All Chapters of An Understated Dominance: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
2266 Chapters
Chapter 171
At the Hummer family’s press conference, the once bustling hall began to slowly empty out.Initially, everyone was talking about Eternumax, but gradually the conversation switched to another topic. "Hey, have you heard? The Harmon family also held a press conference to launch their product, Immortunol. They partnered up with Mr. Shane, and its effects are incredible! It’s said to be the best supplement ever developed!" "Is it true? Can it compare to Eternumax?""Eternumax is garbage compared to Immortunol! To tell you the truth, my friend's great-aunt just ate one pill of Immortunol, and she jumped out of her wheelchair!""Are you exaggerating?""Don't believe me? Let’s go and see for yourself!"As news of Immortunoll spread, more and more people left to gather at the Harmon family’s press conference. In contrast, the number of people at the Hummer family’s conference dwindled. Gradually, Edwin finally realized that something was wrong."Butler, what's going on? Why did the n
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Chapter 172
Meanwhile, the atmosphere at the Harmon family’s press conference became increasingly lively. Just when Natasha thought that everything was going smoothly, a scream suddenly rang out from the crowd.Everyone turned to look. An old man had suddenly collapsed to the ground, convulsing and foaming at the mouth. Within moments, he was unconscious."Dad! What's wrong with you? Please get up!" Cried a middle-aged man next to him, panic-stricken."I'm a doctor, let me take a look!" A bald man quickly stepped forward to check the old man's breathing and pulse. With a sigh, he shook his head. "He's already dead.""Dead?" Everyone was shocked by the news."How could this happen? He seemed perfectly fine just a moment ago.""Who knows? He looked energetic; it's so strange that he died suddenly.""Could it be a heart attack?"Whispers and murmurs of suspicion filled the air."It can't be! My dad couldn't have died! We made sure he had regular checkups, and he was always healthy!" The mi
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Chapter 173
"Ask the old man?" Quentin first looked stunned, then his face darkened."Punk! Do you think I'm an idiot? The old man is already dead; how could you ask him anything?""He may be dead, but his body is still warm. Coincidentally, I have a way to bring the dead back to life." Dustin smiled faintly."Nonsense! Do you think you're a god? Bring the dead back to life? Why don't you say you know how to fly?" Quentin sneered."Who is this young man? How dare he speak so arrogantly?""Yeah! Even Dr. Shane wouldn’t dare say that he could bring the dead back to life. This kid is really too conceited!" "In my opinion, he just wants to show off in front of Ms. Harmon and impress her."In response to Dustin's words, the people around him were filled with scorn.The old man was already dead, how could he bring a dead person back to life? Wasn’t he spouting nonsense? "Whether it's nonsense or not, we'll find out soon enough." Dustin didn't explain further and walked up to the old man."He
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Chapter 174
When the old man suddenly sat up, all the guests were startled. Some of the women screamed frantically, losing their composure."It’s a zombie!"Shocked to the core, the crowd scattered in all directions. No one expected that the motionless corpse would suddenly spring to life.It was such a terrifying moment! "Dad? Y—you're not dead?" The middle-aged man pretended to be shocked."Yes, I'm not dead." The old man gave a forced smile. His voice was slurred as his dentures were knocked out. Combined with his swollen cheeks, the old man was a comical sight. "Oh my god! This young man could even revive the dead! How could this be?" "No words could express my amazement right now!""What a strange way to treat people! Are medical techniques nowadays getting more straightforward?" Staring at the old man, who was obviously alive and kicking, there was pandemonium in the hall. Some of the onlookers were shocked, and some were curious."Hey, I saved your father's life! Is it to
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Chapter 175
After a stormy event, the Harmon family’s press conference ended successfully. On the other hand, the influential Hummer family’s press conference ended in dismal failure. The emergence of Immortunol dealt a huge blow to the sales of Eternumax. Compared to another medicine with better efficacy and a cheaper price, Eternumax was regarded as garbage.The Hummer family’s Eternumax couldn't be sold at all. In the end, they were stuck with piles of rotting inventory. The meticulous game planned by Edwin was a complete failure. Although this disaster was unable to weaken the Hummer family’s foundation, it still caused them heavy losses. After the press conference, Dustin was about to say goodbye when he was stopped by Ruth at the door. "Dustin, I need a favor from you." "What is it?" Dustin asked suspiciously. "I'm going to a reunion with some of my classmates later, can you come with me and be my bodyguard?" Ruth was very straightforward. "The Harmon family has so many bodyg
