All Chapters of The Genius Quintuplets For The Ruthless Billionaire: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
165 Chapters
The Good Acting Skills
"You want to eat?" asked Aniya to Russell.“You must be hungry,” she continued.Russell didn't answer right away. But he gave the code to Aniya to release his tied body so he could move more freely. At first Aniya didn't understand, but then she did. Immediately there was doubt in Aniya. The woman shook her head."I can't," she said in a low voice."Why?" replied Russell."Now we're on the plane. I can't run away anywhere,” said Russell giving a logical reason.“Plus, I told you I would behave myself. You know I never go back on my word. You don't believe me?" Russell gaslighting her.Aniya shook her head. "No. It's not that I don't believe you. But… I just can't,” Aniya answered.'Damn it!' Russell immediately cursed in his heart. Luckily, his face didn't show any annoyance. He still looks calm.“Alright. I understand," Russell said.“I know you still don't trust me because of what happened in the past. I totally understand," said Russell.Aniya was about to reply to those words, but
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Use Your Brain
Russell was moved onto the bed. Aniya herself did it herself even if it hard. Whatever she would do for Russell.“Hahh…” The woman took a deep breath. Aniya sat beside Russell. Stared at the man for a long time. Her hand reached out to caress Russell's cheek with her thumb gently. Her eyes drifted to Russell's hair.'His hair is too long. I'll call a professional barber to cut his hair like it used to. Russell I will take very good care of you. Like a wife taking care of her husband. I will give you the role of wife. Better than what Lunatte did to you. Time will make you forget that damn woman. And also your children. From now on, you will only be with me,” Aniya said. She really meant what she said.Then Aniya comes out of the room. In front of Russell's room there were two trusted bodyguards. The best of the best working for his family.The two bowed their bodies to the princess. Aniya looked at them with a serious look."You know what your job is. Don't let Russell run away. If he
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Daddy, Where Are You?
"Daddy doesn't come to our room anymore," Cerys said. They are now awake. Deliberately staying in the room longer than usual.“Hmm. Daddy would usually come into our room to wake us up and give us a good morning kiss. It was a very sweet habit of him. But lately Daddy hasn't done it," Emery joined in the conversation.Adeline nodded. "Weird," she said.Delilah and Baylor looked at each other. "We have found one oddity. Supposedly, because it has become a habit, Daddy can't just missed to do that routine," said Delilah, who was immediately nodded by the other four twin sisters.Baylor sighed. “Is Daddy not our real Daddy? As his daughter, of course you can feel it right? It's a kind of feeling."The others nodded."Yes. My inner bond doesn't feel like it exists with Daddy," Cerys answered.“Daddy also always asks for updates regarding the martial arts activities that I participate in. Daddy is always excited to know every progress I have. Our development, too, right? No matter how busy
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How To Melt His Heart!
Baylor turned on every recording from the voice recorders they had placed in various rooms. Every night after, they always listen. However, for days, there was absolutely no record that they could use as proof that the man who was now living with them was not their real daddy. "This is a little disappointing. Absolutely no suspicious conversations," Cerys said. "Yes. I think, even in two days time, there will be a truth that will be revealed. But, not at all. Did we just misunderstand?” We're just overreacting? she continued. The others started thinking the same thing. "But I'm sure there must be something wrong. We'll wait another week. If there really is nothing wrong. Then we stop our investigation of daddy. How is it?" asked Baylor while looking at her twin sisters one by one. "Yes. I agree," said Adeline. "What about the others?" the others nodded approvingly at Baylor's suggestion. Finally, they waited for another week. Meanwhile, Adrian had absolutely no idea that there
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Distractions From Adorable Little Devils!
Lunatte just finished taking a shower. At the sound of the bathroom door opening, Adrian turned his gaze to Lunatte. The man had a hard time swallowing his saliva. Honestly, he hasn't touched Lunatte more than a kiss. Don't know why, there were obstacles when Adrian wanted to do that with Lunatte. Either he is too tired, or Lunatte is menstruating, and other disturbances. But now seems like the right time. “Honey,” called Adrian. Lunatte who was looking in the mirror at her dresser replied. "Hmm?" Adrian didn't say much. He put his phone on the nightstand and got up from his lying position. His feet stepped closer to Lunatte who was confused at first. But when she saw her husband's gaze, she understood. But the tone of feeling that Lunate can't explain. Usually, every time Russell touched her, her body would be weak and she would gladly accept that because her love for that man was so great. But now what Lunatte felt was an uncomfortable feeling. Even her feet reflexively stepped
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If Not, I Will Die!!
