All Chapters of THE LYCAN'S HATED SLAVE: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
117 Chapters
CHAPTER 70: Girl talk
NYX'S POVAs soon as Savio left, I cautiously emerged from my hiding place, my curiosity piqued by Elaine's intense expression. I could sense that something significant had transpired between her and Savio, and my eagerness to know the details was palpable."My goodness, I can feel chemistry in the air," I gushed, making Elaine's cheek turn red."Oh please, he's looking out for me because he's just our beta," Elaine replied, looking elsewhere. Her shyness was evident."Of course, he's just our beta, but to you, his treatments are special," I teased, wiggling my eyebrows mischievously."Nyx, stop it. It's not what you're thinking," Elaine said, trying to wash herself clean of any romantic notions."Tell me the juicy details. How did you both become so close to the extent where he's caring this much about you?" I asked, my eyes filled with curiosity."Okay, fine. I'll tell you what happened," Elaine surrendered."Yes! I knew there was a gist behind this chemistry," I squealed with excit
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CHAPTER 71: Rebuilding bonds
ELIANE'S POVNyx shot me a sideways glance, a mischievous smile tugging at her lips. "You know, Elaine, your face turns the most adorable shade of red whenever Savio's name comes up. It's hard to ignore."I chuckled nervously, my cheeks growing warmer by the second. "Oh, please, Nyx. It's not like that. I just...find him interesting, that's all.""Oh, please. Cut the chase. You like Savio, isn't it?" Nyx asked, unable to contain her curiosity. Her eyes gleamed with excitement, eager to uncover the truth that lay hidden within me.My cheeks burned, suffused with a crimson hue as I averted my gaze, feeling utterly exposed and vulnerable under Nyx's scrutiny.The intensity of her question caught me off guard, and I stumbled over my words, my voice trembling with uncertainty. "I...I don't know," I stammered, my voice barely audible. "I mean, he's a great guy and all, but I'm just a shy, naive girl. I wouldn't know what to do with a man like him."A knowing smile curved Nyx's lips, sensing
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CHAPTER 72: Match making
NYX'S POVI wearily trudged into my room, my body feeling heavy and fatigued. Every step I took was laden with exhaustion, my muscles protesting against the day's strenuous activities. All I craved was the comfort of my bed, a place to sink into and surrender to the weariness that had settled upon me.As I emerged from the bathroom, ready to finally surrender to the embrace of sleep, a soft knock on my door jolted me out of my drowsy state. Curiosity ignited within my tired eyes as I approached the door. I swung it open to find Aurora, my little friend, standing there with an infectious smile that seemed to radiate with boundless energy.The sight of Aurora's beaming face immediately injected a burst of vitality into my tired soul. I couldn't help but mirror the smile and invite Aurora inside."Hey, Aurora! It's so good to see you," I greeted warmly, my voice laced with a touch of exhaustion. I stepped aside, allowing Aurora to enter the room.Aurora's eyes widened in excitement as s
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Chapter 73: Platonic
CHAPTER 73NYX'S POVNot long after Aurora left, I found myself alone in my room, contemplating the upcoming matchmaking mission. I was tired, yet my chest bubbled with excitement at the thought of Elaine and Savio together. To me, they seemed like a perfect match. The way they looked at each other said it all.Lost in my thoughts, I was interrupted by the arrival of Riley, my dear friend, who had come to check on me."Hey, Nyx, how's your health? How are you feeling?" Riley asked with a genuine smile, noticing my distant expression.I turned to face Riley, grateful for his presence. A flicker of relief crossed my features. "I'm exhausted. Today was so stressful. But I'm glad you're here, Riley. And about my health, I'm getting better. Thank you."Riley's eyes filled with concern. "Aurora mentioned that you weren't feeling well. Is everything okay?""Oh, it's nothing. Today was just really stressful. Elaine and I worked in the garden," I complained, my voice low and tired."I'm so sor
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CHAPTER 74 : Territories
NYX'S POVRestlessly pacing back and forth in my room, I feel the mounting tension fill the air. Aurora joins me, and we retrace our steps, like investigators on a crime scene. Our frustration is palpable with each passing moment."I just don't understand, Aurora," I lament, my voice trembling with a mix of confusion and sadness. "They seemed perfect for each other. I thought our matchmaking skills were foolproof."Aurora lets out a frustrated sigh, her voice tinged with annoyance. "I know, it's beyond frustrating. We put so much effort into orchestrating those 'chance' encounters, dropping hints like breadcrumbs, and yet...nothing. It's almost like they've been playing a trick on us, dancing around the possibility of a deeper connection."I nod, my brow furrowing with deep contemplation. "We've tried everything. The subtle hints, the not-so-subtle hints, the accidental run-ins. But it's like they're both masters of evasion. They always manage to slip away from the moment we think the
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CHAPTER 76: Actions and consequences
NYX'S POVI was sitting alone in my room, lost in a sea of thoughts and emotions. The weight of recent events bore heavily on my heart, and I struggled to find solace within myself. It was in this vulnerable state that I heard a soft voice calling my name, and I looked up to see Aurora cautiously approaching me. Concern etched across her face, her eyes filled with genuine worry. I knew she cared for me deeply, and her presence brought a mix of comfort and trepidation."Nyx, can we talk?" Aurora asked, her voice gentle and filled with compassion. I hesitated for a moment, because I knew what she wanted to talk about, my gaze averted, before finally nodding in agreement. "Of course, Aurora," I replied, my voice laden with weariness. "What's on your mind?"Aurora took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts as she prepared to speak. Her next words filled the room, hanging in the air with a weight I couldn't ignore. "I... I saw what happened between you and my Father. You seemed so angry.
