All Chapters of Claiming The Rejected Omega : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
115 Chapters
Chapter Seventy-two
The sun was setting over the city as Chloe stood on the rooftop, taking in the view. The trial had been grueling, but it had been worth it. Justice had been served, and she felt a sense of pride and purpose.As she turned to leave, Aiden approached her. His piercing blue eyes met hers, and a smile spread across his face."Hey, Chloe," he said, his voice warm and inviting. "I've been thinking a lot about us, and I want to pick up where we left off."Chloe's heart skipped a beat. Aiden was handsome, charming, and intelligent - everything she had ever wanted in a partner. But the trial had taken a toll on her, and she needed time to heal."Aiden, you know how much this trial has taken out of me," Chloe said, her voice soft but firm. "I need time to be alone and rediscover myself."Aiden's face fell, and Chloe could see the disappointment in his eyes. But she knew that she needed to prioritize her own well-being."I understand," Aiden said, his voice tinged with sadness. "But just know th
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Chapter Seventy-three
Chloe arrived at the restaurant in a stunning, floor-length gown that hugged her curves in all the right places. The deep burgundy color brought out the warmth in her skin, and her hair was styled in loose waves that cascaded down her back. Liam, for his part, was dressed in a sharp black suit, his hair expertly styled and his face clean-shaven.As they settled into their seats, Liam couldn't help but compliment Chloe on her appearance. "You look absolutely breathtaking," he said, his eyes sparkling. "I don't think I've ever seen anyone quite as beautiful as you."Chloe felt her cheeks flush as she thanked him, her heart beating a little faster. She had always been self-conscious about her appearance, but with Liam, she felt confident and radiant.As they perused the menu, Liam asked Chloe about her work and her hobbies. They chatted about their families and their favorite books and movies, finding common ground and shared interests. Chloe was surprised at how easy it was to talk to L
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Chapter Seventy-four
Liam's heart sank as he witnessed the embrace between Chloe and Aiden. His mind raced with a flurry of emotions, each one more intense than the last. For so long, Liam had harbored a deep-seated love for Chloe, believing that she was the one meant to be his. Seeing her with Aiden, in such an intimate way, was a blow to his heart that he wasn't sure he could recover from.As the couple walked away hand in hand, Liam felt a simmering jealousy bubble up inside of him. He had always known that Aiden was a threat to his relationship with Chloe, but he had never imagined that she would choose him over Liam. It was a betrayal that he wasn't sure he could ever forgive."What the hell was that?" Liam muttered to himself, shaking his head in disbelief. "I never thought she'd choose him over me."As he made his way back to his car, Liam couldn't shake the feeling of anger and sadness that had taken root inside of him. He had always been the one who was there for Chloe, through thick and thin. He
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Chapter Seventy-five
Liam knew he had to talk to someone about his feelings. He couldn't keep them bottled up inside forever. So, he sought out Caleb, the Beta of his pack, hoping that he would understand."Caleb, I need your help," Liam said, his voice heavy with emotion. "I can't stop thinking about Chloe and Aiden. It's consuming me."Caleb looked at Liam with concern, taking a sip from his beer. "What do you mean, Liam? Are you saying that you're still in love with Chloe?"Liam nodded, his eyes downcast. "I know it sounds crazy, but I can't help how I feel. And Aiden, he's just not good enough for her. I can give her everything she needs. I can protect her, provide for her."Caleb leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "Liam, I understand that you're hurting, but you can't force Chloe to love you. She's made her choice, and you need to respect that."Liam shook his head, frustration and anger building inside him. "But he's not good for her, Caleb. He's not an Alpha like me. He can't prot
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Chapter Seventy-six
Liam's envy had taken a hold of him, and his mind raced with twisted thoughts and devious plans. He knew that Aiden's fondness for liquor could be his Achilles' heel, and he saw this as an opportunity to exploit. Liam would show Aiden that he was not worthy of Chloe's love and make him look like a fool in front of her. As Liam approached Aiden at the bar, he noticed that he had already been drinking."Ah, Aiden, my friend, it's so good to see you," Liam said, putting on his most charming smile. "Let me buy you a drink."Aiden, not one to turn down a free drink, accepted Liam's offer. They chatted and laughed as they drank, but Liam had a hidden agenda. He kept ordering drinks for Aiden, pushing him to drink more and more until Aiden became inebriated.Liam continued to ply Aiden with drinks, slipping shots of whiskey and tequila into his hand whenever he had the chance. Aiden's speech became slurred, and he stumbled when he got up from his stool. Liam could see that Aiden was getting
