All Chapters of Mafia Romance: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
85 Chapters
...) Lautaro Romero, says nothing, kept stroking her hair even though he had already felt she was dying, but decides to say his last words, "please have mercy on her", and falls on his deathbed forever. Ariana Romero laughs and says that this way her father won't bother her anymore, and she won't have to worry about anyone; With the scalpel she begins to threaten Maria De La Cruz and David Del Valle, the situation becomes complicated for everyone, but they had to act with caution, she continued threatening everyone with the knife in her hand, then she begins to run, David and Maria look at each other, they do not know what to do, that is, whether to look for her, or pretend that she is lost, but they take a more astute decision and call Emiliano Romero to tell him what was happening and also decide to announce that his father had died, the call was extremely short, then the cell phone was cut and broken so that they could not be detected by the satellites of the spies, they always ca
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When Emiliano Romero was able to pull himself together after the ambush by David Del Valle, he told that he woke up at dawn because his sister Ariana Romero started to call him, he thought it was a little strange because he had already given her the corresponding medication, and she was supposed to be sleeping, but when he approached him, something hit him hard on the head, and then he did not remember anything else.Maria De La Cruz concluded that when Del Valle was about to kidnap Ariana Romero, her brother was about to ruin his plan, he hid to surprise him and then faint him, then drugged him so that he would not react quickly. Now that was not the question that worried everyone the most, but where are they, when did he plan everything, who helped him? Maybe the Colombians had not helped him after all, there were many questions and no answers.They realized they had to leave, since David Del Valle had the location of the hideout. But while they were thinking of possible ways forwar
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Their journey in Argentina would have already ended, and arriving in Bolivia was not an easy task, especially because they were wanted as fugitives from justice, their photos were everywhere, plus someone gave information to the media and the police that Maria De La Cruz, was the head of a drug gang and responsible for cancerous meat in the country, It was a media chaos, that made that Mexican, not only had to walk under the dark shadows, but also could not find peace of mind, but luckily as she always says, with money everything can be fixed, moreover, there were many criminals who wanted to work with them, they were a kind of legend. And all because of the incredible show she put on in Rosario, with the issue of gang members.When they arrived in La Paz, getting a house was very easy, since Bolivia is one of the poorest countries in the world and for a few good American dollars they will sell you anything. So they bought a luxurious house, very nice, full of new furniture, where eac
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That night of the kidnapping they had not noticed that some incipient feet were coming down the stairs in silence, while she hid behind the kitchen bench, while her little hands filmed the whole scene with her cell phone. When Maria De La Cruz and her team left the place, that little person lay down next to her grandfather, waited for two days for him to wake up, without disturbing him, and fed himself with a can of jam that was in the refrigerator.When Maria De La Cruz, was arriving to Peru, she had a macabre premonition, it was as if something really bad must happen, then she thought it was a good idea to stay in the ocean so as not to be discovered, nor captured by any technological device, or they would look for the Germans, she was a little lost, they had a heated discussion when the capital of the yacht told them;- If you allow me, I don't know who that kidnapped woman is, nor do I care, but I see that you need a good hiding place, I have one that nobody could find but, if you
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That tragic night, where the captive almost died in the basement of the house in Humahuaca, they went up to the living room to continue drinking alcohol and without planning it, the situation got a little out of control. Jeremías López, besides being upset, and a little drunk, was too sleepy, so he decided to go to sleep, but first he looked at María De La Cruz, as if warning her not to get out of control, since he saw in her, the desire to go out a little out of the ordinary. When he left, Maria went outside and told Emiliano Romero, if he wanted to have fun for a while, he agreed, they went behind a big tree that was a few meters from the house, they talked fluently and continued drinking, suddenly she told him about the new drug, she told him that it was true that she bought the prescription, She also told him that she had decided to sell the prescription for David Del Valle's cancer, because she did not agree that innocent people should die, rather she justified herself, so as not
