All Chapters of Luna's Chosen One: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
177 Chapters
Chapter 91
That night, there was only Olivia and Liam at the hospital, his father's men standing guard outside the room, Olivia didn't take Owen with her and left him with Liam's mother. Liam's condition is also much better, Olivia's presence beside him indeed gives him more strength. At that time Liam felt Olivia's anxiety, he could feel it from the very significant change in Olivia's scent. At first he doesn't want to question it, but the longer they are together, Liam becomes less comfortable with the scent he feels."Olivia," Liam held Olivia's hand who was sitting beside his bed."Hmm," Olivia turned to him."What happened? do you have anything on your mind?" Liam said."Liam, I have a question to ask you, but don't misunderstand my question," Olivia said."Yes baby, what do you want to ask?" Liam said."That night, while Sam and I were away, what really happened between you and Billy?" she said."We fought, I almost killed him then, maybe if that person didn't come, he would have died in m
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Chapter 92
Anxiety enveloped Olivia's mind at that time, not only was she feeling anxious, but also the fear was increasingly felt, she thought of the many possibilities that could happen, not only for herself but also for Liam, Owen, and the baby in her womb. Sam is the closest person between them, he is Liam's best friend, even in Olivia's dream at that time Sam was one of the people who helped her, if everything she thinks about Sam is true, that means they trust the wrong person. People who have been by their side only to oversee plan after plan to destroy Billy, that's why Alpha like Billy is so hard to get rid of.Olivia came out of Liam's room to meet Liam's father's men, two people were on guard in front of Liam's room, even though Olivia had felt suspicious because she had never seen those two people before, since she came to the hospital visit and wait for Liam, she always saw the same people in front of Liam's room, but this time their faces looked foreign. Olivia doesn't have much ti
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Chapter 93
The next dayWill comes with Liam’s mother to the hospital, goes into Liam's room and they don't see Olivia there, Will picks up Liam's mother at the apartment, Olivia should have come home that morning to take turns with her mother, but Olivia didn't come, they thought Olivia might still be at the hospital, that's why Will and his mother rushed to the hospital but he wasn't there."Where's Olivia?" His mother said."Olivia? She went to Daddy's last night, I told her to" Liam says."What do you mean? She didn't come, I was at father's place last night, are you sure she went to father's place?" Will said."What? yes of course I'm sure, I told her to go with the guards outside" Liam said, he was starting to feel worried because Olivia had explained to him last night."Will, can you track Olivia's location now?" Liam said."Liam tell me, what happened to Olivia?" his mother said."And where is Sam?" Liam said."Liam! Answer me, what's going on? Does this have anything to do with what Oli
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Chapter 94
Will couldn't find any signal from Olivia, Billy, or Sam, which was strange because their phone signal really couldn't be found, Will tried to find another way but there was no way he could get their location signal."Liam this is a weird look I can't track them," Will says as he shows Liam the screen on his laptop."Have you tried anything else? I have to go to Sam's apartment now" Liam says and Liam's mother immediately stops her son."No! What are you doing? look at your condition Liam, don't make it hard on yourself, if you go looking for Olivia in your condition you could die before even finding her, can you be patient, Will will find their location, won't he?" her mother said."Mom, she's pregnant, waiting isn't the best option for me to take, I don't know what they did to Olivia and the baby, they need me, Mom, I can't just stay here," Liam says."I know, your father has also told his men to look for them, and meet their parents, you know if their discussions fail, a war will b
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Chapter 95
Like de javu, Olivia feels that her life just revolves around here and there, didn't Liam just save her at that time? or was it just a dream, it feels like just a moment Olivia can touch Liam and see him wake up from his coma, just a moment and now they are separated again. Are they not meant to be together? Was Billy right about what fate he meant? just him and Olivia with a new life.Olivia woke up from her sleep, now she woke up from her dream, there was no one beside her at that time, only she was alone. She was crying but also smiling, at least she felt Liam's scent even though it was only through a dream, but it felt very real, making Olivia calm enough as well as their baby, Olivia who was still lying down at that time just stroked her stomach while imagining how warm Liam's hug would be.Her body felt small in that embrace, the most comfortable place Olivia had ever felt in her life, a place where she returned from the tiredness of life. Like what she said in her dream, she wi
