All Chapters of My First Love is a Whore: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
70 Chapters
Her Past, My Past
As Kate hurried out of the dining hall, tears in her eyes, I felt a mix of emotions washing over me - anger, confusion, and concern. I wanted to go after her, to comfort her, but I also knew that she needed some space to process her emotions. Instead, I turned my attention to my brother, Kelvin, who was sitting across from me."Alright, Kelvin, spill it," I said firmly, my voice tinged with frustration. "What happened between you and Kate? Why didn't you tell me that you knew each other?"Kelvin looked uncomfortable, his eyes darting around the room as if searching for the right words. "It's complicated, Chris," he replied, avoiding my gaze."I can see that," I retorted, trying to keep my emotions in check. "But you can't just drop a bombshell like this and expect me not to be curious."Kelvin let out a sigh, finally meeting my eyes. "Kate and I were close when we were kids," he began. "We lived in the same neighborhood, and our families were friends. We used to spend a lot of time to
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The Secret
As Kelvin knocked on the door to the room I now stayed in, my heart pounded loudly in my chest. I couldn't believe that after all these years, he had the audacity to show up and ask if we could talk. Anger and pain bubbled up inside me, and I couldn't hold back my emotions."Talk? Talk about what?" I yelled, my voice shaking with rage. "You ruined my life! You destroyed me!"Kelvin's face remained calm, but I could see a flicker of remorse in his eyes. "Kate, please," he pleaded. "I know I messed up, and I'm so sorry for what I did.""Sorry? That's all you have to say?" I spat back at him. "Do you even know what you've done to me?""I do, and I can never forgive myself for it," Kelvin said, his voice filled with regret. "I was young and stupid, and I let my ego get in the way.""Your ego?" I scoffed. "You raped me, Kelvin. You left me broken and traumatized. And then you let your friends take advantage of me too."Tears streamed down my face as I confronted the painful memories that I
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Way Forward
As Christopher held me close, I could feel the weight of his emotions. His grip on my hand tightened, and I knew that he was hurting too. We sat there in silence for a while, both trying to process the truth that had just been revealed."I'm so sorry, Chris," I whispered, my voice choked with tears. "I never wanted to keep this from you."He looked at me, his eyes filled with pain and understanding. "I know, Kate," he said softly. "You were trying to protect me, and I appreciate that. But I wish you had told me. We should have faced this together.""I was afraid," I admitted, tears streaming down my cheeks. "I was scared of how you would react, of what it would mean for us."Christopher wiped away my tears gently. "You don't have to be afraid, Kate," he said. "I love you, and I will always stand by you, no matter what."As we held each other, the floodgates of emotions opened, and we both wept bitterly. It was a painful and cathartic release, but I felt a sense of relief in knowing th
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Hear Him Out
As the morning sun rose, casting a warm glow into the room, I woke up to find Beverly standing at the doorway. She had a worried expression on her face, and as soon as our eyes met, she rushed to my side."Kate, are you okay? I heard what happened last night," Beverly said, her voice filled with concern.I sat up, still feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything that had transpired. "It's been a tough night, Bev," I admitted, tears welling up in my eyes again. "But I'm trying to be strong."Beverly hugged me tightly, offering the comfort I needed. "You don't have to be strong all the time, Kate," she said softly. "It's okay to feel hurt, angry, and confused. But remember that I'm here for you, no matter what."I took a deep breath, finding comfort in Beverly's presence. "Thank you," I whispered. "I don't know what I would do without you."As I recounted the events of the night to Beverly, she listened attentively, her anger growing with each detail. When I told her about Kelvin's admissi
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No More Wedding
Kate Kelvin arrived at our home for the conversation, visibly nervous and remorseful. His eyes were filled with regret as he sat across from me, and I could tell that he was struggling to find the right words to say."Kate, I am so sorry for what I did," he began, his voice shaking. "I can't even begin to express how deeply I regret my actions. I betrayed your trust, and I can never make up for the pain I've caused you."I listened to his apology, feeling a mix of emotions. While part of me wanted to believe that he was genuine in his remorse, the hurt he had inflicted was still fresh in my mind."Kelvin," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "Your apology is important, but it doesn't change what happened. I need you to understand that forgiving you is not something I can do lightly."He nodded, looking down at his hands. "I know," he said quietly. "I don't expect you to forgive me right away, if ever. I just hope that someday you can find it in your heart to see that I truly regr
