All Chapters of Stolen by the Rival Alpha: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
56 Chapters
Chapter 21 : Talk About Your Lover
*Kael*The sense of relief was overwhelming. Getting back to Niburgh safely thanks to Ferio, finding the hideout on the first try without a snag, and reuniting with the family and the rest of my pack, all alive and unharmed… It was all a humbling sensation.And a gratifying one, knowing I'd helped Gemma and Raisa survive and get to safety and into the care of motherly females.After Jaci ushered them right onto the track of nursing them back to full health, Jerah put me on mine. Refusing to unsling his arm from around my shoulders, he guided me to one of the rooms on the second floor of the abandoned amphitheater. When Niburgh was at its pinnacle, it was a hub of all sorts of shifters from all sorts of places. It boasted food, wares, unique entertainment, and plenty of lodging, including small two-room apartments that now served the purpose of hiding Moonwake fugitives. It was another place that Hazel and Sun overlooked because they didn't think we would risk staying. They
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Chapter 22 : She's His Lover
*Gemma*"The audacity," Raisa said with a shake of her head. I waited at the door until Kael's footsteps receded. Then I flopped onto my back on Raisa's bed instead of my own to stare at the ceiling that was in desperate need of care. "I didn't even realize I'd gotten my hopes up," I confessed, feeling somehow more angry at myself than Kael and the information he might've forgotten to confess. "He tried to make a move on me in Dust knowing he had someone waiting for him here?"There were basic supplies in the small bathroom, and Raisa took her chance to utilize them to become herself again. She'd brushed her hair and braided it with a piece of cloth; with the water from a sink, she'd dampened a towel, cooling her flushed and puffy face. Now she was standing in front of the full-length mirror twisting her torso with her shirt lifted to see if she could notice a bump."He's not worth your time, sweet," she said.I sat up. "But…""But what?" she asked not unkindly, sighing
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Chapter 23 : Moonlit Confessions
*Gemma*Well, if I didn't feel like shit before… I learned my lesson: don't assume.I blinked out of my brief wallowing when Jerah laughed. "You look like you just got kicked between the legs. Kael said you blew him off because you saw him hug Di. Are you Easterners easily prone to jealousy?"I felt my face heat in embarrassment, but I couldn't back down on my strive to be confident. "Not that I'm aware of. I just—"Jerah leaned forward and braced his forearms on his thighs. He was the biggest male I'd ever seen, built tall and wide at the shoulders, muscled, but it was still a different kind of big than Connor was. He wasn't pure muscle, and he seemed more inclined to hug than to bully. I could see him being a loving father that I could trust. Up close, his skin was textured from all the years in the desert sun, and while his pulled-back hair was white, his stubble of a beard was brown. The distrust in his dark eyes—they reminded me of the ocean at midnight, a romantic d
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Chapter 24 : Break the Rules
*Gemma*I learned Moonwake enjoyed three main meals daily with every wolf present, no exceptions. Raisa and I were fetched by the pup who called me pretty yesterday. I let him hold my hand to guide us down to the dining hall, where all the tables had been merged together. Arche sat on my left side, and Raisa was on my right. It didn't take me long to catch Kael's gaze at the head, Jerah and Jaci on either side of him with Tara bouncing in her father's lap. We exchanged smiles that we quickly hid when several caught the interaction and focused on our meal.After Kael dismissed everyone, and his packmates all scattered to their own devices, he started to walk toward me with a question in his eyes. I made it only a few steps before Diana jumped in front of me, beaming dazzlingly. "Ready to go?" she asked excitedly. "I…"Raisa laughed delicately beside me, having not missed the disruption. I had told her briefly what happened last night on the balcony. She had been sur
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Chapter 25 : We're Not Mates
*Gemma*I spit the "candy" onto the ground and blurted, "Beetle?! You consider bugs candy?!"Diana threw her head back and howled with laughter, then tossed one into her mouth and sucked on it loudly. "Yes. Yes we do. What else would we consider candy?"I came up short of an answer, so I just wiped my mouth with the edge of the veil and shook my head. "No offense.""None given, none taken. Now, how do you feel about breaking the rules?" she asked with an edge of insistency. I narrowed my eyes at her. "Why do I feel like you dragged me out here for a certain reason that wasn't just for 'fun'?"Diana glanced away guiltily, eating another candy beetle. "No reason at all, inconspicuous young foreigner."I didn't know whether to be mad, intrigued, even more suspicious, or a little bit enticed. It was quickly apparent that Diana didn't have innocent city-exploring on her mind. But what would she need me specifically for? "We just met," I began, trying to sort out what to
