All Chapters of Never Submit to My Mate : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
113 Chapters
Chap 41
Allison's POVI stood transfixed by Dante's words. Just like that, he had somehow managed to hit me where it hurt the most. I could feel something within me unraveling as the mental wall I had built to block out those painful memories shook and tottered. I could not seem to take my hands away from the door knob. They seemed glued to it. With everything in me, I concentrated on prying my fingers from the knob, but I couldn't. It was foolish of me to think that he had not noticed my peculiar habit of leaving the lights on and how it was connected to my panic attacks.A part of me knew that he would ask this question sooner or later especially since he had been a witness to my crying episode. I had just hoped that he would not be interested enough to care. I couldn't bare myself to him about this- not now or probably not ever. It was weird even thinking about how to have this conversation with Dante. Squaring my shoulders, I pushed the door open. "Stop, Allison," he said. The teasing
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Chap 42
Madison's eyes were suddenly inscrutable, all pretense of good humor gone. Her brow puckered in a frown as she looked at me impatiently. Then, her face suddenly relaxed into a blank mask. It was too late though. I had already seen her irritation. I wondered if it was directed at me, Dante, or if it was as a result of the recent happenings in the pack. Madison was beginning to stir my curiosity. Beneath that seemingly cheerful nature, something was going on. She looked around the room, as if willing Dante to materialize from thin air. I didn't move out of the way in case she harbored the thought of coming further into the room. "You have not answered my question," I reminded her. She shrugged. "I wanted to see Dante. There is something important I want to talk to him about." I was about to ask what she wanted to talk about that couldn't wait until a decent hour in the morning, but I didn't. It wouldn't do for me to seem overly concerned about her dealings with Dante. I put a poker f
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Chap 43
Allison's POV I felt a smile spread across my face as I walked to the front door. The guards at the door were not the same ones Madison and I had encountered the other day. They watched me approach warily. The guard said something to his companion who then looked in my direction. Teeth bared, I went closer."I'm sorry to say this, Luna but you have to go back inside," said the first guard. "The Alpha's orders-""To hell with the Alpha's orders," I shrieked. He shrugged. "Well, you can't still go out. I'm sorry."The second guard spoke up. "Please, go back inside. It is late already. Besides, what are you going to do outside at this time of the night?""None of your business," I snarled. I finally came to a stop in front of them. I planted my hands on my hips and stared them right in the face. "Now, let me make this clear to you boys. I am going outside for a walk and you will not stop me.""Actually-" began the first guard. He subsided into silence when I raised a warning finger.
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Chap 44
Dante's POV Today was the day I got to watch Allison in her element. News traveled fast around here and there was nothing that happened in my pack that was actually hidden from me. Maddox had informed me the day before that Allison had agreed to train with the guards this morning. Apparently, the guards were all excited about it. It seemed they hadn't gotten enough of her the last time. A smile curved my lips at the recollection of the time I had seen her in the gym with the guards. She had really been pissed off at my interruption. I got up really early even though I did not have much to do today. My clock showed it was a few minutes past 6. Perfect. By the time I showered, shaved, and dressed, Allison and the guards would have been at it for about an hour. After my morning routine, I walked towards the training ground. Maddox had told me that the guards planned on having a gym session. After that, they would proceed to the training grounds. "Good morning Alpha," greeted the gu
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Chap 45
Allison's POVI could not stop the shiver that rocked my entire frame. Once again my traitorous body had betrayed me again. Why couldn't I be indifferent to his touch for once? The smirk on his handsome face told me that he knew the effect he was having on me. I tried to remind myself that we were outside, in full view of the house. My cheeks burned in embarrassment again as the events of the last few minutes played in my head. Once again, Dante had tried to seduce me in the presence of Lucius. I had no doubt that some of the guards heading towards the house had been witnesses to this. I groaned in frustration. Dante's expression lightened. "Feel anything yet?" he whispered. His hands wandered across my skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. He slid his fingers between my bra for a second. My eyes widened in shock. Smirking, he trailed a finger along my spine. My knees almost buckled at the sensation. For once I was glad that he was firmly holding me in place. My body was trapped in
