All Chapters of An Understated Dominance: Chapter 2081 - Chapter 2090
2264 Chapters
Chapter 2081
When everyone could see what was happening, Marco had already appeared behind Dustin. Plus, the former was slowly sheathing his Demon sword.To Marco, the slash just now was enough to eliminate Dustin. There was no need to strike for the second time.This was how confident he was with his ability and his sword."What happened? Did it end already?" Seeing the furious Marco standing straight there, everyone exchanged confused glances.Everything happened way too fast just now. From Marco leaping into the air and drawing his sword to sheathing his sword, it happened in the blink of an eye.Before the crowd could react, the battle had ended."That's the rumored Jump Force, alright. He's way too quick!""That guy isn't dead, right? I don't see him moving!""I heard the corpse can still continue to move even if the head is cut off, provided that the sword reaches its peak speed.""Looks like he's dead. They should get ready to bury the corpse."The crowd whispered among themselves.
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Chapter 2082
Without any warning, Dustin raised the branch and slapped Marco's face with it.Marco, who was chanting an incantation, was shocked. He widened his eyes and stood there at a loss. Meanwhile, there was a bloody mark on where the branch hit. The surrounding area of the bloody mark was instantly swollen."W-What?" Everyone was stunned by the sudden turn of events.Nobody expected Dustin to be fine from Marco's sword-cut technique, not to mention the former even hit his face."What happened? What exactly happened just now?""No way. Did that dude actually manage to dodge Jump Force?"Everyone exchanged glances and whispered suspiciously. When they saw Marco putting away his sword, they were sure that Dustin was dead. Their thoughts were confirmed when Marco kept chanting the word "Fall".However, Dustin wasn't injured at all despite Marco's chanting for so long. Dustin even managed to hit Marco's face. Everyone was taken aback by such a hilarious scene.Although the way Marco m
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Chapter 2083
With a huge bang, the ground started to crack.A blood-red knife aura stemmed from the ground. Then, it headed straight toward Dustin while following the direction of the crack.Wherever the knife aura passed, a huge amount of debris shot out. Then, it rained toward Dustin like bullets.The intensity of the attack was like a relentless storm, overwhelming and unavoidable.Dustin sneered and stood his ground. With a light stomp, a semi-transparent true energy sphere formed out of mid-air and blocked before him like a shield.Debris from all directions hit the true energy sphere. However, it only created subtle ripples and didn't break the energy sphere.Meanwhile, the blood-red knife aura forcefully slashed toward Dustin's protective sphere.An explosion sounded.The protective sphere trembled, and ripples emanated from the point of impact."What? He managed to block it?" The butler was stunned.Although Dragon Flash was not as fast as the sword-cut technique, it was way more
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Chapter 2084
When Marco summoned the ultimate attack, nine ferocious blood-red knife aura shot toward Dustin from all directions.The attack was unstoppable and overwhelming!"How petty!" Dustin sneered. Without dodging, he waved the tree branch in his hand.Using the same movements, Dustin slashed toward Marco nine times. Instantly, nine white sword aura popped out. Then, it collided head-on with the nine blood-red knife auras Marco summoned.When the sword aura collided with the knife aura, an explosion sounded. Two different kinds of energy collided using the same attacking method.As the white and red lights flickered, a powerful shockwave spread toward the surroundings from the point of impact like a tidal wave.Wave after wave appeared, with one overpowering the next.In an instant, dust and debris filled the air within a radius of 300 feet.All the onlookers were blown back, unable to open their eyes. Some weaker martial artists turned pale from the impact, feeling unwell."You're d
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Chapter 2085
While beating Marco, Dustin questioned, "You like cursing, right? How about your Jump Force and Nine-Headed Dragon Flash? "Aren't you Luca's distinguished mentee? How dare you call us eastern scoundrels and open challenges at Sacred Wrym Summit?" Dustin's hits got quicker and faster. With every strike, he would ask a question.The once proud Marco found himself whipped and battered from the tree branch, screaming in agony.In the end, he rolled around on the ground from how painful the hits were. He no longer cared about his image.The crowd went silent after seeing Marco being beaten up. There were no other sounds except for the sound of the tree branch whipping Marco.Everyone was taken aback by what was unfolding before them. The onlooker stood there with their mouths agape in disbelief.Some even questioned their own eyes. They kept rubbing their eyes to make sure they were seeing clearly.The butler was especially stunned. He stood frozen in place, not knowing what to do
