Semua Bab The Mafia's Wanted Desires.: Bab 101 - Bab 110
123 Bab
ASHLEYI smoothened off the crease on my black blazer dress, pulling my hair in a neat low bun. I smacked my bold red lips together, winking at my reflection before slipping on my black stilettos. I sprayed my cologne and grabbed my bag, heading out of the closet. I strolled to my reading table, packing up my laptop and files, proceeding to arrange them in my laptop bag. I zipped it up and went to the nightstand to get my phone. My eyes landed on my husband, who was sprawled on the bed, the covers barely covering his shirtless back. His hair was a total mess, and judging by the position he was sleeping in, he was deeply asleep and I found it adorable.But then, all it would take would be me kissing his hair or hovering above him and we would be tangled underneath the sheets in no time. I couldn't afford that again. The last time was wild. So, I retreated, resolving to not wake him because Arden needed all the rest he could get. And with that, I exited the room.Alberta was waiting w
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ASHLEY.My lips were quirked in amusement as I twirled around in my chair, watching Drake, who was standing by the projector, presenting his idea to everyone in the conference room while Aurelia constantly chipped in her suggestions. On a normal day, I would have cut her off and told her to hold her tongue but there was something about their banters that I found so cute. They were both my editors but the way they were always at each other's neck was fascinating. I chuckled, clicking my pen."It's just pure logic, Mrs. Gray. We have seen what these people read and the best bet would be to recruit writers who are experts in the Genre that people love to read," Drake's eyes were solely fixed on me, watching my every move. I smirked, leaning into my chair and nodding at him to go on."Nope, that won't work." The brunette, who was so relaxed in her seat interjected him. Aurelia had always been an exotic beauty and she owned it proudly. She flipped her purplish hair over her shoulder, tu
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ASHLEY."And that's what I am talking about!" Dawn chirped, her energetic voice flowing through the speakers of my phone where I placed it on the surface of the glass compartment that was located in the middle of the vast closet. I frowned at the red lingerie that I held up in the air before tossing it back into my drawer."What? No!" Dawn countered my actions."Pick it back and drop it into the box. NOW!" She ordered me and I turned to the redhead, who was sprawled on a sofa, dressed in a black robe that was practically falling off her shoulders and revealing a generous part of her cleavage.Her blue eyes were narrowed at me in slits."It's too revealing!" I shot back at her with an eye roll."So?" She scoffed."It's a honeymoon, bitch! You have to look hot for him. As in H-O-T!" She spelt it out boldly."I know," I snorted."No, you don't. If you do, you wouldn't return that fine piece of seduction back to the drawer. You guys are travelling out of the country for an alone time. Th
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JAXONThe moment the jet landed, I put my phone aside, tucking it in my pocket. I turned to my side, chuckling at the sight of Peach, who was curled into a ball beneath the wool body cover. She was fast asleep already. She wouldn't stop bugging me about where we were heading to and at some point, I wanted to give in because of how cute she was, but I stood my ground. I reached for her face, tucking her hair behind her ear and my breath got caught in my throat for a moment. She looked so peaceful while asleep. Too good to be true, even. Her pale rosy skin was glowing, void of any ounce of blemish. Her reddish lips were curled in a tiny pout, cute sounds eluding them now and then as she stirred in her sleep. The strands of her brown hair that were sticking out in different directions framed her face, highlighting the fine contrast they made with her skin. I have been married to this woman for months now and every passing day, when she wakes up in my arms, it still feels so unreal to h
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ASHLEYGreece was a very beautiful country. The night Arden told me we were in Greece, I couldn't process it properly. Although, I was caught off guard, I didn't react to it as I supposedly would, if I were clear-headed. I was a screaming mess when he told me again. It was one of those countries that I had been looking forward to visiting and my dear husband had just made my wish come true when he decided that he wanted us to have our honeymoon there.It was one of the oldest countries in the world and after millennia of being in existence, it still held the same appeal as before. It was even more breathtaking as the years went by and the fact that it was the cradle of modern civilization made it even more fascinating to me. This getaway was something I needed but didn't realise how much I actually needed it until I was here. Work has been so crazy and I needed an escape. There couldn't have been a better form of escape than this. When the limousine came to a halt, I opened my clutc
