All Chapters of Luna's Chosen One: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
177 Chapters
Chapter 101
Days passed, and Olivia got closer to Billy, maybe it was because of the baby she was carrying, to be honest, Olivia was confused about why she could do that, but being around Billy made her comfortable, Olivia never dreamed about Liam again. She can't remember how long she hasn't seen Liam in her dreams. She misses Liam.That night, Olivia was on her balcony, looking out at the sea in front of her while holding hot chocolate in her hands. In her daydream, Billy suddenly came and gave a blanket to cover Olivia's body from behind."It's cold here, why are you still here?" Billy said, he stood beside Olivia."Would you be mad if I said I missed Liam?" Olivia turned to Billy, but not to him."No, but to be honest, I'm a little annoyed, but can I stop you? You'll still miss him even if he's not here, but Olivia, have you ever felt the same way as me? Have you ever missed me even a little?" Billy said and turned to Olivia who had already seen him."I once loved you with all my heart Billy,
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Chapter 102
The storm came quickly, the sky was still very dark, and the sound of thunder that kept ringing made Olivia feel scared, it was raining heavily, and she was in her room just sitting in her bed crying. Anxiety and fear became one in her mind. The sound of thunder broke the night, making Olivia scream because of the booming sound, the electricity was cut because of the storm, making Olivia's room and the entire mansion dark.Olivia was still closing her eyes and covering her ears with her hands, until someone came and knelt in front of her."Olivia, I'm here," Olivia opened her eyes and saw Billy in front of her, making her immediately hug Billy and cry in his arms."Where have you come been? I'm scared!" Olivia said and Billy just hugged her tightly, his body felt wet maybe because he was caught in the rain."I'm sorry, I'm here," Billy said.They lay on the bed, in a dark room, with only the light outside the window, the storm had passed but the rain was still pouring down. Occasional
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Chapter 103
Liam looked so annoyed then, his eyes turned red and he slammed everything around him. He knew this was all Billy's doing. He swore to kill that man.Within a month Liam had searched for the land closest to their last point of location and their investigation was interrupted when Will picked up a new signal of Billy's location. It was Billy who led them there."Liam, I think he knows about our plan," Will says.“Yeah, he couldn't possibly let us into his mansion easily and did you see? his men didn't fight back before Olivia told them to take us out,” Liam says.“Then what should we do? what if Olivia chooses to stay with Billy?” Will said.“No! She's mine, I'll take her back from Billy!” Liam said.But elsewhere, the doctor came to execute a small operation to remove the bullet from inside Billy's stomach. Luckily the bullet didn't go too deep and didn't hit any other organs."Hey, don't cry, I'm fine," Billy said."Why don't you fight?" she said."He wants me to die, you want me to
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Chapter 104
After lunch, Olivia returned to her room, she sat on her bed touching her neck. She didn't know how to explain to Liam about this, but she couldn't help herself earlier.Flashback ONOlivia's body was lying on the bed, their lips didn't come off when Billy undressed Olivia's body. Billy had warned Olivia beforehand but as an Omega in heat, she couldn't hold herself back any longer.Moans began to be heard from Olivia's mouth, their bodies moved together, their hands entwined with sweat drenching their bodies."Mmphhh..ahh Billy.. mmph.." Olivia opened her eyes to stare at Billy in front of her."Yes baby," Billy said."Don't stop.. mmph..ahhh.." Olivia said and Billy buried his face in Olivia's neck, he released his hand from Olivia, making Olivia immediately hug him tightly and screams were heard."Aaahhh.." Olivia squeezed Billy's back tightly and when Billy pulled his body, he saw Olivia open her eyes slowly, he touched Olivia's neck which was bleeding from the bite, Olivia's eyes
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Chapter 105
Day after day passed, weeks turned into months, and Olivia's life this time felt more comfortable than her previous life. Strange but that's the truth. Day by day the bond between the two of them grew stronger, Liam also never came, and Olivia was even more disappointed when she found out that Liam killed Billy's parents. It made Billy look devastated but Olivia forbade him from returning to Korea. She doesn't want Billy to meet Liam and fight like before.After hearing the news of his parent's death, Billy always cried every night, and Olivia was always with him. Liam's plan to destroy Billy seems to be working but that doesn't make Billy give Olivia up to Liam. He had gotten what he wanted all along.Like that night, after accompanying Nathan to sleep in his room, Olivia returned to her room and saw Billy on the balcony with a can of beer in his hand. Olivia approached Billy and stood beside him."Why are you outside? Isn't it cold here?" she said."Is Nathan sleeping?" Billy said a