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Chapter 96
Like what Martha said to Liam, he had to be patient and reconstruct his plan to destroy Billy, it's been a week after he was allowed to go home by the doctor because his condition has started to improve. But Liam can't lie to his feelings, his anxiety is like a nightmare, he can't stop thinking about Olivia but he has to get rid of those thoughts for a moment to be able to make the best plan.He was in his room when Owen was crying, he, who was sitting in front of his laptop, turned towards the bed and saw Owen who seemed thirsty. Liam walked over to Owen and picked him up, the crying stopped instantly, and Liam looked at that tiny face with a smile on his face."You look so much like your mother, I miss her more and more, what should we do to get your mother back Owen?" Liam said, and Owen just stared at him with those big eyes.'knock..knock..'"Come in," Liam says and Will comes inside, he sees Liam holding Owen in his arms."Can we talk for a minute? without Owen?" Will said."Yea
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Chapter 97
2 months laterThere was no sign of Liam's presence to pick up Olivia, she had been waiting for 2 months but Liam never came, she never even heard anything about Liam, she lived alone with Billy on an island where she did not know where. A big mansion, with many maids and guards outside the house, a complete mansion with all good facilities, and CCTV.Where should Olivia run if she's in the middle of the sea, she can't go anywhere with her condition like that. Olivia was sitting on her bed, her belly already looking big, she was sure she would go into labor as soon as she had Owen. She looked out her bedroom window, the view outside was directly facing the sea, she wished Liam could come and pick her up."What are you doing?" Billy said he had just finished taking a shower and came up to Olivia with only a towel around his waist, but Olivia just kept quiet and didn't answer Billy's question."Hey, what's wrong Olivia?" Billy sat beside Olivia and held her hand, but Olivia immediately
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Chapter 98
Day after day passed, Olivia's strength only slept because then she could meet Liam, someone she missed. There are so many ways Olivia could get out of there, but with her big belly, she couldn't do it. The health and safety of her baby were number one for her at that time.She has to live with the man she hates for days, feeling his very bad scent irritate her, but she has to control her emotions because it will affect her baby, but it's been two days since Liam hasn't come to her dreams. Was it a sign that he had stopped looking for Olivia and the baby?Billy treated Olivia well, quite well, for some reason he was like that, Olivia always wondered where her best friend had gone, maybe she was no longer her best friend, but Lea's whereabouts were indeed a question for Olivia, especially when she already had a daughter, did Billy throw her away like that?"Eat your lunch, you already passed your breakfast," Billy said, they were indeed at the dining table at that time, but Olivia was
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Chapter 99
After the doctor checked the condition of Olivia and her baby, Billy approached Olivia in her room, the doctor only asked Billy to keep Olivia's emotions in check because it would affect the baby in Olivia's womb. She couldn't be tired or stressed, and the doctor also said that Olivia needed her Alpha scent to stay close to her. That's true but the Alpha in question isn't Billy, only they know that Olivia has another Alpha besides himself.Olivia was sleeping in her bed at that time, he approached Olivia and sat beside her, looked at her face then held her hand, making Olivia wake up and when she opened her eyes, Billy was in front of her, that's not what Olivia wanted, not him."The doctor said your baby is healthy, and in 3 months you might be in labor, so take care of your health," Billy said."I just want to be alone," Olivia said."Okay, I just wanted to tell you, maybe in the next few days, I'll be leaving to take care of something, but you don't need to worry because there are
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Chapter 100
The day Billy returned to his mansion, it seemed like almost a week after he left and left Olivia alone there. Billy arrived too late, maybe Olivia was already asleep. He entered and the maid greeted him."How are things?" Billy said."Ma'am Olivia is fine, sir," a maid said."Is she asleep?" Billy said."Yes sir, since you left, she's been sleeping in your room," The maid said and Billy just smiled, no one knew the meaning of that smile."Okay, you can go back to your place, don't let anyone disturb us," Billy said and he immediately went into his room, it was true what the maid said, he saw Olivia who was fast asleep on Billy's bed, the blanket was slightly open and Billy was approached her, he covered Olivia's body with a blanket and stroked her face."Whatever is mine will stay mine," Billy said and smiled again.That night when Olivia was sleeping she didn't meet Liam in her dreams, but she felt a warm embrace hugging her body at that moment. She opened her eyes and saw Billy bes
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