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Chapter 2086
"Crystal… Is the person rolling on the ground actually the brat?" Ruby widened her eyes as she looked at the unbelievable scene.At this moment, Dustin was still whipping Marco continuously. The duo seemed funny yet absurd."It… It should be." Crystal looked carefully before nodding.She never expected Dustin to win, not to mention winning by a landslide. She found it hard to believe that Luca's mentee, an ace in Jump Force, was being to a pulp. "What the heck! This is seriously shocking. How is he so capable?" Miles gulped, looking stunned.Those who had never fought Marco before didn't know how capable he was.Even if Miles tried his best, he was still defeated by Marco in a strike. Not only him, but even Vincent, was not even close to beating Marco. Marco didn't even go all out when dealing with the both of them.On the contrary, Marco unleashed all his deadly moves when battling Dustin. The former even used Jump Force's ultimate technique.However, Marco still lost despite
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Chapter 2087
The butler yelped and quickly helped Marco up. At the same time, the former shouted at Dustin, "You lowly Dragonmarshian. How dare you mistreat Mr. Alessandro. I'll make you pay for that!""Pay for it?" The corner of Dustin's lips curled. Then, he slapped the butler a few feet away and sneered. "You good-for-nothing! How dare you threaten me? You don't know what's good for you!""Well done! Those spineless people that worship foreign power deserve a harsh lesson!""That's right! He's way more despicable than that brat. Just beat him to death!"Seeing the butler getting punched, all the hot-blooded youngsters immediately cheered.Although Marco was despicable, their hatred mostly stemmed from his nationality. Meanwhile, the butler, originally from Dragonmarsh, willingly served as a lackey for the brats. Thus, this made him a genuine disgrace to Dragonmarsh, a traitor whom everyone despised.Plus, the butler even humiliated his former countrymen by calling them eastern scoundrels
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Chapter 2088
"Ruby, are you going to go back on your word?" Dalen asked with a half-smile."Who said that I regretted? It's not like I can't afford to lose." Ruby rolled her eyes and quickly stepped forward. After pushing through the crowd and standing before Dustin, she said quickly yet stiffly, "Well… I misunderstood you before. I'm sorry."After saying that, Ruby turned around without giving a chance for Dustin to reply.Dustin was taken aback, confused about what was happening. Although Ruby was apologizing, she seemed unwilling to do so."I already apologized. Are you happy now?" Ruby returned to Dalen's side and pouted.Dalen shook his head with a smile. He didn't pursue it any further.At this moment, Dustin was at the center of attention.Various guilds and experts were scrambling to recruit Dustin. Plus, the conditions they offered were extremely enticing. It was obvious that they were scared of missing out on such a golden opportunity.Some even tried to seduce Dustin, hoping th
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Chapter 2089
"Sir, Mr. Alessandro put up a challenge at the center of the ancient town. "He wanted to challenge Dragonmarsh's martial artists to dampen their nation's spirit. He also wanted to gain a name for himself and bring honor to the Alessandro family."Everything was going well at first. Two Dragonmarsh's aces lost against him. Unexpectedly, a nameless person appeared at the third match. "He took advantage when Mr. Alessandro was at his weakest and defeated him unfairly. He even tortured and humiliated him. Please avenge him and kill that lowly Dragonmarsh martial artist!"The butler knelt on the floor and quickly recounted the events, embellishing the details for added effect."Fuck!" Anthony was furious after hearing that. Then, he slapped the butler's face. "Who let you set up a challenge at Sacred Wrym Summit? Do you know that it'll ruin our plan?""Sir, it's not my fault. Mr. Alessandro said that his family had been dormant for so long. He wanted to use this chance to make a nam
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Chapter 2090
Anthony and the Kimbokuan warriors held on tightly to their swords with alert looks on their faces as they observed the unexpected appearance of the individuals. It appeared as if they were up against a strong opponent. They had no choice as these men and women with blonde hair and blue eyes were very imposing."Mr. Alessandro, how have you been? It's been a long time." A sturdy, middle-aged man with a neat beard and a greasy hairdo walked forward and greeted them with a smile."Bailey? It's you!" Anthony looked carefully and was very surprised, "Aren't you being held prisoner at the Hall of Gods? Why are you…" He looked around and decided it was best not to ask.He remembered that Bailey, the Grizz Lord, was the nemesis of the Hall of Gods. He was on the most wanted list of the Hall of Gods and he was finally caught with the help of many skilled fighters. After that, he was imprisoned in a secret location at the Hall of Gods.No one had expected that Bailey would be released a
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