All Chapters of Owned by the Billionaire Mafia King: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
100 Chapters
Chapter 41 : What If You Die
JaxonI felt uncomfortable in my own skin. I felt like my nerves were slowly boiling, and I couldn't stand still. Rationally, I knew Sara would be alright, but I couldn't help pacing while the doctor finished his physical examination. My mind was swirling with all the events of the last twenty-four hours. Daren was supposed to be out of my life.... How did he still impact so much of it? I kept pacing to keep myself from shaking. I knew she was getting the best care, but I couldn't stand waiting to hear whether she was going to be okay. She'd gone through so much. Until I knew for sure, I was barely holding it together. I could tell my incessant pacing was irritating the doctor, but I didn't care. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I moved quickly to the door. I stepped out but left it a little open so I could keep Sara in my sight. "What is it, Walt?" "I'm sorry, Jaxon. I know you wanted my men to back off, but the news crews outside your place heard gunshots. They are
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Chapter 42 : I Could Finally Breath Again
JaxonAs soon as I was certain that Sara was asleep, I moved carefully out of the bed and shut the door quietly behind me. I pressed in my key code and locked the door. It was bad enough I wasn't keeping her next to me; I wouldn't risk anything happening to her again. I moved quickly downstairs where my men were still waiting, guarding the door and gathering up the dead bodies. I glanced at my watch. It was almost 6:00 A.M. and I hadn't slept at all. I didn't feel tired though. My body was still racing with worry, fear, and adrenaline. All my men turned to face me when they saw me coming to join them. They stood up straighter, clearly waiting for instructions. "I'm going to call Marcus and get a cleaning crew in here. I want one of you to stand outside my door at all times; no one gets in or out but me and the doctor. I bring meals up to her, but she never comes out. You are to protect her at all costs. Understood?" They all nodded quickly, and I was not surprised when El
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Chapter 43 : I Need You To Keep Me Safe
SaraI felt uncomfortable. I could hardly move from lying on my back. Everything hurt my hip too much. I groaned. This f*cking sucked. As much as I loved having Jaxon by my side almost constantly, it was a bit annoying to have him and the doctor fussing over me like I was some kind of porcelain doll all the time. I wanted to scream. But at the same time, I could hardly stand Jaxon leaving me. I felt better–safer–when he was next to me. If it weren't for Jaxon's forceful insistence, I wouldn't have even wanted the doctor in or around me. I liked knowing Jaxon's men were still out and around, guarding the place, as long as they stayed out of the room. "Can you try to take a deep breath for me, Sara?" the doctor asked, already putting a bit of pressure on my broken ribs. I winced from the pain as I tried to breathe. "How are you feeling? Has the pain improved at all?" "It's not as bad as that first night, but it still f*cking hurts," I growled. He stopped touching me instant
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Chapter 44 : Have To Be Near Her
JaxonIt irked me to see Sara looking so broken and helpless. I felt constantly torn between never wanting to leave her side and wanting to avenge her. It became especially difficult to satisfy my duties when she begged so desperately for me not to leave her. I delegated my responsibilities as much as I could, but there were some things that required me in person. "I won't be gone long. I'll be back as soon as I can. The new alarm system is set. I'm leaving all my men here. Eli will be right outside," I offered, leaning in to kiss her forehead. She was still frowning. I sighed. "Didn't you already talk to the media? Can't they just review that statement?" Sara objected. I smiled weakly at her and ran my knuckles down her cheek. "That was different. I gave a statement to the immediate situation. This is with the board and the police verifying my story. It's the best way to ease the tension at the company and add some validity to my previous account of what happened. This i
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Chapter 45 : I Want You
Sara"How are you feeling?" Jaxon asked as he buttoned his shirt. I smiled as best I could. "I'm okay. My ribs feel a bit between," I replied. I did a quick assessment of my body to see if that was really true. Everything felt a little better, but my hip and my ribs were still sore to the touch. Emotionally, I felt better, stronger. I continued to feel safer every day, especially since Jaxon kept his promise. It'd been a week since his statement to the company and the press, and he hadn't left the house since, though he did go down to his office to work often. I was doing my best to finish the manuscript he gave me–anything to occupy my time. Jaxon had gotten me a new computer and transferred all of my files. It was fancier than anything I'd ever owned before, and it was still taking me a while to learn all the tricks and gadgets on it. "Good. I'm glad you feel better because I have a surprise for you." I glanced at him, and he was giving me a mischievous smile. I rais
