All Chapters of Love in the dark: Chapter 691 - Chapter 700
757 Chapters
Chapter 691 What's Your Problem
Zoey was startled when she heard the term of endearment, but she quickly warmed up to it. She let Michael hold her hand. She pursed her lips and asked in a soft voice, "What did the doctor say?" Michael hadn’t listened to what the doctor said, but he assumed it was nothing serious. Otherwise, he wouldn't be in the ward with only an IV drip."The doctor wants to keep me for observation," he told her. As Zoey's long-time friend, Michael was on her side. He knew she didn't want anything to do with her ex-husband anymore, so he played the role of an attentive and caring husband in front of Laurence. Michael didn’t mind addressing Zoey intimately. "I'm in pain, babe." He spoke in a weak and shaky voice. He leaned on Zoey as if she was his only lifeline. Laurence scowled at Michael. He found Michael repulsive before, but now he wanted to kill him. Michael felt a cold chill run through him.Zoey believed Michael. She furrowed her brows and asked, "Where does it hurt? Did you ask the
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Chapter 692 That's Fine
Zoey was shocked that Laurence would send someone to pick Teddy up from kindergarten without her knowledge or consent. No wonder he had been quiet when they left the hospital.Zoey was furious. She lashed out and couldn't keep her tone flat like before, "That's against the law. Where is my boy? I'll pick him up right now." The man on the other end of the line laughed. "I picked my son up from school. What's unlawful about that?" Zoey's hands were shaking. She got a grip on herself and asked, "Are you trying to fight for custody?" Laurence fell silent. He finally spoke, "No, I'm just using my visitation rights." He pursed his lips and said calmly, "You can pick him up from my family home tomorrow if you want to see him." Color drained from Zoey's face as she clenched her fingers. Her knuckles turned white. She replied, "You can't let your family know." The Scotts and Laurence were very different. In her two years of marriage to Laurence, Zoey was afraid of his father the most
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Chapter 693 Use Me
Teddy put on a straight face. He wasn’t bothered that he had been kidnapped. Even at the age of five, the child showed a remarkable ability to remain calm in the face of danger. "My mom hates you too." Laurence stopped to look at the child on the sofa. He chuckled and gave the kid a nod. "I know. So what?" Teddy fell silent. The boy didn't have better emotional control than an adult. He looked at his supposed biological dad blankly. "No wonder my mom hates you." Laurence looked at the child and reached out to squeeze his face. Teddy looked insulted. He was disgusted by Laurence's touch. He turned his face away from his grasp. The man was feeling cheeky. He clutched the boy's chin and locked eyes with him. Laurence said casually, "Even if you hate me, you have to stay here." Teddy couldn’t fight Laurence, so he remained still. The boy refused to talk. His mother would pick him up so he did not panic. A while later, Laurence lost interest and released his grip. He left a
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Chapter 694 Bargaining Chip
Laurence was more optimistic than ever. He knew there was more than one way to get back with Zoey. If he couldn't win her back, he would kidnap her. He believed that where there was a will, there was a way. Since he was no longer a gentleman to her, he had no problems doing whatever it took to get her back.Mrs. Scott was overjoyed to learn that Zoey was still alive. She was even happier than when she found out Teddy was their child. Nothing else mattered to her as long as Zoey was alive.As her eyes teared up, Mrs. Scott asked, "How has she been doing these past few years?" She mumbled to herself, "She is a kind and intelligent girl. I’m sure she was doing well wherever she was." Laurence couldn't answer his mother's question. He had asked Zoey the same thing, and she had told him she was doing well. But he knew that was not true."That reminds me. Does she know that you brought the child home? Did she give you permission?" "Mom, I told you to stay out of it." "I'm asking abo
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Chapter 695 Father and Son Moment
Laurence stared at the sky silently for a long time. A while later, he put the child down. Teddy ran to the front door, but a burly bodyguard stopped him. The Scotts' residence had vast lawns in the front and back. It would probably take Teddy half an hour to run across the front lawn from the front door. There was also a winding path leading outside the gate. The estate was located in a remote mountain area, so it would be difficult to walk on foot.The bodyguard in black carried the child back. Teddy realized he couldn't escape, so he stopped the pointless attempts. He looked up at the man. His eyes were as cold and aloof as his father's. Laurence dropped his head to look at him. He said, "I thought you were better than that." Teddy was a child, after all. He wasn't as calm as he seemed, but he wasn't afraid to run. The boy knew that his biological father was cold and uncaring. The man was only using him to get what he wanted, so Teddy's attempts to manipulate him would no
