All Chapters of Echoes of the Pack: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
142 Chapters
Chapter 81
Alora. Alora.They reach out to me. Waves of their blood sweep against my ankles. Their cries and pleas come at me like gusts of wind. Not all are sad or bereaved, but all of them want me to notice them. They want me to see them. To hear them.Alora.Their Wolves howl and snarl. So many eyes. So many blank stares.Fingers brush aside my hair and a woman's mouth presses against my ear. Alora.I'm compelled to hear her. Soft...chimes of bells move with her every breath. She speaks to me again, as quiet as the night.Prophet. She says. Come and see."Alora," Jayden grabs my arm, "Stop zoning out-we're lining up." Come and see, Prophet of Death.I turn to face her. Sashi. Her golden eyes pierce me to the core. They hold so many secrets, so much to much to see.She touches my cheek gently, like a siren coaxing a sailor into the depths of the sea. Child of Cecily. Blood of Kaltain. You are in danger.She disappears as Kaizer sweeps me up into his arms, spinning me in circles with a
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Chapter 82
My mother has me constricted against her. I can feel her tears seep through my hair and clothes, but I don't care. My dad hugs me too, enveloping me in their pride and love. We all are happy, but we all feel somewhat off. All these years we have spent planning both Ariella and I graduating, and now there is only one.When they pull back, I notice Aiden standing beside them. The man who uses to always been so sullen and intimidating to me now is one of my biggest allies. He grins widely at me and opens his arms up. I don't hesitate."Bien, bien," He kisses the top of my head, "I'm very proud of you girls."Jayden drags me back just then, holding her phone up, "Selfie time!"I quickly smile as she presses the button to capture the photo. Skyler and Kaizer, and Cam and Dom quickly join us. The next few minutes is enveloped in photos, hugs, and congratulations."There's going to be a party at the beach later tonight," Cam whispers to me when her mother isn't looking at us."What time?"Sh
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Chapter 83
"Don't worry, we'll behave ourselves."Cam, charming as always, practically wraps herself around Claude. He doesn't react, though the poor rookie beside him is clearly taken by Camilla. He looks ready to faint when she gives him a wink.Claude slips from her hold, "No swimming this time, okay?""Jeez, what are you-my mother?" She rolls her eyes, "Or are you giving us such a hard time 'cause you want us to invite you? You're more than welcome to-be sure to bring the cutie who's riding with you."Again, the rookie's consciousness is questionable."Whatever, just don't complain when you wake up with a hell of a hangover again. I'm tired of hearing Auntie Nic bitch me out for it.""You two are actually cousins?" I look between them as Claude goes back to his car."Yup," She sighs, "Don't know how. He's too straight-laced.""Let's go set up," Hendrick begins to pull me towards the beach but I break away."Claude!" He turns around when I run up to him, "Can I talk to you quickly?"He looks
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Chapter 84
After a couple more hours of drinking and dancing, my dark mood has been put aside. I spend the entire night dancing with Skyler and Jayden, slowly sinking into a haze of alcohol and celebration.At some point, Hendrick slinks his way into my good graces again. I want to push him away...but my entire soul is crippled by the mere thought of it."I'm sorry," His voice is low and smooth, like the rhythmic strumming of a guitar."You keep pinching my neck when I'm doing something you don't like-stop that," I jerk away from his fingers as they sweep through my hair, "I'm not your dog, Hendrick.""I'm sorry," His hands creep along my shoulders and I make no move to brush them aside, "My old man does it sometimes with the younger Wolves when they don't listen. It's just a force of habit-""I know you all have your messed up ways of disciplining-but I'm not going to put up with you manhandling me like that. It's not right. We've talked about this before."He nods but I can see that he doesn't
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Chapter 85
Kennedy's words echo through my head, and I wince. You know just as well as I do that he's a ticking time bomb."I love you so much. I'm trying so hard to make this work..." I whisper, "Why can't you see that?""I do.""Then why isn't it enough for you," I pull away from him. Tears are building up in my eyes, and I don't want him to see. "For months, I've been putting aside my own things so I can learn more about your world. I just...I feel like we don't talk like we used to. I don't feel like we're as connected as we used to be.""Because we're not connected. We're not on the same page because you're too busy chasing your tail about your sister's death and doing whatever Avianna has you doing. While I'm focusing on being a better Beta for our pack." His words are quiet but the volume of them rung loudly in my ears, "I need you to be what you were born to be, Alora. You're not a Healer and you're not some Rogue-you were born as my mate. Another Beta. But right now, you can't lead your
