All Chapters of An Understated Dominance: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
2264 Chapters
Chapter 151
Back at the Peaceful Medical Center, Dustin downed glass after glass of wine without stopping, trying to numb himself with alcohol. Although he was expressionless, inwardly he couldn’t help feeling frustrated. Maybe he should finally let go of his past relationship and move on. "Doctor! Doctor!" Just as Dustin felt a little tipsy, a hurried knock was heard at the door. When he opened the doors, two beautiful young women were standing outside. One of them was dressed completely in white and looked like an angel from heaven. The aura she gave off was pure and innocent. The other woman was fully dressed in a black bodysuit that showed off her curves. She had prominent features that made her appear tough and masculine. However, she was bleeding profusely from the injury on her abdomen. Her face was drawn and pale from excessive blood loss. "Excuse me, is the doctor in? My friend is severely injured and needs immediate treatment!" The woman in white said in distress. "I am t
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Chapter 152
A resounding crash was heard as the doors to the center were busted open. Without hesitation, seven masked assassins swarmed into the center. "Shit! They caught up to us!" Claudia cursed. They were ambushed by these assassins, who wiped out their team of bodyguards. Only Claudia and Sheila managed to break through the siege and escape. Claudia thought that they had shaken off the pursuit. Unfortunately, the assassins were relentless. "Sheila, I’ll hold them back. You have to escape through the back door!" Claudia whispered. "If I escape, you will definitely be killed. I am their target, so they will not hurt me. I’ll let them take me as a hostage." Sheila’s face was pale. "Sheila! As your personal bodyguard, my duty is to ensure your safety. Listen to me!" Claudia stood in front of Sheila resolutely, protecting her. "There’s no need to argue. We will be taking the both of you!" A bald man laughed evilly as he walked in. Unlike the other assassins, this man wasn’t mask
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Chapter 153
After catching his breath, Thor wheezed. "Punk, you have some guts! It’s been a long time since I last saw a reckless fellow like you!" "Shut up and pay up already!" Dustin demanded impatiently. His mood was already ruined. These men needed to be taught a lesson for creating a mess on his property. "You really have a death wish! Boys, break his limbs! Let’s see whether he dares to talk back after this!" Thor smirked and gestured to his men."Yes, boss!" Without a second thought, the assassins swung their weapons at Dustin, with the intent to harm him. "Hey! You said you would let him go!" Sheila shrieked. "Ms. Murray, I did agree to not kill him. However, he seems to be dissatisfied with us. It would be rude to not teach him a lesson!" Thor had a cunning smile on his face. Suddenly, they were interrupted by the cries of pain from the assassins. Before the assassins could rush up to Dustin, they fell over one by one, as if they had been struck by lightning. All of the ass
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Chapter 154
"Venomous curses? How could you be certain? Are you familiar with curses?" Claudia asked, puzzled. "I know a little." Dustin nodded. "Only shady, wicked characters would learn the art of venomous curses. As expected, you are not a good person! Speak up, who are you?" Claudia lifted the sword and pointed it at Dustin. "Claudia! What are you doing? He is our savior!" Sheila quickly stood in front of Dustin to protect him. "Sheila, get out of the way. This man is being suspicious. I must investigate him thoroughly." Claudia’s eyes glittered. "Before you investigate me, I recommend that you get your head checked." Dustin rubbed his temples. "Don’t you know that curses can be used to heal? Of course, many nefarious villains use curses for their own benefit. However, not everyone is as bad as you imagine. It depends on the user’s character. Besides, the martial arts families aren’t as innocent as you make them out to be. Crimes such as pillaging, corruption, and rape are rampan
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Chapter 155
The next morning, Dustin was awakened by someone knocking on his door. He opened the door to see Hunter at his door."Mr. Anderson, what brings you here so early in the morning?" Dustin yawned."Good news, Mr. Rhys!" Hunter exclaimed with excitement. "The rare herb that you’re looking for, the Gozoraberry, I know where we can find it!""Gozoraberry? Are you sure?" Dustin’s interest was piqued. The Gozoraberry was rare and hard to come by. As with all other rare herbs, it was invaluable. If he could get his hands on the Gozoraberry, then he would only need three more precious herbs to make the Longevitum!"Of course, I’m sure! The Gozoraberry used to be a treasure from Stoneray Valley, but recently, someone bought it at an exorbitant price. And that person happens to be staying at Fallridge Haven!" Hunter nodded. "Oh? Who is it?" Dustin raised a brow."It’s Caden Murray!" Hunter said."Caden Murray? What does he need the Gozoraberry for?" Dustin’s eyes narrowed. He had never met Caden
