All Chapters of Owned by the Billionaire Mafia King: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
100 Chapters
Chapter 61: Your Choice
Jaxon“There has to be something else we can do,” I barked. I sat down heavily in my office chair. “Without the paternity test in hand yet, there’s no way to move forward,” my lawyer responded. “Besides, even if we prove the child isn’t yours, the only thing we can say she is guilty of is mistaking the father. There’s no way to prove she did anything on purpose or to trap you.” “But I know that’s what she’s doing!” “I’m afraid regardless of how wealthy or powerful you are, Jaxon, a jury isn’t going to just take your word for it. I need proof of wrongdoing. I need evidence that she’s conspiring against you. Right now you have nothing but an uncomfortable situation.” “Keep searching and I’ll keep digging for something we can use,” I demanded. I didn’t wait for him to respond before I hung up the phone. I rubbed my face in my hands. My whole body was tense and my nerves felt like they were pulled like piano wire. I couldn’t sit still, I couldn’t calm down. I reached fo
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Chapter 62: Whiskey Sour
SaraI wasn’t sure I felt better after talking to Jaxon. I wasn’t sure anything in my feelings had changed. Lauren had been mostly right about his intentions, and I felt more confident his goal had not been to hurt me or lie to me. But that didn’t change the situation. We still didn’t know for sure if he had unintentionally cheated on me with his ex-wife. The thought sent a wave of sickening rageful disgust through me. I stayed in the house. I stayed in bed next to Jaxon. I followed Lauren’s suggestions. I rolled over to find his side of the bed, empty, but my hand landed on a piece of paper. *Good morning my love. I’m going to the office early to try and get some work done and settle things with Cynthia. I wasn’t sure if you’d want to come in or work from home so I let you sleep. I love You.* Part of me wanted to crumple up the note and throw it in the trash. Part of me wanted to hold it close and read over the last words. He loved me. He loved ME. He chose me. Why did I
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Chapter 63 : Planning a Getaway
JaxonI paused at the top of the stairs when I realized the light was on in Sara’s old bedroom. I could hear faint music as well. My heart sank. Had I done something else? Had she changed her mind about working through things? I was filled with an anxious sadness. I hesitantly walked towards the room and knocked on the door. The music paused. I waited outside feeling like hours had passed before Sara finally opened the door. “You’re home,” she whispered. It was clear she had been crying and I ached to hold her. “Yes, can I ask, why are you in here? Did you change your mind?” I shoved my hands in my pockets to keep from reaching out to her. The last thing I wanted was to upset her further. Sara wrapped her own arms around herself and shrugged. “I just wanted to give you space… I wasn’t sure if you’d want me around tonight.” I couldn’t help it now: I reached for her and wrapped her in my arms. I pulled her close to me and kissed the top of her head. “Sara, no, I al
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Chapter 64 : Nothing Seems Right
SaraI knew I needed to get up. It had been over a week since I’d been in the office but I still couldn’t bring myself to go. I didn’t want to face my coworkers’ judging eyes and constant whispers. I rolled over onto my back and stared at the ceiling. At the very least I should get up and work from home. I kept trying to convince myself to move, but I stayed in bed, staring–making designs out of the swirling paint. My phone buzzed beside me, and I had a knee-jerk reaction to throw it across the room. Instead, I held down the power button and turned it off.I slowly dragged myself out of bed and toward the shower. My mind was racing with different thoughts and ideas. Everything Jayne had said, everything Jaxon had said melded together into a jumbled mess in my brain. I hated to admit that a lot of what Jayne had said was starting to make sense. It’s not that I didn’t want Jaxon’s love and affection, but she was right: he didn’t seem to care much about Cynthia or the baby. His
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Chapter 65 : A Great Romantic Gesture
JaxonI sighed in satisfaction as I looked over the itinerary I had spent painstaking hours putting together. This vacation needed it to be perfect–I was fairly sure my marriage needed it to survive. I hit print and closed the window.I felt sadness welling up within me as I thought about Sara's mental state over the last few days. Ever since my mother had paid her a visit, she'd been behaving erratically. I was beyond irritated with my mother and whatever she'd said to Sara; I just hoped I could undo the damage.I leaned back in my chair and surveyed the piles of work on my desk. I couldn't really afford to take more time off of work, but I didn't know what else to do. Losing Sara was something I couldn't risk.Putting some distance between us and the problem would give us some time to recoup and hopefully build up her faith in me again. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and my fingers hovered over the screen as I contemplated texting Sara.I put my phone away and decided a
