All Chapters of The Mafia's Wanted Desires.: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
123 Chapters
ASHLEYI knew he told me he was fine, but it didn't stop me from casting worried glances in his direction, with every passing second. I sighed in discomfort, wanting to give in to the urge of kicking my ballet flats off my feet and sinking my body onto the bed, refusing to go with him because he clearly wasn't ready.I could tell by several things. The way he stared into nothingness in the mirror as he buttoned up his shirt. His shaky fingers as he missed some of the buttons in the process. The occasional shaky breaths that evaded him now and then. Not to mention the shuffling of his feet.I bet he had even forgotten I was standing behind him."Here, let me help." I threw my sling bag on the bed, walking towards him. I pushed his hands off the buttons, not meeting his eyes. I proceeded to button them properly, making sure not to miss a procession."Baby, I can fix my buttons." He chuckled. A dry, lifeless sound that didn't come out wholeheartedly. I resisted the urge to snort in his
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MICAHHave you ever just wanted to watch the world burn? Like you want the biggest surge of fire to descend out of nowhere and raze everything in its wake to ashes. Like you want to watch every living thing burn to death, screaming for help while the fire disintegrated them from the inside out, denting their flesh bit by bit until there was nothing left,Other than ashes.Like you want to watch a tsunami clear up everyone all in one sweep. Like you want to watch at the snap of a finger, the world is going void of every living thing. Like you just want to make them suffer and drink to the rhythm of their screams, the symphony…Was that borderline twisted?Yes.Do I want it to happen?I couldn't think of anything better other than making the world suffer for what has been done to me. No, I didn't wait to just let it go. I wanted to exact my revenge on anything and anyone. My anger was like a bottomless pit. An abyss. No matter how much I fed it. It never seemed to get filled up.But I k
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JAXONEmotions were underrated.They could make or mar you. It was one thing to have control over them and it was another thing to shut them out completely. Our emotions are like windows into our souls. They define us. They make up the essential part of us. And shutting it out only renders us void. Shutting my emotions nulled me completely and I began seeing being emotionless as a form of normalcy.I could barely differentiate between what was real and what wasn't.Of course, there were times when ruthlessness was a necessity. I have had to go through some phases in my life, and looking back now, if I didn't handle it with the right amount of ruthlessness, I wouldn't have scaled through that phase. Being dangerous could be necessary at times, but turning off the ability to feel wasn't a necessity.It's a coping mechanism.From the pain, from the grief, from the anguish, from the torture, from the despair, from the sheer agony.And the funniest thing about a coping mechanism was that
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JAXONMy fists were clenched tightly, my jaw locked as rage simmered through my veins, icing up the blood coursing through them and freezing me from the inside out. My insides were on fire at the same time, my body was freezing. I was feeling two things at the same time. The veins that ran from my neck to my head threatened to pop and my face was heavily flushed. I chewed on my bottom lip, nearly drawing blood from it. The stinging pain that shot through the soft flesh was enough to elicit a wince from me, but I couldn't even bring myself to make a sound. Trying to get myself to speak would just seem as though I wanted to poke an angry dragon. At the opening of its mouth, spitballs of fire would erupt everywhere.I was trying my best to stay calm, but the way my legs shook disagreed with my plans. I shifted in my seat for the umpteenth time, staring out through the window of the car. The air that filled the car was toxic and tainted with sulphur. I could taste it in my mouth…the acid
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JAXONWhen I saw the look in her eyes, I just knew it.I knew that I had ascended a certain level of trust in her and it puzzled me so much how she was able to trust someone like me. I tried searching those honey-brown orbs for flickers of doubt but there was nothing. Her eyes mirrored the trust that filled up her soul. She had shown me on several occasions how much she trusted me and knew I wouldn't hurt her, but today was different. She gave up control and surrendered to me, leaving it all up to me to lead the way. And no, she wasn't terrified. She was just appalled. I could see it in how her eyes wandered around the dark grey room. She was driven by a burning desire and anticipation, rocking back and forth on her feet with a smile on her face like a little child that was offered her favourite candy. My heart fluttered softly, astounded by how much she had grown from hating me to trusting me with her life. I chuckled.The massive space that was coated in a dark grey paint, surro