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Chapter 156
"What? How did this happen?" Caden’s expression clouded over as he leaped up instantly."I—I don’t know! I found her out cold when I went to wake her up this morning." The maid was in an anxious mess.Before she could finish her sentence, Caden and Lily had already bolted out the door and rushed to their daughter’s room. However, the sight that greeted them when they entered frightened them.Sheila laid unmoving on the Sunburst emerald bed, which originally radiated heat off its surface, but was then covered in a thin sheet of ice.Her face was completely devoid of any color whatsoever, her limbs were cold and rigid, and there was frost building up on her brows and hair. There were even wisps of white mist coming off her body.At first glance, she looked like she had just been brought out of an ice cave of some sort."Sheila!" Lily panicked and threw herself on her daughter, rubbing her arms and breathing warm air on her in an attempt to warm her up."This is bad!" Caden’s expression w
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Chapter 157
After getting to know the whole situation, Claudia was not the only one who was surprised. Even Lily was astounded too.Had she known Dustin’s identity, she would not have let Caden drive him away so easily. After all, he had helped her daughter!"It’s fortunate that nothing serious happened. Had we thrown the pill away, Sheila would have been in grave danger!" Lily shuddered to think of what could have happened.She considered herself lucky that she still had the pill with her, or the consequences would have been unimaginable."Sheila is safe for the time being, but the coldness within her has yet to be completely eliminated."After checking on Sheila, Caden ordered, "Claudia, go to the medical center and get Dustin here.""But Uncle Caden, you don’t really believe that the fellow can cure Sheila, do you?" Claudia’s expression was one of disbelief. She had a preconceived notion that Dustin wasn’t a trustworthy person."I’d just like to see what treatment plans he has to propose," Cade
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Chapter 158
"Stop whatever you’re doing!" The voice bellowed.Xavier Horst strode in imposingly and shouted, "Uncle Caden, we do not know this man! We cannot let him put Sheila’s life at risk!""I understand that you’re worried for Sheila, Xavier. But we do not have any better alternatives now. He is our only hope." Caden shook his head."Who says we have not got any better alternatives? See who I brought!" Xavier gestured dramatically and directed everyone’s attention to the entrance.In came a podgy old man dressed in a loose green robe. He made his way in confidently."Dr. Shane?" There was an instant uproar when everyone caught sight of him.The doctors’ seemed to have transformed into eager fanboys who met their idols. Their level of excitement was off the charts. This was, after all, the world-renowned miracle healer, Dr. Malcolm Shane!His expertise in acupuncture was one of a kind, and all these experts and professors were considered nothing compared to him."Dr. Shane?" Caden and the res
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Chapter 159
The doctors gathered around to reprimand Dustin."Young man, may I know from whom you learned your skills? How dare you brag in front of everyone?" Malcolm gave him a once over, obviously displeased.In all the years he practiced his medical skills, he had never once been doubted. Much less by a rascal who was still wet behind the ears!"Hah! You overestimate yourself! How dare you put on airs in front of Dr. Shane? You’re really asking for it!" Xavier said in a hostile manner."Young man, I do not know where you got the confidence to doubt Dr. Shane, but I would like you to please leave now. Do not disrupt him from saving my daughter!" Caden spoke sternly with an annoyed expression. How dare this fellow tried to take advantage of his benevolence?"There’s no need to drive him out. Let him stay and watch. Since he doubts my skills, I’ll show him what I’m capable of!" Malcolm stood with his hands behind his back. "As expected of Dr. Shane! He carries himself with such dignity and confi
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Chapter 160
"What?"Everyone turned to look.Sure enough, they found her just as Lily said. Sheila, whose condition seemed to have improved a while ago, now looked much paler than before, and more frost had formed on her brows and hair.From the way things looked, not only had her condition not improved, it even worsened."Dr. Shane, whatever is going on?" Caden’s brows knitted together tightly, his expression stern."This is most peculiar. Technically speaking, she should be fine after the coldness has been expelled." Malcolm found Sheila’s condition very strange. She had been fine just a while ago; how did her condition worsen in just the blink of an eye?"What do we do now, Dr. Shane?" Caden questioned persistently."Don’t be anxious. Let me give it another try." Malcolm didn’t give up just yet. He used the same technique to rid Sheila of the coldness within her.But the results were the same. In just under three minutes, Sheila’s condition went back to square one. It was as though the coldness
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