Semua Bab Echoes of the Pack: Bab 61 - Bab 70
142 Bab
Chapter 61
"I was hoping we'd fight today."I turn to my opponent, George, and stiffen. It's one of the Palus Wolves from Washington-the one who had dragged me from my car and beaten the snot out of me. His teeth only show more as he realizes that recognize him."You've gotten a bit braver since we last met," He begins to circle me, even though the bell hasn't gone off, "Let's hope you don't need any Alphas saving you this time.""Wait-"He launches himself towards me, and I dive to the side. Shouts come from the Alphas but it's futile. I dodge his foot as it comes down where my head had been. I roll to my knees and swat away his next attack."The bell hasn't gone!" Alpha Kieran hollers as his Wolf's foot makes contact with my chest. "This is against the rules!""Alora!" Hendrick rushes forward but is held back by his Palus counterpart. I don't get much of a glimpse of their fight breaking out before George lifts me up.I'm thrown to the ground and George's body slams into mine before I can reco
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Chapter 62
I rip away from his hands. I hit the ground quicker than I can catch myself. Tears soak my cheeks and neck, and I pant unsteadily. So much much grief and terror consumes me.I look up and see her. The blond ghost. Cynbel."You saw me?" I whisper. She nods. A small, sad smile touching her lips. Her hands are on my cheeks and I let out a shaky breath. "Why did you see me before you died?""Alora..."I look over at Kennedy. He stares at me, confused and shaken up. Glancing from him to Cynbel, my entire being is consumed with a dull ache, like a faint reminiscent of the vision. I squeeze my eyes shut and sit up."Who are you...talking to?"His hands hover over my skin as I make my way to my feet again. He doesn't touch me.I lay a hand on my stomach, still reeling from the violent images that have plagued my mind. His mate had been murdered as well, in a cruel, horrific way. Eamonn narrowly survived the ordeal. He's all that Kennedy has left of his mate of Cynbel.I stare at Ken
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Chapter 63
I trace the lines of my hands as the final fight wraps up and everyone begins to pack up. Ashenia is the winner and is toted around on Hendrick and another Wolf's shoulders. Mira and Ilya howl for her, and soon the entire pack joins in.Her eyes brighten up, and Ashenia grins widely as her chest wells up with pride."Alora..."I look down at Jayden, but she's still fast asleep. With a hitched breath, I turn my eyes up. Ariella sits on the other side of the cot, worried and bug-eyed."Are you okay?" She grabs my hand, looking up at where I assume Kennedy is in the distance, "I-""I'm sorry," I whisper, "I'm sorry if I've been so busy with this pack, Ariella. I shouldn't have gotten distracted..."She squeezes my hand gently but disappears as Avianna walks through her. My eyes well up with tears of despair. I wipe them away when Avianna gives me a concerned look and shrug."I heard what happened during your last fight," She mixes a cupful of herbs together and waves them under Jayden no
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Chapter 64
It seems to be sufficient for him, because he relaxes a fraction. But his tone is stone-cold as he speaks, "Don't ever touch a Luna or Alpha like that, Alora. Not unless you want to lose your fucking hand.""I'm-""Don't," He runs a hand over his face, "For the love of The Moon-don't say 'I'm sorry!"My teeth grit together, and I look down before he can catch the gleam in my eyes. But apparently I'm not quick enough, because he's in my face again before I can step back to Jayden."What?" His eyes are amber. I look away quickly, unsettled as his wolf surges forward, "What?""Stop it," I try walking around him, but he grabs my arm. His yelling has drawn the attention of those around us, but everyone ignored us until he yanks me abruptly. I crash into his chest force, "Hendrick!"I press my palms against his shoulders and try to pry myself from him. He growls lowly his hand clamps down on the back of my neck. Pain blooms from the pressure point as he squeezes down, just like I've seen Ai
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Chapter 65
"What the hell happened to your car? Why are you all cut up?" Her dad asks when she comes home. He's a small man, barely taller than Alora, and has dark, peppered hair. "Alora-don't walk away from me--""Don't talk to me about walking away," Alora mutters as she walks through the entrance and up the stairs."Excuse me?" He asks but she continues to go up to the stairs. He follows her, even as she goes straight to Ariella's bedroom, "Young woman, you may think that you're all grown up but ""But nothing!" She turns around and I flinch away. She screams like Kiana does when Mac or Da have annoyed her.Her thoughts ring through my head even though I barely understand them. She's fed up with everyone telling her what is and isn't the fucking world. I scrunch my brow but can't make sense of that...Alora must be angry if she's swearing like Mac.She marches right up to her Da until she's in his face, "I'm so fed up with you acting like my dad when you're around. But where have you been, Dad
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Chapter 66
