All Chapters of Echoes of the Pack: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
142 Chapters
Chapter 91
It's not right. It's wrong to be the only one still standing. Like me being the only one alive is a betrayal.It doesn't feel right because out of us all, I'm the least useful. I couldn't stop any of them from dying. Or perhaps it's because this is all my fault. I'm the reason they are all decomposing in the ground beneath my feet. I'm the one who Orion wants to get to.I'm just as responsible for their murders as he is.Darkness clings to me like a cloak. If people could see auras, then I'd be shrouded in black. Like the mist that surrounds Hekate."Alora," Kaizer's eyes are bloodshot and glass. He waves me to stand next to him and his father, the minister of my parents' funeral.I can't move from my spot. I'm frozen just like they are. There's a large lump in my throat that I can't swallow down-it only grows the more I try to speak.Finally...the final words I'll say to them comes out..." My mom-she was born in Las Marías, Puerto Rico. She and her brother moved to the U.S. after the
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Chapter 92
Her cheek shatters under the force of my fist."Alora! Stop!"I have Ashenia by the collar of her shirt and slam her into the ground before anyone can stop me. Despite the outrageous pain she's in, she uses my momentum to flip us. My back hits the ground and my gut takes the brunt of her fists.But rage drives me forward. I reach up and grab her face, clawing and gouging at her eyes until she falters. The moment she does, I'm on top of her again.She still smells like him.Her eyes are wide as my teeth sharpen. The beast inside me wants to show this female who is dealing with. There's no mercy, no humanity in this Wolf that lurks inside me. She knows pain-she knows how to inflict it too.I wrench Ashenia's neck back and go in to Mark the bitch myself.Hendrick's body crashes into mine. He quickly pins me down. Only he has the power to quell my Wolf in this moment, though he barely manages it."Bring her to my office, now," Mira's bellow echoes.He tries but I slip through his grasps a
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Chapter 93
My whole life amounts to two duffle bags and a handbag. It's an odd realization I have as I put them in the trunk of one of the Solari SUVS. Clothes, a couple photos and personal belongings, Ariella's notebooks, and my scrying bowls. Everything else is left in the house or on the boat. Everything else is memories and sentimental items-which when it comes to it, have no real purpose.The Wolf driving the car Jayden and I will be in closes the trunk. Around us, car doors are opening and shutting. They're all ready to leave. Everything is packed-everything is set. All that's left are the farewells.Jayden hugs Aiden tightly, "I'll call you guys when we cross borders.""And when you get there," He smooths down her hair and plants a kiss on the crown of her head, "Be safe.""You too," She begins to cry, and I turn away.Avianna is standing beside me, a small chest in her arms. She smiles at me when I glance at her, and hands it over, "This is for you."I don't have to open it to know what
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Chapter 94
Alora. She reaches out to me. Dark, brown hair. Blackened hands that radiate with heat and a heavy, dense feeling of dread. I can't see her face properly...but I know her. I know her...Alora. She whispers my name. Or maybe she's shouting. Either way, I can't tell as I slowly surface from my sleep. She reaches out to me just as I try to get a better look at her face.Yellow. Her yellow eyes are infected with madness-insanity and murder just like Orion's.Alora!I open my eyes, looking over at Jayden. She moves a lot in her sleep, and has accidentally jabbed me with her elbow, which roused me from my own troubled sleep."Sorry," She smiles as she sits up and pats her shoulder, "I can be the pillow for a while if you want."I laugh quietly and stretch out across the backseats, "I don't know how you sleep with your neck at a ninety-degree angle. I'll just lie on your legs.""More cushioning there, for sure," She winks, "You forget that I have to sleep in mud and through rainstorms when I
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Chapter 95
My hand tightens around the stem of the glass. I look up sharply at the Wolves staring at me, "Leave.""Yes, ma'am," They bow, glancing warily at the man who enters. He only grins at them, his eyes flashing that sickly, diseased yellow.Before the door even shuts, I throw the glass of champagne at the pig. He dodges it, of course, and laughs heartily at me. I move around him, keeping a good distance from him. He watches me with a wide, toothy grin. My eyes only narrow at him."It's good seeing you without the veil," He chuckles, "You recognize me -good. I wasn't sure if you would-""Do not speak to me," I command. He only bows his head, but it's a futile attempt at an apology. He is disrespectful. A venomous snake that need its head cut off. "I know what you are. The only reason why I'm entertaining your request for an audience is because I want to know why you are here. Here, where I could easily order you be ripped to pieces.""If I may," he takes a step towards me, smirking as he w
