All Chapters of Never Submit to My Mate : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
113 Chapters
Chap 61
Allison's POV To say I was shocked at Alpha Scott's statement was an understatement. The hurt I had felt before was like child's play compared to this. What I had been expecting was an apology and perhaps an explanation of his actions as the pack had most likely gotten a new Beta right after I left. The Alpha was not even talking about a reinstatement or another position I could fill in. He was talking about sending me back to Dante's pack!It took a few seconds for me to wrap my head around the idea. The effort I was making to get myself under control was being wasted. Already, I could feel the tenuous hold I had on my temper already slipping. Could this day get any worse? Perhaps this time, I was at the receiving end of Alpha Scott's rare sense of humor. I laughed even though I did not feel like it. "Alpha, you are joking right?" I asked him.He was grave, not a trace of humor on his face. His mouth set in a hard line."I'm afraid this is not a joke Allison. I'm being serious."My
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Chap 62
Dante's POV "Can somebody open their damn mouths and speak up? Or have the lot of you suddenly gone dumb?" I yelled. I looked again at the row of guards lined up in my study. They stood totally still under my scrutiny. One would think they were dummies if not for the rise and fall of their chests at intervals. I found myself wishing that one of them would twitch or break ranks. I looked out for a shify eye, restless fingers, shuffling feet, a curl of the lip- anything that would allow me to give vent to the insane rage I felt. I was suddenly conscious of a sound- an annoying sound like rattling wood. My lips curled into a snarl as I studied the men, searching for the culprit who dared to irritate me with such noise. I couldn't answer for the man's life if I caught him. All the men were as still and attentive as they were supposed to be. It was then I looked down at myself and found out that I was the source of the sound. My hands which were placed on my desk were shaking so badly
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Chap 63
Dante's POV I massaged my temples in circular motions as I listened to the Alpha's monotonous voice drone and on. The veins there throbbed. My efforts at getting rid of the rapidly growing pressure there were apparently not working. For one, the motion of my fingers was not as soothing as I wanted them to be. For another, I was so angry at everything and at everyone that I could not concentrate on what the Alpha was saying. The fact that I was in such bad shape that I couldn't attend to my pack's business only made me more furious. And so the cycle went on and on, with no signs of ever coming to an end. I was beginning to feel that it had been a really bad idea to listen to Maddox's advice on attending this meeting. Perhaps if I had done what had come to mind initially- going to search for Allison myself- I wouldn't be sitting here feeling useless and unproductive. The Alpha burst into laughter. The tiny part of my brain that was paying attention to our conversation registered that
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Chap 64
Allison's POV I hardly felt the weight of my body as I ran. It felt like I was running on air. I felt weightless like I was floating. That sensation of floating was disturbing so I did not want to examine that feeling too closely. The last reserves of my energy were what I was banking on at this time. I was beginning to feel very weak but I could not afford to stop or give up now. Throwing in the towel was what everyone would want, what they would all expect. I could hardly believe that I was on the run- not because I had done anything wrong or committed a crime that would warrant me being banished from my pack. But because I was thought of as the property of an egoistic Alpha who everyone was too chicken to stand up to. The anger I felt threatened to swamp all reasoning. A low growl erupted from deep within me. I would kill them- kill them all. Everyone who had contrived to put me in this situation would face my wrath. I had something specially planned for those who had murdered m
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Chap 65
Allison's POV The first thing I was conscious of was a splitting pain centered around my forehead. I winced and the pain intensified. Slowly, the pain began to spread from my head to my neck and down to my limbs. My entire body felt like one giant ball of pain. At the same time, a feeling of lethargy crept over me. I felt very weak and I did not want to make an effort to know what was wrong with me. Opening my eyes felt like too much effort. I gritted my teeth and forced them open. They drooped because it felt like steel pennies were glued to them. I blinked again and again. I tried to raise my hand to wipe my eyes but it didn't move. I tried again but my efforts were only rewarded by a sharp pain in the area of my wrist. I glanced down and saw that my arm was tied behind me and I was tied to a chair. My entire body was crisscrossed with ropes. I gasped in surprise and my heart began to beat fiercely. I was confused, disoriented, and could not for the life of me figure out how I ha
