All Chapters of ALPHA RYDER'S FLAVOR. : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
119 Chapters
Chapter Fifty nine
Charia's PovTWO WEEKS LATER_________I had never attended a Full Moon Ceremony while I was with my family. I was always kept inside whenever they went to the forest, but that wasn't going to happen anymore. The Full Moon Ceremony was fast approaching and preparations were being made on time. As Alpha Ryder's wolfless mate, this meant a lot to me, because I had not transformed yet and this was the greatest opportunity to do so. Being with my mate was the last option I had for transformation.The three stages were either to be born as a wolf, shift before or on my eighteen birthday or have a mate who could speed up my process of transformation on the full moon ceremony.Since this was my only chance left, Ryder is taking a lot of effort in making everything I need on that day available. He had promised me that I would shift on the full moon and honestly my hopes were high.If I transformed, I wouldn't be recognized as wolfless anymore, I would either be a delta, gamma, omega, or beta
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Chapter Sixty
Alpha Ryder's Pov.When her sticky and mucky white liquid gushed out of her like a faulty faucet, I couldn't control my urge anymore. She was ready, just like she said and I was going to make Charia savor every moment. Charia's pheromones filled the room, her scent strong and beautiful like flowers, her skin smooth and soft and her naked body an exquisite art.I bent over to her neck where I had marked her as my mate and I lick off her new sweat, reminding her I wasn't just anyone, but Alpha Ryder, her mate who she could trust.Her hard pink nipples focused on me and I had no choice but to taste one of them, coiling my tongue around her nipples and sucking them slowly. Charia moaned as she wrapped her hands around my neck. My mouth trailed down her body, her navel, and back to her breasts. As she moaned, I took a little glance at her orgasm face and she still looked beautiful as ever, her eyes closed and her mouth a bit opened like she was trying to catch her breath. Charia's Pov __
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Chapter Sixty One
Charia's Pov____________There was nothing better than receiving such treatment yesterday from my mate last night after my nervousness for the full moon ceremony. The ceremony was today and I feel anxious but a bit relaxed because I know that Ryder would still love me no matter the outcome of my transformation.When it was evening. All of Blue Moon Pack had already started to gather at the goddess forest where the ceremony was going to take place. We had stayed in our territory away from the Red Moon Pack which was a distance away from here. There was celebration in the air as wolves started to chant for the ritual.The Full Moon was going to be out at exactly midnight and we had to celebrate and be alert before that time. Ryder and I stayed in a tent where we cuddled up for some time and he assured me I would be fine and he was going to protect me.I also spent time in relating with other members of the Blue Moon Pack that barely knew me. It was my first full moon ceremony and I was
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Chapter Sixty Two
Charia's Pov__________When his eyes met mine, I took a step back, my instincts screaming at me to run. But then the wolf did something unexpected. He looked away, back at his meal. He didn't seem to care about me at all but I still whimpered at the sight.I could not believe who I was seeing and why he was a wild wolf. I immediately recalled he was not of this town, but I couldn't quite place why any of the Red Moon Pack would not know that he was a wild wolf. I have never met one but I heard of wild wolves a lot. We feared them and only the Alpha's of a pack were sent on mission to kill them.I wanted to leave and stop staring at Delphi's mate eat another Red Moon Pack member, I wanted to go and say it was none of my business, but I couldn't. That was my sister's mate. He was dangerous. He was dangerous to the pack and to my family.I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I realized that I had almost crossed the border line of Red Moon Pack, and that was not something to
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Sixty three
Charia's Pov___________Ryder took me back to the pack tent gently. He didnt want me to bother about my father's words. He just wanted me to enjoy my first transformation like we had planned.The howling continued for several long moments before slowly dying down, and I watched as the wolves began to shift back into their human forms. They were sweaty and panting, their bodies trembling with the exertion of the transformation, but their eyes were bright with pride and satisfaction.Alpha Ryder stepped forward, his eyes locking onto mine. "Welcome to our pack," he said, his voice deep and commanding. "May the full moon guide you and strengthen you as you walk with us."I suddenly switched back to my normal self. It was involuntary but I knew with more practice I would do better. I saw a smile on Ryder's face. He was delighted just as I was.I felt a surge of emotion at his words, and I knew that I had found my true family. As the wolves began to disperse, I followed Ryder back into th
