All Chapters of Chosen Mate: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
162 Chapters
Unspoken Truce.
IRIS"Would you be joining the Alpha for breakfast this morning, my Lady?" One of the maids asked as they scrubbed my back while I played with the bubbles from the bathing water. It was always fun playing whenever they decided to get me ready. I would have done debating myself but then, I was so tired and exhausted from the training I had this morning, so I let them do it. Maybe next time when I was used to all of this and might actually take up scrubbing myself for a change. Until then, who was I to complain?"I don't think I will be going." I answered and continued playing with the bubble as they ran up my arm."Well because he didn't ask me to," I stated facts. "And I believe that yesterday was a one-time thing because I was recovering and he wanted to make sure that I had eaten enough, and that was why he invited me for breakfast, but I'm all better today. So, I don't see the need for having breakfast with him when he didn't invite me to."I sighed briefly."Plus, he told me yeste
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The truth about the seers.
DYLAN"Careful how you slurp those noodles, young lady," I pointed out to her and she laughed. She had been laughing like that for a while now, and I didn't know why but it felt warm and very cozy. I wasn't used to eating on the table with a second party, but she was proving that fact to be a lie because it just felt natural with us."I don't think that I will ever be able to eat anything from my own cook anymore." She voiced out as she munched on the meal in front of her."Doesn't your chef cook hers the way you want her to?" I asked, and she nodded in affirmation."I mean I like the fact that she's constant and that she always has a lot of things to offer but when it comes down to tasting, I think my taste buds are different." She told me as she continued eating."Well I'm glad that you like my chef and if it makes you feel any better, then you could share a meal with me whenever you feel like it." I didn't know why I said what I said, but I just felt that it was right for me to do
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Analyzing feelings.
DYLAN"She finally told you about it?" Kavan asked wide-eyed, which was followed by a deep release of breath with his eyes closed. "Thank goodness! I thought that I was going to carry this heavy burden to my grave. It feels so good to know that she finally told you.""I know how hard it must have been for you to keep such a thing from me knowing that you never hide anything from me, so thank you very much Kavan. And thank you for looking after Iris as well when she asked you to," I said to him, and he brushed me off.I had sent for Kavan after breakfast with Iris to tell him about my plans to have Iris taken to a seer and also to discuss other matters of the pack with him, and he was surprised that I knew about the secret that Iris had been carrying for a very long time. We were both going through some files that I had asked him to come with as well."You don't have to thank me for everything I do for you. We have been best friends since we were little. So as long as it demands it, I
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Denying feelings.
DYLAN"Did I come at a bad time?" She asked in a soft voice, but I pretended to be focused on what I was doing. Wait a minute, since when did I consider her voice to be soft? Was this some kind of joke because if it was, then it wasn't funny to say the very least. Why did I care if her voice was soft or not? And why was I affected by her mere presence in the room? I didn't want to prove Kavan right but at this point, I think his words were slowly starting to get to me."Of course not, my lady." Kavan winked at me before going to fetch her from the door. "You came at the exact right and perfect time. If I didn't know any better, then I would have said that you and the Alpha are sharing some sort of telepathic connection to know that he was actually expecting you to be here by this particular time.""He was expecting me to be here?" She asked in disbelief. Her eyes glanced at me briefly from where she stood. "Why does that sound strange?" She muttered, but I heard her clearly. I always
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Trusting the enemy.
DYLANWe got outside and made our way into the car that was prepared to drive us to where we were headed. I still couldn't get my head wrapped around what Kavan had said back there concerning Iris. There was no way that I was in love with her. I only married her to fulfill my end of the bargain as I have promised the moon goddess. I didn't marry her out of love and neither did she. We were both victims of the same circumstances.And why would I love a wolfless woman? There were tons of women out there with great abilities that would have been beneficial to me but I ended up with her instead. It was like my life has been programmed to only live for suffering, pain and hurt. Her kind killed my parents in cold blood when I was a child. They took away my people and made me the very last wolf to survive and they thought that it was going to change because the goddess brought Iris as my wife?Not a chance. I would make sure to get back at them though. No matter what happened, I would make s
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A shocking revelation.
