All Chapters of Stolen by the Rival Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
56 Chapters
Chapter 11 : Dark Secrets
*Gemma* I didn't know whether to tell Raisa "congratulations" or "oh no," so I just brought her into a hug. She stiffened. I quickly drew away. Her teary eyes went wide, and her lips parted in shock. I didn't peg Raisa to be someone easily surprised by anything. "What?" I asked nervously. "You haven't been hugged before?"She swallowed hard and whispered, "Not in a very long time.""In that case." I scooted closer to her and pulled her into an embrace. She was stiff for another moment before collapsing into my arms and sobbing into my shoulder. I rubbed her back, reminded of all the others I'd comforted. My own mother, Cari, Lynn, and even some of her younger siblings. It was such an intimate thing, being someone's anchor. "I take it these aren't tears of joy."Raisa sniffed and drew back, putting on a brave smile and straightening her shoulders. Even distressed, she was poised. "This news is… overwhelming." She rested a trembling hand over her belly. "I don't… I'm not…
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Chapter 12 : Dreams and Nightmares
*Gemma*"Throne room?" I questioned, tempted to laugh. Volatile and pompous Alpha.Raisa ignored me and rushed to hide the bag and tidy the dresser. She was an absolute disaster. And I needed to help. "Raisa. Raisa. Stop, stop, stop." I walked into her path and caught her shoulders. I just noticed her smeared makeup and streaks of kohl down her cheeks. "Let's just sit down, okay?"I guided her to the vanity, gently pushing down on her shoulders to make her sit. "I look like shit," she told my reflection. "And I feel like I'm going to throw up. The physician said I'm already two months in, and it's odd that I haven't shown as many symptoms as all the other girls did."I helped her freshen up, taking off her makeup and drying her eyes to make it look like she didn't lose all her composure. She let me do it all despite my inexperience, and by the time I decided it was good enough—which wasn't much time at all, since I assumed going to this throne room wasn't just a casual su
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Chapter 13 : Blood on the Marble Floor
*Gemma*He was only six feet away from me. I could hear his heart pounding in his chest. Fueled by what emotion, I couldn't tell. But of course, Connor could too and interpreted it wrong."Alright, enough staring," he barked, jerking his head back. "They're mine, so don't let your lower brain think." I forced myself not to wrinkle my nose in total disgust at the comment."Give us a fake name at least," the Alpha sighed dramatically. "I like to address my prisoners by their birth name. It makes things more… intimate.""Darian works for now," the male said. "Darian. Clever thing thinks he can fool me with a Niburgh name," crooned Connor, patting "Darian's" cheek aggressively, making him wince and groan in pain as the slap aggravated his injuries. My body tensed further. Raisa was squeezing my wrist so hard it hurt. But I knew if she didn't keep me in place I would do something stupid.Connor looked and sounded crazed, breathless as if excited. "Have you ever heard o
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Chapter 14 : Leverage
*Gemma*It was a lesson all shifters knew whether their country was at peace or not: never cross a possessive male. Even more important: never cross a possessive Alpha.I saw terror clear the bleariness in Darian's eyes as quick as a blink. "Gemma—"I yelped when Connor grabbed a fistful of my hair and dragged me away from Darian and throwing me to the ground. This time, my elbows slammed into the marble. Pain jarred through my nerves. "Gemma!" Raisa cried out. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her crawl toward me. Her hand was an inch away from me when Connor kicked her in the chest, and she collapsed backward. I screamed, my throat rasped raw, overwhelmed by fresh horror. "No—"Connor crouched down, blocking my view of Raisa, his face inches from mine. He reeked of blood, sweat, meat on his hot breath when he growled, "I saw that smile, little wolf. Have you met him before? Do you know who he is?"I shook my head. "No.""'No' what?""Don't tell him anything,"
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Chapter 15 : Plunging the Knife
*Gemma*Do it. If you can't kill him, at least stab him.If a big male like him could move, I could move faster.I kicked out with all the force I had—my heel collided with Connor's jaw, forcing his head back. He grunted and almost fell to the side. It was the two seconds I needed to twist and snatch the knife hilt. Somehow I found my footing and was already creeping away from him, pointing the knife. The best-case scenario would be for him to run straight into it.Connor rose to his feet, and it was one of the most lethal things I'd ever seen. It was so wolf-like, so predatory, and I felt as small and weak as a rabbit. But when he curled his lip, baring thick canines, I steeled myself. No. I was a predator too. I would not be a victim of a tyrant like him.I bared my teeth too. Connor didn't seem affected in the slightest. He just kept advancing slowly. "Tell me what deal you and Haveleok made," I demanded, forcing my arm not to tremble."Not just yet, little o
