All Chapters of An Understated Dominance: Chapter 2061 - Chapter 2070
2266 Chapters
Chapter 2061
Given Glenn's exceptional track record, who would underestimate the Sword Union's disciples? So, when Miles courageously volunteered for the challenge, most people were confident."Miles, listen up! Be cautious, and don't make any hasty moves!" Crystal frowned with concern.This time, she took Miles and Ruby along to gain experience and see what talents Dragonmarsh had produced in recent years. As for attention-grabbing situations like this, Crystal personally didn't like them.As a Sword Union disciple, it was essential to focus on improving sword skills and character. Crystal knew that if they cared too much about getting famous quickly, they wouldn't get very far.Competition in the Sword Union was tough, and they didn't keep members who weren't useful. Failing the yearly assessment meant getting kicked out of the guild.Those who thought joining the Sword Union guaranteed a carefree life ended up as abandoned disciples."Crystal! I've got the arrow ready, and I gotta let it
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Chapter 2062
"Damn! This brat is so full of himself, completely disrespecting the Sword Union disciple!""Son of a bitch! Blabbering away without even throwing a punch. Let's see how he handles it when he loses!""I can't take it anymore! Get me my sword!"Marco's arrogance and disrespect angered many, especially Miles, whose expression instantly turned dark. Being a Sword Union disciple meant the world to him, and usually, he earned respect wherever he went. Now, Marco had publicly embarrassed him and Miles couldn't bear it any longer.Miles declared aggressively, "Brat! I don't care who you think you are. Here, you play by my rules, whether you stand strong or surrender like a defeated warrior!"He added, "How dare you challenge us near the Sacred Wyrm Summit? Today, I'm going to teach you a lesson myself. You'll find out there's always someone stronger!"With that, he pulled out his sword, pointing it straight at Marco. His clothes rustled without wind, giving him a commanding and extrao
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Chapter 2063
With a scornful look, Ruby retorted, "Hmph! Your feeble words suggest a lack of strength. Is that why you talk like that?"She added, "What's so great about that brat? Is he deserving of your admiration? I doubt Miles would lose to him!""You'll see as it unfolds." Dustin didn't bother explaining or arguing further. After all, it was all about raw strength in these stage duels. The stronger one would win."Hmph! Once Miles takes down that brat, let's see how you defend him!" Ruby exclaimed, frustrated.In a moment like this, everyone should be cheering for Miles, but Dustin not only showed no support but also made sarcastic remarks. It was truly infuriating."Look! They've started!" Dalen's words instantly grabbed everyone's attention.At that moment, Miles had already charged at Marco with his sword. With a flick of his wrist, his sword trembled, creating two blossoming flowers—one on the left and one on the right—thrusting toward Marco's arms.Marco's face remained blank as
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Chapter 2064
"W-What?" Everyone was confused, staring at the unconscious Miles. Their eyes widened in shock because nobody expected this to happen.With just one swift slash, Marco sent Miles flying.Wasn't this too much? Just moments ago, Miles seemed to have the advantage. How did everything change so quickly? What had happened?"Did I... did I really see that? A Sword Union disciple taken down in just one move?""How is that even possible? Aren't Sword Union disciples supposed to be elites? How come they couldn't defend against a single attack?""No way! That brat can't be that strong!"After a short silence, chaos erupted throughout the entire scene.Initially, when Miles challenged Marco, everyone thought victory was assured. There were cheers and shouts of encouragement. However, the outcome was disappointing beyond imagination.The Sword Union disciple, who was highly anticipated, couldn't match up to Marco. It was embarrassing and disgraceful!"Wait, Miles lost? How is that even po
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Chapter 2065
Quincy paused, took a deep breath, and spoke with authority to the gathered crowd. "Our nation has always believed in winning with virtue."If we've decided on a duel, it must be an honorable one-on-one fight. Even if we win, it won't truly be a victory if it's not done fairly!"Upon hearing this, the commotion slowly began to calm. The crowd might disagree, but they understood the importance of fair play in this martial art contest between the two nations."Elder Douglas! You hold the highest status here. We all respect you. Choose a skilled martial artist to teach those two a lesson, and let Dragonmarsh rise in pride!""That's right! We can't take this lightly. We must give it our all this time!"Amidst the clamor, everyone urged Quincy to pick another martial artist for the challenge.Quincy nodded and looked at the crowd. He then thundered, "The opponent is strong, and we shouldn't take them lightly!"He added, "I've got a condition this time: only those who are at the advan
