All Chapters of Echoes of the Pack: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
142 Chapters
Chapter 121
"Found it!"Eamonn and I both look up from the shrubs and at Addison. She plucks the herb we are looking for and holds it up. The yellow and fleshy plant is unmistakably roseroot alright."Good job, Addy!" I call to her. She scampers over while Eamonn sighs loudly. "What's up?"He shrugs, "I don't know. I just thought that I would be better at finding herbs than Addy."I grin at the pouty kid, "Sorry, nene. Being a lycanthrope doesn't trump years of being the Healer's kid."He narrows his eyes at me. But when I poke his nose with a sprig of wild geraniums, he giggles. Just then, Addy joins us and stuffs several bunches of roseroot into the basket I'm carrying.In celebration of Mabon, the autumn equinox, Nancy and Avianna are leading a ritual with the other pack healers today and tonight. Having another experienced Pack Healer like Avianna means that Nancy can do a far more elaborate ritual. They'll also be performing smaller observances over the pack members that requested their serv
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Chapter 122
I stay hidden in Nancy's clinic after that. I've been too terrified to venture out, in case Mac comes out and finds me. He probably knows exactly where I am, but my fear gets the better of me. Against someone like Mac, I'd be defenseless…My hand floats up to my neck, even though it doesn't hurt anymore. I can't believe such a peaceful day has turned chaotic so quickly-though I guess it shouldn't surprise me anymore.My moment of serenity was cut short by reality. Now I'm in the backroom of Nancy's clinic organizing the collected herbs, hiding. After Nancy checked on me briefly, it's been quiet. All the healers are performing their ritual in another location. My thoughts are loud and drown everything else out.I tie the bundles of geranium together, fingers methodically knotting the twine. I can do it with my eyes closed. I do just that-shut my eyes and let my mind wander to happier places.It takes me back to Portland. The time that Ariella and I had packed some clothes and escaped t
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Chapter 123
My heart is racing in fear and adrenaline. I look to my right where Jayden sprints beside me. Avianna is to my left. Our paws thunder against the foliage of the woods as we charge through the wild, and further away from the main packlands.Head to the mountains. Kennedy had said. Don't stop until you hit the snowline. It'll be harder for them to track you there.I feel the hackles along my spine rise, as if The Order are pulling up to Diumal now and demanding them to hand me over. It isn't fair to them. The easiest thing for everyone would be if I go with Sashi and her goonish priestesses now. I nearly had, but Avianna had insisted that I run away.You're far from ready for them, Alora.I don't understand what more I need to prepare for. I've been practicing Healer methods for a year now, and I've studied enough about the Wolves' culture to be familiar. At this rate, I have more and more questions that no one but those at The Order can answer for me.But Nancy and Avianna's insistence
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Chapter 124
So you can sense auras?Avianna nods. Yeah. And no, I won't tell you what color yours is.So is it like...whatever your mood is what color your aura is? Or is it your type of personality? Jayden licks her paws.Avianna cocks her head to the side. A little of both. It's one of the things that Healers learn while they train at The Order. Auras aren't easy to read even if you can see them. We need more than just the color of someone's aura to interpret it-we need background and context.So it's not a good idea for you to read the aura of a Wolf from another pack then? She grunts in response my questions. This is the first time have gotten a real sense of a Healers' capabilities. It's not necessarily something you can learn-a lot of the more powerful Pack Healers are born with abilities very similar to Lycans. What else can you do?I'm not some chihuahua with a catalogue of tricks. She snips. It's mostly auras and being able to sense spirits, similar to you. I have the odd and occasional
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Chapter 125
That evening, I find myself in the kitchen with the other Wolves to help them prepare for the nightly pack dinner. It's more like a giant barbeque, and the kitchen is certainly capable of handling the sheer amount of food we prepare.Aviva, the girl who attacked one of her friends during the summertime Heat, had invited me to come with her. Initially, I had been sceptical and certain that she was going to try backstab me. But it hasn't been the case at all, and I've been pleasantly surprised by how the Wolves welcomed me into their kitchen."Smells good, ladies," Kiana laughs as she walks in through the backdoor. Her grin turns crooked when she sees me carrying several containers of mac-and-cheese out of the kitchen, "So you don't just brew up potions?"I laugh as she takes some of the food from the counter and helps me bring it outside, "Yeah, I was surprised that they wanted me near the food. But I don't mind either. It's been nice to help out.""There's nothing quite like the commu
