All Chapters of A Werewolf Guardian Got Prank Gone Wrong: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
140 Chapters
Packs of Blood
Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm my wolf down. Then I focused on my breathing, trying to push away the anger that was threatening to overwhelm me. But as I watched Alex body check one of my teammates and laughed, my wolf could not hold back any longer. "Melvin, what are you doing?" Jackson started getting worried. "We will end up the training session with broken bones, Jackson. I need to do something. Alex is doing this on purpose." I said back, my voice started to become a growl. With a roar, I leaped forward with my fangs bared and claws out. Alex's eyes widened in terror as he realized the mistake he had made. I landed on his feet, and, with a swift movement, knocked Alex to the ground. The rest of the players on the field stopped what they were doing, watching with a mixture of horror and fascination as my transformation continued. Jackson and Simon quickly moved to restrain my wolf before I could hurt anyone. "Get off me!" I snarled, struggling to bre
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Alex's Confession
Part of me wanted to join Karen by attacking the vampire but I could not help but ask out of curiosity and confusion. "Did he just breathe out our names? Or am I exaggerating things?" "No, you're not exaggerating things, Melvin," Jackson said back. "That vampire certainly recognized you and Karen." Jackson felt his heart racing as he saw the vampire's eyes glow with an unearthly light. He knew that we were in danger, but he also knew that this was his chance to make a difference. So he rushed towards the vampire, his stake held high. The vampire dodged his attack easily, sending him crashing into a nearby wall. Karen and I continued to fight the vampire, but he was too powerful for us. Just as he was about to sink his fangs into Karen's neck, an unexpected figure appeared. "Conrad?" I could not help breathing out his name. Even if the place was a bit dim, my wolf knows for a fact he was Conrad because I know his scent. And as far as I could remember, the l
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CCTV Footage
Alex wanted to talk but all I could hear from his mouth was his moaning. He also tried to loosen up the ropes and chains we wrapped from his body while his tears kept pouring from his eyes. "I will remove the scotch tape from your mouth. But promise me you will not scream okay?" I said before I enhanced my werewolf senses and dragged them to the living area to check on Jackson and Karen in her room. Alex nodded. But the second I removed the scotch tape I covered from his mouth, my eardrums almost exploded from his sharpness, and continues screaming. He leaves me with no choice but to put the scotch tape back into his mouth. "Who could have thought Simon was right," I said, feeling back at the silence of the room. "You, vampires are not worth our trust. I'm trying to be good to you, but you declined to cooperate." Two hours later, Karen and Jackson were surprised after seeing my room was already empty apart from the ropes and chains we wrapped on Alex's body. Fo
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Kidnapping Karen
I did not finish watching the entire scene so I slide to the bathroom and took a bath, then packed up for school. As soon as I stepped foot on the school's premises, my werewolf senses immediately searched for Simon's whereabouts. But instead of Simon, my senses first found Jackson and Karen walking in the hallway together. And I found it a bit odd when they don't usually walk together. So I was thinking about what happened last night. Perhaps they were talking about me doing the right thing letting go of Alex instead of killing him because that was what they believed at first until I confessed. "What's up guys? Did I miss something?" I shrugged them both and smiled. Karen smiled back. "We were just talking about stuff, Melvin. Don't worry, your best friend was not hitting on me. And just to be clear, he is not my type." Jackson contorted in disbelief, especially when he saw me staring at his face and could barely drop the ear-to-ear smile on my face. And I
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Vampire Vs. Werewolves
The sun went down, and the rugby field became empty, but the three of us stayed there, lost in our own thoughts. I could not believe Alex and his friends would go that far to avenge Felix's death. He already knows that neither of us killed Felix. Yes, we played a huge part in his death because we kidnapped him. But it was not our intention to get him killed. And now they are aiming for Karen. Such perfect timing when I moved out of her condo. But what am I going to do? My wolf even knows how serious Alex and his vampire friends with their words are. Finally, I spoke up. "We have to be extra careful. The vampires are getting started." Jackson put his hand on my shoulder, "We'll find out who did this to Felix, and we'll make sure they face justice. It will be the best way for the vampires will stop bothering us." I managed a small smile despite the terrible situation. It was comforting to know that I had a friend by my side, even in the midst of all this chaos.