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Sixty four
Charia's Pov ________ I stood in front of the mirror, nervously adjusting my dress. Ryder stood behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist as he placed a soft kiss on my neck. We were going for a very important visitation today, which had something to do with the threats Alpha Lugard said yesterday. Ryder had assured me all will be okay, but I was still scared because he took the matter very serious . Crossing territory and killing a pack member was a grave offence and we have been charged with something like that and I knew it bothered Ryder even if he didn't want to say it. I tried making a conversation about it, but he wouldn't let me discuss it. I could remember vividly how he fiercly saved me from Delphi's mate and I blame myself for putting him in such a spot. Maybe, if I hadn't run towards the forest or the border, we wouldn't have this problem. "You look absolutely beautiful, my Luna," he said, his voice filled with admiration. I blushed, feeling the heat rising to m
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Sixty Five
Melissa's Pov________When Charia and Alpha Ryder arrived from the meeting yesterday, I asked Charia about the outcome because I feared a huge argument would ensue but she said it wasn't productive and they hardly discussed anything. They were told to wait till the result of the investigated wolf body gets out.I asked Charia, how she felt about sitting at the same table with her father and mate in this tough situation but she wouldn't give me any hint about what was wrong or sit down and talk to me like before. I understood there was a lot of stress and responsibilities on her now.I walked with Peter after I finished attending to Charia in her room. Things were a bit tough at the pack mansion and Alpha Ryder had not said a word to Charia since the lawyer visited with the result today. I understood the situation of things and only I and Charia who had lived with Alpha Lugard knew the gravity of his hate towards another pack. I felt pity for Charia at this tough moment."What do you t
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Chapter Sixty five b
Charia's Pov________My heart was heavy, my spirit was down. I had never felt so worse. The result of the test done on the wolf's body was sent to us this morning and it was confirmed that it was killed by a werewolf, not a wild wolf, and Alpha Ryder's handprint was somehow found there. I knew that was not possible because, Ryder never touched the dead wolf, he only touched Delphi's mate when he threw him across the border.How they got their way in probing such a ridiculous lie was what marveled me. Anyone would do anything to destroy their enemies and this was the perfect example. I knew only Delphi's mate could frame such a lie on the report, but I was confused about how he got his hands on such an important document. It could be that Delphi or Lugard pertained to it or he did it behind their back. I knew this family hated me, so it wasn't wrong of me to think about their involvement in this.Now if Alpha Lugard allowed the result to be tampered with, he has gone extreme and would
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Chapter Sixty six
"I swear I can prove it," I said to Delphi."I won't give room for your nonsense, leave this instant!" She shouted. I knew anyone will be angered by my accusation, but I needed Delphi to listen to me and hear the truth!"I know we were never close or we hardly talked, but I wouldn't lie to you Delphi. I have no reason to""You have a reason to. After all, you want to save your mate and destroy mine""Give me the benefit of the doubt Delphi. Dwight almost attacked me that night. I could say this to his face too. I am certain he has something to do with the results being changed""No results were changed, your mate, Alpha Ryder killed our pack member and he's going to go down for his crimes!""I would prove this to you Delphi. Just give me a chance. If I am wrong then you can go on with the punishment" I begged. Her face seemed unsettled. I understood if she didn't want to believe me, we had a tough spot and I would probably not believe her too if I were in her shoes."Two days." She sa
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Chapter Sixty seven
Charia's Pov________I sneaked out of the house the next morning without Ryder's awareness. Peter went with me cause he was the only one who was aware of what was going on and I had no choice but to bring him along, he was going to drive me anyway.I made a plan with Delphi, which should go well if she played along with everything I asked her to do. If the plan goes perfectly well, I am certain Ryder would be so glad I got involved.A date invite was sent to Dwight and he was asked to meet Delphi at a hotel. When he gets there, Delphi would call that she might be late, but he should be there waiting for her. Then I would go there instead.Since I was a new wolf that had just shifted, my blood was still new and it attracted wild wolves a lot. If I could lure Dwight with my blood scent, he should be ready to turn into the beast that he is. I had an audio recorder with me, Peter is going to video record the scene and Delphi is going to watch too and she would see for herself who her mate
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