All Chapters of Voluptuous Fetish: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
98 Chapters
50 - Joana
I laughed out loud, covering my mouth with my hand right away. All right, the guards would have already noticed that the conversation was not being professional at all. I tried to pull myself together, but the look that Pablo threw at me only made me feel more ashamed of others."Damn, Pablo, that was killing," I grumbled, wiping the tears from my eyes. "It was nothing with him. My ex-boyfriend has always been very good at it. It turns out that yesterday I was thinking too much about all the shit that has been going on. I kind of lost my mind for a few moments and when I noticed, I was no longer feeling anything that the moment was made for me to feel. He noticed, so we did it. I kind of got it wrong, not him. And we didn't get to the part where I would come or not. Now can we close this matter?”Pablo shrugged."For me, your ex-boyfriend is still a piece of shit.”"Please don't say that in front of him. Or he will remain in prison for a few years.”"Who is he?”"It doesn't matter.”"
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51 - Pablo
I should have suspected from the beginning that all that noise could only be a rebellion. The prisoners were not crazy to make so much uproar for less than a final act of revolt. However, I was so focused on trying to keep Joana away from the damn case, and to stop admiring her stubbornness and courage, that I didn't notice that all the shit was already being done around us.Joana quickly took her cell phone out of the bag and started asking for help from all kinds of possible authorities, she even talked to journalists. Meanwhile, I pushed tables and chairs against the door, trying to save the guard who was almost being pushed and Joana who was not to blame for anything.There my theory was being proven. It was obvious that they wanted to come in because of her. It didn't even cross my mind any other reason. The rebellion was just a pretext, just something cute and expected to appear in the newspapers. They wanted her dead.Whoever kept me in that prison didn't want Joana to keep get
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52 - Pablo
"I won't let them in," I said in a firm tone, pushing the tables on my back with all the strength of my torso. Joana raised her head. "I won't let them touch you.”"For God's sake," she whimpered, panting.As long as a few guards kept shooting, we should be fine. But what did it guarantee that they really shot the prisoners and wouldn't just be disguising it?"Stay calm, Joana," I asked once again, even raising my hands in a soothing gesture. Joana watched me with wide eyes with fear. I got a little closer, unable to contain that need to touch his little body and send some comfort with the gesture. "They're not going in here. Not even that I'm trampled to death while trying to hold this door. They won't even go in for a fuck.”Joana noticed my approach, and instead of retreating as a smart person would, she also crawled against the ground in the movement that took her straight to my arms. Joana laid her head on my chest, closing her arms around my waist. Fuck.She was soft, warm, and
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53 - Joana
My state of shock lasted for the moment I was removed from the living room, until the moment I was taken to the infirmary. I didn't know how it had been. I didn't know how I was having so much cold blood to ignore my cell phone ringing incessantly. But my head was empty and at the same time very full."I was contacted by at least three different prosecutors," said the director of the prison, who was intercepting the entrance to the infirmary. He watched me with a great concern on his face. "Mrs. Jones, I'm really sorry about all this. We will repair this situation and all the detainees involved will be punished.”I don't remember nodding or saying anything, but the director made room in the small room with a nurse with the face of a few friends and closed the door. It was only after I was sitting on a fragile-looking metal stretcher that I noticed that Pablo had been leading me to the place all that time. I was even more shocked when I realized that my body totally cooled because I no
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54 - Joana
"My father was tortured before he died," I said in a low tone. Pablo was slightly startled, as if he had already forgotten that I was still there. He straightened up, frowning his face. I swallowed it dry. "I'm sorry to talk about it out of nowhere. It's just that it was the first thing I thought about when it all started.”"No," he said, in a hurry. He approached and put the ice pack against my forehead. The pain relief was immediate, but when I became aware that Pablo was between my legs, I was a little tense. He put one of his hands on my shoulders. "You can talk. I'd rather you talking or getting angry than in silence. Your silence scares me, Lioness.”It was the first time that day he called me by an intimate nickname, so I forced myself to open a quick smile. That day was already a total mess, any other show of affection would not change anything.Not after I spent several minutes hugging my client and desperate to leave the blessed room that turned out to be our salvation. Not
