All Chapters of An Understated Dominance: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
2264 Chapters
Chapter 141
"Who is it?" The sudden explosion caught everyone by surprise. Initially, they thought someone had committed suicide by jumping off the building. However, after a good look, they realized the figure who had jumped off the building was still standing tall. In his hand, he was holding a black umbrella as he stood in the rain, giving off an overwhelming andmysterious aura. "Mr. Rhys! This man's dangerous, run for your life!" Stephan screamed his lungs out. Now that the White Dragon guild was here, why did he join the fray instead of escaping? Was he looking for death?"Punk, are you that Dustin guy?" Dracor sized Dustin up, noting his thin and frail build. "Yes, it's me," Dustin replied."You got some guts for not running away from the sight of me, punk!" Dracor smirked. "Why should I run? I was waiting for you," Dustin said nonchalantly. "Really?" Dracor raised his eyebrows. "Interesting. It's been a long time since I have last seen an arrogant punk like you.""Mr. Rh
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Chapter 142
"Let me go…" Dracor flailed helplessly, his face red as he gasped for air. At that moment, not only was he bewildered by the sudden twist of events, but he was also filled with dread! He thought that he was a big fish in a small pond like Swinton. Who knew that he would end up sparring against a divine-level martial artist here? A divine-level martial artist in his twenties? It was unheard of in all of South City. How could such an invincible fighter appear in Swinton? "Fuck, this punk is incredible! Even our guild master was defeated by him!" The disciples of the White Dragon guild whispered among themselves in disbelief. Seeing as their leader had been defeated, some of them slipped away as fast as they could. "Dracor, seems like your disciples aren’t as loyal to you as you thought." Dustin smirked. "Who—Who the hell are you?" Dracor gritted his teeth as his veins popped from the pressure. He didn’t have the energy to struggle any further. "That’s not important right
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Chapter 143
In an office of the Hummers Hospital, Edwin was resting with his eyes closed on a chair. Suddenly, a knock was heard. "Come in." Edwin opened his eyes and saw Fletcher walk in with a grave expression. "What’s wrong?" Edwin asked, worried. "Sir Hummer, we received news last night that Dracor was severely injured," Fletcher reported. "What? Dracor was beaten up? Who was the perpetrator?" Edwin’s face twitched. "It was Dustin!" "Dustin again? How could that punk have such overwhelming powers?" Edwin frowned. Dracor was his right-hand man. Being the best martial artist in Swinton, no one could withstand his attacks. Merely the mention of his name was enough to strike fear into the hearts of his opponents. Usually, Dracor could easily unravel any sticky situation that Edwin had assigned him to. How could such a capable fighter like him fall into Dustin’s hands?It was incomprehensible! "Sir Hummer, Dustin told Dracor to send you a message," Fletcher continued hesitantly
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Chapter 144
"What do you mean it can't be cured?" Edwin repeated. "Are you telling me that only that Rhys punk can cure my daughter’s sickness?" He furrowed his brows as the color drained from his face. "You certainly need the right person for the right job, so we’ll have to track him down no matter what it takes." The doctor confirmed."I can’t believe this bastard! How dare he use such underhanded tactics!" Edwin growled through gritted teeth as his eyes flashed with anger."What should we do now, Sir Hummer?" Fletcher asked.They had failed to bribe Natasha, and Dracor was now in critical condition from getting beaten up. It seemed like both civilized and uncivilized methods had failed to work. Dustin seemed to be a thorn in their side lately.But most importantly, Tina’s life was literally in that man’s hands. So, even if they had any countermeasures up their sleeves, they were still afraid of making the first move. After remaining silent for a while, Edwin finally decided. "Call
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Chapter 145
"That's enough! Now’s not the time to point fingers. Since we’re in a tight situation now, what everyone needs to do is help one another out and ride out the storm together, not grab each other by the throat!" Old Mr. Nicholson yelled after witnessing Florence’s burst of rage. "Easy for you to say. This is the Hummer’s ban we're talking about. Who knows, all of us might go bankrupt in a couple of days and no longer have a place to call home in Swinton anymore!" Florence snapped in fury. "That's right! If it wasn’t for Dustin, who kept stirring up trouble and dragging us down with him, how could the Nicholsons even have ended up in this situation today?" James spoke, and the rest agreed with him. "What’s going on, Dustin? I believe that you can enlighten all of us here?" Dahlia suddenly piped up. She was giving him a chance to explain himself properly. "Tina was unruly and unreasonable, which is why I decided to put her in her place," Dustin replied bluntly."See, everyone hea