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JAXON"There's a probability that you might not get it on the first try and that's okay, baby. Remember what I told you, learning how to shoot takes practice. It takes patience in abundance," My voice was soft, laced with comfort.I took a step forward. Another.And another.Until I closed in on her. I was only a few inches away from her and I could pick up on how tense her body had become. She dragged out a shaky breath. I reached for her shoulders, dropping my hands on them and massaging them softly. She moaned softly, easing into my touch like it was the elixir she had desperately needed to calm herself down.My hands travelled down her shoulders and I pressed my body to hers, eliciting a sharp breath from her. I worked my fingers from her shoulders, carefully brushing them past her breasts and stroking her protruding nipples in the process, causing her to wiggle in my arms, arching her back to meet my touch. My hands rested on her waist, squeezing it softly and I breathed on her
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ASHLEYThere is no greater joy than watching the people you love get everything they deserve and more. It just leaves the feeling of warmth spreading all over, a knot of immense pride swirling like bubbles within you. It ignites a wave of pure, undiluted happiness in you.That was exactly how I felt today. That was exactly how I felt about Ivana getting married today. Heck, if I didn't know any better, I would say I was happier than she was and was the happiest woman on earth. But then, there was no denying the fact that I would top the list of one of the happiest humans on earth. I have looked forward to this day for years. I have looked forward to this day since the moment the duo professed their love for each other. I looked forward to the day they would make everything official and seal it with the approval of God. The moment they would bind themselves to each other in every way that was humanly possible.I was used to wondering how Ivana and Vincent were able to stay in love wi
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ASHLEYIvana's dream wedding has always been a fairytale wedding. This was the most anticipated wedding of the year. The highest-paid actor in the Hollywood industry and one of the top event planners in the country. You can imagine the number of dignitaries that were in attendance at the reception that was being held at the Floral Hall.Ivana was known for bringing her A-game to any work she did, but she went all out with the interior decor of her wedding. The hall was completely transformed. I haven't been able to keep my eyes off it since we left the church and headed to this place for the reception event. My mind wandered to the event at the church. A light giggle flowed breezily from my lips as I remembered how Vince couldn't control himself from breaking into tears while he watched Ivana walk down the aisle.He couldn't keep it to himself.The church program was beautiful and concise. It evoked emotions in me. Both the ones I knew I was capable of feeling and the ones I didn't kn
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ASHLEYThe bubbly atmosphere of the hall slowly dissipated into something dimmer…something colder than normal. The soft, beautiful music in the background slowly faded into nothingness. The tension that hung in the air was so toxic, accompanied by a deafening silence. The temperature in the room made my skin feel like it was being pricked with ice splinters, and at the same time, it made me feel like the room had reached a certain boiling point, incinerating me from the inside out.It seemed as though it was just the three of us in the big room, the tension nullifying every ounce of happiness that filled the room earlier. My heart slowly picked up a faster pace as my eyes darted to Arden's rigid, leanly muscular figure, clad in a navy blue shirt. The top few buttons of his shirt were undone. I remember undoing them in the morning before we left home, telling him I loved it when his shirt wasn't fully buttoned.It gave him a reckless look that I was shamelessly obsessed with.His jaw
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ASHLEYI sank my fingers into my wet hair, pushing it backwards and massaging my scalp to soothe the scalp with the remnants of the shampoo that hung in my hair. The warm water that drizzled from the shower cascaded my body, soothing my skin. My eyes fluttered open and I moved to the switch, turning it off. I stepped out of the shower cubicle, grabbing two towels. I wrapped one around my hair, wrapping the other loosely around my frame.I strutted out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I trudged into the closet, drying my hair with the towel. I patted my body dry and plugged in my hair dryer, blow-drying my hair as quickly as I could. I fished out pink panties from the drawer, sliding it on, after which I pulled a pair of shorts from the rack, alongside one of Arden's shirts, which I have acquired as mine.I walked out of the closet, prancing to my dresser. I picked up my lotion and moisturised my skin with it, proceeding to put on my shorts and shirt. I snatched a hairband
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