breast, choking his name. “Rig… Rig.”“I’m here, babe. Just breathe.” But he never stopped kissing me, never stopped stroking, drawing, those tingling pleasures out of my skin.And with every twitch and instinct, I held him—held him in my arms and in my mind.My mate. Mine. Husband. Lover. Forever.As desire grew urgent and my body began to ripple, he soothed me with kisses, touched anything I pressed closer, whispered reassurance until I was trembling with the drive for him.He raised his head once from his
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158.  No “I” in Pack 
~ RIG ~It was the small hours of the morning, the darkest moments before dawn began to creep up around the mountains.We’d eaten, talked, I’d held her when she got scared, and laughed with her about the funny side of her naked, midnight jaunt. But she was exhausted.So now, as the fire died in the hearth, I lay there in bed on my back with Cara curled into my side, deeply asleep, but still clinging to my chest like a lifeline. Her breathing was deep and slow, her hair loose and flowing over my arm as I held her close, thoughtlessly trailing fingers up and down the curve of her spine.She was herself again—and relieved. She’d described exactly what I’d sensed, an animal within trying to come forward, fighting to take control. Instincts acting
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159. The Yearning 
~ MACK (two days earlier) ~“Do you guys want the River house, or the Tree house?” Rig asked, looking back and forth between me in the rearview mirror and Natalie in the passenger seat.“The River,” I said, because it was closest. Three hours in this car saturated in Natalie’s scent as well as the two lovebirds yearning for each other was a torment I could have done without. Plus, the thought of the next few days alone with Natalie… I swung between ecstatic and despairing.Where I would ultimately land was, in the end, entirely up to her—she who sat so stiffly in that front seat you would have thought there was a rod stuck up her ass.She wasn’t the only one. I needed to get out of this fucking car.
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160. Too Much
~ NATALIE ~I am such a bitch.The minute I slammed that door in his face I knew what I’d done. This close, I could feel the way it shocked and hurt him.I stopped just inside the room, barely breathing, and turned back to face the closed door. My heart was pounding.I hated myself. Every time he was gone I ached to have him close again. Every time he was close I wanted to run screaming. It was too hard. Too much. When I’d realized we were coming here and going to be alone together, a part of me had welled up, singing with joy. But the rest of me sank into cold, abject fear.Was he scared too? Or just mad?
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