All Chapters of Never Submit to My Mate : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
113 Chapters
Chap 101
Allison's POV The pain I felt in my lower abdomen was excruciating. It was as though a fire had been lit down there. Against my wish, the pain urged me towards consciousness. I did not want to regain consciousness just yet. I wanted the oblivion of not knowing what was happening. For a moment, I floated between the two conscious and unconsciousness and then there was another cramp. Someone screamed piercingly. After some seconds, I realized that it was me. Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw that I was in my room. The pack doctor was leaning over me, his face lined with worry. The frown line smoothed out when he realized that I was awake. "She's awake," he informed the nurses who sighed in relief. It was a struggle to keep my eyes open as it felt like steel pennies had been laid on them. "Luna, are you feeling okay? Don't bother talking if you feel that you are not up to it, okay? Now, take a moment to observe your body. Are you alright?" I nodded weakly. The doctor continued
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Chap 102
Aria's POV I was working at a manic pace. Already I felt a slight ache in the region of my waist, from bending and supporting the injured men. I did not really mind. It was fortunate that I had knowledge of how to dress wounds as the pack was currently short of helping hands. The injured men kept arriving, and some of them had wounds that needed to have been treated days ago. I was glad to be of help though. Having the men back at the pack was what we all had been hoping for for a long while now. Watching the Luna pine away right before my eyes because of the absence of the Alpha had been slow torture. A smile curved my lips as I imagined how happy she would be at the news of the return. "Is that smile for me, beautiful?" asked the guard whose wound I was putting a bandage on. I snorted. "You wish." I wrapped the bandage tightly around his arm and ran my eyes over him. "You seem to be alright," I said. "I can't find any more bleeding or broken bones. You'll live." My eyes
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Chap 103
Maddox's POV I stared at the men, hanging on to my every word, and felt the crushing weight of responsibility Dante's death had occasioned. I did not want to be here, in his study, giving orders to the warriors, just hours after the news of his death. I still could not make sense of it all. I supposed that I was still in shock. The warriors assembled shifted uneasily as the silence lengthened. I had just filled them in on the details of what had happened to the Alpha and Lucius. The whole room was gloomy and tense. Every warrior in the room hung their head, refusing to meet my eyes. Most of their faces worked, and I could see that they were desperately trying to keep a hold on their emotions, and not break down. Their slumped shoulders indicated defeat. I could relate. I felt the same way at this moment. I sighed and continued talking. "Now that you know the situation of things, we need to find out what exactly happened to the Alpha and Lucius." I looked at each of the men i
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Chap 104
Aria's POV I stared at the door to the Emergency room where the Luna had been taken minutes ago. They had whisked her away so fast that I had gotten just a brief glimpse of her. She had looked so frail and helpless as she had been wheeled in there, dressed in a shapeless, blue hospital gown. Only the steady rise and fall of her chest told me that she was still breathing. She had been unconscious and I guessed she had been sedated. Slowly, I sank into the chair in the waiting area. As agreed, she had not been informed of the surgery. Reluctantly, I admitted that was the right decision to have been taken. I wondered how she would feel when she woke up to discover that she had been cut open, that the decision to save her and not her baby had been taken without her consent. All those considerations were secondary now though. What everyone wanted was for her to make it out of this alive. I did not need to be a doctor to know that she was fast losing the will to fight for her life.
