All Chapters of Voluptuous Fetish: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
98 Chapters
60 - Joana
My heart almost didn't fit in my chest after noticing her expression when talking about my father. My mother's eyes, always so centered and striking, became lost and dark. She couldn't smile tenderly when talking about him. She simply closed herself to the world. Exactly the way my sisters and I did it.Exactly the way we found to protect ourselves after that terrible pain. My mother was a mirror that all of us, the five sisters, looked at each other every day. Even if our lives were different, even with boyfriends and security, there was still that brand. There was still the death of our father. Our greatest foundation. And we would never get over it."I don't like to imagine this kind of thing either," I admitted with a dry throat.My mother took a deep breath again."So try not to think, maybe that way the pain will pass.”I denied it with my head." Even if we all mysteriously suffer from Amnesia, it will never pass.”"Who knows? "She pondered. "I believe everything happens for a
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61 - Joana
"I have a personal question," Pablo began, and I sat a little more upright against the cold wall. He coughed lightly. "Are you dating someone at the moment?”I giggled softly."Do you want to flirt with me, babe? "I asked."No, I don't know how to flirt," he said, sincere, shrugging. "Women usually exchanged two glances and then everything happened. It was like magic.”"Uh" I mocked, laughing. "I don't doubt you could make any woman crawl. Even if you're arrested, you're still not one to throw yourself away. But, answering your question, no, I don't date anyone. I mean, I have an unresolved case.”" One more," he joked."It is, but this case is a little complex," I said softly, and Pablo arched his eyebrows in an encouraging way. "Well, I kind of dated a guy, so we broke up and he came back with his ex-wife. So he broke up with her, and we kind of came back. Then we realized that we didn't work that way, together, and we moved away again. The problem is that separately we didn't work
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62 - Pablo
" Tell me more about yourself" I asked in a low tone.Joana yawned, then took another deep sip of wine."What exactly do you need to know?”"Your whole story," I spoke with a shrug. "Do you have any crazy life goals, or just want to continue being a gossipy and very stubborn lawyer?”Joana laughed, echoing the sound of laughter throughout the intimate cell."I'm not that gossipy, stop it," she grumbled, but rested the glass of wine between her legs and leaned her head on the wall. "I already wanted to be an astronaut, can you believe it?”"Real? "I asked, unbelieving. "I don't know how you could stand to spend years of expedition in a secluded place.”"Not me either. I'd probably be.”"So why have you ever thought about it?”Joana shrugged."I was never a normal child," she said, nibbling her lower lip as she remembered. "I was luckier than most, I presume, but still... I've always been kind of weird. I don't say in relation to my personality. It's something more complex than that.”"
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63 - Pablo
Joana laughed loudly, even imitating a little pig by the sudden range of humor. I watched her from the corner of my eyes. She looked even more beautiful when she smiled openly. Did you realize that there was no point that didn't make it a dream of consumption for any man? She had never mentioned any situation that had felt despised by any man, whether by weight, appearance, or exacerbated financial condition."Well, I still don't know your younger brother, but I would say that you are the brave one," said Joana, already taking the thread of the conversation to start the subject of the reasons for me to be in jail. I knew she would take advantage of the moment at the first opportunity. I sighed with the imminence of the subject. "I wouldn't find a man who spent two years in prison and never gave his version of the story a coward. I don't know, I think it takes a lot of courage to risk this kind of thing. Not that I'm saying that you're really innocent, since you insist on not telling m
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64 - Pablo
"All right, I'll tell you mine," she said, murmuring as she turned her eyes away to think. "I have an obsession with understanding the human mind. All right, it's no secret, you know I'm always analyzing everything. But sometimes, when no one is looking, I just stand still and think about all kinds of weirdness that person should commit when being alone. I wonder what can lead one person to the outbreak and another to the point of jumping around, who loves the world and animals. The complexity of the human mind fascinates me a lot. And I think I would have done psychology at some other time in my life.”"That's no secret, it's bizarre.”"I never hid that I was a normal person," I spoke with a shrug."A personal secret now.”"I can't think of anything. You tell me.”"My biggest secret at the moment has to do with you, lawyer.”Joana raised her eyes to mine, without sketching surprise, just curiosity." Tell me a little more about it," she asked in a low tone."You may find it strange,