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Chapter 106
Olivia waited in her room, her eyes felt heavy because she was very sleepy, but she wanted to wait for Billy, she looked at the clock and it was almost 5 am, she was sure Billy would not come in there, finally she came out and met Billy in Nathan's room. She saw Billy sleeping next to Nathan. Olivia approached them and her heart was touched to see what was in front of her. Billy is not Nathan's real father, but he treats Nathan like his own son. He never minded when Nathan cried in the middle of the night and woke him up, he immediately approached Nathan and calmed him down."Billy, wake up" Olivia whispered in Billy's ear, making Billy open his eyes and turn towards Olivia."Sleep in your room," Olivia said and Billy got up without saying anything."Billy" He stopped in his tracks just before he opened the door and Olivia came up to him."Thank you," Olivia said."Yes." But when Billy was about to open the door, Olivia held him back."Olivia, please don't be like this, I've thought a
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Chapter 107
One week laterThe day Billy had been waiting for arrived, standing before him was a beautiful Omega named Olivia, in a white gown with a matching hood covering her face, only the two of them before the priest at that time. Against the background of crashing waves, Billy and Olivia vow to be together until the end."With the promise that you two have made, may nature and the universe continue to unite the two of you in a bond of pure love without betrayal in it. I hereby declare you officially husband and wife, you may kiss your wife," the priest said.Billy opened the hood that hid the beauty of Olivia's face, he saw the tears on her blushing cheeks. Billy wiped the tears away and leaned closer to Olivia."I love you, Olivia," Billy said."No more betrayal," Olivia said."I promise," Billy immediately kissed Olivia's lips.It's a happy day for Billy, maybe also for Olivia, it's just that she's not so sure about this decision, there's still something weighing on her heart. But she did
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Chapter 108
After dinner, Billy returned to accompany Nathan to play in his room before it was time for Nathan to sleep. Olivia went into Nathan's room to meet her little family, Olivia heard the happy laughter from her son."Hey, it's already 8 pm, time to sleep," Olivia said."Hm but I still want to play with Daddy," Nathan said."Tomorrow you can play with Daddy again, but now you have to sleep," Olivia said."It's okay, I'll accompany him to sleep, you go back to the room," Billy said."You've been looking after him all day, you should take a shower and rest," Olivia said."I'm fine," Billy said and Olivia went back to her room, she stood in front of the mirror looking at her neck. There are only Billy's bite marks there, she hasn't seen the marks Liam made on her. Let's be honest, Olivia misses Liam and Owen. But she couldn't show it in front of Billy.For almost half an hour Billy was in Nathan's room, Olivia was already lying on her bed, she was waiting for Billy to return and not long aft
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Chapter 109
Is it true what Olivia said about love? Did she love Billy? yes, that's right, seeing how Billy took care of Nathan touched her heart. But she doesn't know if that love is the same as what she feels for Liam. Because she did all that only as a necessity because she had no other choice, and because she was tired of the situation. Maybe if Billy knew the real reason he would be disappointed.Last night was a long night for Olivia and Billy, they fell asleep when Olivia gave a white flag to Billy, they don't know how many rounds happened that night. But Olivia's moans echoed in their room, maybe it was like a lullaby for Nathan because he didn't cry and woke up to the sound of his mother's voice.They woke up late that day, Billy woke up first when the sun hit his eyes, he frowned and slowly opened his eyes, he looked to the side and saw Olivia still lying there with her stomach pressed against the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at their clothes that were still on the floo
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Chapter 110
Now that small family is perfect in Olivia's eyes, she lives with her mate, with her husband and son, even though she lost Owen, but she can't force what she can't have, she just wants peace and if leaving Owen with Liam is the best choice, then Olivia will choose it.The hatred inside Olivia slowly disappeared, she didn't forget what Billy had done to her life, he ruined her life which should have been happy from the start. But even though she still remembers it, she can start to forgive everything Billy did to her.All this time Billy could have done bad things to Olivia to keep what should be his, but the attitude Billy showed was very different, that attitude changed when they lived in the mansion when Olivia suddenly felt comfort in Billy's scent."Olivia, open the door, breakfast is ready, you've been in the bathroom for too long, what happened to you?" Billy knocked on the bathroom door."I'm fine, I'll be right out," Olivia said."Are you sure?" Billy said and not long after,
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