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Chap 105
Allison's POV The first person I saw when I opened my eyes was Dante, sitting on the bed beside me. I gaped at him. My first thought was that I had died and gone to whatever paradise the Moon goddess provided for my kind. While I had been semi-conscious after giving birth, I had thought I heard his voice in my room. But I had dismissed the evidence of my ears, tagging it to be a product of my overactive imagination. Now here he was, right before me. When I blinked, his form did not waver or turn to smoke like it had in my dream. I did not want to get my hopes up, but I gradually started to believe that it was Dante I saw. He saw me looking and gave me his familiar lopsided grin. "Dante," I croaked. "Is- it really you?" He looked at me with such love and longing that I felt my insides melt. I put out a hand and touched his warm flesh. "Yes, it is me, my love. I am here with you." I took a deep, shuddering breath. The sound of his voice drove home the fact that I was not dream
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Chap 106
Allison's POV Aria stood at the entrance of my room. She walked further into the room, her flowing, black velvet dress rippling as she moved. She stopped beside my bed and regarded me closely. "Well, I don't believe it!" she exclaimed. "Luna, I can't believe that you are not dressed yet." I yawned and stretched. "I will get dressed... eventually." Aria gaped and shook her head. "The time is 6 pm. 6 pm!" she repeated when I said nothing. "The ball is due to start anytime from now. Your hair and makeup aren't even done yet. Luna, you should have been ready hours ago." I grimaced at the word make-up. "Who needs make-up anyway?" I grumbled. "It even wastes time. I have an idea, Aria. How about I go downstairs with no make-up on? I will just er- try to fix my hair up a little." Tria looked scandalized at the very idea. "Definitely not, Luna. What would people say? You are one of the reasons why this ball is holding. You have to be perfect for tonight. A lot of people from other
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Chap 107
Allison's POV A pleasurable thrill went through me. Dante had that look in his eyes that told me he wanted us alone, together. My insides warmed at the intensity of his gaze. I nodded. He grinned and pressed me even closer to his body. "That's my girl. You said what I have been wanting to hear all evening," he murmured. He stepped away, looked around, and slid an arm around my waist. He walked quickly and I was almost forced to run to keep up with his stride. He weaved his way expertly among the guests we ran into. He seemed to have an instinctive knowledge of who wanted to engage us in some sort of conversation. We got inside and I was about to push the door of his room open when he kneaded my bottom. "Dante!" I exclaimed, laughing. "Let's get inside first. There are too many people tonight." As soon as we got in, he planted a burning kiss on my lips. I moaned softly, responding eagerly to the feel of his lips against mine. I had thought that with the birth of our child, the p
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Chap 108
Dante's POV With a flourish, Maddox handed me a document that had every inch filled with letters and figures. "Here, take a look at this," he said smugly. I settled down to read what he had given me. Without taking my eyes off the document, my hand wandered across the desk. Anticipating my wants, Maddox pushed the calculator towards me. I snatched it up and for the next few minutes, the only sound in the room was the faint beep of the calculator keys as I put together the figures before me. When I was done, I leaned back and whistled in surprise. "How accurate is this?" I inquired. Maddox flashed a smile. "I knew you would ask that. It is very accurate. I went through it thoroughly. I knew that you would want to see the documents sooner or later, so I prepared in advance. Surprising, isn't it?" "Not entirely," I replied after a few seconds' hesitation. "I was sort of expecting something like this. But the figures- the figures are quite astronomical. Wow." Maddox had given me
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Chap 109
Allison's POV My eyes lighted on the most adorable baby sleepsuit I had ever seen. I caught my breath in delight. A woman was in front of the rack where the sleep suits were displayed. She was looking at the one that had caught my eye consideringly as though she was thinking of buying it. Abandoning the shopping cart for Aria, I dashed forward and took it off the hanger, startling the woman a bit. I walked back to Aria who was trying to see what I was holding. "What have you got there, Luna?" she asked. "Only the most adorable little sleep suit for Malkiel." I held it up for her inspection. She shook her head emphatically. "Nope, definitely not. This isn't... Malkiel's style at all." I grinned. "How do you or anyone know what Malkiel's style is? He's just a baby." "And he won't like that, trust me. There are some clothes I dress him up in and he then tries to take them off by all means. That way, I know that he doesn't like them." "You don't like it, you mean. What is wrong
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Chap 110
Dante's POV I glared at the woman who was on her knees before me. She was crying and mumbling incoherently and had been doing that for the last few minutes. Stiffly, I walked back to my desk and sat down behind it. At least the desk provided a sort of barricade that might prevent me from hurting her. I closed my eyes, shutting out the image of her face. Slowly, I massaged my temples as I felt the headache I associated with one of my fits of rage coming on. My wolf was getting restless, wanting to come out. If it did, it would be bad for the woman- very bad indeed. Calm, be calm, I muttered to myself over and again. When I felt I was somewhat in control of myself, I raised my head and pinned her with my stare. "So, what are you trying to say, Tessa?" I said. "Apart from the Luna and I, you are the only one who spends so much time with my son as you are his nanny. Explain to me how the hell this happened under your watch." "It didn't-" I motioned her to be silent. "The Luna
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