All Chapters of My First Love is a Whore: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
70 Chapters
The Strange Caller
I sat on the couch, staring at my phone for what felt like the millionth time today. No messages, no calls, nothing from Chris. I sighed, feeling a pang of worry in my chest. It wasn't like him to go silent for this long, especially not without a word."Still no word from him?" Beverly asked, walking into the room and sitting down next to me."No, nothing," I replied, feeling a little defeated."Maybe he's just busy with work or something," she suggested."Maybe," I said, not sounding convinced. "But he hasn't even been to the club or anything. And he's not answering my calls or texts."Beverly nodded sympathetically. "I'm sure he'll get in touch soon. You know how he gets when he's really focused on something."Bev does not even know him. I knew she was trying to make me feel better, but it wasn't helping much. I couldn't shake this feeling that something was off.Just then, my phone rang. I picked it up quickly, hoping to see Chris's name on the screen, but instead, it was an unkno
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My Confession
I woke up early that morning, feeling excited and nervous. Today was the day I had planned the surprise for Kate, the woman I had been seeing for the past few days. I had planned everything to the last detail with Rita, my secretary, and I couldn't wait to see the look on Kate's face when she saw what I had in store for her.I arrived at the club early, hoping to make sure everything was perfect. I asked the bouncer at the entrance to make sure that Kate was directed to the room I had arranged for her. He assured me that he would make sure she was taken to the right place, and I felt a sense of relief wash over me.I waited in the room, checking and rechecking everything. The candles were lit, the music was playing, and the flowers I had bought for Kate were arranged just the way I wanted them to be. I checked my watch, wondering where Kate was. She was usually punctual, and I couldn't understand what was taking her so long.As time passed, my anxiety grew. I tried calling her phone,
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Secretary Rita
I couldn't get Christopher out of my mind. The way he looked at me when he found me with that man, the anger and disappointment in his eyes, it haunted me. I never thought I would fall for someone like him, someone so different from the men I had encountered in my life. But there was something about him that drew me in, something I couldn't resist.I sat on the edge of my bed, my hands trembling as I dialed Beverly's number. She has not been home for some days now. I needed someone to talk to, someone who could help me make sense of the confusing and painful situation I found myself in. It's funny how Beverly had found love again in just few days despite her recent heartbreak. For what it is worth, she is a love being, the opposite of what I am. Probably what I believe I am. Beverly answered after a few rings, her voice filled with concern."Hey, Kate, what's going on? You sound really upset. Is everything okay?" she asked, her tone full of worry.Tears welled up in my eyes, and my v
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Be My Girlfriend
ChristopherThe past few days had been a blur for me. The betrayal I felt after witnessing Kate with another man at the club still lingered in my mind, haunting me at every turn. I couldn't focus on work, and the lack of sleep was taking a toll on my body. I decided to leave the office early, my mind in disarray and sought solace in the advice of my doctor.The doctor recommended that I take some time off, rest, and try to regain my composure. He also suggested that I connect my personal phone to my office phone so that I could attend to important calls from home. It seemed like a good idea, as it would allow me to stay connected even when I was away.Little did I know that this decision would unravel the truth about Kate's phone call to Rita. That evening, exhausted from the emotional turmoil, I fell into a deep sleep at home. Unbeknownst to me, every call on my personal cell phone was automatically recorded, including the conversation between Kate and Rita.When I woke up, I noticed
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My Submissive
Christopher I stormed into the office the next morning, my anger still burning from the events with Kate and the revelation of Rita's betrayal. The weight of it all weighed heavily on my shoulders, and I couldn't contain my frustration any longer. I needed answers, and Rita was the one who had to provide them.Darren, my loyal personal assistant, sensed my rage and tried to calm me down. "Christopher, I understand that you're angry, but let's handle this situation with caution. We need to hear Rita's side of the story before jumping to conclusions."I shook my head, unable to rein in my emotions. "No, Darren. I trusted Rita, and she betrayed that trust. She meddled in my personal affairs and sabotaged my relationship with Kate. I won't stand for it."Darren sighed, clearly concerned about my state of mind. "Christopher, I know you're hurting, but firing Rita without giving her a chance to explain might not be the best course of action. Let's hear her out first."Reluctantly, I nodded
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The Thoughts of You
Christopher As the clock struck midnight, I found myself once again staring at the ceiling of my luxurious penthouse apartment. Sleep eluded me as thoughts of Kate Davis occupied every corner of my mind. Her captivating presence had left an indelible mark on me, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that she was different from anyone I had ever encountered before.My days were usually filled with endless meetings, corporate deals, and overseeing my construction company's operations. Yet, lately, I caught myself daydreaming about Kate during these crucial moments, losing focus on important decisions. Her image would intrude, softening the edges of my otherwise calculated and business-oriented mind.Her alluring smile, the way her eyes sparkled when she danced, and the sheer confidence she exuded as a stripper at the exclusive club we frequented on Friday nights, were etched into my memory like a masterpiece. It was as if her very presence had a magnetic pull that drew me toward her.My
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What is Love?
