All Chapters of Echoes of the Pack: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
142 Chapters
Chapter 111
(Kennedy)Alora damn near topples the kitchen stool she's seated in when I come downstairs. Mac is back-I had heard him come in when I was on the phone with Abrego. He doesn't look too pleased with her in the lake house but knows better than to make a complaint."Everything's fine," My words draw a lengthy sigh from her lips, "The pack was outraged from what I gather, but Beta Aiden and Avianna managed to reign them in before they could challenge the Alphas. Mira and Ilya have made peace with them all.""There's no making peace with a pack that have been betrayed by their leaders," Kiana mutters into her teacup, "Betrayal, lies, murder. It's all weakness in the eyes of Wolves.""Aye, I wouldn't take too kindly to being lied to," Mac sets his mug down a little too eagerly.If Alora hears them, she doesn't bother to acknowledge their words. In fact, her eyes are still trained on me. She's waiting for me to tell her something-the news she was actually hoping for.It brings me no pleasure
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Chapter 112
Jayden tries to hide her grin as I frantically pace the room. She's enjoying watching me struggle through my Heat as it peaks. I'm desperate to just end it all."Stop it," I growl as I hunch over. My insides are cramping up, like someone has turned on a jackhammer or an industrial-sized mixer."Sorry," She raises her hands up, "Do you want me to get you anything?"I laugh through the pain, "A cliff to jump off of?"Truthfully, I want to get Hendrick. I just really need him by my side. I've gone through the cramps and Heat before but not without him. It seems so much harder now that he isn't with me. There's no distraction.I haven't slept at all in the past two days. It was too hot. I feel like I'm in a sweltering sandstorm. Not even the cold showers or dumping ice over my body is helping anymore.In my sleep deprivation and hormonal desperation, my mind has begun to rationalize Hendrick's actions. Part of me is appalled by this need to be close to him right now-part of me doesn't car
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Chapter 113
"So you don't know what she looks like?""No.""Do you know her name?""Uh-no."I stop in my tracks and tug on Jayden's sleeve, "Do you know anything about her, Jayden?"She blushes bright pink, "Well...she smells like almonds and baking." I nearly slap my hand over my face. We've been walking all around the cabins by the lake in hopes of finding Jayden's mate. But after thirty minutes, the only Wolves we found were Addison and Eamonn."It's hard to find your mate when you don't know anything about them!" Addison tells me like I don't know this myself, "Your mate could be standing right beside you and you wouldn't know unless your Wolf is completely awakened.""Well hers is," I scruff up her blond hair, "What I want to know is this other girl's Wolf is. I mean how old are you usually when you first Shift? If you're not Alpha-born then usually somewhere between thirteen and fifteen," Jayden won't stop scanning the crowd, "But I know she's older than that. I walked right past her, Alora
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Chapter 114
The advantage of hiding from Lara is that neither Jayden or I were expected at the pack dinner. It gave me plenty of time to plan how to sneak into Lara's room."This is a terrible idea," Jayden grunts while I fix the black beanie over her flaring, red hair. I say nothing and tuck in all her loose locks into the thick, wool material. "What if it's on her? It means that we've snuck into a Luna's bedroom for no reason! We can get into serious trouble."It's not on her.""How do you know that!""Because I asked," I glance over at my sister, who is embraced by an ethereal, glowing halo in the darkness. "It's in her bedside table."Jayden jerks away. She's scared, or at the very least...uncomfortable. I bend down and make sure that my boot laces are secure. One sniff in the air and I tell that Kennedy isn't anywhere close."You don't have to come, Jayden." I had plenty of eyes to make sure the coast remains clear for me. "Only one of us has to get in trouble.""If what you say is true-and
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Chapter 115
"Here we go. One sentimental athame. I hope this is worth getting ripped a new asshole-because that's what's going to happen when Alpha Kennedy finds out."I look up at from the bag I'm digging through and sigh in relief as Jayden holds out Ariella's athame, "It's my sister's. That bitch shouldn't have had it in the first place.""Well they haven't hauled us to the guillotines despite the Luna's complaint of someone being in her room. But I think we got lucky this time, Alora.""I know," I reach out and squeeze her hand, "I really appreciate you putting your neck on the line for me, again and again, Jayden.""No prob-I do it 'cause you're just so cute and loveable," She smiles and hands the athame over, "What are you planning on doing with it?""I need to talk to my sister somewhere where we both can interact. It takes too much energy do that here--for both her and I," I'm mesmerized by the way the light dances off the blade's edges. A small drop of blood stains the wooden hilt, but t