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Chap 46
Allison's POV My food forgotten, I blinked rapidly. I could not believe my ears. Dante had just admitted to killing his parents in such an offhand, cold-blooded manner. He had done it with no change of expression at all. I prided myself on being a brutal fighter, someone who had killed more times than I could count. The people who I killed however were those who were scum and who deserved to die. I could not wrap my head around the concept of someone killing their own parents.I struggled to find reasons why, to fathom what offense they could have committed for their only son and heir to kill them both at the same time. Was he so eager to assume the title of Lycan king that he had murdered his parents? The version of Dante that I had become familiar with would never in my opinion do such a thing. Since I had gotten here, I had come to know that Dante had a sweet and considerate side. I didn't know the answer I was expecting when I asked the question but it definitely wasn't this. I
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Chap 47
Allison's POV I glared at the mountain of food right in front of me. I had never felt less like eating in my life. For one, it hurt to swallow. Secondly, eating with Dante at my side was like torture. When a maid had come to call me down to breakfast this morning, I had deliberately used up a lot of time to get ready. I had earnestly hoped that Dante would be done with breakfast by the time I came into the dining room. Contrary to my expectations, he was there already eating with Madison and Maddox.Without a word to either of them, I had taken a seat. To make it worse, Madison had somehow totally gotten over her sour mood of the day before. She was back to her normal vivacious self. Inwardly, I groaned. This day couldn't get any worse. I heartily wished Madison had picked any other day to be friendly. She kept talking to me. I pointedly ignored her and tried to tune her voice out so it could become mere background noise. Dante on the other hand seemed only focused on eating. He wa
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Chap 48
Dante's POV I blew out a relieved breath. Finally, the meeting was over and I could think a little. It was a wonder how I had sat through several hours of the just concluded meeting with the Alpha of one of the neighboring packs. I supposed the success of the meeting was largely due to Maddox. He had sort of taken charge and had filled in all the awkward pauses. The Alpha had seemed happy enough when he left so I supposed that my preoccupation had not been noticed. Impatiently, I slammed my fist on the table. The events of last night were still playing in my head. I had really hurt Allison- physically and emotionally as well. Allison always put up that tough exterior but I was pretty sure that she was hurting inside. She had covered it up by acting antagonistic towards me at breakfast this morning. The turtleneck sweater she had worn was a testament to the fact that the prints of my fingers were visible on her throat. Damn! I was such a jerk. It had been an uphill task to get Allis
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Chap 49
Allison's POV I sat back with a relaxed sigh. The food here was really good. The waiter brought dessert and it tasted even better. I was literally sloshing with food. I had almost nothing to eat during breakfast today so I supposed Madison had come up with a good idea this time."Had enough or do you want more?" Madison teased. I smiled wryly. "I am literally sloshing with food.""Yeah. Me too. Do you want to go anywhere else?"I appeared to consider her request but I honestly did not want to go somewhere else. Though I had enjoyed this particular outing, hangouts were not my thing and I was already beginning to feel uneasy here. Dante would not approve of us going into the woods considering all that had happened lately but pushing the idea to Madison was worth a try."No. I think we should head back home," I checked my wristwatch. "We have been here for a few hours already."Madison stuck her lip out. "I never thought you were a stickler for time. Here I was thinking that you would
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Chap 50
Allison's POVEven though I could not communicate with him through mindlink yet, I could feel the anger coming off Dante in waves. His teeth were bared and snarl after snarl erupted from him- his wolf's version of a scolding. I sighed, waiting for the tongue-lashing I knew was coming. I supposed that Madison had told him about us coming home in our wolf forms. It would have been much easier on both of us if she had wisely left that part out. But Madison was a prattler and did not seem to be able to keep any secrets. Stoically, I faced him. It actually turned out that I had done the right thing by being in the woods at that particular time, so I guessed that counted for something. Dante's shape seemed to warp before my eyes and before I blinked again, he was in his human form. He was not wearing any clothes apart from a tiny scrap of what must have been his boxers which currently hid his privates to a certain extent. That showed that he had come here at once. Perhaps he had phased
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