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Chapter 696 That's All I Ask
"Open your mouth." The cold voice rang through the air. Laurence’s patience was wearing thin.Teddy pursed his lips tightly together. He refused to give in. Laurence looked at the stubborn expression on his face. He wasn’t going to pay the child any attention. He gently pinched his chin. The smile on his face gave away his good mood. He said, "It's not a very severe allergic reaction. It won't hurt much, even if you don't take the medicine. The rash will be gone when you wake up tomorrow."Laurence let go of Teddy. He hadn’t left any marks on the boy’s face. "I'm not begging you to take the medicine. You should only eat it if you want to." He tossed the pill into the trash.Mrs. Scott watched from the side. She was so angry that she was at a loss for words. What kind of parenting was this? She wouldn't be surprised if the child grew up to hate his father."What are you saying to him? Don't say anything if you have nothing sensible to say.""You saw it yourself. He wasn't going t
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Chapter 697 Didn't Realize You Were Interested
Zoey hung up so quickly that it was clear to Laurence how ruthless she was on the other end of the phone. It was as if she didn't want the conversation to last another second longer.Laurence tossed his phone onto the table. He lowered his gaze to the child sitting across him. "Are you done eating?"Teddy wiped his mouth with a tissue, then cleaned his hands. "Yes."Laurence said, "Let's go. I'll see you out." He was so polite they didn't seem like father and son.Teddy hopped off the chair. He refused any help from Laurence. He didn't even want to hold his hand. He stood in front of him and looked up at the man towering over him. "Is my mom here?"Laurence said nothing. He lifted the child into his arms.Teddy didn't like Laurence holding him. The hand on his back felt as heavy as steel bars cast in concrete. He was only a five-year-old boy, after all. He couldn’t fight the strength of an adult man.He snapped angrily, "If you don't like me, why are you carrying me?"Laurence
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Chapter 617 Nonsense
Laurence’s words carried many meanings. They were so peculiar that they were completely out of this world.Zoey’s fingers were clenched tightly into a ball. The pain kept her in a sober state.She said, “If you hadn’t said you were jealous of our lives, I wouldn’t have panicked and thought you wanted to destroy us. Maybe if you found that special someone quickly, you wouldn’t be envious of other people.”Laurence listened to her patiently and smiled. However, the smile wasn’t genuine. He looked at Michael coldly. His gaze was as sharp as a blade. He nodded without hesitating. “I am quite envious.”Zoey went up to him and took Teddy from his arms. Laurence let go. Anyone would think that he was being very considerate.When he was back with his mother, Teddy pretended to be a pitiful thing and tightly wrapped his arms around her neck like a koala bear.Zoey’s heart ached. Teddy wasn’t usually so clingy. Laurence definitely had not treated him well.She patted Teddy on his back gen
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Chapter 699 Beggars Can’t Be Choosers
Michael wasn’t convinced. He started the engine and said, “That gave me a shock. I thought he had hit you.”Zoey said nothing.Michael blabbered like he weren’t a foreigner. He was using this chance to practice the language. “What do you think he meant by that? It feels like he’s up to something, but he still returned Teddy.”He glanced at Zoey in the backseat.Zoey was doubtful, too. “What was it like at the Scott’s? Did anyone pick on you?”A biological father might not hurt his child. However, if anyone else in that family didn’t like the child, they could scheme in secret. Although Teddy was smart, he was no match for sleazy adults.Teddy thought about it and said, “No.”He clung tightly to his mother and curled his fingers around hers. “There was a granny who was very nice and gentle to me. I don’t hate her, Mommy.”Zoey remembered Mrs. Scott. She was a really nice person who never treated her cruelly. She had almost forgotten her. She relaxed a little, but then her heart
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Chapter 700 Comments
His suit was visibly expensive.Sarah looked up at him. She was stunned. Then, she picked up her medical report and thanked him in a low voice. She began walking away, but he called out to her.She turned. Her face was sickly pale, and her gaze was full of bewilderment. If it weren’t for his expensive suit and his watch worth thousands, she wouldn’t even have turned to look at him.She asked, “What is it?”He went straight to the point. “Can I have your number?”Sarah’s eyelids twitched. Her fingers loosened. She got over herself and nodded slightly. “Alright.”He definitely wasn’t just anybody. He wasn’t poor, at least. No ordinary person could afford his expensive clothes, custom shoes, and limited edition watch.Sarah was desperately in need of money. Without Laurence, she was living miserably. She’d been so poor that she had to sell her belongings to survive. All the expensive items in her house were sold off. She was going to hit rock bottom this month.She no longer wante
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