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Chap 66
Allison's POV I blinked and my mother was still there. She seemed to twitch a little. Those eyes seemed to accuse me of not being able to do anything to prevent her death. I squeezed my eyes shut and sobbed. I was a child at the time so what could I possibly have done? I could barely even defend myself. Still, that accusatory voice would not keep quiet. "You are still to blame," that voice said. "After all these years, you were no closer to finding your parents' killers. Now they found you by chance. You take pride in being the first female Beta ever but where did that get you in the end? You defend others, but how about your own? Even Darius is more serious about getting revenge than you.""No, no, please no," I cried, shaking my head, trying to shut out the voice. I tasted salt and realized I was crying. I rocked rapidly back and forth to the extent that the chair was in danger of overturning. It took me a while to convince myself that my mother was not really lying there. It h
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Chap 67
Dante's POV "Lock him in the dungeon," I ordered without hesitation. Maddox did not look inclined to carry out the order. He sat on the edge of the chair, made as if to stand up, and finally settled into his chair. He started to say something, thought better of it, but voiced it out anyway. "Technically Alpha, he has not done anything wrong you know," said Maddox. I gestured impatiently. "I know that already. Still. . ." I shrugged. "If a sojourn in the dungeon is a price anyone has to pay for me to get her back, then it's a small price indeed. After all, it's not as if I'm killing the man. To me this is worse than war, Maddox. And all is fair in love and war.""I know that. Trust me I do." He leaned forward and paused, gathering his thoughts. "Look at it like this. We have kept him in our pack for two days now. Allison must have heard about it. After all, bringing him here was like an open secret. Most packs have already heard about what happened. It stands to reason that Alliso
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Chap 68
Allison's POV I instinctively shrank back from the man's touch. For such a big and fit-looking man, his hands were soft, almost effeminate. Still, I knew they were a killer's hands. He leaned close to me for a moment as he peered into my face, as though memorizing my features. His entire face was almost entirely covered by a bristling beard. He looked like a man of authority, someone whose orders were always followed. Judging by the way the other man deferred to him, I was pretty sure that he was the one I had to thank for my incarceration. I dragged my body backward. Sensing that I couldn't endure his touch, his hands fell away. "Well? Can't you speak?" he asked. He placed his finger on his chin as he studied me with his head cocked at an angle like I was a new and interesting laboratory specimen. I breathed heavily, trying to bring myself back to the moment, attempting to leave the horrors of last night behind. It was hard to do though. "Speak up, you dumb bitch," said the man'
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Chap 69
Allison's POV I had spent another night in this hellhole. Last night had been every bit as horrible as I imagined it would be. It was even worse than my first night here. I remembered the slowly building fear that had enveloped me as night had approached. It was horrible because I had all the time in the world to notice that the daylight was slowly fading out of the sky and that night was slowly but surely coming. If anyone had told me that I would survive another night like that, I would have called them liars. Before the light faded out of the sky, I had scooted over to a corner of the room. It had taken all the willpower I had not to cry and beg for a light to be brought in. I had asked on the first night anyway and hadn't gotten any. I figured that none of the members of the rogue pack knew I had a problem with sleeping in the dark. Revealing one of my weakest spots to them would give them another potent weapon to use against me. For all I knew, the seeming tolerance of the Al
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Chap 70
Allison's POV Struggling against my restraints, I glared at the hated face above me that was now the object of my nightmares. I began to regret my decision of not stabbing him with the fork earlier when I had the chance. At this point, I would gladly have done that and damned the consequences. Even if they had caught up with me, it would have been better than this humiliation I was currently facing. The thought that I was tied to a man's bed almost brought tears to my eyes. To make it worse, it wasn't just any man. It was the Alpha of the pack who had snuffed the life out of my parents. At this moment, he was trailing a finger over my face in what I assumed he thought was a sensual caress. I growled as his wandering finger came close to my mouth. I stopped struggling and concentrated on that particular digit. Just one more inch to the right, I prayed. Just an inch more and his fingers would be between reach of my mouth and my teeth. I swore to myself that I would bite it off if th
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