During a rare moment of respite from the bustling corporate world, I found myself seeking solace in a quiet corner of the office cafeteria. As I took a sip of my coffee, I noticed Darren, my loyal personal assistant and trusted confidante, approaching with a concerned look on his face."Christopher, is everything alright?" Darren asked, taking a seat across from me. "You seem a bit preoccupied today."I sighed, realizing that I couldn't keep my thoughts about Kate to myself any longer. "Darren, there's something I need to talk to you about. It's about Kate Davis."His eyebrows furrowed in curiosity as he leaned in, indicating his attentiveness. "Go on, Christopher. What's on your mind?""I can't stop thinking about her, Darren," I confessed, my voice filled with both bewilderment and vulnerability. "Ever since that night at the club, she's been on my mind, and it's consuming my thoughts more than I care to admit."Darren's eyes softened with understanding, and he nodded encouragingly.
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The Love Letter
Christopher The night was still young, and the city's lights shimmered like stars in the darkness. Sitting at my grandiose desk in the opulent corner office, I found myself surrounded by a profound silence that matched the turmoil within me. A crystal decanter of aged whiskey sat untouched beside a half-filled glass, a testament to the emotions that coursed through my veins.My pen hovered over the pristine sheet of paper, its tip just grazing the surface, uncertain of where to begin. This letter was more than just words on paper; it was an extension of my heart, an attempt to bridge the gap between us, and to convey the intensity of emotions I had never felt before."My Dearest Kate,As the moon casts its silvery glow upon the world outside, I find myself utterly entranced by thoughts of you. Your presence, like an ethereal force, has captivated me in a way I never thought possible. Each passing moment, the memories of our encounters replay in my mind like an enchanting symphony.Yo
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Love Necklace
ChristopherAs the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the city streets, I found myself standing outside a charming little boutique. Determination and nerves coiled within me as I knew this moment could be pivotal in my pursuit of Kate's heart.Taking a deep breath, I stepped inside the store, greeted by the soft chime of a bell above the door. The boutique was filled with an array of delicate jewelry and vibrant flowers, each piece more enchanting than the last. I knew exactly what I was looking for - a necklace that would reflect Kate's unique style and beauty.My eyes scanned the displays, seeking the perfect match for her. Then, I spotted it - a dainty silver necklace adorned with a small gem that sparkled like stars in the night sky. The moment I laid eyes on it, I knew it was the one.Approaching the sales assistant, I requested the necklace with a smile, my heart thrumming with excitement. She gently placed it in a small velvet box and handed it to me, wish
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Coffee Date
Christopher The anticipation weighed heavily on me as I stood outside Kate's apartment building, my heart pounding in my chest. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves before knocking on her door. This was the moment I had been waiting for, the chance to spend time with Kate outside the confines of the club and get to know her on a deeper level.When Kate opened the door, her guarded expression caught me off guard. She looked beautiful, as always, but there was a hint of hesitation in her eyes that made my heart ache. I smiled warmly, hoping to ease her nerves."Hi, Kate," I said softly, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I just thought it'd be nice to go out for coffee or dinner, you know, something casual. No pressure, just a chance to talk and get to know each other better."Her lips twitched into a hesitant smile, and she nodded slightly. "Sure, Christopher. Coffee sounds nice."Relief washed over me, knowing that she agreed, even if hesitantly. I was determined to mak
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