All Chapters of Owned by the Billionaire Mafia King: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
100 Chapters
Chapter 81: A Fresh Start
Sara"Are you going to eat?" Jaxon asked with a laugh.I tore my eyes away from the paternity results with a sheepish smile and carefully placed the paper beside me. I'd been reading the results over and over since we'd sat down to eat. I just couldn't believe it–the relief I felt was indescribable. "I'm just… I'm feeling a lot of different things right now," I explained as I dug into my dinner with a happy moan."I'm glad that the truth is out now and there isn't anything between us," Jaxon said with a sincere smile. "I'm so sorry for the turmoil you've been going through."I nodded at him, with my mouth full, feeling the most content I'd felt in a while. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders but it was a lot to process all at once. It was exactly what I'd wanted but I hadn't actually thought it would happen. I'd been resigned to my fate.My heart felt full knowing that Jaxon hadn't betrayed me at all–he hadn't slept with Cynthia before our wed
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Chapter 82: Feeling Close to Him Again
SaraI jumped in surprise as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I relaxed when I heard Jaxon's familiar chuckle in my ear, turning in his embrace to smile up at him."Welcome home," I whispered against his lips as I wound my arms around his neck."You're making dinner today too?" he asked as we pulled apart.I nodded and shrugged with a cheeky smile, "I'm still in the mood to apologize to you.""I already told you that you have nothing to apologize for," Jaxon insisted as he let me go and went in search of a drink."I know what you said, but I want you to know how much I love and appreciate you," I answered smartly as I turned my attention back to my bubbling pot.Jaxon came out of the pantry with two beers in hand, popping them both open before handing me one and sitting at the kitchen island."I can't argue with that, but let's just eat in here," Jaxon suggested in a firm tone. "No more work for you other than cooking."I laughed and raised my hands in s
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Chapter 83 : Capisce
Jaxon I sipped my coffee with a smile. Last night had been fucking incredible. Sara was the best thing that ever happened to me. And as anybody who knew me would know, I was not exactly given to sentimentality. But this girl, this woman, she was something else. I never thought I could feel this way. Most people in my line of work had wives, sure. And girlfriends on the side. I didn't judge. You never really knew what was going on in someone else’s marriage. Fuck, for a while there I wasn’t even sure what was going on in my own. But anyway, Sara, she was different. Special. I didn’t deserve her, a man like me. If she knew half of the shit I did, would she still want to be with me? I didn’t know. I never wanted to know. But I would have killed to protect her. To protect what we had. It was precious. It was fucking everything to me. Which of course, begged the question, what the fuck was I supposed to do about my bitch ex-wife? The person who tried to fuck it all up. Christ, if s
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Chapter 84 : Meet the King
SaraWhen I woke up this morning, Jaxon had already gone to work. He left me a note, telling me that he’d left me a surprise downstairs. I smiled when I saw it. I’d already been given a great surprise. The baby wasn’t Jaxon’s. He didn’t betray me. His crazy bitch of an ex-wife was lying after all. As I wrapped myself in a robe and made my way downstairs in pursuit of coffee, my initial feeling was relief. I wanted Cynthia in our lives forever about as much as I wanted another concussion. And now that I knew for sure that Jaxon hadn’t betrayed our relationship and that he didn’t somehow want to be with her, maybe we could actually begin to move forward. My surprise was in the kitchen. A new state-of-the-art espresso machine gleamed on the countertop. A bag of espresso beans and a new coffee grinder sat next to a pastry box full of chocolate croissants from Castellano’s, my favorite bakery. A handwritten note was written in Jaxon’s signature script on the top of the box: *To a
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Chapter 85 : So-Called Civilized Society
Jaxon That fucking bitch wasn’t going to get away with this. I had had it up to here with her fucking bullshit. It wasn’t enough that my asshole ex-wife tried to destroy my marriage with her bullshit baby lie. Now she was telling my people that I was losing money on my investments. I was the king of the fucking underworld. "People in my world, they don’t take it so well when they think they’re about to lose money. They don’t exactly lodge a complaint to human resources, if you know what I mean. That crazy bitch is trying to get me clipped. And that ain’t happening." "Calm down Jaxon, you’re going to give yourself a heart attack," Eli said to me over lunch at Rastelli’s. "Nobody but nobody would believe a word that bitch says. She’s got no credibility on the street, not where it matters." I hoped to Christ that was true. I had enough to worry about with the Board members of my legit business breathing down my neck. Cynthia had been running her mouth again about how I was not
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Chapter 86 : Digging up Dirt
Sara This situation with Cynthia had been messing with my head. Now that I knew Jaxon hadn’t betrayed me, and he certainly wasn’t interested in her anymore, it wasn’t so much about how she fit in with our relationship. Apparently, she didn’t, which was a huge weight off of my mind. But why was she still trying to mess up our lives? Jaxon had been telling me from the beginning that she was just manipulating the situation to suit her own ends. Lately, it sure seemed as if her ends included destroying my husband. But why? I knew it wasn’t about the money. Jaxon said that he kept her well provided for, and having seen her wardrobe, I believed him… not to mention the new cherry red Maserati that she drove to the office this week. Clearly, she was doing alright. So why try to create drama at work? Wouldn’t she want him to continue doing well, so by extension, she would have the cash to do what she wanted to do? It seemed like I was missing something, and it had been bothering me.
