All Chapters of Echoes of the Pack: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
142 Chapters
Chapter 101
She tilts her head innocently, though I suspect that her grabbing my hand was no mistake. The vision I had from her felt different, though, like it wasn't old and dusty. It felt fresh, new. As if it isn't the past.Had I just seen a glimpse of Eamonn's future?"I'm Jayden," They shake, "Looks like we'll be neighbors."Nancy nods and looks up at the apartment, "Yes, seems so. I apologize in advance for the noise. I two young ones that are quite noisy."As if on cue, a boy no more than fifteen comes rushing out, "Mom, I'm going to hang out with Johnny and Keanu!""It's late already! Be home by nine!" Nancy calls as he runs around the packhouse. "That's my boy, Gene. I have a small girl, Addison, but she's down for a nap with her pa. They went hunting earlier.""I used to help Avianna and her healers-would it be okay if I did the same here?" I ask and Nancy's eyes brightens."Of course! I was hoping you would be willing-we'll do that in exchange for me continuing your tutoring. Avianna t
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Chapter 102
"What have you done!"Blood. Death. Corpses scatters around at our feet.He snarls and lunges at me. A blade. A golden blade. It goes through me, sliding between my ribs. I cry out, grabbing the kaftan as blood bleeds through onto the material.Looking up slowly at him, tears bleed from his eyes. Shock sharpens both our eyes."You are blinded by your hatred. You will never be a king."He yells loudly, plunging the knife in and out of me. I feel nothing after the third stab, only lay limply in his arms.The blood of my children on my hands. The blood of his mate on his. We will both see each other in hell. Orion.I sit up with a hand over my mouth, but my strangled croak echoes through the apartment. I wipe at the strands of hair plastered to my wet cheeks and take a deep breath. It was just another vision. Everything is fine."Alora?" Jayden is at the door, "You alright?""Yeah," I somehow keep my voice straight, "Go back to sleep, Jayden."Her footsteps pad off and I hear her bedroom
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Chapter 103
I stretch my legs out too, keeping in pace with him. My muscles burn but I only surge forward. The wolf within is at one with me in this moment. She's loving this-it's been a while since she has been able to run this much. The exhaustion only pushes her more. She won't let the Alpha to outpace her too much.My attention snaps to a new scent appearing. Tiny yaps followed by tiny paws come hurtling towards Kennedy. Eamonn comes barrelling through the brush and charges forward, running straight into his father.Kennedy has stopped by then and looks unamused as his pup runs head first into his leg. But after he shakes it off and looks up at Kennedy with a wagging tail, the large grey wolf softens. His tail begins to wag too, and soon they are both yapping and playing.I crouch low in the ground, watching them as they tackle one another. Eamonn's growls are high-pitched and adorable, despite him doing his best at looking intimidating. Kennedy's growls are frightening and low, even as he pl
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Chapter 104
"Little wolf," Kennedy speaks lowly. I look over my shoulder at him, and he finishes his mouthful of food, "How're you and your friend settling in?"I shrug as I walk over with the new batch of toast, "Good for the most part. We haven't really ventured out further than the lawn and Nancy's."He raises an eyebrow when he catches me sneaking him a glance. I'm sure that he knows about this morning, but he says nothing of it. I break our gaze when a crooked smile takes over his face."I'm glad to hear that," He pauses thoughtfully before adding, "Though I'd love to know the reason you've laced my door handle with silver."I clear my throat as he turns that piercing gaze on me again. Ah, so that's the reason he came. Looking away, I call to Jayden instead, "Jayden! There's more out here!""Calling reinforcements, huh?""She's a beast when she's hungry," I mumble pathetically, "I put the silver there because the lock has been taken off the door.""Neither of which you need. Alora, no one he
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Chapter 105
Today marks a month."Alora, can you change his bandages?" Nancy asks as she reset a woman's arm, "Don't have anything on them. He's recovering from a burn."I work through the rest of the day like this, following Nancy's instructions methodically and robotically. None of the Wolves speak to me. None of them even look at me. I'm fine with it like that.My parents had been murdered a month ago.It's a hard pill to swallow, one that wouldn't go down easily. Every time I think I'm beginning to accept the idea that they will never come home from a business trip, or I would dance with my mom or get yelled at by my dad...I suddenly wake up to the reality of my grief.I will never speak to them again. I will never have the chance to nurture the relationship we had all begun to work in the recent months. My mother will never help me get ready for my wedding. My father will be never be there to see me grow up into who he had wanted me to. They will never get to understand what I truly am...or