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Chapter 46 : Crime and Punishment
JaxonI watched her sleeping as I continued to get ready. Today was going to be rough as I made sure Sara was finally safe. I needed to actually catch up on my work as leader of the underworld. I couldn't let people think they could get out of control and defy me as Richie had. I couldn't let the word spread through the filth and crime of the underground that there were no consequences to defying me. I wrote a quick note for Sara and left it on the bed for her. I hoped she wouldn't be too upset with me when I returned. I quietly slipped out of the room and shut the door. I stared harshly at Eli. He kept his eyes on mine, submissively waiting for orders. "I'm leaving. We are taking Richie down. I'm leaving you and a few others to guard the house and Sara. You need to do anything and everything in your power to protect her. Don't let anything happen to her. Don't let anyone come into this house," I demanded. "She'll be safe with me, sir." Eli nodded and stood straighter. "I
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Chapter 47 : You Drive Me Completely Wild
JaxonI drove quickly through the familiar streets, no doubt confusing my men in the cars following behind me. But no one called to clarify. No one bothered to check in or question my directions. It was one of the perks of being the boss. I pulled up to the house and walked inside. I wanted to head straight up the stairs to Sara, but when I touched the handrail I remembered the blood. I went to the hall bathroom and rinsed the remaining blood off my hands. I took off my jacket and threw it in the basket in the corner. My shirt seemed clean enough, if I rolled up the sleeves. I splashed water on my face as well, running my fingers through my hair. I still didn't want Sara to see too much of this side of me. She had already seen too much. I was surprised she still wanted me around at all. I signed. I wasn't going to improve much more. I walked up the stairs and nodded to Eli. I put my hand approvingly on his shoulder. "Thank you. Take a break but stay close." He nodded a
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Chapter 48 : I Love You, Too
SaraI felt better having showered and cleaned up, even more so since it was the first shower I'd really been able to take on my own. Jaxon was already at work, and I stood alone in the bathroom, brushing my hair out. Certain movements and angles still stung a bit, but most of the visible marks on my body had gone. No one would know what happened to me just by looking at me. I smiled. The doctor had officially cleared me to move and resume my life, provided I was still taking it easy and not overworking myself. But after almost two months confined to a bed, moving and overworking myself sounded like a dream.I got dressed slowly and headed downstairs. I was thinking about breakfast, but it was getting too late to even consider it brunch. The chef was cleaning up the kitchen and restocking the refrigerator. He turned only slightly as he heard me come in. "Good morning, Ms. Sara. Would you like something to eat? I left the fresh pot of coffee on for you." His words were kind, b
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Chapter 49 : Never Want To Be Apart
JaxonIt was hard to concentrate on anything for too long. Thoughts of the previous night with Sara consumed me. I replayed the memory of her saying she loved me over and over in my mind. It still felt like a dream. I tried to force myself to look at the quarterly documents. I could feel the smug smile still strong on my face. The numbers on the report were abysmal, all things considered. I knew most of it had to do with the drama around Sara, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I knew things would go back up soon, especially with Sara as our new writer. Her words replayed in my mind.I barely registered the phone ringing. I picked it up without taking my eyes off the computer. "Devereux," I answered in a surprisingly cheerful tone. It was hard to believe that was my voice. My smug expression grew wider as I thought about Sara again and that I never had to give her up. "Jaxon, it's Walt." "Walt! How are things in the law enforcement business?" I really was in a good
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Chapter 50 : Bliss
SaraI felt a strange sense of peace, something I hadn't ever experienced before. For the first time in my life, I wasn't worried. I had the career of my dreams, and I was doing so well at it. I was surprised when Jaxon's mom congratulated me personally on my success. I was with Jaxon–for real. I no longer owed anything or was bound by some selling of me like property. I was just with him, and I wanted him. No one was coming after me. After the funeral, it felt like everything in my old life had died with my father. I knew Jaxon wouldn't give up being the king of the underworld, but that didn't bother me. Nothing in that world could touch me anymore. No one would dare threaten the queen. I sat in the private jet feeling elated and shocked by my reality. I had never taken a true vacation in my life. I had never been beyond the boards of the state I was born in. Now, I sat comfortably with just Jaxon, taking a dream vacation across the Pacific. I had just wanted to go to Hawai
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