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Chapter Seventy-six
Liam's envy had taken a hold of him, and his mind raced with twisted thoughts and devious plans. He knew that Aiden's fondness for liquor could be his Achilles' heel, and he saw this as an opportunity to exploit. Liam would show Aiden that he was not worthy of Chloe's love and make him look like a fool in front of her. As Liam approached Aiden at the bar, he noticed that he had already been drinking."Ah, Aiden, my friend, it's so good to see you," Liam said, putting on his most charming smile. "Let me buy you a drink."Aiden, not one to turn down a free drink, accepted Liam's offer. They chatted and laughed as they drank, but Liam had a hidden agenda. He kept ordering drinks for Aiden, pushing him to drink more and more until Aiden became inebriated.Liam continued to ply Aiden with drinks, slipping shots of whiskey and tequila into his hand whenever he had the chance. Aiden's speech became slurred, and he stumbled when he got up from his stool. Liam could see that Aiden was getting
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Chapter Seventy-seven
Chloe was swept off her feet by Liam's romantic gestures. She had always loved him, and now it seemed like he finally loved her back. She started to believe that they could make a real go of it this time.But as their relationship blossomed, Aiden's jealousy grew. He couldn't stand to see Chloe with another man, especially not Liam. One night, he showed up at the restaurant where they were having dinner and caused a scene. Chloe was mortified, and Liam was furious. Aiden's behavior only served to push Chloe further away from him.Days went by without a word from Aiden. Then, one day, he showed up at Chloe's apartment, drunk and angry. He started shouting and accusing her of all kinds of things, things that she had never done. Liam was there, and he tried to intervene, but Aiden wouldn't listen. Finally, Chloe had had enough. She told Aiden that they were done and asked him to leave.But then, Aiden dropped a bombshell. He revealed that Chloe had been lying to Liam all along. She had n
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Chapter Seventy-eight
As Liam turned the corner, he saw Aiden leaning against a wall, smoking a cigarette. Liam's heart started to race, and his hands balled into fists. He knew that he shouldn't be there, that he should walk away and try to forget everything. But the jealousy and anger he felt were too strong to ignore. He walked up to Aiden, who looked up and smiled."Well, well, well," Aiden said. "Look who decided to show up. I was starting to think you were too chicken to face me."Liam gritted his teeth. "I'm not afraid of you," he said. "I just wanted to talk.""Talk?" Aiden scoffed. "What is there to talk about? You lost, Liam. Chloe chose me. Get over it."Liam's eyes narrowed. "You don't deserve her," he said. "You're just using her, like you use everyone else. You don't care about anyone but yourself."Aiden took a drag from his cigarette and blew the smoke in Liam's face. "You're just jealous, man," he said. "You had your chance with Chloe, and you blew it. Now you're just trying to stir up tro
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Chapter Seventy-nine
Chloe walked towards Aiden's apartment, feeling nervous and anxious. She had finally made up her mind and was ready to apologise for the way Liam had acted and to tell Aiden that she wanted to be with him. As she approached his door, her heart was racing and her palms were sweaty. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.Aiden opened the door and smiled at Chloe. "Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked.Chloe smiled back nervously. "I wanted to talk to you," she said.Aiden stepped aside and gestured for Chloe to come in. "Sure, come on in," he said.As they sat down on the couch, Chloe took a deep breath and began to speak. "Aiden, I want to apologise for the way Liam acted. He was out of line and he had no right to accuse you of stealing me from him. I hope you can forgive him," she said.Aiden looked at Chloe with a serious expression. "I appreciate your apology, Chloe. But you don't have to apologise for Liam's actions. He's responsible for his own behaviour. And I forgive
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Chapter Eighty
Liam's jealousy had been his undoing, and he knew it. He had let his obsession with Chloe take over his life, and it had turned him into a violent and dangerous person. But now, as he sat in his prison cell, he realized that he needed to let go of his jealousy and move on with his life.As he reflected on his past actions, he felt a deep sense of remorse for the pain he had caused Chloe and those around him. He knew that he needed to make amends and start anew.He was determined to turn his life around and find love outside of his obsession with Chloe. That's when he met Samantha, a kind and caring woman who saw the good in him despite his troubled past.They started going out on dates, and Liam couldn't believe how lucky he was to have found someone like Samantha. She was patient with him, understanding of his past mistakes, and willing to give him a second chance at love.As they sat across from each other at a cozy little bistro, Liam felt a sense of peace wash over him. He knew th
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