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65 - Joana
I don't know if it was the wine, but my whole body lit up before Pablo's words.He was well seated next to me, his penitentiary uniform rubbing against my fancy and expensive clothes, and everything I focused on was in his mouth. That full and perfect mouth, which I hadn't noticed in the moments we spent talking about our lives. In the moments when all I wanted was to gain his trust and finish that job right away. When we exposed our truths, it was as if a veil had been removed from my eyes."Do not think about doing anything you regret," he said in a low tone.I didn't notice that my hand was on his leg, and that's why he would be asking for that kind of thing. But even after I noticed, I didn't do anything to get away. I felt his muscles below that horrible uniform, I felt that thick and firm thigh, and my thoughts directed me directly to the day I fantasized to be being fucked by him. Right there, in that prison."I won't regret it," I said equally quietly."I don't do anything wit
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66 - Joana
Our remaining clothes bothered us to the point of starting to take them off without even realizing it. Pablo pushed his own pants with his feet, and I pulled my dress. Panties and bra are gone. I didn't even know if he wore underwear. I didn't see light, I didn't see anything. My eyes were closed and so they remained. But I didn't think of another man, as he settled between my legs. I didn't think about all the shit that act would cause. I let the feelings take over, and I became a wild creature made of all that lust.I held his dick. It was thick, full of veins, and very hot. It was pulsing the same way I thought my pussy would be. My hands touched that stiff limb without even believing the size. Not believing that all that accelerated pulse should be because of me. And it was beautiful to think that way, even though I was at the naughtiest moment of all those dates. I masturbated his penis. My hand went up and down without delicacy, because men like Pablo did not like to have his co
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67 - Joana
Pablo began to move, slowly, because he was still too tight. His eyes found mine, and I noticed all the desire contained there. All the lust that doping us also awakened us. He bent down to bite my neck, to suck, and a mark certainly stayed there at the same time.The pressure of your mouth on my skin made me gasp again. It was a unique sound, simple, but that made him lose his temper. Pablo slipped more deeply against my intimacy, this time pushing hard. He held his shoulder with one hand, and leaned with his elbow on the floor, one of his legs flexed, and the movements became continuous.Intercut arches began to sound from my lips, regrets of a need that no longer had anywhere else to be contained. It all came down to the flames of that overwhelming passion. Pablo's moans mixed with mine, became feroly, he pressed my shoulder and lowered his mouth against mine. The kiss was even more intense, even stronger. And we had to stop it because the air became scarce.Pablo turned around me,
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68 - Pablo
Sweaty, Joana and I stayed side by side. She was panting, and I was proud to have made her cum twice. I had already given up. I was already more than pleased to have taken that surprised woman to her limit, and beyond him as well. She spent some time with her hands on her belly, just breathing slowly. From time to time, Joana shuddered, still under the effect of that intense orgasm.I tried not to smile like an asshole, but the truth needed to be told; making a woman cum was a feat, but cumming twice in a matter of minutes was a glory. Either Joana was tailor-made for me and completely understood each of my movements to adore her body, or I was very good at that thing. Anyway, I got my arms behind my head, smiling like an idiot to the ceiling.Little by little, while we were sweating, the effect of alcohol was passing. I didn't hesitate with Joana, but I should have done it. She was not in her normal state and above all, she was still my lawyer. I was impressed that her security guard
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69 - Pablo
I leaned down, reaching her. Her back stuck to my chest and I bit her neck, with a moan stuck in my throat, I pulled Joana's hair back. I couldn't help myself by acting like an animal. We were both in our most lascivious and promiscuous state. We wouldn't be judged at that moment. There was no audience in there.Maybe outside, but if she kept holding back. If we continued without saying what we intended to do and just act, maybe no one would notice. Anyway, I was determined to make Joana remember who fucked her so furiously that night, so one of my hands went down to her ass, and the slaps continued.Moaning and moaning meaningless whining, we gave ourselves to that wet and dirty sex. Our skins began to sweat even more than they already were, but together that way, we just stuck even more. Joana bit her hand to moan loudly, and I said the worst kind of obscenity my mind could gather at that moment, whispering in her ear. Joana moaned again, totally involved by the smell of our sex in
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