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The Story of Two Friends
Christopher As I stood outside Kate's room, my heart felt heavy with a mix of emotions - fear, sadness, and desperation. I couldn't believe that our relationship had come to this point, where the pursuit of justice could potentially tear us apart. I loved Kate with all my heart, and the thought of losing her was unbearable.I knocked gently on her door, hoping she would let me in. When she finally opened the door, her eyes were red from crying, and it pained me to see her like this. "Kate, please, can we talk?" I pleaded, trying to keep my voice steady.She nodded and let me in, but there was a distance between us that I had never felt before. As we sat down, I could see the determination in her eyes - she had made up her mind about taking legal action, and nothing I said seemed to sway her."I understand why you're doing this, Kate," I said, trying to find the right words. "But please consider the consequences this could have on our family. Taking legal action against my brother wil
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No Wedding Day
Christopher The following morning, as the sun rose on a new day, I knew that we had to face the challenges ahead. Despite the pain and turmoil, I was determined to support Kelvin through the legal process, ensuring he had the best lawyer to represent him.I made the necessary preparations, contacting the most reputable lawyers I could find and arranging meetings to discuss Kelvin's case. While it was difficult to navigate the legal complexities, I knew that giving Kelvin a fair chance was essential.In the midst of the preparations, I couldn't shake off the overwhelming sadness that engulfed our home. Kate was packing her belongings, preparing to move out. The sight of her gathering her things tore at my heart, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of desperation to make things right.As she passed by me, carrying a box filled with her belongings, I reached out to stop her gently. "Kate, please, let's talk," I pleaded, my voice filled with emotion.She looked at me, her eyes reflectin
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Let it all go
As the days passed, the rumors surrounding Kelvin's case began to circulate, and I could feel the impact it was having on my company. The whispers of scandal and disgrace were like poison, spreading rapidly and tarnishing the reputation of the business I had worked so hard to build.One morning, as I sat in my office trying to focus on work, Darren approached me with a grave expression on his face. "Chris, we need to talk," he said, his voice serious.I gestured for him to take a seat, already sensing the weight of his words. "What's going on, Darren?" I asked, bracing myself for whatever news he had to share."There are rumors going around about Kelvin's case," he began cautiously. "People are connecting the dots, and they're starting to associate his actions with our company. It's already affecting our reputation, and clients are expressing concerns."My heart sank at his words. I knew that the situation was delicate, but hearing it spelled out like this was disheartening. I had alw
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Oh Happy Days
As I was discharged from the hospital, Beverly and Chris were by my side, supporting me every step of the way. The weight of the challenging times had lifted, and I felt a renewed sense of hope and gratitude.Beverly couldn't contain her happiness as we arrived home. "I'm so glad everything has died down," she exclaimed. "All those rumors have been debunked, and people now understand the truth.""I'm thankful for your support and understanding," I said, giving her a warm hug. "You've been there for me through thick and thin, and I couldn't have asked for a better friend."Chris smiled, chiming in, "Yes, thank you, Beverly. Your friendship has meant the world to both of us. We're truly grateful for everything you've done."As we settled into the living room, to our surprise, Beverly's fiancé walked in. He had a smile that reached from ear to ear, and he seemed eager to share something special."Beverly," he said, taking her hand in his, "I've watched you be a pillar of support for Kate
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Happy Ever After
As the days passed, my pregnancy progressed, and the time for our little one's arrival drew near. Chris and I eagerly prepared for the big day, attending birthing classes together and making sure everything was ready for the baby's arrival.One evening, as we were having dinner at home, I felt a sudden, sharp pain in my abdomen. I winced and placed a hand on my belly, feeling a rush of excitement and nervousness."Chris, I think... I think it's happening," I said, trying to catch my breath.Chris's eyes widened, and he immediately jumped into action. "Okay, okay, let's get you to the hospital," he said, helping me up from my chair.We hurriedly grabbed the hospital bag we had prepared and made our way to the car. Chris drove carefully but with a sense of urgency, knowing that our baby was on the way.As we arrived at the hospital, the contractions became more intense, and I clung to Chris's hand for support. He stayed by my side every step of the way, offering words of encouragement a
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