IRISThe minute we got into the place, I was stunned. It didn't look like anything I had imagined. The place felt warm and cozy and everything was kept in place. When Dylan told me the stories concerning the Seers, I had very low expectations because I thought that they would be people who were cold-hearted and probably ruthless to a fault. I thought that they might even be cave people who might bring in ridiculous notions in order to see us. Hell, I even thought that we would walk in on a fight the minute they suspected our presence, but all I saw were nothing but peaceful people living happily.I could tell that Dylan was more relaxed than when we got here because he too felt the same things.A little girl rushed up to hold Dylan's legs and we both crouched down to her level. She had green eyes and her hair was a curly mess."Good afternoon, Alpha Dylan and Luna Iris." She greeted us, and we were both taken aback. How did she know our name? This was literally the first time that I w
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The words of the seer.
IRISI couldn't believe what I had just heard. I thought that I had heard a lot of things in my entire life but this will be the first time that I have heard something as despicable as this, and I still couldn't bring myself to believe that she was indeed being serious about what she had just said."You sent me those visions?" I repeated, and she nodded her head in response. The look on her face told me that she was being serious about it and that she wasn't joking at all."But why would you send me those visions? Do you know how they affected me? I almost lost my life because of the intensity of how they came each time you sent them. I thought that I was going to die from the pain and hurt it came with," I complained bitterly."I am deeply sorry, Luna Iris, and if there is any way that I can apologize for doing what I did, then I will—""Then why did you do it?" Dylan asked on my behalf. I was thankful that at least, he was on my side on this one because there's no way I could face a
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More words from the seer.
IRISDylan stood up to leave, and I followed him outside without uttering a single word. I knew that he must be feeling bad concerning the news that he had just heard from the seer herself. He had been in a lot of dilemma lately after the last attack that happened and he has been trying to find ways to keep the pack's security firm and tightened so that it wouldn't happen again, only for him to hear now that there was more to come and that he should be prepared for the worst. I could only begin to imagine what he was going through at this very moment. Being a leader was not easy and his job has just taken a turn for the worse.Now, I was slowly starting to get a glimpse of what his world has always been about and why he was always so uptight and serious all the time. He was made a leader at a very young age after losing his parents and had to take on too much responsibility from a young age. All his life, he has been through so much, and now it was only going to get worse. And to thin
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Switching up.
DYLANWe walked back to the path that separated both realms from each other and I was surprised to see Kavan still waiting for me alongside the other guards that we had come with. Judging from their faces, I could tell that they were tired and worn out but still chose to remain there, waiting for us. It gladdened my heart to know that at least I had trustworthy people in my life that cared about my safety and my well-being and also had the nerve to sacrifice their time just to wait for me and to ensure my safety."Alpha!" Kavan gasped and ran up to us. He embraced me, and I could practically hear his heart beating rapidly. My best friend could easily take down an army and ward of any attack but his greatest weakness and strength had to be me. Growing up, we had always been with each other and had always taken care of each other to the best of our abilities. We had always made sure to be there for one another when it was needed and that was why when something happened to one of us, it
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Feeling sorry.
IRISThe maids helped me out of my clothing and fixed me a bath. After that, they dressed me up as they prepared me for the night. My whole life, I had thought that they were the monsters but it wasn't true. Our kind, my own people, had been the monsters and not them. They wiped out an entire race and pack and killed a little boy's parents. I couldn't even imagine life without my own parents, and yet they went ahead to render someone an orphan without thinking twice. Didn't they have a conscience at least?How on earth was I supposed to face him now after learning the truth about his horrible past? And to think that I had said so many mean things about him. I had even gone ahead to insult his parents the last time we had an argument. No wonder he lashed out at me that day and told me off. He was going through so much and then I was only adding to it. My parents had only sold me off as his wife which was the greatest sin that they had ever committed in my books, but his parents were mu
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