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Chapter 176
"Ruth, when did you get a boyfriend? Why wasn’t I informed?" Nigel's face turned ugly as he stared at Dustin with hostility. "Do I need to report to you when I have a boyfriend? You really think too highly of yourself." Ruth rolled her eyes. She had already rejected Nigel multiple times, but he just wouldn't give up and continued to pester her."I'm just worried that you might be deceived. There are a lot of con artists these days who use their good looks to cheat people out of their wealth," Nigel said in a mocking tone."That's not true! Dustin is not a con man!" Sheila quickly defended him. When everyone fixed their gazes on her, Sheila realized that she had spoken out of turn and immediately shut her mouth."Ms. Murray, what's with the sachet on your neck?" Dustin suddenly noticed something unusual."Is there a problem?" Sheila picked up the sachet and examined it."Throw it away. It's a little suspicious." Dustin shook his head."Hey, what do you mean? This aromatic sach
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Chapter 177
"You attacked out of turn!" Nigel held his bleeding nose and scowled at the assassins' leader.Damn it, he didn't even have a chance to show off in front of Ruth! Where were his manners!"It’s your fault for getting distracted in battle! Are you tired of living?" The leader sneered."Scumbag, you are getting on my nerves! I'll give you one last chance to kneel and beg for mercy, otherwise, I will roundhouse kick you in the arse!" Nigel glared at him viciously. As he threatened, Nigel leaped into the air and did a somersault, looking quite impressive. "Arrogant fool!" The assassins' leader’s eyes were cold as he and his remaining men rushed toward Nigel at once. "Be careful, Mr. Lincoln!" The girls exclaimed in shock."Don’t overestimate yourself!" Nigel roared fearlessly as he took a step back to perform his special move. He spun around like a spinning top, attacking the assassins ferociously. His kicks were merciless and deadly; anyone who got close to Nigel was knocked
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Chapter 178
There was pin-drop silence in the private room. At a loss for words, everyone was aghast at what had happened. No one expected the twist of events. Just a minute ago, Nigel was their hero, flaunting his strength and skills, but now he was lying helplessly on the ground like a dead dog. How could this bald guy be so powerful? "H—how dare you hurt me? Do you know who I am? I'm Nigel Lin…""Shut the hell up!" With a crack, the bald man stepped on Nigel’s leg and broke it. Nigel wailed in pain, with cold sweat appearing on his forehead. "If you’ve got the nerve, tell me your names!" Nigel gritted his teeth, his eyes flashing with rage."Listen up! My name is Brent Garcia, and this is my brother, Wade Garcia!" The bald man in green announced loudly."Brent Garcia, Wade Garcia? Could it be...are you guys the Four Scoundrels?" Nigel's pupils shrank in fear."The Four Scoundrels!" Everyone was shocked at the revelation. The Four Scoundrels was a notorious group of merciless a
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Chapter 179
"H—how was this possible?!" Nigel gasped, his mouth wide and his face full of disbelief.He finally witnessed how formidable the Four Scoundrels were in person. Either one of them could quickly snuff him out.It was perhaps fate that an expert like himself had been crippled by a doctor they looked down upon.Such a thing was practically unheard of!"How is this guy so powerful?" Claudia's eyes widened in shock and bewilderment.Initially, she had assumed that Dustin was an unsavory character who only knew how to resort to using dirty tricks up his sleeve, so she hadn’t expected him to be so skilled in martial arts.He was miles better than her!He wielded such strength at such a young age, too. She was frozen on the spot once the revelation hit her that she was no longer a goddess among men."Dustin’s way too cool!" Sheila cheered as her eyes sparkled.After exchanging glances with one another, the rest of the girls also started looking at him in a different light. Not used
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Chapter 180
Everyone in the room was flabbergasted as they stared at Xavier, who’d been mercilessly battered and bruised.No one had expected Dustin to be so bold as to slap Xavier. Everyone knew that the Horst family was among the five most powerful families in the Southern province. They were the top of the top! They were essentially untouchable!As an immediate heir, he was the rising star of the Horst family.So, no matter where he went, he’d have the stars laid out at his feet.No one had ever dared to humiliate him in public like this, much less slap him like a maniac so many times.Was this guy batshit crazy?"Y—you dare hit me?" Xavier asked rhetorically. The corners of his eyes started twitching as he tried to put on a fierce expression."I'm not just going to beat you, I'm going to make sure you can never use your hands ever again!" Dustin snorted and proceeded to stomp on his wrist, breaking it."Argh!" Xavier wailed in pain as he broke out in a cold sweat, his expression twis
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