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Chapter 26 : The Underground
*Gemma*A tunnel with its own secret entrance guarded by a big, scary male who required a password. I was so in over my head."When you said 'adventure,' Diana," I hissed as she tugged me through, "I didn't think it would involve… this.""An underground market?" she asked innocently. "Would you have come if I told you that's where we were going?""Definitely not.""Well, don't worry, you're with me, which gives you very good immunity."As I tore my glare away from the tiny, confident she-wolf with her chin lifted proudly and her stride daring anyone to question her purpose, my breath was punched right out of my lungs.Nedra. It was like a miniature Niburgh. An entire unground city.The ground that made up the first street was rocky dirt, some places damp or harboring puddles from the water dripping from the stalagmites, some so low I could reach up and touch them. Lamps were somehow bolted to most of them, throwing flickering light and shadows, making the place ee
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Chapter 27 : Nothing I Want More
*Gemma*I woke up feeling like I was back aboard the ship that had taken me to this damn continent, swaying and rocking, but this time I was lying down on something soft and cushiony, staring up at a dark adobe ceiling with thick, swirling lines carved into it. I assumed it formed some sort of image, but my eyes did not even like glancing at it. I groaned and closed them, rubbing my temples where a headache pounded, making my head heavy and stuffed. It showed no sign of fading, so I tried to focus on the rest of me, which wasn't much better. I felt like I was back in Epsilon training getting battered from unblocked punches like a stuffed dummy and limping back home with my skin blooming with bruises.All I wanted to do was either throw up or pass back out, but a soft snore made my spine stiffen. Even though it hurt, I opened my eyes and glanced to my left. Sunlight was streaming in from an open window and made a pattern of light on the floor mostly covered by a woven rug. On
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Chapter 28 : Bath for Two?
*Gemma*"Kael," I rasped, my throat tightening, tears threatening, "you promise you're not joking about this?"He swallowed hard again, and his voice was still husky, but he was no longer trying to entice me. "This isn't something I'd talk about lightly, Gemma. Gemma. Goddess, I love saying your name."I rasped a delirious laugh. "I like saying yours, Kael."Without waiting for permission, both of his palms slid to my backside and yanked me close—and up. My limbs moved instinctively: arms locking around the back of his neck as my legs hooked around his torso. My breath shuddered out of my chest, and I tilted my head to the side so Kael could brush his first kiss to the underside of my jaw.It was like a spark to tinder. He started a hungry, frantic path down my neck, growling when the shirt collar only allowed a small patch of skin. So he moved back upward, loving the curve of my jaw, nibbling my earlobe. That drew another moan from between my lips, and I clung to him hard
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Chapter 29 : You Can't Trust Him
*Gemma*I wasn't sure exactly what kind of trouble Rian was in based on Diana's withholding of information, but it seemed like it could wait long enough for an emotional reunion.Jerah stepped aside, clearly stunned, for Rian to come inside. He looked around in fond appraisal. "Never thought I would miss this place," he huffed with a grin that easily marked him as Kael's brother. Their resemblance was as undeniable as Jerah and Jaci's—dark gray eyes, choppy white hair, and handsome facial proportions. "Looks the same as it did months ago." He glanced between the three shifters, gaze skipping over me. "Well? Don't I get a hello?"Diana's sob was strangled as it burst from her throat. She threw herself at him so hard and fast that Rian stumbled back, holding his arms around her in a fierce embrace when her limbs locked around his shoulders and waist. Faces buried in shoulders, chest trembling with sobs, steps stumbling toward a couch whose edge Rian's calf ran into, falling back
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Chapter 30 : Finding Home
*Gemma*It was hard to pretend like everything was okay when it clearly was not.Rian was pretending like he hadn't just been, apparently, driven back from Syrus Morven's stronghold and dropped off at the outskirts of Niburgh.Diana was pretending to be okay with that, her arms locked around his waist and refusing to let go as we left to put Nedra behind and below our feet once again.Jerah had Diana's supply bag resting in the crook of his arm, leading us back to the entrance, pretending like he didn't want to leave the apartment until Rian confessed every detail of his capture.Kael was pretending to be wholly grateful for his brother's return, but he wasn't hiding the simmering tension under his skin very well. I was the one to slip my hand into his. He started, looking at our interlaced fingers, and then brought my knuckles to his lips, brushing a kiss to them. My heart was ready to burst out of my chest. Something changed between us very fast and very strong. He wa
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