Kaizer's arms consume me. I sink into his arms as my parents hug his parents goodbye. We've just been over to discuss me participating in dance again, and thankfully they have decided to pull some strings for me. I'll lose my position as any future leads but I'm more than happy to dance ensemble."It's been great seeing you again," He smiles, "We only ever see each other in school now.""We'll hang out soon," I promise, "I've just been sorting out a lot of stuff.""Take your time. I'll be waiting."His cheeks are pink as we leave, waving as we pull out of their suburban driveway. My mom turns around and grins."He likes you, baby."I roll my eyes, "Ma-I have a boyfriend.""Who?" My dad asks sharply. "Is he the one who's been getting you up to no good?""No....Hendrick..." I says slowly, "Detective Claude introduced us at...Ariella's funeral. He goes to the same school as me.""Oh? Is he a senior too?" My mom smiles at me."He's a junior."My dad packs out laughing but says nothing mor
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Chapter 67
"Mac. Let her go." It's Kiana that has him hesitate. His claws are half in my throat, but he pauses when his mate speaks. She shakes her head, "This isn't how we do things. You know that because of what Leon did. So let her go."He does, though I'm not much better off. With the pressure released from my throat, I can breathe again but it feels like inhaling nails. I bow over and hack away. Eamonn huddles over me, his little face scrunch up in frightened tears. I try to tell him that it's fine, but I can barely see straight. And, honestly, I'm halfway crying myself.I'm quickly becoming well-versed with the look of someone who wants to kill.Kiana comes up beside me and inspects the damage, "Fuck it, Mac! You should have been gentler-she brought him back. What the-Where do you think you're goin'?"He's disappeared into the thick cover of the forest. I can't look away from the trees. I'm convinced that he's going to change his mind and come back. He wants me dead-I've never seen someone
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Chapter 68
"You're nothing like her.""Not exactly...but I think that she was a High Prophet." He has gone still, and I try to speak in a soothing tone as I continue, "I...saw her final moments, Kennedy. I was with her-in a vision-and I felt everything she felt, thought everything she thought...and she had a direct connection with the Goddess Artemis.""The High Prophet of Artemis..." He murmurs quietly but it sounds more like a statement. He's not surprised by this-which surprises me in turn. "You knew. You knew who and what she was, despite her hiding it—""I was her mate. O'course I knew." He runs his hands through his hair. It isn't tied back in a ponytail like usual. It falls on his shoulders in golden waves. "But it doesn't explain how you do.""Because I have the same kind of connection with Hekate." He's like a statue again. "I...I'm the High Prophet of Hekate, Kennedy... the Prophet of Death."He's caught off guard this time. I watch as a range of emotions pass through him. Disbelief. C
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Chapter 69
"Sit down," Kennedy's hands grab my shoulders, and he gently sits me down on the edge of his bed. He disappears and comes back with a medicinal tube."I don't know why you care about all this-about me. Especially after the fights," I mumble, "I know why you care about Leon and the reasons I was asking about him...but you were curious about me before that.""You're different," He says simply, "I was curious-and it seems as though my instincts had been right about you. You are very special indeed."I don't say anything as he unscrews the cap and presses some of the gel onto his fingers. It smells like mint almost, but I know it isn't. It's most likely arnica."Do you mind if I...?" He holds up his fingers, eyes flickering down to my neck. I shake my head. "The Prophet of Death has always been shrouded in darkness and mystery. The last one went missing around the Second World War. For almost a century, we've lived without a direct connection to Hekate, and it's led to a lot of disarray a
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Chapter 70
I don't go back to Abrego for a couple days to sort things out with my parents. We go over what's been going on at school, and how we are going to go forward. I've told them everything, save for the Wolves which leaves a lot of the details out, but they get the gist of it. Or at least the stereotypical high school girl version. Grief. Boy issues. Bullies.So it isn't surprising when Hendrick tracks me down and approaches me at the gym. I assume Skyler has told him that I'm allowed to go back to dance practice, but he avoids the pointed look I give him."Hey," He leans against the bar in the dance room. I only adjust the bag on my shoulder, and he stands up, "Alora...we need to talk."I'm quiet for a long time, before I look at Skyler, "Skyler..""I'm giving you ten minutes," He says, pointing at Hendrick, "She's on thin ice-so don't keep her too long. She needs to play some major catch- up."We've arrived an hour early to take things slowly and catch up, so I have some time to play wi
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