All Chapters of Claiming The Rejected Omega : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
115 Chapters
Chapter Eighty-one
Liam thought he had moved on from his jealousy, but it resurfaced when he met a new girl, Samantha. She was everything he had ever wanted in a partner, and he was afraid of losing her to someone else. He started to become possessive and controlling, monitoring her every move and getting upset when she spent time with other guys. Samantha tried to reassure him, but his jealousy was too strong. Liam knew he had to stop before it was too late.Liam knew that he had to confront his jealousy head-on. He couldn't let it control him and ruin yet another relationship. He took a deep breath and sat down with Samantha, ready to have an honest conversation."Samantha, I need to talk to you about something. I know I haven't been the best partner lately, and I'm sorry for that. I'm trying to work on myself and move on from my past, but it's not easy. I'm afraid of losing you, and that fear is making me act in ways that I'm not proud of."Samantha listened attentively, her eyes showing concern. "Li
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Chapter Eighty-two
Liam sat alone in the dimly lit living room, his thoughts consumed by memories of Samantha. He had barely left the house since her death, preferring instead to wallow in his grief. But when a knock at the door broke the silence, he felt a spark of curiosity ignites within him.Rising from his armchair, Liam made his way to the entrance and opened the door to find Lucas, a man he had once called a friend, but who had been distant ever since the case of Emily had come to a close.As they exchanged pleasantries, Liam could sense that something was different about Lucas. He seemed troubled, weighed down by something that he couldn't quite put his finger on. It was only after they had spoken about their shared losses that Lucas revealed the true reason for his visit."Just when I thought I had found love again, someone took it away from me," Liam said, his voice laced with bitterness.Liam felt a sense of kinship with Lucas that he hadn't felt in years. "Grief can be a merciless beast," he
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Chapter Eighty-three
Chloe and Janet stood side by side in the spacious kitchen, their nimble hands moving in perfect harmony as they chopped vegetables and cracked eggs. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, intermingling with the sizzling sound of bacon on the stove.After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Chloe spoke up, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Have you seen Lucas lately?" she asked, her eyes darting to her friend's face.Janet paused, her knife hovering over a plump tomato. "No, I haven't," she said finally, her tone guarded. "I've been avoiding him.""Why?" Chloe pressed, her curiosity growing stronger by the second.Janet hesitated before speaking. "Because he lied to me," she said finally, her voice barely above a whisper. "He slept with me without telling me he was Emily's brother. I can't forgive him for that."Chloe felt a pang of sympathy for her friend. "I'm sorry," she said softly, placing a comforting hand on Janet's shoulder. "That must have been tough for you."J
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Chapter Eighty-four
Chloe walked into the bustling restaurant, her eyes scanning the room for Liam. She finally spotted him sitting at a corner table, his gaze downcast as he stared at the wooden surface in front of him. She could tell that something was off, that Liam was not himself today. She made her way over to him, her heels clicking against the tiled floor as she approached."Liam," she said softly, taking a seat across from him. "Is everything okay?"He gave her a brief answer, but she could tell that he was holding something back. Chloe probed a bit more, asking him why he seemed so down. His response was unexpected, and Chloe's eyes widened in shock as he uttered the words."Samatha is dead," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.Chloe gasped, her hand flying to her mouth as she struggled to comprehend the news. She had known Samatha, had seen her at parties and social events. She had always seemed so full of life, so vibrant and alive. And now, she was gone."Oh my God," Chloe said, her v
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Chapter Eighty-five
"I mean that I can't keep pretending that everything is okay between us. We need to talk about what happened and figure out where we stand."Aiden sighed. "Chloe, I know I messed up. I shouldn't have kissed you when Liam was still in the picture."Chloe nodded. "Yes, you shouldn't have. But I also lied to Liam and kept him away from you because I was scared of what might happen. I don't know if that was the right decision."Aiden reached across the table and took Chloe's hand. "Chloe, I care about you. I want to be with you. But I also respect your decision to be with Liam if that's what you want."Chloe looked into Aiden's eyes, trying to read his emotions. "I care about you too, Aiden. But I need time to figure things out. Can we take things slow?"Aiden smiled. "Of course. I'll wait for you, Chloe. Just let me know what you decide."As they left the coffee shop, Chloe felt a weight lifted off her shoulders. She still had a lot to figure out, but she was glad that Aiden was willing