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Chapter 116
The crescent hangs low in the sky-a blood red moon. The belt of Orion hung between the points, connecting the ends of the moon to almost look like a full circle.I am lying in a large bed. He's beside me. Holding me close. It's an odd situation to be in-being in the arms of a monster like him. A murderer. But Zemira's contentment is all I feel as I curl up with my hands pressed against his naked, scarred chest.I open my eyes and study him. He looks nothing like Kennedy, save for the fact that they're both as tall as a skyscraper. He has a soft tan to his skin, a strong jaw and a Roman's nose. His lips are plump and pale pink, and his face is speckled in the makings of a beard.I lift my hand and stroke the bumps and dents of the mark I have left on his neck. He's bulky and made of muscle but isn't as solid as Kennedy or Hendrick. This muscle is something that has come from years of war and work. Naturally he's just a tall, slenderman.His eyes are open now. They pierce me with their
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Chapter 117
I look up at Zemira. She's watching the dark sky above us, her eyes calm but burdened. Age and worry have weathered lines into the corner of her eyes, and along her brow. She noticeably has no smile lines. A hardened ruler who had a tragic end like most of them usually did.Her piercing, blue gaze meet mine, and she says evenly, "I am not to be pitied, Alora. I made drastic, irrevocable errors in my lifetime. But my family never was one of them.""Was Orion?" I find the courage to ask her.She only turns to the sky again. I understand. The answer waits in the stars. In The Moon.It has shifted entirely. Orion's Belt only touches the crescent moon on one end, creating a ninety-degree angle as it leans away.…They bow as we stand upon our thrones of bones.Orion's lips are turned up a rare, genuine smile. Those gorgeous, hazel eyes sweep over the sea of Wolves before us. Admiring his creation. Then he turns to me and those hazel irises swirl with flecks of amber.I say nothing as I mee
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Chapter 118
(Kennedy)"Alpha," Mateo nods as I pass him, "You wanted an update on our guest.""Aye," I glance at Mac, who is shutting the office door behind himself.Mateo stands firmly while I sit against the edge of my desk, "Is she awake yet?""Yes, but Jayden says that she woke up from her vision last night. She's just resting now."I nod, "Make sure they both get what they need. Mac, relay this all to Mira and Ilya. They'll want to know what state she's in."Mateo pauses before he leaves. I nod and he speaks hesitantly, "Alpha...what's with this girl?""She's a lycan," I shrug and let this practiced lie roll smoothly off my tongue, "Who knows what's going on with them half of the time."He nods and promptly leaves. I can only hope that that answer satisfies him and the of rest of my Sentries. But it won't for long, and Mac makes sure to remind me of that inconvenient fact ever since I told him the truth of who Alora is."The news of The Order's visit to Abrego is already circulating like wil
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Chapter 119
Orion is weak.And most importantly, he just needs to Mark me in this world to make it to the Goddesses. There always had been more to killing them though. Zemira had said that he needs 'the Gold and the Silver' to complete this insane ritual. They obviously were key elements...but what if there is more? Why had Orion not come straight for me, Mark me, and hidden me away until he had gotten everything else he needed. No...he's biding his time with me too…The old High Priestess, Mirabella, had said something similar to Zemira about Orion. That Zemira had just as much advantage over Orion because they had become fully Marked... Does a completed Nexus make Orion stronger or weaker? Or is it both?Gold and Silver...what does that mean? I don't if told that to Zemira because he didn't trust her to know, or he didn't know himself.I've gathered a lot of this riddle had much to do with Greek mythology. The Moon is named after all three moon goddesses. Orion is a warrior in the ancient stori
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Chapter 120
His eyes were the first I saw when I woke up. After that awful series of Zemira's memories...and reliving her death, his face was the one I woke up to…His hand touched mine. And he smiled down at me like he was saying- you'll be alright. Everything... will be alright.Right now, I can confirm that everything will not be alright."Kennedy, where are you taking me?" I've asked this question to his broad back three times already, but all I've gotten so far is-”"Patience, my little wolf, Patience."Yeah. All I've gotten so far is that.I stop in my tracks, arms crossed, "I have several herbology lists to memorize, two major lycanthrope bloodlines to track, and a hell of a vision to decipher. I haven't seen my sister or any of the spirits that guide me in weeks! The Moon isn't saying much to me either. So no, patience is something I'm a little short on-""Sounds like you're shorter on time than on patience""Kennedy.""Okay, so maybe you're a little impatient too," He turns around and st
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