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The morning found these two lovers, naked before the eyes of the fauna that also woke up with them, Maria De La Cruz, felt ashamed to see her naked body, she remembered everything, but her actions were undoubtedly the pink drug; Emiliano Romero, had woken up as new, splendid, but when he saw her, he also felt ashamed, both had surrendered to the lust and passion of that moment. They got up and got dressed, they wanted to hide their love affair, but Maria's torn t-shirt left Emiliano's back exposed, under those circumstances it was impossible to hide it, it was obvious that love was blooming like the spring between them, however they remained silent, as if they were two little ones who were just beginning to love each other.- The drug turned out pretty good, didn't it? -said Maria De La Cruz.- I want to ask for your forgiveness, because I think I went a little overboard, I got out of control. I also believe, like you, that the drug is dangerously good. -said Emiliano Romero.- We mus
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Maria De La Cruz quickly put together a group to rescue the prisoner and try to save the life of Adriano Amado and his family. She knew that no matter what happened, David Del Valle would be waiting for her. The plan was easy in theory, they would go by plane to Bolivia, while she went down and looked for the DEA, Jeremías López, and Emiliano Romero, would go to Mexico, they had to take advantage of David's carelessness, surely he would wait for the whole team.The first stop was finally in La Paz, Maria De La Cruz was already waiting for a vehicle, before getting off she gave a hug to her brother and a big kiss of love to Emiliano Romero, with which the latter responded in the same way. She arrives at the building, asks to see Juan Carlos Velázquez. Once reunited, they quickly put together a military-type strategy. Maria goes to Peru, via Marítima with four policemen, disguised as civilians, they venture to Adriano Amado's house, there was a small defect that Maria De La Cruz, did n
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They arrived quickly to Argentina, they left the plane safely in a villa with garage, since it was always hidden from the gang members, they put David Del Valle, hooded in the trunk of the car, and they all stopped to look at each other, because they realized that Adriano Amado, could not come with them, and could not know the exact location where they would meet, then Maria De La Cruz, gave him two options, the first one was that if he wanted to rescue his family, he should give him a few days, so he could reorganize, and the second was that if he wanted to be part of the gang, he would stay with some gang members to get used to the atmosphere, The second option was that if he wanted to be part of the gang, he would stay with some gang members to get used to the atmosphere, but Jeremias Lopez, as never before, had thought that perhaps it was not convenient that a former chief of the prefecture, that is to say a security weapon of the Peruvian national state, they could take that mess
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They almost didn't manage to escape, because when they were arriving at their plane, a large group of bandits came directly to kill them, a shootout ensued, in which luckily Maria De La Cruz and her team managed to save themselves, finally arriving safe and sound. But the worst was about to happen. The trip lasted more than nine hours, but during that time, nobody said a single word, because at that moment, respect surrounded Emiliano Romero. When they arrived, they got off the plane, got in the car, took Adriano Amado home, and they left for their residence, they were tired and exhausted, Emiliano had a hatred that would be very difficult to bear, I think that the desire to kill David Del Valle was coming out of his pores, Maria decided to talk to him;- Emiliano Romero, I think it is convenient that you do not kill him, because if you do, you will alleviate his pain, and also he will take with him the secrets that will harm the people he protects, I think one of his worst punishmen
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Pink Hormone
After the episode of the nervous collapse of Maria De La Cruz, she decided to dedicate herself entirely to the organization of the narcotic that according to her was going to revolutionize the market, and of course she was not wrong at all. Because this drug, generated in the human being the liberation of his lust, the deepest and best hidden desire comes to light, and is perpetrated by the spectator, that is why it was in great demand at parties and orgies organizations, but that Mexican was obsessed that the company expands its geographical areas, and was looking for promoters, who would bring samples of this revolution, and then the information of the same expands through the black market.Finally she was able to contact two great characters, the ambassador of Colombia called Yesica Barreto, and another one from Venezuela called Veronica Suarez, they were beautiful and intelligent, ready for that business. These two beautiful women were the first ones in charge, to take that richne
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