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Chapter Eighty-six
Chloe could feel her frustration building. "Aiden, Liam is my friend," she said firmly. "I'm allowed to have other people in my life."Aiden shook his head, a look of disbelief on his face. "I just don't know how much more of this I can take," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. And with that, he stormed out of the room, leaving Chloe standing there, feeling confused and hurt.As Aiden strode purposefully towards Jason's apartment, his mind was a maelstrom of emotion. He couldn't believe that Chloe was still spending time with Liam, the same guy who had caused so much trouble in their relationship over the years. It was like a festering wound that never healed, and it made Aiden's blood boil just thinking about it.Jason could see the frustration etched on Aiden's face the moment he walked through the door. Concern etched on his features, Jason asked, "What's going on?"Aiden let out a sigh and leaned against the wall. "It's Chloe," he said, his voice laced with anger. "She's s
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Chapter Eighty-seven
Chloe sat next to Liam on the park bench, her mind racing with conflicting emotions. She couldn't help but feel guilty for being with him, knowing full well that her boyfriend, Aiden, would be hurt if he found out. But at the same time, she couldn't deny the deep connection she felt with Liam.Liam sat there, lost in thought, his eyes fixed on the distant horizon. Chloe watched him, taking in his rugged features and broad shoulders. She couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for the pain he was going through."I miss her," Liam said suddenly, breaking the silence.Chloe reached over and placed a comforting hand on his back. "I know," she said softly. "I can't imagine what you're going through."Liam turned to her, his eyes searching hers. "You're always there for me, Chloe," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know what I would do without you."Chloe felt her heart skip a beat at his words. She knew she shouldn't be feeling this way, but she couldn't help it. Liam ha
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Chapter Eighty-eight
As they sat there in silence, Chloe knew that things would never be the same. She had to make a choice, and it wasn't going to be an easy one.As Chloe bid farewell to Liam, her heart sank with sadness. Liam had been a constant in her life, but she knew it was time to move on. She focused on her relationship with Aiden, enjoying their time together, but Liam lingered in her thoughts.One day, as she strolled through the park, Chloe heard a familiar voice calling her name. She turned to see Liam approaching her, his face determined."Chloe, we need to talk," Liam said, his voice firm. "There's something I need to tell you."Chloe's stomach tightened with unease. She knew this conversation wouldn't be easy. "What is it?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.Liam took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to say. "I'm not over Samantha," he said, his voice low and strained.Chloe felt a pang of sadness for Liam. She knew how much Samantha had meant to him. "I know,
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Chapter Eighty-nine
The man nodded, taking another sip of his coffee. "It sounds like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place," he said. "But sometimes, you just have to follow your heart, no matter what anyone else says."Chloe looked at him, a mix of confusion and gratitude on her face. "But what if following my heart means hurting someone else?" she asked.The man shrugged. "That's a risk you have to be willing to take," he said. "Life is all about taking risks and making tough choices. You just have to trust yourself and hope for the best."Chloe nodded slowly, still lost in thought. "Thank you," she said softly. "I needed to hear that."The man smiled at her, then stood up. "Anytime," he said. "Take care of yourself."Chloe watched him leave, feeling a mix of confusion and clarity. She knew that she had a tough choice ahead of her, but she also knew that she couldn't ignore the spark she felt with Liam any longer. She took a deep breath and stood up, determined to follow her heart, no matter wh
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Chapter Ninety
Janet was surprised to see Chloe at her doorstep, but she welcomed her in with open arms. They settled on the couch in Janet's cozy living room, and Chloe began to spill her guts."Janet, I don't know what to do," Chloe said, her voice trembling with emotion. "I've uncovered some things about Aiden's past, things he's been hiding from me. And I don't know if I can forgive him for it."Janet listened intently, nodding sympathetically as Chloe poured out her heart. When she was finished, Janet leaned back in her chair and steepled her fingers."Well, my dear," she said, her voice low and soothing. "It sounds to me like you've got yourself in quite a pickle. But before you make any rash decisions, you need to think long and hard about what you really want."Chloe knew Janet was right. She needed to take a step back and assess the situation objectively. But it was so hard when her emotions were running so high."I just don't know if I can trust Aiden anymore," she said, her voice barely a
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