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Chapter 96
"Alora."I glance away from Orion and to my side. The dark-haired woman stands a few feet away, her gaze peering through her messy hair. Strands are clumped together by blood. She reeks of Death.Orion and everyone else disappear around me. I blink and am no longer in Zemira's kaftan. I'm in a white, silken robe. Like one of the Priestesses."Who are you?" I ask her but she only laughs. Her presence unsettles me, like she's evil. I take a step away from her and scream, "What's your name!""Death," She giggles. I still instantly and she begins towards me, "I am Death. You are Death. We-""Are you another-""Iphigenia and I have nothing to do with one another," She lunges towards me, grasping my wrists with her bony fingers. I jerk away but she only cackles loudly, "You and I. We have everything to do with one another."I can't speak another word before she grabs my face. Our eyes lock and I feel her invade my mind. It's like having a snake crawl down my throat- like thousands of needle
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Chapter 97
My bones click like a cricket's symphony as I jump from the car and stretch out. Jayden presses against the car as she stretches her spine out like a cat."You guys drive this several times a year?" She looks up at Kiana incredulously.Kiana laughs, "Now you know why we like to take the boat out every once and a while. Not as time-efficient, but it beats the pins and needles."I reach for my toes and breathe out, trying to relax my tight hamstrings. After a couple breaths, I'm able to press my chest flush to my thighs and tilt my hips up. My muscles sigh in relief as I stretch out the cramps and stiffness out.Mateo is watching me with wide eyes but makes no comment. I shut my eyes again and stand up, reaching back and pulling my arms back to find length in my shoulders. The feeling of my graunched muscles, the smell of the petrol station, and the heat from the car as the sun beats down on us reminds me of one of the trip my family took when I was eight.We had been driving to Yellows
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Chapter 98
"Alpha," The Beta of the Mount Logan settlement shakes hands with Kennedy, smiling widely, "It's good to have you with us one more time before the summer lull.""Aye-how're the kids?" Kennedy returns the warm welcome with his own grin, turning to shake hands with the female that stands beside the Beta, "Hello, Annika.""Alpha," She is absolutely stunning. She has golden-brown hair that cascades down to her hips, dressed in form-fitting activewear. Her hazel gaze flicker among us, taking in Jayden and myself with guarded curiosity, "The kids are well, thanks-disappointed that Eamonn wasn't coming for another visit.""He wasn't too happy about me leaving him home," Kennedy chuckles, "That one is getting very opinionated. And adventurous."The Beta looks at Annika, who I assume is his mate, "Babe, show the new ones to their room."She kisses his cheek and calls over her shoulder to us, "This way."I do but Jayden is more hesitant. She stays further behind, glancing around us as if she's
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Chapter 99
"Did anyone else see?" I ask quietly and she shakes her head. Good-no one will believe just her if she tells anyone."We called Mira and she dealt with it... But Hendrick ""Hendrick won't tell anyone," I cross my arms over my chest. Suddenly, my guard is up. I don't know if I can trust her to leave this alone, "I think you shouldn't either-""Why?""Jayden. Just stop asking questions""I knew you and Avianna were hiding something. But this-Alora, you need to be straight with me," Her voice is accusatory, and her eyes are narrowed at me, "Marcus was right-you know who Leon is. What he wants. Don't you?""Of course I do-he's the man who killed my family, Jayden," My entire body is bunched up. I can't swallow down the fury anymore. "Just please stop-I'm tired. I don't want to talk about this with you.""But why! Why would he do that?" Her voice is growing louder, "Why are you so insistent on not completing the Nexus between you and Hendrick? Why are we here in Diumal-it's not just to hi
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Chapter 100
We finally arrive in the heart of Solari's territory. The Wolves are in far better spirits as they pull into the familiar roads of their home. Kiana gives Mac a call and enthusiastically tells him that we are no more than five minutes out.Jayden and I are both awestruck as we drive through the main packlands. To say it's huge doesn't do it much justice. There are dozens of cabins and settlements spread through the valleys and hills, all spaced out but filled with Wolves and gardens and trees. Every so often, we drive past a small strip of shops.When we pull up to the packhouse, Kiana gives us a cocky smirk. It's just as large as the Abregon packhouse, but somehow grander. The pack has made sure the gardens are maintained and everything is trimmed and cared for.The SUVs line up outside on the loose, gravelled road. Stones crunch under the wheels and the Wolves gather with excited murmurs. Kennedy is the first to step out. The Wolves around him yip loudly to greet him and promptly bo
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