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Saving Jackson
Karen and I stood nervously at the doorstep of Simon's mansion. We were supposed to meet him there for an urgent matter, but instead, we were greeted by his parents. "Hello, my name is Karen, and this is my friend, Melvin. May we ask if Simon's here?" Karen asked with a slight tremble in her voice. "My son's not here," Simon's mother replied curtly and began to close the door. "But, ma'am, it's important." I pleaded with her. "Our friend, Jackson, was kidnapped by the vampires, and Simon is the only one who can help us." Simon's parents exchanged a skeptical glance. "We don't believe you. How do we know you're really Simon's friends?" Simon's dad asked this time. Karen and I exchanged glances, waiting for someone from us to say something. Then I took a deep breath and started telling them the story of how I first met Simon while I was on my way to the school's parking lot. Everything. That my wolf hated him from the start from the deepest part of my bones.
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Melvin Kneeling Down
My wolf immediately rushes to his side, and with shaky hands, I check his pulse, relieved to find that it's still strong. My heart sinks again as I recognize the signs of a werewolf injury, with burns and scrapes. Jackson mutters a few incomprehensible words in his unconscious state, and the sound of his voice makes me overcome with emotions. I scooped him up and gets him out of the cave, taking him to safety under the moonlight. My wolf begin to wonder about how this could have happened. As soon as I set his body on a plain surface of the ground, I howled louder to signal Karen and Simon. Then I checked Jackson's body again. He was unresponsive. So I shortly applied CPR on him. My wolf waited anxiously until he awoke, gripping his hand tightly. Finally, Jackson's eyes flutter open, and he looked at me with confusion. The moment his breathing turned normal, I started asking him about what happened, but he can't seem to remember anything. His memory was hazy,
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Vampire Elders
The next day, Jackson and I were sitting in Karen's condo, watching the news on the television. Karen, on the other hand, was preparing some snacks. We were casually chatting about the school's upcoming programs and events to get us prepared for the possibilities until the news anchor's voice abruptly interrupted our conversation. "Breaking news, I repeat, breaking news," the anchor said urgently, causing us to immediately focus our attention on the TV. We watched in shock and disbelief as the news report unfolded in front of us. An entire village had been wiped out, believed to have been the work of wild animals but we believed from a group of vampires. The footage showed images of the destruction and terror, with devastated families trying to find their loved ones amid the rubble. "Wow," Jackson said, breaking the silence that had fallen over us. "This is truly horrifying." "I can't believe this is happening," Karen added, her voice strained with emot
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Vampire Elders Part 2
Alpha Draku paused for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he considered my words. "Very well," he said at last. "If it brings you peace of mind, we will prepare for any potential threat. But know that I still do not believe in the vampire elders." With that, he dismissed us, and we left the pack village with heavy hearts. As we made our way back through the forests, we could not shake the feeling that something ominous was looming on the horizon. The next few days were spent in a flurry of preparations. Karen, Jackson, and I, and sometimes Simon joined us in, worked tirelessly to gather the resources we needed to ensure the humans' and pack's safety. We scouted the area of our school, set up traps, and laid out plans for different scenarios. We were determined to be ready for anything that may come our way. However, the days passed, and there was no sign of the Vampire Elders. We began to wonder if Alpha Draku was right, and our fears were unfounded. But just as
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Werewolf of New Orleans
As Karen and I continued patrolling the city, the moon was high in the sky and the night was quiet. The occasional car would pass by, but for the most part, it was just the two of us walking through the streets. We were both on high alert, knowing that any moment we could come face to face with one of the Vampire Elders. "Thank you for doing this, Karen," I said, trying to open a conversation when the two of us were completely serious since we got out of the woods meeting with the vampires. "What about me?" Jackson blurted. He even moved his face closer to me to make sure he will be noticed. "Aren't you supposed to be thanking me as well?" Karen and I exchanged a short smile. "Are your wounds already healed?" I asked considering I am still seeing his bandages all over his arms after my wolf saved him from the wheel. "Don't change the subject, dude." Jackson insisted. "I managed to meet vampires, werewolves, hunters, and many more in the name of peace and justice." "Fine," I sh
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