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Chapter 66 : You’re Always Going to Be Mine
SaraI glared at Jaxon. I couldn't believe that he would want to take a vacation with everything going on. His behavior was concerning and confusing."What's inappropriate about taking a vacation with my wife?" Jaxon asked coolly, clearly annoyed and surprised by my reaction.I leaned forward and hissed at him. "The baby! You can't act like it doesn't exist.""I'm not acting like it doesn't exist, but this mess shouldn't put our life on hold!" Jaxon snapped with an angry glint in his eyes.I sat back with a frown, feeling a storm of emotions brewing inside me. I picked up my glass and took a big gulp, swallowing it all at once. Maybe Jayne had been right and I was only distracting Jaxon when he should be focused on becoming a father.I couldn't tell if he didn't understand the gravity of becoming a father or if he was just choosing to ignore it in favor of my feelings. At what point was he going to stop sidelining the baby and start planning to be a dad? Admittedly, I wa
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Chapter 67 : Uncertain Future
JaxonI squeezed Sara's hand in my own in what I hoped was a comforting manner. She looked nervous, which was exactly the opposite effect I'd been going for. We were at David Morgan's office so that he could walk us through the legal process of gaining custody of the baby and getting Cynthia out of our lives–for good.Of course, I was still hoping that the paternity results would give me the proof I needed to vindicate myself and prove that Cynthia was up to something. Most importantly, I hoped the results would restore Sara's trust and faith in me.I couldn't help but smile slightly as I turned and looked at Sara; she was engrossed in her phone. She looked radiant, as she always did–I felt a slight pang in my heart at the thought that this might all prove to be too much for her."Mr. Deverioux?" a mousy voice called out softly.I looked up and found myself staring at David's evidently nervous assistant. Unlike the bubbly receptionist, she was squirming where she stood. I rai
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Chapter 68 : Only a Distraction
SaraI had finally decided to come to work, and I felt sick at the prospect. I stood in the elevator debating just turning around and going home. The thought of having to face everyone, knowing that they knew about this huge change in my life before I did… yeah, not my idea of a fun time.Jaxon had spent a lot of time reassuring me that everything would be fine, but I still didn't trust that to be true. The meeting with his lawyer had made me feel both better and worse about the situation. I was happy to see that Jaxon was taking it seriously, but it had confirmed to me that the situation would be simpler without me involved.My mind had been scrambled ever since, Jayne's words playing in my mind on a loop like a hot summer record. Part of me wanted to hide forever and pretend none of this was happening to me. Unfortunately, hiding had grown old, and I was eager to get back to some semblance of normalcy. If Jaxon did leave me for Cynthia, I would need to still have my job, and
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Chapter 69 : Mysterious Note
JaxonI sighed heavily as I walked into my home office and collapsed into my chair. I had cut both of our work days short and brought Sara home after her conversation with Cynthia.Sara had been quiet and subdued ever since. She'd declined to elaborate further on what she and Cynthia had talked about but it had clearly made an impact on her. It made me feel sick with worry–I felt like I was losing her already, and this couldn't help. I could feel the space between us growing wider with every passing second and I felt helpless to stop it.I'd insisted that Sara take a nap and recover from the nasty shock she'd had. Even if I didn't know what Cynthia had said, I knew her well enough to know that it hadn't been pleasant.I scowled and pulled my phone out, dialing Cynthia's number now that I was alone. I tapped my fingers on the desk impatiently as I heard the phone ring."Jaxon, what a pleasant surprise," Cynthia said smugly as she answered. "Finally come around?""Cut the shi
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Chapter 70 : The Rumor Mill
SaraI held tightly to my computer bag and adjusted the strap of my purse on my shoulder. I knew Jaxon was right and I needed to come into the office but I felt awkward and uncomfortable. I could feel everyone staring at me. I walked quickly with my head down to my desk. My face was flush and my eyes were heavy. I put my stuff down and adjusted to the area. I pulled up my more recent projects and stared at the screen. I could feel eyes on me and I started to feel overheated with anxiety. Every time someone walked past me, I couldn’t help but flinch. I knew it was irrational, but I felt panicked that Cynthia would come back. Nothing anyone said made me feel better at this point. Everything just felt uncomfortable and uneasy. I saw Cynthia in everyone’s face, judgment in everyone’s eyes. Jayne’s words still rang loud in my head and there wasn’t anything Jaxon could do to comfort me. This didn’t feel like my place anymore. This didn’t feel like a safe space anymore. I had a hard time
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