All Chapters of The Genius Quintuplets For The Ruthless Billionaire: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
165 Chapters
How Do I Explain It?
Lunatte blinked her eyes. When she looked around the bed, there was only her and her husband. There are no the quintuplets between her and her husband."Where are they?" Lunatte wakes up from her bed and intends to look around the house for the quintuplets. Lunatte who was almost standing up, her body had to be restrained when a strong hand hugged her waist. "Russell?" Lunatte turned to Russell but found that the man was still asleep. Surely her husband must be thinking she was the child. Slowly, Lunatte removed her husband's sturdy hands. Unfortunately, Lunatte's actions just now woke her husband up. Adrian looked confused as he looked around. It didn't take long for Adrian to realize that it was already morning. Adrian yawned accompanied by body movements that sat down like Lunatte."Morning, Honey," Lunatte greeted. There was a bright smile on his face and it was enough to make Adrian's lips curl upwards as well. "Sorry, I woke you up.""No problem, it's okay, Honey." Adrian nodd
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How Did It Go?
"Daddy, I want to be carried too!" Adeline exclaimed, she saw Cerys who had just been carried and thrown up and then caught by Adrian again.Adrian dropped Cerys from his arms. Now replace holding Adeline and do the same thing. Baylor, Emery, and Delilah had just come out of their bedroom when they heard screams of laughter from the living room. The three of them immediately ran there and saw the excitement Adrian and his twins were having."Daddy! I want it, too!" Emery made an angry face while crossing her arms in front of her chest and that made Adrian laugh."Your turn later." Adrian tries to calm the anger of his kids.Emery, who pretended to be angry, couldn't take it anymore when Adrian took Adeline down from his arms and tickled her waist. Emery burst out laughing at the sudden attack from Adrian."You really have the heart to see me tickled Daddy." Emery protested a bit because her four twins even laughed out loud seeing her being overwhelmed by attacks from Adrian.Baylor ga
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I Can't Do It
"I have to call Adrian. I want to convince him that he can't betray me. I have to warn him." Aniya got up, she took her cell phone which was lying on the table.Aniya tries to call Adrian, but her phone is not answered. Over and over again, Aniya tries and unfortunately, Adrian hasn't received any calls from her yet. Knowing her calls were being ignored, Aniya got even more irritated. She really wanted to catch up with Adrian and tell her everything, but Aniya still held back so that all her plans would not fall apart."Where exactly is Adrian?" Aniya stared at her own cellphone screen, hoping Adrian would call her back. But unfortunately, there was no call from Adrian to make Aniya contact him again.Elsewhere, Adrian was driving his car. Adrian has just returned from the cafe where he met Mia. Adrian actually saw Aniya calling him earlier, but he had no intention of answering her calls. For a moment, Adrian was relieved that Aniya stopped calling him but before long, his phone was b
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Imagine It, Adrian
Adrian disconnects his phone from Aniya unilaterally. But it wouldn't be Aniya if she didn't get terror. Aniya kept calling Adrian non-stop. Adrian took a deep breath because of Aniya's distraction. Not long after, Adrian received a message from Aniya."Take the call from me now, or I'll follow you there right away." Adrian read Aniya's message, he sighed and couldn't help Adrian looking for another way."What else does she want to talk about? Isn't it obvious that I get Lunatte and she gets what she wants without taking a life?" Adrian sighed softly, not understanding Aniya's current train of thought which was too complicated to be dived into.Adrian went to the hotel, looking for a quiet place where he was alone but where he could maintain his privacy. Of course, all of this Adrian did because he had to and did not want to be found out. Arriving at the hotel, Adrian gave the news to Aniya and not long after, Aniya called Adrian again. Even now Aniya makes video calls. Adrian again a
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I Don't Have Much Time!
