All Chapters of Chosen Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
162 Chapters
DYLAN"I think that we should take Mr. Wolfman for a walk. Don't you think so?" Iris suggested, and I darted my eyes to look at her briefly. We were taking a stroll around the mansion because for some reason she has suggested that we do so due to the fact that she couldn't sleep. I was not one to walk around with a lady neither was I the type of person that derived pleasure in caring about what others thought or wanted but with this woman, it was a bit different and I could tell.Each moment I spent with her always reflected to me in a different light. I could feel myself drawn to her and no matter how hard I tried to stop myself from feeling all of these, I just couldn't stop. I mean, she was a human for crying out loud and I still believed that the goddess must have made some kind of mistake when she picked her to be my mate. But why did every moment I spend with her feel nice?Besides, she wasn't my type. I was an Alpha and I was supposed to be mated with a woman who was strong en
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IRISThat night I couldn't sleep after I got back to my room. I tried different positions but none were working. I turned and tossed away on the bed, but it only made it worse. I didn't know what I had done to Dylan, nor do I know if I had offended him in any way because he had simply refused to tell me.Today was supposed to be my makeup birthday but he had managed to successfully make it all about him. Was it what I said or did? I didn't lie though, so why did he take it personally? Growing up, I had no idea that he was going to be my husband. My mother and father had hidden the truth from me and made me live and grow up as a human in the real world. So how was I supposed to know that one day I will end up in his realm as his Luna and his wife?Everybody has a phase to their teenage stage. it was not something new. The part about me having a boyfriend was true, but we never had sex or any physical intimacy with each other. I had always thought that he was sweet and caring but that w
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Anger and retaliation.
IRIS.With the help of my hand maids, I was able to get a work out attire for my training. I didn't tell them that I would be training with Mr. Wolfman because he had mentioned something yesterday about it being against the rules, so I wouldn't want to say anything that would get him into trouble. As much as I was still upset with him, I would never try to jeopardize his position especially with everything going around at the moment."How do I look?" I spread my arms wide apart for them to take a closer look. I was clad in training joggers and a sports vest that exposed the lower part of my abdomen. I didn't know how they managed to get their hands on such items but deep down, I was eternally grateful."You are dressed in the simplest of all clothing, but you still shine radiantly.""Awwwn," I cooed. "Thank you both so much. I will be leaving to begin my early morning routine and when I am back, I will send for you both to help me get ready for today, okay? Bye." I waved at them, and
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His other half.
IRISI sat down on my bed feeling dejected at what had just happened. I had always thought that Dylan was a man of his word and that he wouldn't go back on anything that he had said or promised, but I guess that I was wrong. He was just like the rest of them. I was assuming that he was a bit different but no, he still had the same ego, the same pride, and was too full of himself.I took off my clothing and decided to have my shower. When I was done, I got under the covers of my bed and pulled the duvet over my naked body and remained like that. Minutes passed but I didn't move an inch, neither did I get up from that position. Dylan's words had hurt me and I was not about to pretend that it hadn't. He was the last person that I expected to say those words to me, or maybe I expected so much from him.This was why you never trust men and steered clear from them. I didn't blame him though. I blamed my parents who were selfish and heartless enough to marry off their only daughter to this e
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Enlisting help.
IRIS."I thought that you wouldn't be accompanying me?" Dylan asked when he saw me approach the car that was supposed to take us to the town. His escorts and guards stood at strategic places as though they were waiting on his command to do something."Unlike you, I don't put my anger on everyone. These people were hurt, and if there's anything that I could do to help, then I would. It has nothing to do with you," I responded when I got to where the car was parked. He didn't say anything but only turned his direction to the other side."Have a nice day, my Lady." My maids bowed down their heads to me, and I nodded."I will," I assured them smilingly. "And thank you for the lovely dress." With that, I got into the car, and we immediately drove away. I might not be happy to be here at this moment, but at least I was grateful for the fact that I was not hooked up in my bedroom all day. Even though I was angry at him for what he had done, it was better to take that anger to the great outdo
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Telling the secret.
