All Chapters of Love in the dark: Chapter 671 - Chapter 680
757 Chapters
Chapter 671 Don't Want It
Eliza looked where Skylar was pointing and saw Laurence. He was in a black suit. Even from afar, he gave off an unapproachable air.She tried to hide herself, praying Laurence's ex-wife wouldn't see her. Eliza didn't know what to tell her parents as Laurence no longer had the patience to put up an act or lie for her. She could only hope Laurence wouldn’t rat her out to her parents. Lying to her parents was a minor offense, but Eliza would be in for it if they found out she was dating a man she met online. Unfortunately, Eliza stood close to Skylar. Skylar was a social butterfly, and people would stop to say hello to her. Eliza was caught in the middle of the interactions. When Eliza saw Laurence's ex-wife looking in her direction, she wanted to bury her head in the sand. Eliza quickly hid behind Skylar. Skylar didn’t notice Eliza’s discomfort. She pulled her out and introduced her to others. Zoey soon looked away. Eliza tugged on Skylar's sleeve. "When will the auction begin? Ev
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Chapter 672 My Home
Zoey didn't care. Even though the necklace was once important to her, she was ready to let it go. Laurence clenched his fist. She said, "You can give it to your other girlfriends." Although she did not mean to be sarcastic, her words cut through him like a knife. Laurence pursed his pale lips. "Why did you bid so high if you didn't want it?"Zoey curled her lips. "Why can't I? I can do whatever I want with my money." She wiped the smile off her face and looked him in the eye. She said, "Besides, I'm earning an honest living. It's not money I got from selling myself to you." Her self-deprecation cut Laurence to the core. It was a reminder of how he once belittled her. He never gave her the dignity she deserved. All the humiliation he had inflicted on her came flooding back to him. He had called her a whore. Zoey admitted she had acted like a whore when they were together. Laurence couldn’t refute her. What more could he say? He couldn't deny that he had called her that. He re
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Chapter 673 Nothing
“Don't look at me like that. You fainted,” Laurence said. Zoey pulled the covers off to get out of bed. The man pinned her back into bed. Her body was weak. He furrowed his brows and said, “The doctor said you have a fever. Take it easy now.” She brushed his hand off. “I'll go to the hospital. Mind your business.” She finally fell unconscious. The sky was dark. The faint moonlight outside the window looked hazy. The bedroom furnishing was unfamiliar to Zoey. She believed she hadn't been in this place before. She guessed that she was in a villa. It was quiet outside. Streetlights in the distance lit up the area.Zoey felt lightheaded and stumbled forward. Her arms were too heavy to pick up, and her legs had no strength. Instead of stopping her, Laurence followed behind. He urged, "Slow down. Don't fall." She would get hurt if she rolled down the stairs. Zoey froze at the sound of his voice. She staggered along the corridor. They were probably on the third floor. She stood b
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Chapter 674 Never Better
Zoey bit Laurence's lip. She broke his skin and drew blood. Laurence acted like the wound was nothing. She narrowed her eyes at him. Zoey felt that one slap wasn't enough, so she raised her arm to give him another. She was sick and couldn't hit him very hard, but the slap still stung."Why are you still shutting me up with your dirty antics? Let me leave if you don't want to hear what I have to say." Zoey hit Laurence again. He took several steps forward, and his sudden approach scared her. She flinched away because she was afraid he might do something rash. He looked at her and said, "I wasn't trying to shut you up. I just wanted to kiss you." The comment only made Zoey angrier. She frowned. "Did you ask for my consent? The years have only made you pushier." Her tone was sharp. She wasn’t trying to hide her true feelings any longer. Zoey's cheeks were flushed with rage. She looked more alive. Her words seemed to get to Laurence's head, but he replied, "Sorry. I'll try not to do
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Chapter 675 Sleep on the Couch
Zoey wasn't lying or trying to act tough. She had a good idea of whether her life was good in Novarvia. The past five years might have been difficult, but she had never been in a better situation.Laurence looked relieved. His frown disappeared. He felt relieved but overcome with sadness. Zoey murmured, "At least I was in a better place than when I was with you." It was like she was talking to herself. As they stood close together, Laurence could hear every word she said. The words cut through him like a knife. Laurence pursed his lips. He fell silent. It felt like he was admitting she had a tough time with him, even though that wasn't his intention. At first, he had ill intentions toward the child, but he did not mean to harm him. However, things happened that were beyond his control, and he ended up hurting Zoey instead.At the time, Laurence didn't love her as much as he did now. He didn't care as much. He watched as she was hurt, but his conscience was clear. He believed si