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Chapter 146
"Huh?!" James’ jaw dropped to the floor looking at the representatives from the Hummer family kneeling toward him.Everyone’s eyes were as big as saucers as they stared in disbelief. Who would’ve thought that the high and mighty Hummer family would ever kneel toward them in their lives? Were these mega-bigshots ever this humble before? What was wrong with them today? Were they sick or something?"What's happening? Didn't the Hummers come to retaliate? Why are they all kneeling?" "What are the Hummers doing? This isn’t some kind of reverse psychology tactic, right?""Something’s fishy here. I think this is part of their plan!" As the Nicholsons continued to stare at the Hummers who were kneeling in front of them, not only were they not the least bit happy about this, but this even frightened them tremendously.Some of their legs even gave out as time passed. That was because the scene in front of them was too overwhelming for them to handle.To think that a mega bigshot wou
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Chapter 147
When Tina and her entourage left the scene, the Nicholsons still felt like they were in a daze. They were still reeling at the fact that the high and mighty young lady of the Hummer family had not only pardoned their wrongdoings but was also the first to humble herself and apologize to them in person after getting her ass whooped. It was truly unfathomable!"What's wrong with the Hummers today? Who knew that they could even be this humble?" "I know, right? If I hadn't pinched myself, I would have thought I was dreaming!" "Could it be that Ms. Hummer genuinely realized her mistakes, and that's why she came over to apologize in person?""Nonsense! You overestimate how righteous the Hummer family can be!" The Nicholsons erupted into a flurry of discussion, and it seemed like it wasn’t about to die down soon."This can’t be Dustin’s doing, right?" Julie asked herself with a suspicious look; she felt uneasy on the inside. Ever since last night's beating session, Dustin had di
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Chapter 148
"What, me?" When all eyes fell on her, Julie couldn’t help but be stunned and speechless for a while.She was just here for the show, so why did she get implicated in this whole mess when she was just another person in the crowd?"Tell us everything you saw, and don't try to hide anything, Julie. I want to see how this punk can still argue his way out of this!" Florence ordered as she crossed her arms. "Yeah, Julie. Just tell us everything that’s on your mind. We must expose this punk for all his lies!" The Nicholsons spoke out in agreement."Um—" But before Julie could say anything, she stopped herself. Her response made the people in the crowd feel like she’d be a loose cannon. This was especially true for Matt, as he stood there with his heart pounding out of his chest while his forehead broke out in a cold sweat. He’d already been scared shitless when Dustin spoke out the truth just now, so if Julie also knew something and exposed him for being the one who lied instead,
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Chapter 149
"Slap!" A crisp noise sounded as Dahlia’s hand landed heavily on Dustin Rhy’s face.Due to the excessive force she applied behind the slap, the wounds on her hand that had just healed got torn open again, causing a stream of fresh blood to flow down her fingers.Dustin touched the side of his face that burned from the slap and merely stood right where he was with a neutral expression on his face. He could take all the misunderstandings and contempt from other people, but he refused to accept the fact that his ex-wife had just slapped him on behalf of another man."Why? Why do you insist on being this way?" Dahlia said through gritted teeth as her eyes filled with tears and immense disappointment overtook her.She couldn’t understand for the life of her why Dustin had become the person he was today. He was close-minded, full of jealousy, and a gossipmonger; he was even repaying kindness with evil now.All kinds of bad attributes were concentrated in the body of this man. She want
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Chapter 150
After staggering back to her ward, Dahlia felt as if her soul had left her body. She had a dead expression on her face, and her eyes were dull. She didn't realize that her bandaged hand was still dripping with blood. She remembered Dustin's disappointed gaze on her before he left, and it felt like a knife that kept stabbing at her heart. She knew that the two of them had grown further and further apart.In the past, she had always been career-oriented, as she was determined to carve her own path, which is why she ignored and sacrificed many things along the way. However, since the day of their divorce, she slowly started to realize something. It turns out that there are things in life that were more important than one’s career. However, it was a shame that she only realized this now. "Honey, I just heard that—" Florence said as she burst into the room upon seeing Dahlia enter inside moments before. "I just heard that it was that Rhys kid who was the one who laid hands on Ms
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