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Chapter 86
I'm surprised that the light is on in the kitchen when I get home. The silhouette of my father is blurry from the frosted glass windows. He's at the kitchen counter, reading. A cup of coffee is beside him, and he wears a thick, knitted sweater and his spectacles.He looks up when I shut the front door behind me, "Hey, kiddo.""Hey," I slip my shoes off and take them upstairs to my bedroom. I change quickly and go to the bathroom to assess the damage.The only thing about having my parents home constantly now is that I have to do a better job hiding my bruises. Which is fine, since most of them I get from sparring or patrols...but this isn't that.I'm hiding bruises that my boyfriend gave me because he snapped.I tug down my sleeves and cover my wrists. My lip is a larger problem. It's bruised and split open, and I'm not sure how I'm going to cover that up. There really isn't a way...but I can't tell my parents how I got it. They won't understand.To be honest, I don't understand eithe
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Chapter 87
Orion is in my house.Past the guards. Past the Abregon patrols. He even slipped past me. How had I not sensed him until now?The house is silent.Dread fills me as I walk through my bedroom door. Deep down, I know what to expect-what I'm about to see. But still...I tiptoe around the a mouse...checking each room.He isn't anywhere upstairs. Ariella's room has been left untouched.The air smells stale.The stairs crackle with every step I take. No one is in sight. It's as if he has evaporated into the shadows. I jerk away from every small, white sound. The fridge rumbles loudly. The wildlife outside coo and sound alarms. My heartbeat is deafening....I go downstairs and towards my parents' bedroom. My deafening heartbeat slows. The rumblings of the outside and kitchen fade away. A surprising calm washes over me... should be terrified. I am terrified.I brace myself for what is behind this door.It creaks a hollow scream as I push it open with my foot. In the darkness, I se
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Chapter 88
Alora.Alora.Alora.It's all I can hear the whispers of the ghosts and the visions-as I press my cheek against the cold, tile floor. My mind is drowning, my soul is being hung by a rope of grief and disbelief and turmoil. Death.Death.Alora."Alora." Jayden knocks on the bathroom door again, "Please unlock the door."There's no movement, no sound, that comes from me. My body is a corpse. I lie curled up in their cabin bathroom. It's been hours since I left. The day has come and gone but I remain in my position. The shock is still processing the idea that I have no family left is still wrapping around my mind. The last thing I can do is unlock a fucking door.The last thing I want is to face anyone. Facing them will mean that I'll have to accept this strange, new reality. I'm an orphan.Sobs wrench my lungs from my chest, constricting them so tightly like balls of crunched up paper. I can't breathe. I can only exist in a world of pain. A world of death.The Wolf inside me is folded u
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Chapter 89
"Where are they?"Ariella stands in front of me. Tears stream down her face. I step up to her and hug her tightly. We bury our faces into one another's shoulders, sobbing loudly. She bunches the thick material of my cardigan in her hands, shaking so hard against me."I'm sorry," She whispers, "I'm so sorry, Alora."I only weep quietly into the crook of her neck. The pain is still so fresh- the loss not quite sinking in. I feel so astounded that it's almost like numbness. The only thing I can do is sob and hiccup into my sister's embrace."Where...Are they here?" I finally manage to choke out. I can't find them -no matter where I desperately search in this Plane... they're not here. All I saw is the red, darkening sky that lights up the black horizon and silhouettes of the Plane. Iphigenia is pressing against Ariella's thigh, whining softly. But no one else. Only mist."Ariella," I look at her again. She's biting her lip and I cry, "Ariella- where's Mom and Dad?""Alora, they've alread
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Chapter 90
All that flashes through my mind is that he's touching me with the same hands that he touched her with."Don't shut me out, Alora," He murmurs.I let go of the doorknob but don't turn away from the door. "I don't know what you're talking about.""You haven't spoken to me since...since..." He stumbles over his words as I turn around. He can't meet my eyes, but his hands find my wrists. He holds onto them tightly. Out of comfort or to restrain me--I don't know."Say it," I growl, "Say it, Hendrick! We haven't spoken since....""Since your parents died..." His grasp on me softens, but not enough to let me break free. "Alora...I'm sorry... want to take it all away for you- the pain, the death.""You just want to take it away, so you don't have to feel it," I hiss, spitting at the spot on his chest where his heart is supposed to be. "You don't want to feel this way anymore.""I don't.""I don't either! But there's nothing you can do about that--but you didn't have to make it worse!" I try
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