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Chapter 106
I clear my throat and turn back to the cottage. I don't have the energy to fight these stupid bitches, "I guess I'll tell your Alpha my side of the story."They are deadly quiet. For a moment I think that they might be about to pounce on me from behind. But Iphigenia doesn't deem it a necessary fear. She can take the both of them. Snap them in half like twigs. They are mere mutts. We are more in her mind. We would serve them that lesson brutally."Wait."I glance over my shoulder. They are shifting their weight, unsure and uncomfortable. Like a pair of puppies that have been caught doing something they aren't supposed to. I can only speak to them with a coy smile."Come inside then. I'll get the kettle boiling."…"Aviva and Gracie. The two are notorious for their territorial attitudes," Kiana huffs as we walk from the packhouse, "The two walk around like Lunas, especially when they're in Heat. Dumb bitches need to get Marked already.""I didn't realize how aggressive females were tow
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Chapter 107
"Foolish, fucking morons! What did you think was going t'happen if you went scampering about the packlands by yourself? And then cause a fight no less!"Mac has been rambling for about several minutes now, careful not to overstep Kennedy when he interjects. We all stand in Kennedy's office in the packhouse-Kiana, Mateo, Mac, Jayden, and I. After we outran the Sentries from the lake, it was only natural that we would run straight into Mac while he was heading back from patrol."And you!" He isn't the kind that jabs his finger in your face. No, Mac is up in my face in an instant, bending down to make sure my eyes are on him, "The head on you, woman, is anot'er t'ing! Haven't you been causing enough trouble? Why is it that whenever there's a brawl or a fight, you're the one in the middle of it!""Love, your accent's showing," Kiana tries to make light of the situation, but is quickly cut off by Mac's scowl."You have not'ing to say, do you?" He takes a step further in my space. I only st
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Chapter 108
I will kill you.Orion stands smugly in the corner of the room. His arms are crossed- his eyes calculatingly cast towards the ground. He refuses to look at Lara, who glances nervously between him and Alpha Kieran.The Palus Alpha draws in a tired sigh, "Abrego refuses any entry or visitations to us. But Ameku and Solari have shown us favourable conversation.""Good old Kennedy. He's so quick to forgive-"Orion begins but is quickly cut off by Kieran."I doubt he'd be quick to forgive you. Which is why it's important he doesn't know that you're staying here, Leon," He runs a hand through his hair. He's frustrated-trapped. I can almost feel his chest tightening in panic as he thinks of the repercussions of harboring a fugitive Alpha. "I would appreciate your obedience-just this once. I'm putting my neck out on the line for you-and risking my entire pack's wellbeing.""And I appreciate your loyalty, old friend," Orion stands up. Lara stiffens and I do too. Her she scared that he
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Chapter 109
The ground shakes beneath the feet of all Alphas. They are the ultimate authority of the pack. The Alphas are the only Werewolves that are perfectly in-sync with their Guides. Two halves fitting together-human and beast-like two oceans meeting. Equals but Separate.What separates the Alphas from the Wolves they rule over is this gift they receive by the hand of The Goddesses.Balance.The only ones to rival their strength are those who act as the presence of the Goddesses on Earth. The Priestesses.The Abregon packhouse looms over me. Mira and Ilya stand tall like statues of Roman warriors. Aidan and several Sentries are hunched forward, and I can't tell if it's from pain or a need to shift. Their expressions are all on guard as more Wolves gather around the silver cars that have pulled up to the house.The door opens and Sashi comes out. She moves more aggressively and abruptly than I have pictured her to. Her eyes are sharp and narrowed- and notably a dark copper rather the gold I h
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Chapter 110
Finally, we reach the house. It's secluded, tucked on an embankment of the lake. No trees and no blind spots. The only way out is the only way in.The only issue is that the driveway that connects the embankment to the main shoreline is consumed by female Wolves. They crowd around the house like ravenous beasts. All of them are flushed from their Heat and egging each other on. It's a brewing storm just waiting for the right motivation to be unleashed.I have stopped dead in my tracks, staring at them with wide eyes. There are at least thirty of them. I catch the scent of others approaching as the wind blows in my favour. With that in mind, I shift back."How did you get out of here?" I tug my shoes and cardigan on."There weren't as many as them when I had left," His voice is meek. He smiles at me like he realizes that leaving Kennedy's protection hadn't been such a bright idea. I suspect that the Unmarked females caught whiff of Eamonn and then gathered here.Sometimes, I feel like I
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