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Chapter 2066
"Y-You—" Ruby's face turned bright red, angered by Laurel and Willow's words. Just as she was about to respond, there was a soft thud.Miles, who had just regained consciousness, collapsed on the ground again.Ruby was startled and shouted, "Miles!" She quickly squatted down and administered medicine, massaging pressure points in a rush.Dustin looked at Miles. Then, he casually flicked his fingers and inserted a silver needle into Miles' body. The mystical pure energy carried by the needle swiftly penetrated Miles' limbs and body, clearing his circulatory pathways.After a few seconds, Miles finally opened his eyes again. Though weak, he seemed to be fine."I didn't expect Mr. Rhys to be a skilled doctor. I'm impressed!" Dalen exclaimed with surprise.It was not easy to accurately hit pressure points to save a person, even though injuring someone with a flying needle wasn't difficult.Dustin casually mentioned, "It's just a small trick, not worth mentioning.""Thank you, Mr. R
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Chapter 2067
Vincent's arrival brought energy to the once-quiet scene. The crowd saw him as a hero, thrilled at the idea that with Vincent in the mix, defeating Marco would be easy."Great! Now that you're here, I can finally relax!" Quincy exclaimed with relief as he watched Vincent step forward. As the guardian of the Celestial Alliance, he was familiar with Vincent's skills.Vincent, at just 25, was already halfway to becoming a grandmaster—a standout talent in the entire Celestial Alliance. Only exceptional individuals like Fenley could match his strength.Vincent declared confidently, "We can't let warriors from Kimboku act recklessly on Sacred Wrym Summit, whether it's morally or logically, in public or private. We, the Celestial Alliance, can't just stand idly by!"He added, "Even if the younger generation may lack experience, we aim to bring glory to our nation and eliminate evil for the world!""Well said! With young talents like you in the Celestial Alliance, our sect is bound to thr
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Chapter 2068
"Great marksmanship!" Quincy was immediately impressed by Vincent's quick and accurate shot.As they said, a person couldn't judge the skill of an elite until they were in action.Compared to Miles, a disciple of the Sword Union, Vincent surpassed him in cultivation, technique, and combat experience by more than tenfold. With a simple shot, Vincent not only possessed astonishing power but also concealed countless variations, making it nearly impossible to defend against.His strength was on par with that of a grandmaster martial artist—a true genius, no doubt.Despite Vincent's aggressive attack, Marco remained cool. Marco drew his Demon sword and slashed forward fiercely. The attack was simple and direct, without any fancy moves.However, as the blade descended, it emitted a brilliant red light, thickening the air around it. It was as if blood was flowing along the path of the Demon sword, creating a mysterious arc in the air. The blade then heavily collided with the silver s
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Chapter 2069
Miles had thought Fenley was the only hero in the Celestial Alliance, but now, another figure appeared—the Spearhawk, Vincent. It was worth mentioning that Vincent was roughly the same age as Miles, but his skills far surpassed Miles. After all, Miles couldn't even withstand a single blow from Marco. Vincent not only held his own against Marco but also appeared to have the upper hand. This was enough to showcase Vincent's formidable skills. "Dustin, who do you think would come out victorious?" Dalen asked as he observed the battle. "Vincent's techniques have undoubtedly reached peak mastery. He also has rich combat experience. If they were at the same level, Vincent has a better chance of winning," Dustin commented. "Hmph! Please, even a blind person could tell," Ruby snorted. Vincent's attacks were so aggressive that Marco couldn't even fight back. Anyone could tell who was the stronger party between them. Dustin shot a glance at Ruby and responded calmly, "Vincent would
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Chapter 2070
A deafening blast echoed through the air. The blood-red curved longsword wielded by the black-armored warrior had severed the silver dragon's head in half. The shockwave generated by their collision swept out in all directions like a tidal wave, blowing up debris in its path.The crowd was forced to retreat by the gusting wind, struggling to keep their eyes open.Moments later, after the chaos subsided, a transformation had already taken place on the battlefield. On the left, Vincent held his silver spear with a solemn expression, his clothes torn. His hand that was gripping his spear trembled slightly.On the right, Marco stood in silence. The eerie red glow of his Demon blade faded as he sheathed it slowly. They stood 30 feet apart, gazing at each other across the field without uttering a word. It seemed as if time had frozen. "What happened? Who won?" The crowd exchanged looks of confusion. That final blow had been too quick for ordinary martial artists to follow. The
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