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Chapter 16 : Banter
*Gemma*"I'm the picture of health," Kael said with an involuntary cough.I scoffed and held out my hand for him to take. "I'm not very worldly, but I'm pretty sure being beat like a beef flank isn't normal."Raisa was pacing, looking torn between miffed and worried, her hand resting on her stomach. "Pick it up, you two."I helped Kael to his feet as much as I could, my arms out as he gathered his balance in case I needed to catch him again—I hoped I didn't—until he regained his footing. He swayed, and I worried he would pass out from blood loss. But he seemed to manage and hold his own. He caught sight of Raisa. "At least you're okay," he said to her.She shot him a sour look despite his kind tone. "Kicked in several places does not count as 'okay,' but thank you anyway."Kael glanced at me questioningly and I mouthed, 'She's pregnant.'His eyes—eye, rather, one of them being swollen nearly shut—went wide, and then his brows knitted, suddenly troubled. "This situation
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Chapter 17 : He Sacrificed Himself for Her
*Kael*I didn't expect the mystery female from the Niburgh square to be so… irksome. Though she definitely thought the same about me. Especially after what I felt—what I knew she felt too—in the throne room. I could only have described it as a rope—no, it was less abrasive than that. A ribbon, maybe. It wrapped itself around my heart like a snake squeezing its prey, but I could sense its other end just faded into darkness and it wanted to find something in it. Rather, someone.When I saw her standing in front of me against all odds, looking stricken in a skimpy nightgown, the ribbon seemed to rest at her feet, no longer squeezing. I was so rocked that I couldn't help but breathe, "You." When I heard her name, I felt delirious—more than I already was—with relief. Gemma Brooks. She was alive and real and…And we were likely in mortal danger. Well, maybe just me, as she was the one looking pampered while I was beaten to a pulp.I needed to stay alive. For Rian, for Jerah, Ja
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Chapter 18 : Time to Rest
*Gemma*It was hard to trust someone to help you escape from a fortress, and harder to trust them when they were feet away from driving us over a cliff.I screamed Kael's name, the sound belting out of my throat. He slammed on the brakes. I heard and felt the ground beneath the heavy car start to crumble. "Back up!" "I know!" Kael yelled, putting the car in reverse and slamming the gas.Raisa and I were hurled forward into the back of the front seats—and then into each other as he wrenched the wheel, careening us to the side. As I righted myself, I glimpsed an army of Epsilon coming toward us headed by Connor and Cillian."Drive!""I know!"Kael slammed on the gas, and in seconds flat we were speeding. It wouldn't be long before other cars were on our tail, but we were lucky that Bryn happened to choose this monster of a tank. It was already eating land; the army would be as small as ants in just a few more seconds.I slouched in the backseat. "I hope you can drive.
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Chapter 19 : Avoiding the Subject
*Gemma*I flung the quilt off me and started to hurl myself off the bed, but Kael stopped me by sitting on its edge with an exhausted laugh. "You're alive," I said, unable to keep the disbelief out of my voice, even as relief flooded my veins. I could breathe normally again. "Miraculously. I'm glad you don't sound disappointed.""I am," said Raisa behind us as she turned on the gas lamp on the wall, throwing a decent amount of light into the room. "You don't mean that," I protested, twisting around. She'd sat up, and I assumed she was overheating in the desert weather because she was only wearing the "bra" Seri had given her up top—just a few strips of cloth banded around her chest. Reflexively I looked at her exposed stomach. There was a faint bruise where Connor had kicked her. Kael laughed again under his breath. "It's alright. She can be as mad as she wants at me. When we're all better I'll let you have a swing at me.""Oh, you'll let me," Raisa snapped sarc
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Chapter 20 : Jealousy
*Gemma*Seri led us out a back door to a narrow alley that Kael barely fit into. We walked sideways crab-style to the corner where she peered down each way. She waved her hand to follow, and we darted across a small street to the next narrow alleyway."I'm really sick of alleys," Kael muttered."I'm sick of doors," I added.We froze when we heard Epsilon shouting and banging on doors. Each knock made me wince, bringing a flash of memory of Hazelstone. Kael was behind me. When he touched my shoulder, I flinched and nearly slammed my head into the wall. "Are you okay?""I'm fine."Then all of a sudden we were back on the outskirts of Dust. Directly ahead, Ferio was waving from our stolen car. I could've wept with joy. I took Raisa's hand, and we sprinted full speed to it, not hesitating to climb into the backseat. Kael got in the passenger side. Seri stayed in the alley and waved goodbye.I didn't want to shout to gain attention, but I mouthed it and waved back empath
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