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Chapter 126
"Have your visions come back?" Eamonn is handing me the notes he and I have been working on the past months. Much to my surprise, my young friend has a lot of strings to pull on in the pack and was able to have neighboring settlements to send their archives and genealogy charts. "You've been quiet ever since you came back from the you're not listening to just what we can hear. And then you saw my vision during Yule..."It's true that ever since my time in the mountains-and my horrifying vision of Cecily-my clairvoyant powers have reawakened tenfold. The spirits are louder than ever-the visions are becoming hard to stave off again. I can sense that there is something they want to show me...something that I'm missing that is in plain sight."I had a vision when I was away...about my ancestor. But I'm not sure how it has anything to do with the problems we're having now," It's the truth. What did Cecily's tragedy have to do with Orion's vengeance on The Moon-other than
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Chapter 127
Missing you at our bonfires!I stare at the text from Dom. I read it over and over again while I think of what to say. Part of me wants to call her and find out how she and Camilla are doing. Nicole...that was the Wolf who had died saving me from Orion-and Camilla's mother.I can't forget her cries and pleas to let her daughter know that she's watching over her. The way she curled up into Camilla's side and not being seen."Alora?" Nancy calls me from the front room, "You have a visitor!"I quickly tap a response to Dom-Missing you guys too. How's Cam? How's Hendrick?Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned Hendrick, but he hasn't responded to my texts. I just need to know that he's alright. Ever since that priestess got so close to him in Abrego, the bond between us has been poking at my conscious-as if to remind itself that he's still around."Sorry-I just had to "My cellphone slips through my fingers and bounces off the ground the moment I look up from the screen.Around me...stand so man
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Chapter 128
(Kennedy)The door clicks shut. I haven't turned away from the window since Alora walked into my office with that barbaric bite mark on her face. And now, after she and her companions left with Mac and Nancy in tow, I haven't turned towards Mira."You don't approve. I don't particularly like getting rough with my Wolves-"Don't be coy with me, Mira," I scoff and spare her a brief glance. Even that seems too much for my Wolf. He keeps barrelling against me. He wants to bury his teeth in her face and see how she likes it. "We both know that you enjoy that kind of thing.""Enjoy? Debatable. But it's effective-even you have to admit," She takes an ignorant step towards me. Her arrogance knows no bounds. She thinks that I won't rip her to shreds, not when we can't afford to have more packs warring with one another. "You should try it-""You know exactly why I don't resort to those methods anymore." My Wolves had seen more than their fair share of cruelty and bloodshed. Only in the most ext
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Chapter 129
The fire is warm and crackles gently as I curl up on the couch. Eamonn is fast asleep on my side, breathing deeply while a Christmas movie plays on the television. Jayden and Olivia are cuddling on the floor, and several Solari Wolves spread out around the packhouse lounge to watch the movie.It's snowing outside, and the entire world around us is a blanket of white, sparkling ice. I can barely make out my apartment across the yard, let alone the mountains in the distance. The snow hasn't let up in three days, and the snow is building up.Jayden and I were pleasantly surprised that the pack helped us clear a path from our apartment to the packhouse every morning. I suppose they had to, considering that their pack Healer would have been blocked in by the snow as well. But they had also deiced our stairs every morning, so that had to mean something.Mira's visit had caused ripples through the pack. It's clear that her arrival was even less welcome than our own. The atmosphere shifted as
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Chapter 130
I'm not a Wolf.There was a time when Orion hadn't been a Wolf...though I'm not entirely sure what that meant. He very well could have been a human that was able to wield and manipulate Nature like a Healer or Lycan, but had he become a Wolf?Were Wolves not creations of The Moon?Around me is the Planes. The sky is crimson and the forest around me smells like charred wood. I take a step forward. Crunch. Bones lie underneath me feet. Pup teeth threaded onto necklaces scatter the ground too.One of these was found in Ariella's room. Her murderer had one of these...and it's all somehow connected to Mira. But then how is it also connected to Orion?I need answers."Finally."I'm expecting to see Hekate. But it's another entity. This one has skin that moves like molten silver, and eyes that are milky white. Like two full moons stare back at me. Stare into me. Stare through me."Selene."She moves towards me with a cold smile. The charred grass gives way to moonshine as Her bare feet touch
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