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Chapter 87 : This Might Not Be Pleasant
Jaxon "I’m not sure where else to dig, but she has to be getting more support from somewhere," I shouted, banging my hands on the table. "Maybe you're looking in the wrong places," James offered. I glanced at him sideways. "Pray tell, what are the right places?" "Well, you’ve looked at the company. Clearly, you’ve hired a lot of gossiping slimeballs, but none that would go so far as to help Cynthia. The only ones who are hanging around are a singular girlfriend and your mother. That leaves one other factor. Who were the crime lords she had connections with?" "You think she’d resort to organized crime? I mean she was comfortable in that world but to do it without me, against me?""There’s a lot of people who want to see you out of power, Jaxon. Don’t be too surprised. But if we can prove ties to organized crime, you have a winning ticket."I stood hunched over my desk staring at him, waiting for him to reach the punchline. All I wanted was Cynthia out of our lives. I
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Chapter 88 : Digging Deeper
Sara"See, isn't this nice?" My mom asked, leaning back and closing her eyes. She seemed very fitted to a lavish lifestyle, despite her financial history. "I told you this is what you needed."I giggled to myself. "Well, it’s certainly what YOU needed," I replied. The women working on our toes exchanged a suggestive glance between themselves. I had to admit the scrub felt nice, it was relaxing. Though I wasn’t sure we needed an entire day of spa treatments. "I’m surprised you don’t get this often. Self-care is very important, especially when you’re married to someone like Jaxon." I eyed her curiously. "What does that mean?" I didn’t mean to sound harsh but my words were a little more bitter than I intended. My mom clearly didn’t seem to notice. "Come on, now, I’m just saying he’s a very handsome, rich, and powerful man. You have to be prepared to fight off a lot of women who might tempt him. This helps both with keeping up with him, proving you can be with him, and s
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Chapter 89 : Betrayal Discovered
JaxonThings had been calm. I was surprised Cynthia wasn’t starting a violent war. But it seemed the end–or at least the eye–of the storm had come. I felt better each morning knowing I’d wake up next to Sara. I hadn’t realized how much I relied on her comforting presence to start my day. I headed downstairs, leaving Sara asleep in the bed. As I hit the base of the steps I heard voices arguing in the kitchen. I paused and listened carefully, edging as close as I dared. "…I’m doing the best I can! I don’t think you appreciate the delicacy of this situation!" Sloan."She’s your daughter, she’s not going to turn on you. You can push harder than this. It almost seems as if you’re pushing them closer together instead of wedging them apart!" Cynthia. My body went stiff and my breath caught in my throat. There had to be a reasonable explanation. "I think you’re seriously underestimating his love for her. I’ve tried, and he won’t sway," Sloan barked. "Perhaps you’re just not
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Chapter 90 : Even Mothers Can't Be Trusted
Sara"So what do we do now?" I asked Jaxon in a dull tone as we sat to enjoy the breakfast he'd made for me.It all looked amazing, but I couldn't bring myself to try any of it, unsurprisingly; I didn't have much of an appetite after the reveal about my mother working with Cynthia. I felt a constant sick, swirling feeling in my stomach every time I reminded myself that whatever my mother had come back for–it wasn't me. Evidently, I was just one big pawn in her game to get… what?"First, we have something to eat," Jaxon said sternly as he piled food on a plate for me and placed it in front of me.I smiled at him warily and picked a fork up. " I don't know that I have an appetite."Jaxon sighed tiredly as he sat across from me with his own plate, picking up his cup of coffee. "I'm sorry about all of this, I wish I could tell you she was here for you."I shrugged and focused on my plate, my mind still racing with all this new information. I felt betrayed, it was as if I'd lost
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