All Chapters of THE LYCAN'S HATED SLAVE: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
117 Chapters
CHAPTER 81: Labyrinth
NYX'S POVI stared at the stubborn zipper, frustration and desperation coursing through my veins. The dress I was wearing seemed determined to keep me trapped, its zipper hopelessly stuck. "Atlas!" I screamed calling out to him, frustration and desperation lacing my voice. The zipper was hopelessly stuck, and I knew I had no other choice but to call out for his help. His laughter filled the room, a sweet sound that sent shivers down my spine.With a playful glint in his eyes, Atlas approached me, his presence commanding my attention. My heart raced as he drew nearer, a mix of nervousness and anticipation flooding my senses. The playful banter we shared took on a different tone, charged with unspoken emotions that simmered beneath the surface."Close your eyes," I demanded, my voice slightly trembling with nervousness and anticipation.A smirk danced on his lips as he raised an eyebrow. "How am I supposed to help you if I can't see?" he teased.I gritted my teeth, frustration bubblin
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CHAPTER 82: Entertainer
ATLAS'S POVThe moment I heard the sound of the door slam, a heavy wave of guilt surged through my veins, causing me to slump against the nearest surface. I didn't mean for things to turn out this way. The pain I saw in her eyes as she left made me truly regret my actions for the first time in a long while.I had screamed at her to leave when I noticed the scars on her back. At that moment, I knew that I was the reason for her pain. It was enough to make me realize that I wasn't good enough for her. She deserved better, and yet, I still wanted her to be mine. As I stood there, everything felt like a dream. It had been sweet, yes, and I had craved her. But I couldn't ignore my vulnerability, my bare emotions, and my overwhelming passion throughout it all. It was as if I had poured my entire being into the relationship. I prided myself on being an alpha, but this experience had left me feeling smitten and unsure of myself. Nevertheless, I remained steadfast in my determination not to c
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CHAPTER 83: Comfort a friend
Elaine'S POVI had just left Savio's company and was making my way toward Nyx's room when I saw her rushing down the hallway, tears streaming down her face.My heart skipped a beat, and a surge of worry washed over me. The Nyx I knew was always strong, and seeing her in such a vulnerable state instantly heightened my concern."Nyx, Nyx!" I called out, my voice filled with urgency, but she didn't respond. Instead, she continued running, her pace quickening.Driven by both worry and determination, I picked up my pace, trying to catch up with her. Thoughts raced through my mind, wondering what could have caused her distress, and my imagination conjured up all sorts of possible scenarios.Finally, she reached her room and swiftly disappeared inside, shutting the door behind her. I was left standing in the hallway, shocked and even more worried than before. I couldn't bear the thought of her in pain and wanted nothing more than to be by her side, to offer comfort and support."Nyx, Nyx!" I
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CHAPTER 84: A daughter's plea
AURORA'S POVLaying on my bed, the worry for Nyx consumed me. What could have happened to her? Did my father say or do something wrong? Doubts and questions swirled in my mind, creating a whirlwind of anxiety. I couldn't bear the thought of Nyx in pain, especially if it was somehow connected to my matchmaking plans.Earlier, I had carefully orchestrated a plan to bring Nyx and my father together in his study.I thought I had planned everything perfectly, ensuring that they would have a chance to settle their differences and find common ground. But now, I questioned whether my actions had unintended consequences. Was it my interference that caused Nyx's distress?Restlessness took hold of me, making it impossible to find solace in sleep. My mind kept drifting back to Nyx, and my heart ached at the thought of her hurting. I replayed the events of the evening over and over, searching for clues as to what could have gone wrong.I remembered Elaine's words, urging us to give Nyx space and
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CHAPTER 85: Exhausted
ATLAS'S POVWatching Aurora walk out the door, her figure gradually fading from sight, left me feeling as if a part of me had been torn away.The weight of her departure settled heavily upon my shoulders, suffocating me with a mixture of guilt, regret, and an overwhelming sense of exhaustion. Could today get any worse? I wondered, the question echoing in my mind like a cruel taunt.Collapsing onto my bed, I closed my eyes and released a long, weary sigh. The weariness that washed over me wasn't merely physical; it ran much deeper, seeping into the very core of my being. It was a mental exhaustion, a heaviness borne from the weight of secrets and the consequences of my actions.The conversation with Aurora had been anything but easy. I had braced myself for the anger, the disappointment, the hurt that would inevitably pour forth from her wounded heart.And yet, I couldn't find the words to fully explain what had happened, to provide her with the closure she so desperately sought. Inst