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55 - Joana
"I'm a little like that," he confessed, turning his eyes to his own feet. "I've never been able to get totally attached to a person, after so many years of not having anything that was mine. I don't know if Hazz told you, but our parents don't even own the farm where they worked since they were little. And we didn't have much to call ours there. So I ended up growing up with the idea that I could use something, so get rid of it when I got tired. It took me a long time to understand that it was not fair to do this with the girls who were interested in me, but not before I got involved in all kinds of problems possible. My whole life, I thought that was right, because I got used to it from an early age.”"It makes a little sense, as I said "I sighed softly, already feeling the calm invading my body. "Only the mark that my father left also prevents me from fully trusting people. To trust my life to anyone other than myself. I think the way he died, and having found the body first, made a
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56 - Pablo
"Were you heard anything about yesterday's rebellion? "I asked Ramirez.My cellmate interrupted his routine sunbathing, and opened one of his eyes to watch me.After helping Joana get some kind of medicine in the infirmary, I immediately went back to the kitchen and questioned my co-workers. None of them knew how to tell me who had started all that. They had not participated, and were inside the cafeteria along with all the others.They knew despite telling me that some guards and other inmates had been murdered. But as far as they would realize, everything seemed to have been armed. They weren't killing anyone. There was an order to be followed.I looked for Ramirez everywhere that day, but I couldn't find him. I only went to see him again during the night, when we were ready to sleep and I was coming back from my private appointment with the doctor. He didn't say anything when he saw me enter the cell, and slept quickly, or at least pretended. I didn't touch on the subject. I spent
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57 - Pablo
"I don't believe in your theory, but I think everyone in this prison has some reason to want your head off your neck," said Ramirez, lowering his tone of voice. "Get smart, Pablo. I’ve been hearing that the gang leaders are just waiting for a reason to end you. I don't know where this implication comes from, but it's good that you're prepared.”"Fuck it," I cursed, shrugging. "I just worry about what they really want with Joana.”Ramirez frowned, then watched me with half-closed eyes."Whe would your lawyer be involved in this, Pablo?”"Everything seems to be connected to her," I reflected in a low tone. The night before, I could barely sleep with that suspicion hovering over my head. Since Joana confessed to what happened in her family, I've been thinking about the coincidences. It was absurd, but considering the rebellion and her reports about her father, it could be connected in some way. "The father was murdered and they never found the suspect, after that, some tragic events cont
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58 - Pablo
"The pedophiles deserve death," I said without hesitation. Ramirez vehemently agreed with his head. For that subject, there was no discussion, but he was right. "As for us and the human mind, I have a different thought. I think that even if I don't have a difficult life, people like us would be doe to live situations like this. Some are simply born to receive punishments and others are born to shine. I always thought that way when I was younger, and this was only confirmed when I noticed that the real world was worse than I thought. I wasn't influenced to be in the wrong place and at the wrong time, it was a choice. And it wasn't totally out of hunger or fear. I just thought nothing would happen. My courage was my greatest act of stupidity. It had nothing to do with my parents.”Ramirez nodded, remaining silent the next moment. He looked at a corner away from the prison, where there was no one, so I noticed that he was still thinking about his own theories about life and divine punish
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59 - Joana
My mother gave me a lecture for hours after I returned home at the end of the prison rebellion.The news had spread to all possible gossip sites, since I had been committed to warning as many journalists as I found in my contacts, and warned some promoter friends of what was happening inside that place. If it weren't for those calls, I was sure I would already be dead. Without a doubt. There would be no table or chair that would prevent that door from coming down."Do you have any idea of everything that could have happened in there? " shouted my mother, out of her mind. She walked back and forth on the cute carpet in her office. My eyes were kept on my own feet, because my mother had the gift of making us ashamed in any situation. "Joana, you are the best lawyer in this country. She can't afford to continue attending that prison without some security trained to protect her in drastic situations like this. Is there a reason why your security guards need to accompany you every second o
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