DYLANI watched them from afar, as I pondered on what they were talking about. I didn't know why, but seeing them together kind of struck a nerve as I felt myself getting more jealous by the minute. The fact that she had ignored me all morning after our little issue and had taken it upon herself to avoid me just didn't sit well with me.I mean, I was her husband, was I not? Why couldn't she talk to me instead? And why Kavan of all people? Was something troubling her that she couldn't tell me?They were both engrossed in whatever they were discussing to even notice me standing there waiting for them. I wondered what Iris was saying to Kavan, and why they looked so serious in their conversation. Was she reporting me to him, or probably complaining about something that I did to her? The more I thought about her ignoring me for him, the angrier it made me. I shouldn't be angry because I thought that I had already established a pact with my wolf that we both wanted absolutely nothing to do
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Through the eyes of a child.
DYLAN"Alpha." I felt someone tug at the hem of my robe. I looked down to see a child staring up at me, her hands firmly holding on to my clothes as though she was fighting to let go. I was not the greatest when it came down to children, so just looking at her now had me in a bind because I didn't know exactly what to do."Hello there." I crouched down to her height so that I was at eye level with her. She smiled at my effort, and I saw the little gleam in her green orbs. I could tell that she would be having her first shift soon because the pre hormones around her were slowly starting to get stronger."Who are you, and how can I help you?" I proceeded to ask. She let go of my robe and rubbed her hands together nervously."My name is Isha and I wanted to ask if you were married to that beautiful woman over there." She pointed her little hands at Iris, who was still engrossed playing with the other kids to have noticed that one of them had sneaked out."What made you ask that question,
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Iris saved by Dylan.
IRIS"Be careful, Luna." One of the women called out to me as I tried to fix up one of the loose floorboards of the ceiling that was hanging down so that it doesn't hurt the kids."I know, Mira," I retorted. "I promise I'll be careful so you don't have to worry about me.""Of course we'll worry. You're the Alpha's woman, and we will all be blamed should anything happen to you while you are working on that. Why don't you just step down and let one of the guys do it for you instead?" She suggested, her voice laced with worry."I'll be fine, Mira. Besides, I'm almost done working on it. It just needs a few tweaks here and there to make a note, and I'll be done," I assured her before resuming to work on it. I managed to fix on the board and just as I was about to step down from the chair, I slipped and felt myself falling.I screamed loudly as I waited for the impact which would be falling to the ground and breaking a few bones here and there. I remained still, waiting and not moving, but
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Iris fainted.
IRIS"I see that you and Kavan were pretty close today," Dylan voiced out as we made our way back home. I had thought that he would at least let me rest and have a moment to myself since I had been very tired all day but no, he wanted to start up a conversation which I wasn't prepared for. Why was he always like this?"Why?" I asked. Obviously irritated that he was trying to talk to me after what he did today. We had been out all morning and he didn't even take the initiative to apologize or at least act as if he was sorry for his actions but now, he was trying to talk to me? Did he think I was that stupid to want a conversation with him?"I'm just asking you a question, Iris." He retorted. "I'm not trying to kill you or accuse you for anything."I scoffed. "Isn't that what you've been doing since yesterday? If I could recall correctly, the last time you asked me this question, you went ahead to slut shame me, and then you took appropriate steps to not train me. So what more should I
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The way to heal her.
DYLAN"Iris?" I rushed toward her and crouched to the ground right next to her. I carried her into my arms and shook her desperately. Her eyes were snapped shut, and that was when I noticed that she was burning up. I drew her closer to myself so that my body would keep her warm."Iris! Don't you mess with me and wake up right now!" I called out to her, begging and pleading for her to open up her eyes, but she wouldn't. She couldn't."Send for the pack's physician right this instant!" I ordered in a loud voice. "If he doesn't arrive in the next twenty minutes, I swear to the goddess that he will crawl all the way home." I threatened, and the guards stormed off. Gently picking her up, I carried her in bridal style and made my way toward my bedroom. I placed her on the bed and took off her attire till she was left in her undergarments."You stubborn woman!" I mumbled under my breath. "You just couldn't wait to finish me off that you had to do this, right? Or did you think that I was easi
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