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CHAPTER 86: let go
ATLAS'S POVWith a mix of anticipation and trepidation, I made my way towards Nyx's room. Earlier, I had managed to get the keys to her room from Savio. As I approached the door, my heart pounded in my chest, the weight of uncertainty pressing upon me. Inserting the key, I turned the doorknob and stepped inside, closing the door gently behind me. The room was a mess, a reflection of the turmoil that had consumed Nyx's soul. Clothes were strewn across the floor, books lay scattered haphazardly, and the air was heavy with an eerie silence. Panic began to rise within me as I frantically searched for any sign of her.A faint sound emanated from the bathroom, drawing my attention like a magnet. My steps quickened as I followed the source of the noise, my breath catching in my throat. And then, I saw her.Nyx was on the bathroom floor, her body convulsing with deep sobs, blood pooling from her hands. Shattered fragments of mirrors lay scattered around her, a haunting reflection of her inn
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CHAPTER 87: Aftertaste
NYX'S POVStaring at the ceiling, a whirlwind of unexplainable emotions churned within me.I was still grappling with the abrupt turn of events, unable to comprehend how everything had unfolded so swiftly. I had expected anger to consume me, to resist his advances and make him beg more for forgiveness.But the truth was, deep down, I longed to see him. In the solitude of my room, on those lonely nights, a part of me yearned for his presence. I craved his touch, his tender kisses that would erase the sting of his hurtful words spoken in his study.It frustrated me, this conflicting turmoil of emotions. I prided myself on being strong, on having control over my feelings. Yet, here I was, caught in a whirlpool of emotions that defied my usual composed nature.Lost in my thoughts, I was startled when I felt Atlas's grip tighten around my waist. He nestled closer to me, seeking comfort in my embrace, his head finding its place on my breast. I guess the pillows had gone to rest.As I looke
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CHAPTER 88 : Pillow talk
ATLAS'S POVAs I slowly awakened from my slumber, a groan escaped my lips, matching the intensity of my annoyance.The intrusive rays of sunshine rudely invaded my eyes, piercing through the delicate veil of sleep that still clung to my senses.With a loud sigh, I dragged myself out of bed, closing the curtains was a desperate attempt to reclaim a sliver of the peaceful darkness that I longed for.I didn't need a reminder that it was morning. Today all I yearned for was a day of tranquility, a day spent wrapped in the comforting embrace of Nyx. She was my solace, my sanctuary in a world that often felt overwhelming.I still couldn't believe how fast all these happened, a part still felt like this was a dream cause if not how did we get here? Turning my gaze towards the bed, my heart skipped a beat. There she lay, a vision of ethereal beauty sleeping peacefully.Her silken, white hair cascaded like a gentle waterfall across the pillow, framing her face in a halo of celestial radiance
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CHAPTER 89: Buy time
ATLAS'S POV"Hold on, I'm not decent!" I yelled, desperately trying to buy myself some time."Aurora couldn't possibly come in by this time," I thought to myself, hoping that my daughter would understand the urgency of the situation."Are you sure you don't want her to see you?" I asked Nyx, my voice filled with concern as I tried to persuade her to make this whole situation easier by not hiding."No, Atlas, she can't see me like this," Nyx replied, her voice trembling with anxiety. She loosened herself from our entangled embrace and rose from my legs, pacing the room with such calmness that I couldn't even hear her footsteps.I watched as Nyx nervously twirled a lock of her snow-white hair, desperately seeking my guidance. Her uncertainty weighed heavily on her, and I knew that she was grappling with a mix of fear and vulnerability."How about under the bed?" she suggested, her voice tinged with a hint of desperation. I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of her squeezing hersel
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CHAPTER 90 : Excuses
ATLAS'S POV"Wow, really?" I asked, my voice filed with disbelief just as I needed it to be. How ironic was it that Nyx had spent the night in my arms yet I had to lie that she didn't.I can't believe that I was here talking with so much obliviousness and pretending to not have spoken to Nyx, to not have held her close to my heart, to not have caressed her skin with mine, to not have placed my lips on hers."Dad, 'wow'? Of all things to say?" Aurora muttered, her eyes fixed on me as she regarded me with a mix of disbelief and disappointment. I could see that she found my reaction completely unbelievable."No, no, that's not what I meant," I hastily clarified, desperately trying to explain myself. "I'm just... surprised. I didn't expect this. It's not something that happens every day, you know?"Aurora sighed, her expression softening slightly. "I guess you have a point," she conceded, still clearly upset. "But seriously, what happened? I need to understand."I took a deep breath, gat
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