Sour face, bent crumpled. The woman folded her arms across her chest. Her long legs stepped closer to the man who was staring out the window. "What is it?” The man turned his head, smiling slightly. “Is there a problem?” "I need you, Russell." The woman ran and bumped into the body of the man in front of her. "I need a warm hug from you." Manthe owner of the name Russell Houston looked not so happy behind his smile. The look in his eyes couldn't lie. Hands hovering near the top of the woman's head, refusing to engage in meaningless touching. "What do you need?" Russell asked, grabbing the woman's waist. "I need you, Russell. All about you," she replied. "My heart is now uneasy, I don't know why. It changes when I'm with you." Russell raised his eyebrows. "Is it really like that? I'm the one you need now?" Aniya nodded slowly. "I really need you. Do I look like a liar to you, Russell? Do I look unconvin
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Russell's Plans
"I have to succeed in one try. Because if I fail, I'm not sure that Aniya will give me this kind of freedom again." Russell reminded himself that everything would go smoothly. "I can't stay here forever either. I won't let Adrian take what was mine in the first place." Russell is determined to uncover all of Adrian's lies planned with Aniya. "Even though Adrian is my own brother, I won't be willing to see Lunatte and the quintuplets living with Adrian and thinking that Adrian is their Daddy." Russell's head nodded several times. He was very sure, this plan was very ripe. Evening came. As usual, there will be a maid who will bring a dinner menu for Russell into the room. Russell was getting ready in bed but he also acted normal as if nothing would happen. "Call us if there's anything in there." One of the bodyguards ordered. "You don't need to worry, we have often delivered food to his room and nothing happened," replied one of the maids too but Russell didn't know which one. Two
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After locking the walk-in closet door, Russell lay down on the bed. Sweat dripped all over his body, wetting all his clothes. Tired, of course, struck. Russell closed his eyes for a while until finally Russell now saw the alarm clock on the table. It's still half past nine in the evening and the time to dawn is still far away. Russell won't run away now because Aniya's mansion is very well guarded. The man deliberately waited until dawn. The time when the guards were starting to let their guard down because they were tired or sleepy. Not infrequently, some fall asleep where they stand guard. "I better rest for a bit. I still have to use my strength to escape from here. I can't be weak in the slightest." Russell now prefers to sleep first. He also set an alarm so he can wake up in the right time. His plan cannot fail!While Russell was sleeping on the bed, the two bodyguards and the two maids who were locked up in the walk-in closet earlier tried to escape. But their efforts failed. Ru
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Alex, I need Your Help!
Russell manages to get out of Aniya's mansion. He would contact his friend to help him return to his home country. With quick steps, Russell walked away from the mansion area. At the same time, Russell saw a taxi passing by. Russell quickly stopped him and asked the taxi driver to take him to his destination. Now, the sun has begun to appear on the eastern horizon. Russell was sure, there must have been a lot of shops open. After all, it's a big city and it has twenty-four-hour life. Likewise with the shopping center. Of course, Russell didn't have to worry about the remaining time. Because maybe, soon Aniya's mansion will be crowded with news about his escape from there and surely Aniya will give orders to all the bodyguards to search all the places that Russell might visit. Russell deliberately asked the taxi driver to go to a shopping area that was quite far from Aniya's mansion so he could buy himself a little more time. When Russell arrived at the shopping center, he immediatel
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It's The Time
Until now, Aniya has not received news of Russell's departure from the mansion. It makes her feel calm. Aniya also doesn't want to waste her time. She must kill the quintuplets immediately. Even though it was already night, Aniya was not daunted. For her... whether night or day, it is not an important thing. Most importantly, she could fulfill her wish to kill the quintuplets. And Adrian already knows that Aniya in this country. Adrian already thought that Aniya would do this. But he didn't think that Aniya would do it this very fast. Just yesterday he said that he failed and did not want to kill the quintuplets, now Aniya has arrived where he is. Aniya had deliberately invited Adrian to meet in a quiet place. Adrian complied, although there was a little fear in him. As a man, Adrian must still face everything. What's more, Adrian promised he would protect Lunatte and the quintuplets from now on. A promise that Adrian made without any element of coercion and Adrian made it conscious.
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So... All Of This Time?
After a long journey, the car carrying Lunatte's and the others had almost arrived at the place where Adrian might actually be. Lunatte's view could not be separated from her surroundings which were filled with forests and shrubs. ‘Russell where did he go? Why did he pass on a street that is rarely traveled by local residents like this?’ Lunatte grumbled inside for fear that something would happen to Russell that she could not see his face. They were afraid to go there because on the right and left there was nothing but dense forest. What's more, Lunatte didn't know where her husband was going. Why do they have to go through a narrow and very suspicious road? "Mommy, shouldn't we just go home? So far, we haven't found Daddy or his car either." Baylor advises Lunatte not to waste time looking for Adrian. Lunatte thought quickly, thinking about what decision she should make right away. What Baylor said is true. They didn't know what would happen if they continued on their aimless jou
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