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ASHLEY.I turned in my sleep, snuggling into Arden's body and allowing his warmth to cocoon me. The smell of his body wash wafted into my nose and I felt nausea hit me immediately. Bile rose to my throat and I tried to pry myself out of his strong hold. The more I took time to get out of his arms, the overwhelming the urge to throw up became.When I finally freed myself from his grip, I bolted off the bed, dashing right into the bathroom. I uncovered the lid of the water closet, puking my dinner out. I groaned, massaging my temples. I spat out the remnants of the vomit into the closet and closed the lid, dropping to the floor with a thud. I suddenly felt so weak and light-headed. It felt like I had just puked my intestines out. I made sure to stay close to the closet and got everything out of my system before I got up and flushed it. I sauntered over to the sink, rinsing off my mouth and face. I took a quick look at my reflection, furrowing my brows. I looked alright. If I were sick
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JAXON"But__""There are no buts, Duncan!" I fired into the phone, but then, I took a deep breath, clenching my fist. I dragged in a breath, trying to control the surge of anger brewing within me."There are no buts." My voice reduced to a harsh whisper."I am sorry, boss." He apologised."Just do what I asked you to do. Micah can wait. Whether he likes it or not, I will be the one to end that bastard. Right now, all I need you to do is to get right on what I told you to find out," I paused, brushing my fingers through my hair."I would do it myself, but I don't want to stir up doubts in her," I added."Be discreet," I warned him."Yes__""Uh…what's going on?" Her lilting voice filled the room and I knew she was already out of the dressing room. Damnit. I spun around, trying my hardest to flash her a convincing smile.She arched a brow at me in question.I hung up immediately, striding forward. My eyes glazed over her appearance and my lips twitched in a smirk. Half of her brown waves
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JAXONI knew my wife was crazy, but not this crazy. Heck, I didn't know she was a crazy driver. It was always me doing the driving whenever we had somewhere to go. But today, I saw a side of her that I didn't even know existed.Peach drove like she couldn't care less about breaking rules. She drove like she couldn't bring herself to give a fuck about what other people thought. The traffic held every vehicle in a literal chokehold but my wife swerved past the cars like a professional driver, screaming at the top of her lungs.Her scream matched her excitement and it fuelled me in a way that consumed me with delight. My mouth was nearly stretching to the back of my head, due to how hard I was grinning.The strands of her hair that weren't tucked properly into her bun were sticking in different directions because of the open roof that had been pulled backwards.I didn't make any attempt to caution her. I was fascinated by her recklessness. I didn't want a Queen who adhered to rules, I w
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ASHLEY"Look, Riley, you are beginning to__" I sucked in a breath. The impact of the high octave my voice held wasn't so subtle against my temples. A terrible ache hammered against my temples consequently, eliciting a groan from me.I fell back onto the surface of the pillow, puffing out a breath before rolling to the other side."Riley," I took a deep breath."Handle everything," I added."I can't show up to work for now. I am a little under the weather." I told her, pulling the covers over my body."I am sorry about that, Mrs. Gray. I will handle everything, I promise." She answered, her voice etched with concern."Will you be fine, ma'am?" She asked me and I sighed, nodding my head as though she could see me."Yes, Riley. I'll be fine." I responded and hung up on her. It was rude, but it was the best thing for both of us.Keeping up the conversation would only spike my irritation further and I didn't want another one of my meltdowns where I just snap at everything and everyone. Ar
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ASHLEY"Hello, Ash."That voice…That dark, nerve-wracking voice, dripping with an unnerving amount of sinister. A chilly eeriness that froze up the blood that coursed through my veins.At first, memories of him were reduced to fragments, but as the days went by, it became hard to piece his face together and then, it was just suppressed, crumbled to dust afterwards. Like he never existed.But those two words, were like an abrupt jolt in my memory, poking at the segment that housed the thought of him and they came barrelling towards me in waves. They consumed me, messed with my emotions and tossed them around the place. They were so overwhelming. The flashes of the last fight that transpired between us, occupied every inch of my thoughts. It felt like I was reliving a nightmare. All over again. Each jolt to memory was more potent than the last."Are you fucking someone else?"No, no, no, I don't want to go down that memory lane. It was so triggering. Everything about his voice was so
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