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Chapter 676 Sign on It
Laurence locked the door before Zoey could say anything. Zoey scoffed angrily and breathed deeply. Her chest felt like the air was sucked right out of her. She couldn't feel at ease sharing a space with an intimidating man. Zoey stayed silent. Her coldness was more hurtful than the painful remarks. Laurence got her a glass of water and her medicine.Zoey was so angry that she broke out in a sweat. Nevertheless, she felt a lot better after a good sweat. Her head did not spin as much as before. She didn't feel sleepy. She stayed alert because Laurence was in the room, and it was hard to fall asleep when she was so worried. She calmed herself down and stuck to the phone. She would rather bore herself with gossip than face the man in the bedroom. Laurence was upset that he was invisible to Zoey. He pressed his lips together and looked at her. Zoey's turned her face away from the light. Her skin was smooth and fair, but her cheeks were flushed. The tip of her nose was rosy, and her
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Chapter 677 Michael
"I can't believe you would break your promise." "Sorry." The apology was insincere. Laurence didn't think he had crossed the line. Zoey pushed him away angrily. "Get out of my way." Laurence followed her. He didn't change his mind about her leaving. He was angry at the thought that her husband was back from Novarvia. He felt a storm brewing inside him. "I'll drive you." He stopped her before she could decline. “If you don’t get into my car, don't even think about leaving. I mean it.”Zoey stopped in her tracks and looked Laurence in the eye. A moment later, she curled her lips and grinned. "I guess you have time to waste as a driver." The curt remark upset Laurence, but he had the tolerance of a saint. He slipped his hands into his pockets and stood next to her, towering over her. He tilted his head down to look at her. "I have a lot of free time on my hands now. It’s not a waste of my time when I’m spending it with you." Zoey gave up. She said, "Suit yourself." Laurence
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Chapter 678 Stop Talking
Laurence had planned to drive away, but he stood there frozen. Zoey and Michael chatted for a while. "Aren't you going to rest at the hotel?" "I’ve rested enough." Michael was a light sleeper, so a five-hour sleep was more than enough. He was jetlagged, but he was wide awake and eager to see Zoey. "What's your address? I'll take a taxi from the hotel." Zoey paused. She asked, "How about I go to you?" Michael was picky. He didn’t like his hotel. The environment and service didn't meet his high standards. "I could use a bit of fresh air, darling." Even though Michael often used the term of endearment, Zoey couldn't get used to it. She said, "Alright. Come on." Zoey sent him the address. It would take around fifteen minutes for Michael to get to her place. Michael checked out of the hotel before leaving. It would be easy to find another five-star hotel in Northwell. While sitting in the cab, Michael booked a new hotel on his phone. Since it was windy outside, Zoey put a ha
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Chapter 679 Don't Want to Chat
Michael couldn't speak the language, but he understood the word “ex-wife.” He never expected the man to be Zoey's irresponsible ex-husband, who abandoned his family. Then again, Michael didn't know the full story between Zoey and Laurence. Zoey was very private about her past. She never brought up her ex-husband. Michael's mom was ill at the time, and he had just married Zoey. He was stopped on campus by a gorgeous man. The man's chilling gaze looked at him like he was a worthless piece of meat. Michael didn't know the man and why he rubbed him the wrong way.Michael didn't want any trouble, so he turned around to leave, but the man's security detail surrounded him. Michael had nowhere to run. The man was Shawn. Michael thought Shawn was Zoey's lover and possibly the father of her child, but that wasn't the case. Shawn wasn't the child's biological father. Michael learned more about Zoey gradually. Zoey talked a lot when she was drunk at class gatherings. Michael often carried her
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Chapter 680 Those Years Spent Abroad
Michael fell into character very quickly. He stood in front of Laurence. His body and good looks were comparable to Laurence’s. However, he was still younger and more naive. He was no match for Laurence.Zoey covered Teddy’s ears. She didn’t want him to hear two adults fighting. She didn’t want Teddy to mature quicker than he was supposed to. She held him in her arms and went to the elevator. She bent down to talk to him. “Can you go back by yourself, Teddy?”Teddy was silent for a while. He was afraid of his mother getting bullied. He thought his mother was naive. Sometimes, she did things in a blur. Like Michael. They were both kind of naive.But his father was so unlikeable and wasn’t a fool.Teddy stayed still. His little face tightened. “You’ll get bullied, Mom,” he said seriously.Zoey massaged his little head. “I won’t. Just go upstairs. Michael and I will head up very soon.”Teddy was still concerned. He looked away and said, “I know that man is related to me.”Zoey was
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