Even until morning, Adrian's annoyance had not subsided. He wakes up first. He stared at the quintuplets who were sleeping restlessly on the same bed as him. Some of them hugged Lunatte, and some of them were at his feet, hugging Adrian's legs.Adrian snorted softly. He carefully pushed these annoying children off his feet. He looked at Lunatte who was still fast asleep. The woman looks very beautiful. Adrian got off the bed. He took a step until now he was beside Lunatte. Adrian intends to kiss Lunatte's lips. There were only a few more seconds until his lips touched Lunatte's. But suddenly a hand covered Lunatte's lips."Ughh..." Adrian cursed.“Damn it!” His already bad mood was getting worse. Adrian immediately went into the bathroom and cleaned himself.Baylor, the perpetrator stared at the bathroom. The girl giggled, then stuck out her tongue.“Wleee… no one is allowed to touch Mommy except Daddy Russell,” said Baylor.***“Hmm. Tomorrow Baylor has a shooting schedule with a we
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Mission Succeed
Beeps... Alex, who was struggling with a bunch of files, was a little distracted when he heard the sound of an incoming message. He took out his cell phone and immediately saw the contents of the message. His brow furrowed. "Who sent this?" /Someone's gonna hurt Baylor. Follow the car that carrying Baylor. He's in danger/ That is the content of the message. From an unknown number. Of course, Alex couldn't ignore the message, especially since the sender mentioned Baylor, who is the son of his close friend, Russell. Alex immediately looked for information about Baylor's schedule and received information that Baylor would be shooting at one of the well-known TV stations. After getting the info, Alex hurriedly took his car keys and went to the Baylor filming location. Alex had arrived at his destination, he had entered the building to check on Baylor, but Russell's daughter was still busy with her work. So, Alex decided to wait in his car. Hours have finally passed, Baylor is fina
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Alex and his partners tell each other where they are. They could all see that there were three people talking to each other now. The four of them could also see Baylor's figure. Russell's daughter was still unconscious. Alex who saw her felt his emotions turbulent. He really wants to shoot the gun at the three foreheads of these bad people. But Alex held him back. If he killed them, it meant Alex wouldn't know who was behind the kidnapping plan.'Calm down, Alex. Wait a little more,' Alex reminded himself."Our boss won't come," said a man with a long wound on his left cheek. Alex didn't want to lose the evidence. He turned on the recorder. Record all their conversations.“Ah, so boss is leaving everything to us? I think the boss wants to kill this child with his own hands," said one of them. His friend shook his head.“No. He just didn't want to get involved. Boss just said that we should video this child killing process. After that, we send it to him. He said he had to have some doc
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Who Is The Real Mastermind?
Adrian finally arrived at the headquarters that Alex meant. He immediately went inside. Nothing stopped him because they exactly knowing who Russell is.“Alex, where is he?” Adrian asked the security guard. The security guard told Adrian where Alex was. Adrian thanked him and rushed over to Alex’s place.There were lots of people there. They all gave Russell a warm and respectful greeting. Adrian replied that shortly.Adrian glanced around. There, he could see Alex, the man is with someone. Baylor. Russell’s daughter finally became aware of the anesthetic effect given by the evil staff.Adrian’s gaze met Baylor’s. For a few seconds, Baylor just stared without saying anything. But when Adrian got really close, Baylor immediately smiled and got off the single sofa and ran while calling her daddy.“DADDYYYYY!!!” Baylor shouted. Adrian was very surprised when Baylor did that. Baylor immediately hugged his legs.“I miss you, Daddy,” Baylor said while rubbing her chubby cheeks at Adrian’s f
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Sweet Night
"Daddy?" call Baylor. As usual, the quintuplets are sleeping in Adrian and Lunatte's room now. Lunatte, who was sitting in front of her dressing table, glanced at her husband and children. 'They look cuter than usual,' Lunatte commented to herself. Her heart warmed seeing that. It's been a week since Baylor was kidnapped. There was no news at all about the kidnapping because Adrian had asked for this to be kept secret.'Hopefully it will always be like this,' was the wish Lunatte had for her family. "Yes, Baylor?" Because it's been long enough to live with them. Adrian had started to be able to tell them by nane. He knew which were Adeline, Baylor, Cerys, Delilah, and Emery. Each of them has characteristics that make them look kinda different."Daddy, may I hug you?" Adrian chuckled a little. "Of course. You don't need permission, princess. You can just hug me,” said Adrian while stroking the top of Baylor's head. There is a feeling of exasperation to hear the command. But then, Ad
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