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CHAPTER 77: Entangled
ATLAS'S POVI sat slumped in my room, the heavy air saturated with the sharp scent of alcohol, my thoughts consumed by Nyx. With each sip of whiskey, my confusion and longing only grew stronger.Each sip only served to amplify my turmoil, leaving me more torn apart than ever before. I couldn't fathom why my heart ached so intensely for Nyx, why her absence had cast a dark cloud over my soul. I just couldn't comprehend why I was feeling this way, why my desire for her had become an all-consuming storm raging within me.Sending someone to fetch Nyx filled me with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. It felt like a desperate attempt to find solace in her presence, to make sense of the chaos in my mind. I needed her to help me clean up the mess I had become, both metaphorically and literally.Deep down, I felt sorry for allowing my emotions to spiral out of control, for burdening her with my tumultuous desires. I knew that their past had left wounds that may never fully heal, and ye
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CHAPTER 78: Aftermath
NYX'S POVI was still reeling from the aftermath of that fateful night with Atlas. It had been a week since our intense encounter, and I had been doing everything in my power to avoid him. Every time I sensed his presence, I would quickly retreat, hiding myself away from the possibility of another heated confrontation. I even almost got caught by him in the kitchen while attending to a chore, scrubbing the floor. The memory of our passionate embrace haunted my thoughts day and night. The vulnerability I had allowed myself to show, the depth of my longing for him—it was all laid bare in that moment of surrender. But now, I was left grappling with the aftermath, unsure of how to proceed.I tried to distract myself with mundane tasks, throwing myself into my chores and surrounding myself with books. But the image of Atlas's piercing gaze, his words hanging heavy in the air, refused to fade from my mind. The intensity of our connection left an indelible mark on my soul.That incident st
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CHAPTER 79: Give in
NYX'S POVBidding Aurora goodbye, my heart raced with a mixture of feelings. We had concluded that by evening she'd come to see me and of course we'd head to Atlas's study.Laying on my bed, I rolled, my thoughts consumed by the possibilities of what could happen if we get caught. What was I even saying? If I get caught. I mean, Aurora is his daughter and no matter how much of a monster he was he'd never do anything to harm her.I was cut out of my train of thoughts by the sound of a knock on my door.Who was it again? Was it Aurora? It wasn't evening yet. Hearing the person knock again, I grudgingly stood up grumbling under my breath.What's with all this stress? I really just wanted to rest.Turning the door knob, I opened it and to my utmost surprise it was Riley."Hey Nyx, how're you doing?" he greeted, his voice happy and his face decorated with a beaming smile."Hi, I'm fine. Come in." I was forced to try to push down how I truly felt. I was happy to see him but it wasn't just
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CHAPTER 80: Fantasy
NYX'S POVBefore I could manage to respond, his lips descended upon mine in a passionate kiss. It was a kiss that conveyed a multitude of emotions — longing, hunger, and a fierce possessiveness.In that moment, our lips melded together in a fiery dance, igniting a conflagration of passion between us. His kiss was intense, his lips moved hungrily against mine, seeking an unspoken connection that transcended the physical realm. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, revealing the depths of our desire and the unyielding magnetism that drew us together.As our mouths moved in sync, a symphony of emotions coursed through me. Every brush of his lips against mine sent electric currents cascading through my body, awakening every nerve ending and setting my senses ablaze. Time ceased to exist as we lost ourselves in the intoxicating embrace, our bodies pressed against each other in a fervent union.His hands, still holding my waist, tightened their grip, pulling me impossibly closer. The intensit
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